Bm refers to herself as 'your baby mama'
Bm calls herself your baby mama when she texts dh. Dh has wondered out loud why she does that. He says he doesn't get why she would want to call herself baby mama when baby mama is not a positive thing. I think maybe in her mind it gives her some status in dhs life because he and I don't have kids together yet. If I'm wrong than I just don't know either. It's like a jab at me when she does it though. I think it's sad and stupid but it still gets under my skin. Actually it does more than get under my skin. Even though I think that I don't feel threatened by her, and even though I'm usually not threatened by her, suddenly I'm battling baby fever. Some one please explain that one too me. I guess I am threatened on some level. And I feel ridiculous because I'm sure she does not sit around analyzing me or even spend much time thinking about me or dh or ss or any of it. In the last 18 months I have not seen or spoken to this woman once. Ss has spent less than 24 hours total in her presence. Im good with where my life is and dont want kids yet. So why and how can one little phrase from her send me into blogging about the maternal biological ridiculous tail spin that one little phrase sends me on? She makes me feel crazy.
ewh, that is creepy
ewh, that is creepy somehow.Just ignore it, she is the one with a problem.
Well, she is a class act,
Well, she is a class act, isn't she?
Look at it this way, she had his kid and still couldn't keep him.
I have been with my husband over 16 years and we don't even have a pet together. He just loves me.
(No subject)
Even if it's the truth, it's
Even if it's the truth, it's still kind of...odd that she chooses to call herself that when conversing with dh. I'm not sure that's something I'd call myself even if it was the truth. Maybe she feels she's just being honest if it is the truth? I don't know. To each their own, I guess, even though it's definitely not something I'd do!
Just remember this is what
Just remember this is what the term baby mamma means.
Quotes from urban dictionary:
"Usually this has a negative connotation, a lot of baby mamas are seen as desperate, gold digging, emotionally starved, shady women who had a baby out of spite or to keep a man."
"A woman who has a child out of wedlock with a man. She may or may not be in a relationship with the man, but most of the time, she's not. She may think she has some sort of postion or leverage in the man's life, just because she had a child with the man, but all she is, is a baby mama, nothing else. Some baby mamas use the child as a pawn or weapon to "get what they want" from the child's father, IE: money, food, sex, etc. If the man is in a realtionship with a woman who has no children, the baby mama may become jealous and cause baby mama drama."
"Basically a woman you had a child or children with who you didnt marry and or no longer involved with.Usually associated with hoodrats and trailer park bitches."
"once you're a baby mama, THAT'S IT. you're nothing more. it's not a compliment. yall aint special. or else you wouldn't be referred to as a baby mama. havin a dude baby don't mean you have some sort of significance in his life. and him referring to you as his baby mama is just his way of sayin he don't love you and will dread the next 18 years and regrets that night 9 months ago."
So maybe she is just owning up to the fact that she is a big hunk of nothing. There's more in the definition - that a responsible woman with a job who has a baby while not being married is not a baby mamma. You have to be kind of trash and mean nothing to the guy to be a true baby mamma.
This all the way!!! Reread
This all the way!!!
Reread these definitions the next time she says that,... She is nothing and she knows it,... She is just reaffirming your place next to your DH, and her place, which is nothing, just the one who pushed out the kids that he doesn't want anything to do with anymore

^^^ Hahaha yes! It sounds
^^^ Hahaha yes!
It sounds like she is just trying to make her presence known. My SD's BM does the same thing- her and DH were never married so she's not the ex wife- she has to call herself something. She is constantly using the fact that she and DH have a child together to try to make me jealous or something too. "He's my baby's father!" is her excuse for EVERYTHING. I replied to her one time "not by choice" and shut her up real quick lmao (SD wasn't planned).
The mistake, that's awesome
The mistake, that's awesome lol. I call SD the oopsie.
I can understand why this
I can understand why this would irk you. But you need to look at it in a different light.
When I found out that BM was going around laughing and telling people that DH was paying for her kids but they weren't even his, I was PISSED.
Then I realized that she was so stupid, she THOUGHT she was being smart by bragging about how much of a SLUT she is! That helped me look upon it at humorous rather than something to get mad about.
Bm is non custodial and
Bm is non custodial and uninvolved. This is in the context of not having any contact from her for months. I'm not sure if it would bug me more or less if she was involved. Ss is dhs only child. Bm and dh were young. Bm left him with ss when ss was an infant. I guess it's her absence and lack of involvement/ interest that makes me wonder why she says this is your baby mama instead of this is (name). Ss is her second child. Her rights were terminated to the older child. I just think its bizarre... Like being a figure head.. Wanting a title but not the role. I'm not mad really, more perplexed, a little irritated in the moment.