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Canadian court rules: Mom loses custody for alienating dad

Pilgrim Soul's picture

Stunning and unexpected: read what a judge in Toronto decided to do in a PAS case.

hismineandours's picture

I know of a case right here in IN in which a child was removed from mother's custody and given to father for PAS. Mom was only allowed supervised visits at that point and ordered into counseling.

Anon2009's picture

Wow! That is good news. I hope the kids will be able to get the help they need to undo the damage and move forward in a healthy way.

Orange County Ca's picture

Incredible and almost unbelieveable. If i just received a forwarded email I'm not sure I would have accepted it at face value.

When my ex died my first reaction was to tell my son that I would not attend the funeral. An hour later I called back to reverse that and he asked why. I simply told him I had declined for the wrong reasons and that my children might need my support. It was one of the things mentioned in the article that brought that to mind.

I've always wondered how many of the women who complain here about their ex's participate in PAS to some degree and probably don't even realize it.

Pilgrim Soul's picture

Thank you for posting the link to the court case. I started reading it, and found a lot of common threads with my DH's fist family:

.... K. D. ( the BM) seems unable to differentiate herself from her children. On all of the evidence I have heard in this case, it is clear that K. D. has no concept about how a two year old D., felt and thought or how to change certain behaviours in children. Instead of encouraging a relationship between D. and her father, she purposely kept the child and the Applicant apart and seemed to encourage any difficulties the child had in bonding with her father because the Respondent allowed them no time together."

Later the court docs say, K. D’s level of vigilance and monitoring was unusual. No kidding!

My skids' BM did the same thing! She would tell her kids, "if daddy hurts you, come running to me and tell me immediately". Huh? Hurt them? He would not hurt a fly!

This K.D. had an unhealthy, very close relationship with her mother, another master-manipulator. They spoke Polish to each other, so that the kids' dad could not understand. Guess what? In my DH's first family it was Sicilian - everyone was a member of that clan, la familia, he was not. The signs were all there..

Pilgrim Soul's picture

When i finished reading the court case i found the date the decision was rendered:
is it January 16, 2009. Same date is on the article. So it has been 4 years. My apologies to those who thought ( as did i) that it was a more recent case. It was posted on a website i follow this week.