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It's almost over!!!! SD4's stepdad is adopting her!

k.1106's picture

I'm a long time lurker...first time poster...I love this place because I realize that all of my internal feelings towards my SD4 (soon to be 5 in July) are all normal for the most part.

It's so hard to know where to start. DH was engaged to BM...they decided to get pregnant before the wedding...BM had 2 miscarriages (at 19...because it's a great choice to DECIDE to do it then, yesh!) and one the third time, here comes SD. Three months into her pregnancy, she dumps DH. She got chlamydia...her mother took her to the ER for cramping and got the results. To save face with her mother, she of course pinned it on DH. Funny thing, DH has proved it to me through medical testing he never had it! He even got a test to prove it and she claimed it was a retest and he was already cured. BM purely wanted to save face with her mother and not look like a slut.

Fast forward to about the time SD is about to turn two. I meet DH...he literally was never allowed to have her overnight, got slammed in SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLAR a month child support payments (before you say that's based on income, he's a union laborer. While that may have been perfect if he held the pipeline contract past the project...that money didn't last forever and he had to wait THREE years to get it modified!), and didn't have a say to give her his last name. BM starting dating her now DH three months after SD had been born. She taught SD to call her then BF Daddy just like my DH is Daddy.

So fast forward to now. Almost three years later. DH had a shitty run with work, and could only get support modified as of October of last year. We've almost starved while she get's $1,000 garnished out of his check every month. Considering DH has only been pulling in 2100...that leave us with our DD2 with little...SD gets as much just for her as we do for a family of three. Make much sense?

I told DH to offer to let SD's stepfather adopt her. She already sees him as #1 Daddy...lives with him, and has since she was 3 months old...$700 a month is murdering us and we have been through TWO lawyers for custody and can't fight the good fight because BM just uses child support to pay her lawyer. It was an uphill battle.

DH said he loves his oldest daughter but had honestly not felt like her Daddy since she was a tiny baby. She was taken from him, and he tried his hardest. SD loves him, and is excited to spend time with him but sees her family at home as "Mommy and Daddy". She refers to her step-dad as Daddy and to DH as Daddy-insert first name. He gets to be a hyphenated dad, with no rights and our family livelihood getting sucked out of us. Enough is enough! BM didn't want to do it at first (hell, a guaranteed grand a month is hard to pass up).

DH said he wanted to do it before, but BM and her DH have been married just over a year at this point...and he didn't mention it before because he was afraid I would think less of him. Less of him? Oh hell, I would've signed up right away.

I treat SD4 very wonderfully, but I can not stand her. I can not stand her face, her laugh, and how's she's almost 5 and shits herself and thinks it's fine. How she's almost 5 and acts exactly like DD2. I can't stand her, period. BM is ACTUALLY willing to let us take SD overnight MORE now (we've had her THREE times in her over 4 1/2 years of life) because she thinks DH is going to take her away. Now that he's signing away ALL parental rights she says she feels better about ALWAYS getting SD back, and SD being raised 100% her way. Fine, but when SD is at our house, it's our rules or she can stay home. DH agreed to that.

Papers were finally drafted after a couple of months of this. BM made DH pay for it...said she couldn't 'afford it' *snort*. We paid $700 of the $1000...then I told her DH was thinking on reconsidering. She paid the rest of the $300 promptly. He is $18,00 behind for two years, so they garnish him for his monthly payment, plus interest...the debt never goes away and we get slammed. She agreed to prorate the remaining $18,000 at $325 a month if DH signed over rights to her DH. That mean only $8125 due and it's over.

There's a light at the end of the tunnel!!!!!! :O Smile :jawdrop:

Anon2009's picture

"I treat SD4 very wonderfully, but I can not stand her. I can not stand her face, her laugh, and how's she's almost 5 and shits herself and thinks it's fine."

Where is bm on that? She's the one allowing it to happen. You can dislike sd all you want for that, but she's 5 and if she hasn't been potty trained, she will need someone to show her. That's where bm should come in to parent sd. Shame on her for not doing that.

I don't know you, bm or dh and my gut tells me that dh isn't the father. To be blunt, this is why I think more guys need to think with their big brains instead of their little ones. Because when they don't, they get involved with people they'll wind up despising.

k.1106's picture

He had a DNA test done right away because of the STD issue, yes she's his biologically. SD knows that DH is "daddy" in some respect and knows when he is supposed to visit and can't because of overtime reasons or whatever. BM said she knew if she cut my DH out she might as well sit SD down and tell her "Daddy died" and she can't stand to do that. Visits are always for the most part conducted supervised under BM, but DH said that would stop after this is over. It's all or nothing. BM agreed and said she felt better knowing she can legally grab SD back whenever she wants and that was her main concern. BM's DH PROMISED he would make sure SD retains a meaningful relationship with my DH no matter if he and BM ever split. He's a GREAT guy and I definitely trust him over her. She has flat out told me she doesn't need to receive child support but it's "nice to have". Yeah, I get how that money would be nice to have. *eye roll*...but she would much rather just have 100% say. Little does she know she is signing up for exactly opposite as she is married to "the father" now and if they ever divorce he has just as much claim to getting custody as she does. She's singing up for 50% rather than the basically 100% she has now. Who am I to bring that to her attention? Ha!

I'm so glad I'm not stuck paying so much for no rights or need for them to have it at all. It would be different if he actually was her dad, but he's not in anything way accept a half-name. Sad I'm glad I don't have to pretend to want to be her stepmom anymore. She's my daughter's sister, and my husband's daughter (former...I don't know what's appropriate anymore regarding titles?)

k.1106's picture

She thinks everyone follows the rules? I have no idea what her reasoning is for half the things she does. She was adopted herself, and wishes she had a real connection with her she's really big on my DD2 having a good sisterly relationship with SD4. THAT if anything is a good sign she'll stay motivated to keep substantial contact. They only live 10 minutes away. DH is writing her a letter and mailing it to himself. It will stay sealed and have the dated post mark. In it it will state his hopes and fears and reasons for all of this and maybe it will be a "saving grace" with SD if she ends up growing up not allowing to see him or gets told he doesn't care or whatever.

k.1106's picture

On another note that got posted...SD defiantly knows she shouldn't poop her pants, and does it purely because she can. I don't resent her for that, I just don't like her. Not because she was DH's before that, there are plenty of my friends' children that I don't like either. There are a lot of children I adore. There's no rule saying you have to click with everyone because they are a small person. That might be small of me, but I feel like here people are honest about that kind of thing because it's something that needs to be understood. I DO treat her very well, and believe me...she or anyone else besides anyone on here have ZERO clue that I don't like her. I get that she's only almost five. I'm in a position of power over her and would never oppress or direct anything towards her until she was a full-fledged adult. She'll probably never have a clue that I can't stand her because she's my daughter's sister, and that's that.

Anon2009's picture

"There's no rule saying you have to click with everyone because they are a small person."

No there isn't. But I can also tell you that kids have very good bs detectors and if she doesn't pick up on that now, she will at some point.

If she is potty trained, then bm needs to get her to the pediatrician because something isn't right. She's got something going on that a pediatrician can help pinpoint.

k.1106's picture

I don't treat her any differently than I would my own child. ALL children have the same rules that apply to their age group in my house. I deal with people I don't like on a regular basis and I'm positive they have no clue that I find their company to be less than desirable. I had a VERY terrible step-mother and I'm stopping the cycle. Even if she thinks I don't like her very much, I'll never mistreat her.

As for the "there's an issue thing"...I think she's a bit behind. That probably adds to my frustrations with her. I can't tell BM to do anything. She basically will look me in the face and tell me I have no clue because my kid is "only two". So whatever. To her, her child is perfectly fine and normal even though she can't get along with ANYONE else her age in her head start class, and even the kids a year younger are picking on her. I have no influence and I'm not going to do either DH or SD any favors by trying to force my opinion on BM and piss her off. I'm sure visits will be minimal, and probably grow fewer once SD grows older and gets her own schedule and agenda. I am just mostly relieved that there won't be child support taken out. It was taking food out of MY child's mouth. DH doesn't want to pay anymore, and SD will have a more stable view of home with BM's DH adopting her. I see this as a win for everyone.

Anon2009's picture

No, you can't tell bm to do anything. But dh should be expressing concern over this to bm.

As for cs, what was dh paying before your dd was born? He pays hefty cs. This is something that should've been taken into consideration when deciding to bring another child into the fold. A bad financial situation just became worse.

enblove's picture

I have a 3 yo sd and she is potty trained while at her mothers but as soon as she is with us she won't use the potty. Her mother hated me and tells her I am mean and to be bad at our house. And she does. My fiance gets to the point where he doesn't want o get her because she is horrible here, he doesn't know her cause he was not allowed to see her till recently and she doesn't know us and does not want anything to do with us. She is mean to my 1 yo daughter and my 5 yo son. He just stays away from her, but my dd tries to love on her and sd pushes her down and says she isnt her sister. It is her mothers doing. Everyone knows it. But we can't handle her. Not the way she is being raised. We have tried and tried to show her right and do fun things and she still runs in the corner and screams if we look at her. I don't spank my children and I tend to be way too soft when it comes to discipline so I know it isn't cause she is scared to get in trouble. She just cries without stopping all day all night. I feel bad forcing her to be with us when she doesn't want to be. I am lost on how to make it better. Her Dad and I are ready to say fine, you don't have to come if you don't want to.

Willow2010's picture

I always find it humorous that when a woman gives up a child for adoption, because she is not ready to be a mother or can’t afford a kid, she is considered a saint.

But if a man does it…he is automatically a terrible, horrible piece of crap.

k.1106's picture

Think what you want! I was just here to vent out my relief! I know myself and hold myself accountable. DH may be fine with letting Sd's stepdad adopt her, but he def. wouldn't allow me to treat her like shit.

The court is allowing it because her stepdad has been there since she was three months old, and has been married to her mother for over a year. Rights are not just getting terminated but transferred. As long as the child still has an accountable parent to support her, and that person has had an will have a parental relationship with her, it's allowed.

StickAFork's picture

Relief needs to be vented???

I'm sorry, OP, but this whole thing makes me terribly sad. I've always wondered what kind of women find men like this attractive.

Now I know.

a mother who child was adopted by SF

k.1106's picture

Not for the past two years, but the two years prior to that. Our DD was a COMPLETE accident. As in I was dutifully taking birth control and did not want a baby until I was 28 (I was 21) accident. "Simply pay the 1,000) a month. Because that leaves us with the same amount to live on? It was, as stated, due to a union contract he was on when CS was determined...but he wasn't expected to keep that wage, and it didn't matter. That's what he made when it was determined. He made like 4 grand a month for three months or so after she was it was set at that "yearly income" the year was only a few months in and he started the job around January. Literally the first month his child support was due, he didn't make that wage anymore, AND HE'D BEEN PAYING her $400 a month.

Look, I'm getting a lot of skewed comments for this situation. I'm happy with his. Dh is happy with this. BM and her DH are happy with this. So...there's no problem? If we can agree why are complete strangers throwing judgement? I came here for support and got this instead. I've lurked forever and seen people say worse things than that they didn't like their 5 year old SD/SS and get support. Sorry I misjudged it?

StickAFork's picture

I understand that all of the adults are happy with this. BM and SF will soon no longer have to deal with your DH EVER again, except to collect his money. It's win/win for them.
Your DH...I'd bet pennies he will regret this decision one day, but maybe not. Not all people have a conscience.

In answer to the "what's the problem" part...the problem is that ANY WAY YOU CUT IT, this little girl will grow up knowing her father didn't want her. She will hurt. She will have abandonment issues. She will blame him (and probably you) and she will struggle to find who she is and where her worth is hiding.

I'm the mother of a young adult who was adopted by his SF. He was only EIGHTEEN months old and has ZERO recollection of his biofather. Even still...he struggles. He suffers. He hurts. And it's all my fault, because I got knocked up by a loser.

I know this all feels and sounds so rosey to you right now. But karma will come around. It always does.

k.1106's picture

Because I am going to school full time and churning in the hours. I don't want to live in poverty forever. So it's either 2 1/2 years of school at break neck pace, with no income, or 4 years part time with a min. wage job. No thanks.

smomof2's picture

Echo, I love reading your comments, you always cut through the BS and say it like it is!

On one hand I understand why OP encouraged her DH to sign over his parental rights but on the other hand, I would never stay with a man who's willing to sign over his right to his child just to save some $$$. I won't be able to trust him, thinking if he does it to one child, he could do it to my child one day. But to each their own, we don't know all the background info and who knows if dad is willing to give her up, that might be what's best for her.

k.1106's picture

I didn't realize I had to include an entire medical history report. She's VERY clearly doing it on purpose. Everyone is flaming my DH...all in or nothing...HE GETS NOTHING....nothing nothing allowed nothing, no rights, no decision choices on school or religion, NOTHING...because she can pay her lawyer and we can't, and he makes too much BEFORE child support to qualify for assistance. He's going to end up in jail over the child support because when he's laid off there's only $400 taken from the unemployment and each knick gets him closer and closer. If we were rich, that'd be awesome but we can't even feed ourselves. We have no help from family, and don't qualify for government aid. Don't anyone of you judge me until you get yourselves somewhere you feel you can't feed your own child! Hooray for me! I LOVE this choice and no amount of finger pointing on anyone's end will change how I feel!

k.1106's picture

Thank you so much for this. Everyone seems to think my daughter is "Second Class" because she is number 2 from a different mother. SD is VERY well provided for and DH is literally only a paycheck daddy. It makes it hard for me to swallow. I would have NO problem of him paying reasonable CS if he actually got to be a part of her life AS Daddy. He wanted that and she wasn't having it, and stopped it. It's terrible to say but sometimes it does come down to money. It's not like he's theoretically shoving one chick out of the nest to feed the other...SD has her own very safe well provided for nest...why can't my baby have that too just because she's second born from me and not her?

enblove's picture

I know how you feel. My soon to be MIL says "sd comes first cause she is the first born" and even worse that my DD "will never love your son like his daughter cause she is his blood and blood has a bond" He is the only father he knows, and has ever know. Since he was a baby. And we have a daughter together now, so she is supposed to come second. Like if we have only enough food for 1 we give it to the oldest or his blood. Not split it. It's insane.

Sunflower1's picture

My bio allowed my step father to adopt my siblings and myself. I'm thankful because my step dad is my dad, he's been a wonderful father to us, but I still have resentment towards my bio after all these years. It's not something I focus on and I recognize it for what it is. Being abandoned by your father is something you never really get over, even when the outcome is better for it. I hope your DH knows this going in.

StickAFork's picture

"Being abandoned by your father is something you never really get over, even when the outcome is better for it."

Truer words were never spoken. Sad

k.1106's picture

This is funny. Plenty of us are "accidents". I was, I'm okay with that. Yeesh. In fact, I'm properly convinced most of the human race is largely unplanned. Just because she was an accident doesn't mean she is unwanted! She just wasn't meant to be a part of the picture for awhile yet. I'm VERY pro-choice and if she was so unwanted my ass would have been in an abortion clinic. *GASP*. You all are REALLY twisting my words and blowing this out of proportion. I was getting upset at first but I'm really just like...okay? How's this...ifI were to get pregnant again I probably would have an abortion because it's doubly irresponsible for him to have a second child under his original financial burden, then give up his oldest to keep some bread, and turn around and have another. I suppose you guys don't know me, and don't know the whole story and are snap judging. That's fine. I haven't gotten to say "thank god" and "yay, there's a light at the end of the tunnel! and sooner than the next 14+ years". Fuck it. I've said it, it's off my chest and that was the whole point of posting.

Anon2009's picture

OP, you're entitled to vent away all you want but you're going to get advice that you agree with and advice you'll disagree with. This is the Internet. As Echo said, it might be best to let stepdad adopt sd. I don't disagree with you on that. As Echo said, either dh is all in or all out. If he's going to sign over rights, he should just walk away period. And if my child's father signed over rights to get out of cs, I would make 1000% sure that he never saw said child again until said child was 18+.

Convulsive's picture

So Dad should fight. He PLANNED a child with BM & had an "accident" with the OP. Flame the OP, flame the Father, they're both irresponsible & immature. I feel terribly for BOTH these children!

Una's picture

Sorry but I agree with OP, if the bio dad is cut out of the child's life already and has no say in her upbringing or being able to be a true dad then transferring over parental rights is just a formality, beacuse at the moment he isn't being allowed to be a true dad. I think most of you are missing that part - the bio dad has no right over his child already even WITH the parental right. It's easy to say fight but if you have little or no money to fight with, then how do you fight? It's easy to judge but until you have walked in a person's shoes you can never know the true picture.

k.1106's picture

Was your daughter getting adopted?...also...we're bringing tax info to show that the prorate is very much appropriate. I think with adoption, it's as if he was never her "father" on paper in the first place...Even if it's not prorated...and 18 grand for two years is pretty's still not going to increase...I can't deal with another year and a half not put school off this next year and work if it's actually FOR something! Smile

Convulsive's picture

It is NEVER okay to walk away. This is absolutely ridiculous. Dad's can win but a lot of them don't give a shit. New wife wants this, new wife wants that, new wife wants skids erased... Why? Because these men are USELESS as parents. These men are glorified babysitters BY CHOICE. They choose not to parent &the entire world ends up dealing with kids who don't know respect, the value of a dollar or hard work & grow up without the guidance & love of a Father. When families stayed together, men could just be PT & show their love via working to support the family. Now men have to step up IMMEDIATELY as parents. Unfortunately they don't. Men are fathering children too young & LATER growing up & wanting to be Dad. Its hard work & its expensive but thats life. The OP's husband CHOSE to father a child at too young of an age, out of wedlock, with a girl (& yes, 19 is a girl, not a woman) who lacked the moral fiber to stay faithful &who so easily lied about him. He made a lousy choice. Maybe BM has grown up now, maybe she hasn't but at least this WANTED child now has a man willing to step up & be her Dad, emotionally & financially. This new man is cleaning up the OP's husbands bad choices so that the OP & her husband & their accidental baby can ride off into the sunset. At the OP's tender age I doubt she realizes the odds are stacked entirely against her & that her husband is getting good at walking away.

You don't need a lawyer to fight for custody & visitation but these men don't care, they get lawyers because the hard work of fighting this on their own is of no interest to them.

Go read the blogs &, see how many Fathers are dragging their feet on filing for CS or doing their own custody paperwork.

Lazy, worthless men is all they are.

k.1106's picture

For the record he let BM walk all over him and make all the choices, and I stepped into the picture and BEGGED him to get rights. I called the lawyers, I saved the money. So don't wag your finger at me saying it's what I want. He planned the child and got her taken away. BM taught SD4 to love another man as her Daddy. PAS? Yup, you got it. I tried everything before I had to throw my hands up. We can't drag through court on our own. CS is piling up even with $1,000 getting taken out when he's working because when he isn't, only $400 gets taken out of unemployment (he's a union laborer and gets laid off in the winter). There's not a lot of work when there is work, and I'm in the middle of going to school full-time so when I'm done MY paychecks are our family's and maybe we won't drown.

But we can't wait...he's going to get an arrest warrent for being so far behind. Then he's in jail over a debt...that he can't pay from jail, and my DD2 and also SD4 won't have him in their lives at all. And so another family unit is split.

Glad your life is so in order that you can think us lazy piles of shit.

Willow2010's picture


Journey1982's picture

Convulsive....I think your generalization is unfair about "most" men. Maybe in your case "most" men are useless, but my experience has been different. I don't agree with the OP but then again I haven't walked in her shoes.

I understand that some stepmothers come in, take over and start demanding changes. I also understand there are times that the stepmothers need to step in because dad is totally worn out and so overwhelmed they don't know what to do anymore.

BUT, I also know that there are BMs out there that are vindictive. This site has stories about vindictive BMs. On the flip side, what about:

1. The BM who wants everything?
2. The BM who takes dad back to court every 2-3 years for more child support, just because she can?
3. The BM who files false allegations against dad?
4. The BM, when she doesn't get her way, tells the kids that "dad" doesn't love you because he won't do XYZ?
5. The BM who won't allow dad to see the kids, even though the CO says dad can have regular visits?

Yes, in most of the cases, dad can fight without a lawyer for custody and visitation, but if he is going up against a lawyer, he may win but he stands a better chance if he has a lawyer who knows the ins and outs of the law and what a judge will agree to and not agree to.

There are stories about how the court system is so unfair to fathers. Life isn't fair; and that's a fact.

Maybe some of the dads are "glorified babysitters" because that's the only way they will see their kids or the only way to get additional time with their children? Some men have no choice because every time they take BM to court for contempt, the judge only slaps BM on the wrist and says "don't do that again." But if dad does the same thing, the judge won't be so kind. Maybe some of these dads are completely broke, on the verge of bankruptcy and losing their home and their job because they have taken off work too much or unable to concentrate at work because of all the drama BM causes?

I have a friend who has legal custody of his children and BM was only granted supervised visits. Guess what? He doesn't have his children because his exwife kidnapped his children 10 years ago and left the country. He did fight, kick and scream to gain custody of his children, before his exwife kidnapped the children and after the kidnapping. Sometimes he had an attorney and sometimes he didn't, but in the end it got him nothing except financially broke, his home was foreclosed on, he lost his job and he is not the man he used to be mentally.

I could go on with several other stories about my male friends who went through terrible child custody, but my only point is, in my experience "most" men are not lazy and they do give a shit.

k.1106's picture

I feel a lot better with those of you that KNOW what this is...if DH and I ever split I sure as hell wouldn't pull what SD4's BM did. I would allow my DD2 to see her father, and have a real relationship with him. If I got a new bf and she bonded with him, wonderful. If my bf was able to support us and my daughter's father was barely eating, I'd probably keep signing off CS (I wouldn't cancel it, because you never know how YOUR situation may change and it's hard to undo).

This feels RIGHT. DH isn't allowed to be anything but a funding source, and we can't afford to change that. Why should my child have nothing and the 3 of us live on what SD4 gets every month. So my child literally deserves to live on about $300 a month...if you want to split it that way, and SD4 gets $1,000. She doesn't even get it used for CS. It goes to legal fees or them having brand new vehicles while we have one vehicle that barely runs and breaks down every weekend. We pay her lawyer or their car payments. I hate it!

All four of us are in agreement, and SD4 loves her stepfather and sees him as her daddy. No amount of fighting or hiring of lawyers will ever change that now. She is happy there. DH is VERY very messed up about not being able to have a real relationship with his first child. She was planned and she got taken away from him. He sees a new chance to have a REAL parental bond with our DD2.

DH has lost friends over this...had family members stop talking to him. Well, fucking skippy...want to loan us thousands of dollars every year to fight BM?!?!?! No? Oh but we're still bad people. WHATEVER.

DH isn't taking this lightly. He knows there's a chance BM will pull SD4 away forever...but she's barely 'here' now. He usually has to go over to their house and visit with her. And he does. He sucks it up and walks into that door 2-3 times a week and spends time with his daughter because it's what was allowed by BM. I do the same exact thing because even if I may not like SD4, I want to build a good relationship with her for her sake with my husband and daughter. I don't like her, but I do love her in my own way.
That's not going to happen anymore. BM confessed to me she's afraid the CS is the only thing that keeps him coming back. I told her that's not true but we aren't going to continue to drop plans every week for you to say "Hey....I've 'decided' to allow you to come and spend time with my DD4 up or don't bother coming until Friday because we will be busy"....I told her plans will be made. There's no reason SD4 can't come to our house to spend time with her dad. She's almost 5 and can talk very well.

If we were neglecting her or whatever BM is claiming she's afraid of SD4 can speak up about it. I don't see how she could think we'd neglect her. My DD2 is TWO and hardly has a hair out of place and is always clean and well fed. Our house is always clean, even if it's minimal because we can't afford brand new everything. I think she's snobbish towards SD4 staying with us because our place isn't as nice. Even though she lets SD4 get into everything...(she's drank nail polish 3 times in the past year because she sneaked into her mother's get away from you but yeesh) and hardly keeps her presentable...BM says "oh she's a kid...she's gonna get dirty again in 5 minutes"....I AGREE, but don't you dare say I'd neglect her if I'm more anal about everything than you are!

BM is SO terrified that my DH is going to walk away now that she's willing to actually TRY with us now. It's the weirdest thing I've ever heard. She says she can't stand SD4 crying about not getting to see "daddy-firstname" and she wants SD4 to have a good relationship with our DD2. If she backs out then everything probably won't be much different than it is now except we won't have to be a paycheck.

As I've mentioned before...I don't like SD4. I do love her in my own way, but I can't stand her. I can't stand BM either, but guess what I PLAN and make sure that "girls day" happens about every 2 months. Just me and BM take the girls "to town" and let them play at a kids place and eat or whatever. This was MY idea to have all around good feelings between all of us. Just just got the girls' first ever pictures taken together. BM fought me for two years to not do it, and I finally talked her into it. SD4 (almost 5) behaved worse than my two year old...but we got through it.

I feel like since I try so hard, and DH bites his tongue...combined with BM being afraid of DH dropping off the face of the earth and her DH promising us we will always have a place in her life...that this is for the best.


k.1106's picture

Guess what. He isn't asking for anything. No rights to see her. Nothing. It's BM that wants him to see her. She was adopted and knew none of her birth family. She wishes she even if she hates my DH...she wants him in her life because besides being related to her mother, SD4 doesn't have any other blood relatives. SOOOOOOOOOOO DH would walk away if BM asked him to butt out, but she's BEGGING him to continue seeing SD4.


You sound like a know it all. You don't know it all. You don't know our family, and what we work for. Have your opinions but you sound like a narrow minded, bitter twit. "Rawr rawr POS...rawr...I'm just blasting general public opinion about 'deadbeat dads'...rawr...I don't know your DH but he's most definitely a piece of crap dad....rawr." Seriously?

k.1106's picture

You didn't have to use exact wording for me to get that you were implying it. Now you're just stretching and being a bitch just to be a bitch.

This isn't your child, and you don't know the family. Good thing she isn't your child because you are so narrow and can't seem to accept that blended family doesn't have to be an exact definition. Yes, I want this, but I certainly didn't push for it! I made a comment, and HE brought it to her and she wanted it, too. Yes, I want this. Yes, DH wants this. Yes...BM wants this, and her DH too. So I'm a terrible icky step-mom (oh wait, it must be true since you didn't actually come out and say it and I used my own wording, ha) for being 25% of the 100% of opinions in the situation...

k.1106's picture

Oh, I love you, monkeyseemoneydo.

You are rounding out everything I'm trying to say from an outside perspective. I do feel like he can be better better 'dad' to SD4 if everything is done. Even BM says the stress on her end will be lessened...less stress for the adults means we can be better parents to the children involved. She's mostly just happy if she dies my DH won't be raising SD4...she literally doesn't want him to be anything but a face that comes to visit and a paycheck. She was 19 and DH was 23...they were both too immature to see eye to eye on how to REALLY parent a child. They made a baby on purpose in lusty romance thinking of happily ever after, and had a rude awakening on both ends.

Should SHE get her way, and her sunset and be happy with her life forever and DH suffers? Why?! Because she got custody? She gets to be happy and he deserves not to be? I don't get this line of thinking!

k.1106's picture

For the hundredth time...BM wants him to be there, so does her DH...SD4 wants him there, too! He wants it too but isn't asking or pushing for anything. He's letting BM and her DH decide what's best. That's how adoption about open adoption? When a mother gives her baby away to a couple and that couple wants the BM to be in the child's life...I guess that's not a "thing" or anything for a reason...wait...probably because you can love a child and be a positive part of that child's life without having to provide financial responsibly or being able to make major life decisions on behalf of the child? Nah...that can't happen, right?

k.1106's picture

And for the record,'re being a snarky person and aren't providing anything constructive to the conversation, so after this I can't put anything more into trying to reply to you. You don't have advice or support to only offer condemnation and criticism. I don't think that's going to do anything but frustrate me if I continue trying to convince you, to no end.

Convulsive's picture

"For the record he let BM walk all over him and make all the choices, and I stepped into the picture and BEGGED him to get rights. I called the lawyers, I saved the money."

K.1106, you proved my point. He's worthless & yes, I am saying that. He stuck his dick in a woman he wasn't married to & got her pregnant INTENTIONALLY THREE TIMES. He isn't a Father, he's a sperm donor. Having a baby sounded fun so he did then he "let" BM & her new husband do all the work until you came on the scene & did it for him.

YOU proved my point, in your own words, about useless men who don't parent or fight for their kids. Smile

nothinforya's picture

I'm amazed that the BM is going to give up the CS. She already has complete control over the child. It really doesn't make sense to me. She could keep collecting the $$ and use it for the child's future without any material change in her circumstances.

k.1106's picture

She's used the child support for lawyers, and is just bored of going to court constantly, which ends up in mediation...and by the end of it we can't keep up on the lawyer's fees, the court fees, the mediation nothing gets set in stone.

She's literally told me she doesn't need the support...she's rather be 100% certain that my DH has zero chance ever of getting SD4, but doesn't want her child abandoned...her DH loves this child and wants to adopt her as his own, so she hears it from him on her end. And in the end...if she ever splits from her DH she can go after him for child support if she really wanted it. And probably would, and probably would try to ransom the kid for support from my DH if she was hard up. But right now, she doesn't need it so she doesn't care at all. She also wants the freedom to move where she wants to move...right now the only thing that she can't do is move more than 50 miles away from DH...that's the only thing he got...and she doesn't want to be tied to him...even if she never decides to move she doesn't want him having a say so.

Convulsive's picture

BTW, K.1106, it must be time for a dramatic "this is a support board" hair flip goodbye from you & so let me be the first... You aren't a Stepparent, your husband now only has 1 child & its YOURS. Its been a real pleasure.

k.1106's picture

Hooray for me right? So because a piece of paper says he only has one child, then the other child doesn't 'count anymore'. We still count her, even if you don't. Laws and papers don't make families. I still have invested plenty of effort, and will continue to do so. I guess my child isn't her sister anymore, too, right? So BM should take SD4 forever away, and since we live in the same area, and the children will probably attend the same public schools, they should just pretend to not know each other..."what...oh no, that's not my little sister, a piece of paper says so!" " that's not my older sister...she was adopted...I'm an only child" Please. Just because child support is over doesn't mean everything is over. I'm still going to have struggles as a step-parent, even if my DH's check isn't getting sent out the window.

amber3902's picture

"BM is SO terrified that my DH is going to walk away now that she's willing to actually TRY with us now. It's the weirdest thing I've ever heard. She says she can't stand SD4 crying about not getting to see "daddy-firstname" and she wants SD4 to have a good relationship with our DD2."

I'm confused, BM has been keeping biodad from seeing his child, but NOW that he's willing to give up his parental rights BM is "BEGGING him to continue seeing SD4."??

"BM confessed to me she's afraid the CS is the only thing that keeps him coming back"

NOT trying to attack you or your DH, but why is BM afraid that if biodad isn't paying CS he won't come back anymore?

k.1106's picture

Because everyone says it to her, and she's VERY easily influenced by what other's think.

I think it shows dedication to viciously fight a person in court, and lose, and show up at their house 2-3 times a week for 3 hours a night and put on a smile and be friendly. It shows effort on both ends. But mostly, it's a control tactic for her. She won't have him by the balls with the money anymore, so she's afraid if she loses control, he won't be roped in anymore.

Her mother is a HUGE factor in why she's taken SD4 away from my DH...since she slept with 4-5 people when she got pregnant with SD4 (DH got a paternity test as mentioned before, and an STD test that came back negative)...and got chlamydia...and allowed the Dr. to read the results in front of her mother. She was so shamed that she couldn't let her mom know about her slutting it up and pinned it on my DH... So her mother did what any mother would do and told her to dump him, that he planned the baby and exposed it and blah blah, and BM has stuck to her story saying he's a cheater on her and didn't care for their family so he can't be in the picture. It's been a nightmare since for DH.

She let's DH have visits in their home with her there...but we aren't going to do that anymore. It's getting phased out. If she wants DH to continue to see SD4 it's on mutual time and agreement. We're getting our lives back.

amber3902's picture

Well, what's done is done. I'm not going to comment on the how and whys this all happened, who's right or who's wrong. All I can say now is I hope the drama is over for ya'll.

letmeouttahereplease's picture

Maybe this is far out there but do you ever think that BM only fears your DH because he knows that truth of her? People change, albeit rarely, and when we do our greatest fear is that those who knew what we were before and what we hide in the very core of ourselves will let those in our present and future know about it. The only reason why your sd4 lacks a intact family with both of her bioparents is because BM lacked fidelity and got caught in that weakness. The only person who knows this about BM (besides the doctors who did the tests and now you, which she may or may not know about) is your DH. Maybe BM fears that one day sd4 will ask the question most step-mothers on here dread-"Why did you and mommy split/are not together?" If your DH were tell sd4 the truth (I'm thinking this would occur when she was older, like a pre-teen/teen)BM does not look like mother of the year.

Anyway, this situation is only here because two teens got dumb and planned to have a baby. I am not going to hammer that in because it seems as though from your original post that you are in agreement with that statement. What is done is done. We do stupid shit and pay we for that stupid shit. I agree with Echo in the sense that you should not give up on a child because financial reasons but I understand that your DH does not have much of choice and has little rights and little money so it a fucked up situation that will have no easy solution. I disagree that it's an all or nothing. He should continue to see this child. Most adoptive parents I know with open adoptions fear that the BM/BD will not show up not that they will. They best thing for the child is to know their biological relatives and medical history. It is the right of the child to know who they are biologically and to be able to talk about these things. Your sd4 would miss her father, even if he's daddy-fist name. It's important that he's there even if he's no longer BM's just for fun paycheck.

I will end with this. I am sorry that your DH and your family had to go through this. I am glad that everyone is happy with the outcome and that sd4 and your DH will still get to see eachother, and your daughter and sd4 will still get time to be with one another. I hope things get better in the future and that any pain and resentment that will come about in the future will be worked out and lead to a better outcome.

k.1106's picture

I'm sorry it had to end this way, as well. DH is, too.

Thank you for your opinion about children how children that are adopted benefit from having contact with their biological family.

SD4 would definitely miss DH if he weren't around...she's almost 5 and is very well aware of who he is, even if he isn't the "home" daddy.

I'm sure the child-support issue would turn out ugly if he had to pay it when she was a teenager. Her mother has stated that she'd start handing SD4 her money, since it's HERS as soon as she's old enough to have a car/phone/"bills" that's a relief...could you imagine what a 16 year old could do with $1,000 a month (or whatever it would be inflated to by then?! If she wasn't getting in trouble with it, it would take away from our family just so she could have play money. It's scary to think about.

I agree about the "truth" thing. She doesn't know I know. All my DH ever stated was she thinks he cheated on her because she got an STD, but he tested didn't click with me until SHE told me he was a cheater and her mom took her to the hospital. When she came up positive she had to come up with something. I shared my theory with DH and he said it made sense. He's not going to tell her. They've agreed to just tell her they were young and didn't know each other well enough to know they weren't going to be forever. I'm sure BM will tell SD4 about her STD story when she's an adult though.

stepmonster_2011's picture

OP -

I just want to point out/caution you on the removal of his parental rights. The kid can come back.

Here's my story:

My DH had a one night stand. Broad gets pregnant. Handful of guys are DNA tested when kid is born. My DH "wins". Support is determined, he begins paying, occasionally getting his visitations. Broad meets shiny new man. Shiny new man is stationed in Florida. Broad takes kid and leaves the state. After many tries to get this resolved, it is decided. DH signs off rights to the kid and support is no longer paid. Broad has shiny new man wanting to marry her (and oh yeah - she is pregnant again). Great. DH goes on his merry bachelor ways...

Fast forward 7 years. Kid is complete and total discipline disaster. Broad turns out to be mentally unstable. Doesn't take care of kid. Kid is put in a state run boys home. (Juvenile detention center - group home thing) Broad says she can't manage the kid anymore and gives him up to the foster care system. Foster care system finds DH. Drops kid at his door and says "you're his Dad. You have to take him."

Ta Da! Kid with more effing problems that you can shake a bag of scrabble letters at, criminal deviant, emotionally and socially challenged and just an all around "peach" to deal with. I met DH at this point. I signed up for this mess. Kid is 17 now and getting some much needed mental health care because I have really kick ass insurance.

His piece of shit mother? won't even take the treatment center's phone calls to try and work with her on his problems. Then the bitch actually cancelled her phone so they could no longer reach her.

THAT is what CAN happen when parental rights are signed off voluntarily. I know my DH would tell you that if he had it to do all over again he would have kidnapped the kid and left the country before letting go.

Good luck.

letmeouttahereplease's picture

OP said that the SF is adopting the sd4. If the SF adopts the child then legally SF will be the father and his name will then be put on the birth certificate. The OBC (original birth certificate) will be sealed i.e. no longer valid and the child will be issued a new birth certificate, an ABC (amended birth certificate) after the adoption is finalized. At least that is how it works with most adoptions. The SF will be listed as the girl's biological father on her birth certificate (even though that's not true) and if BM ever tried to dump the child the SF will be held responsible as her legal father.

Great Mom but horrified Stepmom's picture

Many parents make a tough decision to place a child for adoption when they - for whatever reason - are not willing or able to care for a child the way every child deserves to be cared for.

We all allow for this and accept this as normal and even heroic.

This woman is telling us all that her DH is making this same choice - but delayed.

I hear loud and clear that she and her DH cannot afford to continue parenting this child in any way shape or form, whether it's minimal contact or not. She has stated several times that her family cannot afford to EAT at times.

I think financial considerations are at the heart of this.

We'd all like to thing that money cannot ever be the determining factor when considering children.

That isn't realistic. There are people, including the OP, who have to make some difficult decisions. They have a new child and the older child is well-loved and cared for by her mom and her stepfather.

It may be unpalatable to some but poverty is a harsh master.

Rags's picture

All comments considered, it sounds as if completing the adoption is in everyone's best interests. This little girl gets stability, you, your DH and your family gets financial relief and BM can no longer use SD-4 to manipulate.

Best of all, if the SD-4 does in fact get to visit and insists on shitting her pants, you can bag her butt in rubber pull ups and send her home, shit and all, to BM and adopto daddy for clean up.

It is sad to hear how your situation has damanged so many lives.

Were I your DH I would make sure that the adoption is open so he can contact BM and SD-4 as times goes on in order to be able to verify that the kid is okay, cared for and that he has a conduit for making sure that he can keep her in contact with the facts of the situation.

IMHO of course.

Good luck.

aggravated1's picture

I wish, wish, wish that BM would want DH to sign over custody. SD16 is a piece of work and already well down the path to PAS-I would say actually she has graduated with flying colors. To be rid of her in every sense of the word would be a dream.

BM does a piss poor job of parenting, but there is no way she is giving up the child support. While everyone bitches about the dads that just give up because they CAN NEVER WIN in these situations, lets not forget these less than noble bitches that use kids for a payday.

k.1106's picture

Thank you to the poster who pointed out that we can't even EAT sometimes. It's so true...which is half the point I'm trying to say. But I guess we are still evil because we need food in our bellies more than they need their '12 vehicles...right? Wait what?!

All of us are excited. DH gets MORE of SD4, and I'm happy because we get to buy groceries like normal people...hell we will even be able to have a nicer place for SD4 to visit maybe within a year! :jawdrop:

I really don't feel like BM will keep SD4 away. Even though I despise her, I've made it a point to be "the best of friends" with her. I've done nice things for her, been considerate, and vice versa. We have a pretty good situation going on here between the adults. As long as we can all stay friends, and I think it's even more likely now that there won't be constant court or fights, stuff will stay good.

k.1106's picture

So *I* should get a min. wage job to make up for everything that's going out the window for fund both of their brand new cars. No thanks. I'm going to school full-time and getting a real job.

And yeah...I am HAPPY to be free of this...I didn't talk anyone into this! I am just doing a happy dance that's it's happening. I do not see why I'm the center of attack by you! You're just being an asshole about it anymore. You're not going to bring me down. I AM FREEEEEE! Dirol

Sunflower1's picture

I'm with you step down, I work full time and go to school full time. If its important you find a way to make it work.

Convulsive's picture

You should get a job to support yourself & your "accident" baby. This other child exists & while she is your husband's responsibility & not yours, you should be covering your costs & half your kid's, then your financial situation wouldn't be so dire as to make people think giving up a 5 year old is a good idea. Hopefully the people who were taken in by your "we can't afford food" also realize you & your husband unloaded a cost the easy way. Getting a job & helping your family is what real women do.

mnmat86's picture

I get it OP. It's completely unfair to pay that ridiculous amount of CS when he barely gets to see the child or be involved in her life. It sucks but it sounds like she already has two parents at home. Yeah maybe she'll have issues about it one day, maybe not. Boohoohoo everyone has issues. Some kids grow up with abusive parents or have both parents abandon them or die and have to be raised in foster care or by grandparents. I know because I was one of those kids! Growing up in a home with two parents (biological or not) that love and support her is more than a lot of kids get in this life. If your DH had been allowed in her life more and been able to act as a real father to his daughter it would be a different story...but the system failed him and the little girl.

Convulsive's picture

I think its a line of bull & that is as a professional, in the system. The OP talks about disliking the skid but "always treating her well", she lists CS outside the legal limits & her husband owing back support. She indicates a union job & a request for CS modification. I call BS on all of it. She likely treated the kid like crap, her husband acted in an immature way & yes, get a job & support yourself & YOUR mistake. Number 1 was not a mistake, she was sought & she deserves better then what this child is trying to tell us.

Again, I'm not JUST a BM or a SM, I work for the system.

Go away already, skid has a better future away from you & your husband.

Journey1982's picture

@Convulsive....You are out of line once again. I've noticed some of your nasty comments on other posts. You seem to be a very angry person.

Topmuffin901's picture

I am not judging the op but would the bio father be as willing to give up his rights if they didn't have to pay as much cs. Seems to me that this is all anyone is talking about. Not what is best for the child.