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I don' feel so bad about not liking autistic SKID after watching this.....

dledden's picture

Holy Shit....i'm watching Dr. Phil and there was just a BIO MOM on who absolutey 100% HATES with a capital H, her autistic 14 year old biological daughter!!! And this is her own DNA!!!!

However, one of her points really hit home with me. She talked about being out in public with her daughter and how sometimes she feels like she wishes that the kid was in a wheelchair or something because at least then people would KNOW what was wrong with her.But instead she has a kid who "looks normal" on the outside, but then acts in ways that embarrass her and feels everyone staring at her and judging her for her abnormal child. I feel the same way.

I am embarrassed when i'm out in public with my skid too. I'm not proud to say it, but I often think to myself that I wish I could carry a sign that said "no, this is not MY DNA"....If I am in public with all the kids and someone mentions my having had 3 boys so close in age or something similar, I ALWAYS, 100% of the time, point out that skid is my STEPSON. And these people are strangers, why should I CARE what they think, but when the kid is stimming and pacing and moaning and groaning and making twisted distorted faces while spinning toys in face with me out in public, I am mortified.....

Anyone else out there embarrassed by their skids in public, and how do I get over this embarrassment I feel.......i'm not even sure it's possible!

Halo_Horns's picture

I REFUSE to go any where with my sshits! I am embarrassed to even be seen at church around them! I would deal better if they had a discernable disability! They pace, moan, groan, run away, smell, yell, climb all over shit, have temper tantrums and clinically are "normal" kids (not in my freakin book!)..I will sit in the car to drive them home, that is it!

How do you get over it? Maybe the next time you are all out, just kinda hang a little bit closer to him and try to see what/how things look to him. If someone outside of your family says something then just smile and dont acknowledge them. Maybe volunteer at a school/hospital where they specialize in autism so you can get some direction from some professionals. And if your kids are embarrassed ask if there is a special needs class at their school that they could 'help' in. Maybe in the other kids learning to be tolerant of ss's autism you will be able to see it all in another light and not be so embarrased by it. Best of luck to you though!

dledden's picture

So, I should love him BECAUSE HES AUTISTIC? Is that what you are trying to say? Poor skid, he's autistic so although he's a STEPCHILD, I should love him??? makes zero sense

Trying Mama's picture

She has a problem and she admitted it. I don't think that is a lack of compassion. This is obviously a very strong opinion you have, which is understandable since you have loved ones that have autism. But the fact that she is bringing this up and asking for advice is a huge step. Most would silently resent and ruin any relationship that might have been possible with this child. Let try and stay positive. No need to shun her for asking advice.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

I don't see it as asking for advice. I see it as seeking affirmation of her behavior and feelings of hate towards her SS.

dledden's picture

I married his father to be his wife. Half if not more than that on this site have and will continue to marry people who's skids they don't like. YOU just don't like the fact that I don't like this particular child because you think it's because he has a disability. Both of my bios also have learning disabilities. My oldest has meltdowns that I am also embarrassed about. I come to step talk to vent and to seek input and guidance from other step parents. You can bash me all you want. It's ok. There are a lot on here who just come to bash. I get that. You have your rights to your opinions and feelings as do I. I should not be expected to feel differently than any other step mom who can't stand her skids just because mine has a label of autism.

3familiesIn1's picture

sorry gotta pipe up here. I married my DH with the idea that I would care for my children as I did before the marriage and he would care for his as he did before the marriage.

I have kept my side of the bargain. He has not. He has saddled me with his children which is NOT something I wanted or was expecting. Its unfair to say I knew what I was getting into as I have not done that to him with my children.

My SS7 isn't autistic, yet I would LOVE to hold a sign that says, NOT MY KID when in public for many reasons - I do not agree with nor take credit or responsibility for the horrible behavior that both BM and DH must deem acceptable of their children in public places.

I also cannot bear to even pat the SS7 on the head - it makes my skin crawl to think of having to touch him.

I am not that way with SD13 - I may not mother all over her but she doesn't make me feel how SS7 does and YES its due to how his parents coddle and have raised him and I do not feel guilt over that.

So the only difference between the OP and myself from what I can see is that my step is not autistic - I feel for you honey - I signed on to be a wife and continue to care for my children - I made the WRONG assumption DH was going to do the same.

I don't think you feel this way just because he is autistic, you may feel this way even if he wasn't and I don't hold that against you. I think people are focusing on the wrong part of the blog.

dledden's picture

LONG BEFORE, no...less than ONE year before the marriage, so let's get our facts straight. AND, hubby and I had the same discussions about his son's issues and my sons' issues before we moved in together and got married. hubby wanted us to move in together 3 years ago, and I refused because i knew i couldn't handle his kid 24/7 at that time. Kid is in school now fulltime and has FINALLY been getting the autistic support service that he needs for all of those 3 years, so his issues are vastly improving, making him easier to deal with. When dad lived at home with his parents, he strapped THEM with HIS childcare duties, and I knew that.....which is why for THREE YEARS I chose NOT to move in with him. I KNEW he wouldn't hold up HIS SHARE of the responsibilities for his kid, like the other poster above mentioned that her husband did. After a few years of training, both for him AND the kid, dad does more BECAUSE NOW HE IS FORCED to....things I WONT do, so he has to. Again, i'm a stepmother who doesn't like her stepkid. I don't have to like TOUCHING him, i don't have to LOVE him, i don't have to LIKE him....I make sure his special needs are met in the medical and school communities. I am not unlike EVERY OTHER STEPMOM on this's a shame you can't see past the "AUTISM label" and see that......

dledden's picture

3familiesin1 doesn't like to touch her stepkids, they also SKEEVE her....per her post...but that is OK with you, but I skeeve touching mine and it's deplorable behavior? OMG, you should hear yourself....

dledden's picture

they ARE playing the "autism card" which folks love to do against me when I say I dont' like my stepkid. Like because he's got special needs, I should automatically have a loving bond with him. He's very high functioning and can do a LOT of things on his own. Trust me, when I teach him how to zipper a coat and he tries it and is successful at doing it, i cheer for him and am happy that he was able to accomplish something on his own. everyone in his life up to now just did everything for him, poor skid, no mother.....No, you have to step up and TAKE CARE OF THE KID. And, I don't have to like him just because of his label, i don't like him because he's a STEPKID and annoying on SO MANY LEVELS, just like EVERY OTHER STEPKID is to their STEPMOMS here on ST!

Trying Mama's picture

I have a SS that I'm pretty sure has a learning disability. It's really hard at times. I hate asking all the kids (3 total) to settle down and please be quite and have SS still yelling. I know I'm not nearly educated enough to know what to do to help him understand. I think that's the first thing to do though. Educate yourself until you think you know everything about Autism. Then find another source and learn even MORE. There are constantly new ideas, resources, medications, technologies etc coming out to help people. Support. That is the main thing i can suggest. You come here for support in being a step, why not find a more tolerant/understanding place to get support for living and dealing with an autistic child. I'm sure there is a forum out there for parents of autistic children. I know with out all the various supports in my life i would crumble.

dledden's picture

I joined an autism support group but those ladies in it have BIOS who are autistic, not sure they are embarrassed by or resent their kid. Of course, it would be worth 'putting it out there' to ask them how they cope!

Trying Mama's picture

Never know until you try. I'm sure there will be those that are really opposed to your feelings, but you might find that more people struggle with this then you realize. Smile Either way i hope things get better for you both. Thats a really tough situation.

Sidney's picture

You probably need to ask yourself if you really WANT to cope with an autistic skid. I have 2 autistic cousins and their mother had a tough time, but they are incredibly easy to love. If you WANT to cope with an autistic skid and try to help them (and yourself) then by all means, I'm sure any BM would be glad to help you.

dledden's picture

my skid's baby momma is a herion addict. she left him at age 2. she rears her ugly head about 3-4x a year and begs to see the kid. I tell hubby to let her because for one, it gives me a break, and 2. he doesn't wanna be the parent, when the kid is 16, that 'would't let him see his mom'.....

so, she'll pick him up and comment to us and question us on "how come he can't tie shoes, he's 9 years old" SHE is a pathetic excuse for a mother......not me!

Sidney's picture

No, what I meant was asking the BMs she was talking about in the autism support group. Usually, a BM is very helpful toward SMs as long as it isn't THEIR kids' SM!

BSgoinon's picture


That mom on Dr Phil... should be ashamed of herself. And I hope she is. I have a special needs nephew. He is not autistic, and he is highly functional, so... we get strange looks in public. He is 2 1/2 years old and weighs only 18 pounds. He is the sweetest most lving little guy you will ever meet. Does he look different? YEP, and I love every square inch of him.

I think it may be time to rethink your relatioship with this boys father. If even a special needs kid can't create an ounce of compassion within you, I am thinking you may not have what it takes to be in a blended family Sad

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

I agree, she made a fool of herself. She is a weak minded, poor excuse for a mother.

dledden's picture

I know I'm the worst mother ever. This child has a diagnosis because if me. Or let's say, it was. Not allowed to be ignored once hubby and I started dating. Kid got diagnosed when he was 3. Daddy and grandparents ignored it. For 5 years!! I SAW the pediatrician s notes if diagnosis. Made at 3..... Aah but I know, I have no compassion. I got him services for occ therapy, phys therapy, speech therapy, orthotics appt to correct the hyper probation in his feet. I take him swimming in the summer, I take him to movies and buy him toys and read books with him....but I'm the worst mother ever. Because I asked for help to get over my feelings of embarrassment?? Amazing

BSgoinon's picture

Maybe you are responding to only San Antonio here, but I never said you were the worst mom ever. I said maybe you should rethink your relationship since you can't muster up some compassion for the child. Compassion and embarassment do not go hand in hand.

It sounds like you have done a lot of this child. Maybe you are worn out...? Have you considered talking to a counselor to help you with these feelings? They have support groups for this.

dledden's picture

Worn out is an understatement! Yes I was responding to the posters who bash me for feeling the way I do. I advocate fir this child on every level! I taught him how to eat with silverware. Taught him how to zipper and button clothes. I taught him how to hold a crayon and pencil correctly because at age 5 he couldn't do any if these things. His needs were neglected. I make sure they are not neglected any longer. So I'm not upset, I know everything I do for this kid that everyone else ignored. How can they say they love him but ignore autism for 5 years? But I'm evil and disgusting. Not....

dledden's picture

There is definitely resentment in the family towards me in forcing them to do something about the child's issues. Nobody will SAY it to me, but I know it's there. I've overheard hubby's mom downplay the diagnosis at a family party once. I politely corrected her. The DENIAL is the hardest to deal with. But you may be onto something, maybe I wouldn't feel the way I do if someone actually gave me some credit for helping this child!!!

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

I was actually responding to BSgoingon and agreeing with her opinion of the woman on Dr. Phil.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

It is hard to follow the threads on this site, but I thought when I replied to your post it (and it was under your post)was clear that I was talking about the whack a doos on Dr. Phil.

Sorry for any confusion!!

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture


my bd6 has disabilities. she looks 'normal' on the outside, but doesnt act textbook-six years old alot of times. depends on situation, how over stimulated she gets, ect. do i keep her shut in? do i refuse to be seen with her in public?

NO and NO.

infact, i take bd6 everywhere with me, always have. and many outings have been a learning experience for both her and i. for example, when she was 3, grocery shopping was hard. she wanted out of the cart but could not contain her excitement enough to behave. so, instead of forcing her in the cart and having her scream like a banchee, i told her that if she acted up, we would leave. took like 6 times of leaving and sitting in the car the second she acted up before---ta da!---she started acting right. from time to time she needs a reminder, but i expect that from ANY type of child. and if she does/says anything 'weird'...i simply briefly explain my child is special needs. and i leave it at that. u would be amazed at how many people have said to me, "its ok i understand. u have alot of patience".

if bios wont do anything for this kid, u either need to do it or step down as well.....BUT, this child NEEDS someone to help him.

TASHA1983's picture

I completely understand why you are frustrated and resentful of skid. I would be too if I was essentially being a/the parent to a kid that I didn't even give birth to and didn't want to have any part in raising etc. when the kids own bio parents and blood relatives didn't and don't even give a fuck about him and getting him help for his autism. That alone is enough to make ANYBODY feel resentful and not like someone. I wouldn't want to be saddled with such a huge responsibility that I never asked for or wanted simply because if I didn't do it then who else would???

I can totally see this from both sides...a person in your shoes could easily say "fuck it" if his own parents & family don't give a shit about him and getting him help then why the heck should I? I'm not even his mother etc.!!! Or you could do what you do and help the kid out unlike his parents and family. But everybody has their breaking point! Even the June Cleaver's of us SM have their breaking point with their skids! No one is perfect! Nor should anyone on this site where SM's come to VENT be judging anyone else unless they have been in their shoes! It is sooo easy to judge and look down on another SM for spouting what you might think is vile and deplorable behavior and feelings about/towards a skid but until and unless you have dealt with what they are dealing with every day we know NOTHING of them and the life they live.

I am sure we can all agree that being a BM is not easy but multiply that by 1000 when you are a SM, with a man with kids and how they act and what they say and do is completely out of your control and their bm/dh doesn't help or back you up and skids just run amuck and/or cause strife in your life and your relationship, sometimes just because they feel like it! Not even for a legit reason! Being a SP is nothing short of hard work and I give her kudos for what she has done for this kid. You can knock her all you want for hating skid but at least she is doing things for that kid that NO ONE that is related to him EVER did or has done! If her doing what she does/did for a kid that she clearly HATES is not compassion then I don't know what the fuck is!!! Because I for one don't know too many people in this world that would piss on someone who was on fire if they hated you?

Just saying....

dledden's picture

It's funny that you mention being called "the retards sister"..and that is so sad and unfortunate,..I know there are kids at my kids' school that will ask my oldest son if his step brother is 'retarted'. I know it hurts his feelings. And as much as I dislike my skid, if I EVER heard any kid make fun of him, I think it would really upset me??? Weird, I know, considering I don't really like him. But, I don't want to see him hurt either. I have taught my son to tell these kids that his stepbrother has something called autism and that's why he behaves the way he does. (This all refers back to my stepsons "stimming" behavior, as mentioned in orignal post, it's very very profound and one can't help but notice it, especially another kid and think WTF is he doing?) Most cases the other kids are like "oh ok...." and walk away. It's almost like they just wanted to kmow WHAT the deal was. Now they have an answer and they are done. However, as my stepson continues to get older, kids continue to get MEANER. My oldest tells me they are starting to make fun of him, some kids, at recess. Because skid stims outside by himself the entire time. Every time I ask doctors etc. who should address this behavior, i'm told Occ Therapy. I go to the Occ therapy people and they tell me NO it's not their job? So, who's is it? Still trying to find out that answer. Point is, I want to see this child as functional as he can be. There have been mornings here where he can't put on his sneaker the first try. he will come to me and ask me to do it for him. I politely tell him that he puts his sneakers on every day, by himself, and that i'll just wait for him to try again. he tries again, and of course is successful. He needs to feel successful at things. Dad will just do it for him. I will not. So, call me the wicked stepmom, better than being called the enabler!

dledden's picture

Being a SP is nothing short of hard work and I give her kudos for what she has done for this kid. You can knock her all you want for hating skid but at least she is doing things for that kid that NO ONE that is related to him EVER did or has done! If her doing what she does/did for a kid that she clearly HATES is not compassion then I don't know what the fuck is!!! Because I for one don't know too many people in this world that would piss on someone who was on fire if they hated you?

TASHA1983, YES....THIS exactly...I don't know how to make the ARROWS on my keyboard that point to "above" but YES YES YES..... Smile

Disneyfan's picture

The great thing about being a SM is the fact that we are free to just walk away.

No one can force us to parent their kid. No one can force us to spend our life dealing with or living with a kid we hate.

ACAM2012's picture

I despise going out in public with my SD9. And, unfortunately, since she lives here, I am always with her. She is RUDE!!! She will say, "Why is that guy so fat?", "Why is that girl in a wheelchair?", etc, etc, etc. She stares at people. She will start running around the store like a 2 year old. BM thinks this behavior is cute and funny so SD thinks it is okay to behave this way.

ctnmom's picture

Don't feel bad Dledden. I was embarrassed by CTBB out in public when he was little- he behaved like a little angel,and I loved him to death, but he was obese. I would never, NEVER have a fat child because, duh, we can control every single thing that goes in thier mouths. But he wasn't with US enough for me to make a difference. Then I would feel incredibly guilty for feeling that way about him, and about feeling ashamed of something so superficial. But childhood obesity has always been my iggie. :O

Anon2009's picture

I'm late, but am writing in here not just as a SM, but a person with Asperger's Syndrome.

I honestly felt and feel for that mom-I saw that episode too. The mom seems burned out and is screaming for help. I hope she has been able to get some for her and her daughter.

I will also say that being the person who "looks normal outside but is very different inside" is a huge challenge. It can lead others to bully us. We do not communicate like "normal" people do. We certainly act differently than most "normal" people, and it is not even our fault.

Many people with autism are also geniuses. One such example is Albert Einstein. Many celebrities have autism:

Autism can be helped with the proper therapy, medication, and assistance in school. Is your SS receiving all of these things? If he is, maybe something needs to be changed. If he's not receiving all of these things, your DH should work to make that happen.

Please be kind to this boy. Even though we have trouble communicating, people on the autistic spectrum can sense how others feel about them and often internalize it. Consider reading about it and volunteering with people who have autism. If you feel you have reached the point that the mom on Dr. Phil did, please consider getting counseling for yourself.

smithsgirl's picture

I have the same with my youngest Skid who has always shown signs of Autism (or Aspergers which I believe is the minor form of autism. Correct me if I'm wrong ). Parents have picked up on this but still haven't taken him to get checked out (surprisingly ,as I'm sure BM would love to claim MORE money from the government ) . So ,because he hasn't been diagnosed with anything some people will probably think he's just rude and ignorant. I know he'd get the help he needs if he sees someone but isn't my place to say.