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SS follows DH everywhere when we have him, even the toilet!

stepmotherwhy's picture

Please help, when SS is here he follows him everywhere so me and my daughters cannot get near him. As soon as DH moves, he moves and sits on top of him on the couch. When we are out, he holds onto his arm and walks right next to him so we can't get near him. I dread going out as I'm constantly on edge. I've told DH and he says 'he's insecure when he's with us'
I'm fed up...
Any ideas?????

fedup13's picture

DH's kid is 5 almost 6 and is the EXACT same way. Yes, he is a very big baby, but he does it because he wants to dominate and control DH's every move. It is not really that he wants the closeness, he just wants to control him. He has ODD and one thing they tend to do is purposely annoy others and they are obsessed with controlling and having power.

fedup13's picture

I have real doubts he even belongs to DH. DH and BM were not in a relationship, they slept together one time over a 2 month period, then 2 months later, she called and said she was pregnant. DH's Mom is a holy rolling bible beating tyrant, she controls DH as bad as skid does, so when she said marry her he did it no questions asked. Skid looks NOTHING like DH, BM was a whore of epic proportions, so I often wonder if maybe Satan himself impregnated her...joking, but that is what it seems like. I am not joking though about my doubts on the paternity, which makes this shit even more difficult to bear.

fedup13's picture

TRUST me...I think about that ALL THE TIME. I have seriously considered getting one of those kits at the pharmacy, but, DH has already told me that even if skid turned out to not be his, it would not matter at this point, he has been with him since birth, he is his kid no matter what. PUKE.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

He sounds like my fatassed stepshit when he was 13. I hate to break it to you, but they only grow into bigger, fatter, more disrespectful little lucifers.

fedup13's picture

I was thinking of you Lynn123 when this came too, maybe it is some kind of Village of the Damned type thing, all of these little creatures are actually alien spawn.

stepmotherwhy's picture

It's like DH and SS are a family and me and my BDs are a family... I can't stand the sight if him at the moment, sorry to keep going on but he's the Bain of my existence and I have no-one to talk to about it! I've gotta pretend I'm a loving caring SM to this kid who I can't stand!!!! Even to my in laws I pretend I care so much for him and bend over backwards for him in front of people, what a joke...

fedup13's picture

I was seriously at my breaking point, even after disengaging last fall. It helped but I was so full of disgust and resentment and anger, this site has helped me SO much since I found it. The part that irks me the most, is that other outsiders, lets say school for example, I know they had to have dreaded this kid every single day, yet, they sugar coated shit. It did finally get so bad that they kicked him out, but before that happened, I never understood why they acted like there was one damn good thing to say when there wasn't.

BM and MIL are the worst. I used to think they were just in deep denial about how bad skid is, but now I just think they are delusional nut jobs. NO WAY would a sane person think this kid is tolerable. I know what you mean, I describe it as being in a never-ending twilight zone episode where I am the only one that is normal and everyone else is just crazy.

fedup13's picture

My thoughts exactly, at 13, most boys are very distant and uncomfortable with any kind of physical closeness. You know, the awkward teen tense up when you hug them thing. My nephew is 13 and he could not care any less about his father. It is his phone, his xbox, his friends, and FOOD, there are days where I doubt he and his father even interact. They have a normal relationship, no problems, it is just that at that age, kids are not that overly interested in their parents.

fedup13's picture

I know all about the psycho BM too. Throw in a spineless Disneyland Dad and a certifiable MIL and you get kids like these.

stepmotherwhy's picture

He was still in a pram/ stroller at 5 years old and still wore diapers at 6 or 7 to bed. DH and BM used to let SS eat dominos pizza in bee at midnight of he felt like it and SS used to call BM a fat b$&@) and they'd laugh

fedup13's picture

Yep, BM puts skid in a stroller any time she takes him anywhere because she cannot control him otherwise, DH just refuses to take him out in public anymore. He wears pullups to bed every night because he has never been made not to and has never learned to not piss the bed every night. (he pees his pants all day long too) and when he is with BM she puts diapers on him during the day so she doesn't have to clean him up/do all the laundry he goes thru in a days time. DH and BM let him eat whatever he wants whenever he wants, he has no bedtime, he cusses like a sailor, and it is cute and funny.

stepmotherwhy's picture

Fed up- snap!!! I didn't realise anyone was in such a ridiculous situation as mine!! Lol

fedup13's picture

Yep, skid and his mom are real pieces of work. DH too, sometimes I just want to tell him to go live with them and forget he ever met me.

stepmotherwhy's picture

Yep when we argue about skid and BM I often tell him to go back to them...
Skid has never tried a banana, pear or lots of other fruits and veg...
When DH and I first got together I had to sit in the back seat of the car and skid had to sit in the front seat....

fedup13's picture

Skid used to try that all the time. He would scream and cry and beg to sit in the front. DH would actually tell him no on this one, but only because he knew I would blow a gasket. So, instead, skid would spend the entire time kicking my seat. So glad I refuse to go anywhere with them now.

stepmotherwhy's picture

Oh don't worry I don't put up with rubbish like that now- that was in the early days. What a brat kicking your seat!!! I'm nearly st that stage where I refuse to have him here or go anywhere with him. Soon I'll be telling DH he has to see him outside the family home on his own and as far as I'm concerned SS is not my BDs 'brother' like they all say!!! I didn't spend 9 months carrying him so he's not their brother in my book!!

fedup13's picture

skid is just a little shit created and made worse by shit parents. Last fall, after months and months of pure hell, I put my foot down and told DH that if he is not here then skid is not to be here either. If DH is working skid is at MIL's. He is here one whole day and night per week, DH's day off, and in the mornings the other days until DH goes to work, and that is still enough to ruin me most days.

I totally feel you on the not wanting to even think about skid being your own child's sibling. Yes, I know, they are, but after seeing them like they are, and being so disgusted by them, it is sickening to think they are genetically connected to your own child. I feel NOTHING towards skid and it makes me cringe when others talk about him in terms of brother to my son.

stepmotherwhy's picture

I don't blame you for sending him to mil. I would too if she lived closer! SS just brings an uncomfortable, awkward vibe to our household, I just can't feel anything for him, some people may think I'm not a nice person but they're not the ones putting up with these idiots

fedup13's picture

There are plenty of women on here that feel just like you do. I don't question my feelings anymore because of their honesty. If MIL did not live so close we would not be married today I can guarantee you that. She is totally obsessed with skid, she would prefer it if he was with her 24/7, and I would rather never lay eyes on him again as long as I live, so even though I cannot stand her, it works out.

stepmotherwhy's picture

Imagine how much better out marriages would be without these skids!!!! Wow, wishful thinking

fedup13's picture

Wishful thinking's all I have these days. That and praying BM will hop on a plane and run off with skid.

stepmotherwhy's picture

I'm the oppOsite- my DDs are in a strict routine and they eat very healthily whereas SS has been brough up on McDonald's and rubbish all his life

fedup13's picture

This kid did not even know what a chicken was. I was baking a whole chicken one evening and as I was putting it in the oven he asked, "what is that?" I told him it was a chicken, and he said, "no it is not" I told him that yes, it was, he again argued and said no it isn't and I asked him why he was saying that, and he said because chicken doesn't look like that, chicken is nuggets.

fedup13's picture

His BM does not cook at all. She stuffs McDonald's, pizza, tv dinners, and all the junk/sweets he can stomach. He drinks mountain dew from breakfast on, refuses water, milk, juice, wails like a complete idiot for pop instead. I am disengaged now, but before I was, when I would cook, he would turn his nose up to whatever I made because it did not come in a cardboard box.

stepmotherwhy's picture

Yes, BM doesn't cook either do when it's dinner time at our house he screws up his nose at my healthy cooking so I purposely cook even healthier when he's around. BM used to spray her perfume all over his teddy bear when he would come here!!!!!!!! So i would spray toilet spray on it!!!!

stepmotherwhy's picture

I'm the oppOsite- my DDs are in a strict routine and they eat very healthily whereas SS has been brough up on McDonald's and rubbish all his life

stepmotherwhy's picture

Forgot to mention BM and SS both slept in her bed up until a year ago!!!!!!!!!! He's 13!!!!!!!!!!

fedup13's picture

That will be skid and BM too. He is almost six, but he still sleeps with her, she has recently remarried, but I bet money he's right in the middle of them. I don't talk to her at all. I have not had anything to do with her in almost a year. Skid goes bonkers on the nights he is here because he is not allowed to sleep with DH. He gets mad and jealous over the dog and cat because they sleep in our bed. DH does not enforce any kind of structure there is no bedtime, skid crashes out wherever he wants, loveseat, couch, chair, floor, DH does not put him in his room and DH almost always sleeps in the living room with him. I don't even care anymore. I prefer to sleep with my pets these days anyway.

stepmotherwhy's picture

You're lucky BM has a partner... BM has used SS as a fill in husband ever since DH left!

fedup13's picture

and now that he is 13, it is really getting pretty twisted. I predict that this boy will grow up into one of those men that live at home with Mommy forever and no woman will ever even start to measure up to her in his eyes, nor be good enough for Mommy's boy in hers.

BM's new husband knew her 2 months before he married her and the only reason he did so was she said she was pregnant. I bet he regrets it every day now that he has been exposed to her and skid for the last 6 months.

stepmotherwhy's picture

YeP and soon SS and BM will expect us to fork over $$ for a car for SS that will be next. BM is do twisted she's never allowed herself to meet someone cause she's do caught up with SS's every move

fedup13's picture

I highly doubt their marriage lasts long at all. She says she miscarried the baby he married her over, I suspect it was a lie, she knew she could trap him before he got to know her and skid that way.

stepmotherwhy's picture

She sounds as twisted as BM that we deal with..
I bet her new hubby wants to leave her after putting up with your skid

stepmotherwhy's picture

WHEN WILL IT EVER END????? I ask myself almost daily!!!
I collect him from school once a week and it's do fake 'how was your day? Do u have much home study?''
I couldn't careless!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fedup13's picture

Stop picking him up. I am serious, I do not do JACK DIDDLY SHIT anymore when it comes to him. NOTHING. If DH or MIL cannot do it, oh well, he is not my problem.

stepmotherwhy's picture

If I don't get him DH has to leave work early and he misses out on a few hours $$$, so I'm not forgoing $$$ for that little turd

fedup13's picture

I understand. It is an awful spot to be in. DH's Mom picks skid up and we pay her the gas money for the hour and a half drive once a week.

fedup13's picture

Yep. DH has to fill her car up once a week because she drives 3 hrs round trip to go get him. Well worth the 40 dollars.

stepmotherwhy's picture

Gosh I'd love to talk to you Over a strong coffee, this is so therapeutic, why didn't I find this site earlier? I can't talk to anyone about this cause I pretend I'm a happy loving SS to this kis to everyone!!!

fedup13's picture

That is what I said when I first found it too! WHY did this not pop up in the search results the first time I googled about it. I ended up going to another site, and it was full of people who were just awful. I was the evil SM and their lives were perfect and they just loved their little stepmonsters. This site has been my addiction for the last few weeks and it makes me feel so much better. There are a lot of really nice and most importantly brutally honest women on here who actually get it and sympathize. Some will try and make you feel like shit, just ignore them. I think they are BM's in disguise anyway.

stepmotherwhy's picture

Before I found this site I thought other SMs loved their skids!! Yes I agree about the BMs in disguise. I hope no one I know realises it's me on this site because they'd be astounded!

fedup13's picture

It is really sad that people are so close minded to the realities of this life. I don't post my full story just because of that. I have had SO much stuff happen because of BM and skid and if I posted it all the wonderful anonymous nature of this site would fly right out the window if BM were lurking here.

stepmotherwhy's picture

Yes good idea, I'm mindful not to say our full story either. Totally agree re: close minded people!

oncechoosetosmile's picture

selfish SD 8 tried the other day to get in our bathroom where SO had a shower because she wanted him to buy some stuff for her Ipod.I told her that this is totally inappropriate.