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Nah Nah Nah Nah Boo Boo!

StepDoormat's picture

It seems like first families "win" so often, that sometimes its nice when you know that you have something better that you can feel a little smug about.

BM has NEVER been in or near our home. We do all of the transportation. Which, I am fine with. I prefer her to be dying of curiosity.

Here's the backstory: DH knocked her up when he was still in med school. He'd broken up with her, but when found out she was pregnant, married her. (Seems like the recipe for a happy marriage, right?) They stayed married for 15 years and had 2 other kids in that time.

DH is kind of simple. He was raised in the country. They bought a house when he was still in training. Its in a dumpy suburb. It needs A LOT of work. DH took out student loan funds to put in a state-of-the art kitchen that, thanks to his stupid mistake, we will be paying on for the next 30 years. Aside from the kitchen though, the house is falling apart. She is a HORRIBLE housekeeper and the only time I've ever been in the house, I was disgusted. There must be a year's worth of mail in the entryway, they have 6 pets that shit & piss all over the furniture and floors, etc. You get the picture. Plus, she doesn't do any landscaping and has broken lawn furniture and toys all over the yard - it looks like a junk yard.

Before their divorce, BM was pushing to buy a new house. DH was trying to pay off student loans and didn't want to upgrade just yet. When he left, he suggested they sell the house and she go rent something nicer. She refused... because anything he suggested, she accused him of trying to screw her over. She demanded the house in the divorce - even after he explained the amount of $$ needed to fix it up. Whatever... he signed it over to her.

I was raised to have a lot of pride in my home. We live in a very trendy downtown loft. It's decorated with very modern, clean, bright colors and furniture. Every single thing in my home was handpicked and strategic. I am a very good housekeeper. I pride myself on a clean home where we can come home and relax everyday.

Apparently, when SD16 and SD13 used to come over, she had them take pictures of our home to show her. SS10, who still comes for visitation apparently always talks about the "cool" stuff we have. And, he apparently made a comment that he likes being at BM's house - but he wishes it was "nice" like ours.

She apparently made some comment about how our living downtown is selfish because it's not somewhere to raise kids (umm... she has legal custody, so we're NOT raising kids here). She said that DH is an asshole because he left them in a house that's falling apart while we live in "an apartment that is triple the size of her house" (yeah... and I work). She also said that "StepDoorMat needs to stop telling the kids that I don't clean my house as good as she does" (umm... ok. They aren't babies. I don't need to tell them that you have a mountain of dirty dishes and they need to use paper plates).

DH told her to shut up - and that how we live is none of her business. He told her that she was always a horrible housekeeper and she's teaching skids to be lazy and messy like her. She did shut up pretty quick. Inside, I am singing with joy. She's jealous. And, I love it.

sbm014's picture

This makes me giggle for you.

We now do all of the transportation pretty much of SS4 as we live in the next county over. It makes me giggle to hear that we live 30 miles away from the school and SS will come over here and tell us he has several tardies from when he was at his moms who lives less than 4 blocks from the school.

On the house keeping she has been in our house once. She tried to open the door once and had it slammed in her face telling her to sit on the street we have a cop who lives next door and this is private property (family owned). The one time she came in our house SS had got some toy we wouldn't let him take over to her house and she walked in saw that I had flowers on the bar from the day before and how clean the house was including our closet which was open when SS took her in there (we were establishing SS4's room at the time and other kids will come in the house so we put some of his toys in our room to keep them his). She proceeded to text SO about how she missed and loved him and it killed her to see our house the way it was compared to what they had to live in. She has no room to complain though he bought the house SHE wanted and lost it to foreclosure per divorce papers because she didn't want to live in a broken family house - but it was not kept at can still look in the windows at her new house and just see nothing but filth.

She attempted to ask one day if she could pee several months later and SO told her that there were many gas stations on her way...this was the last visit she had picking up SS from our house...

And she will get irritated because SS helps me put up his clothes and he will tell me that at his moms they pick out of piles as she doesn't put anything up and he will say he wishes he could use his dresser over there. She also gets upset when SS talks about how tidy it is and he can find all of his toys - yes he is 4 and does this because he favors certain toys and will say on the phone 'daddy is my toys still on whatever' and we will say yes and then he will ask his mom where a toy is and she doesn't know. None of this provoked by us which makes it even better. We just like a clean house. She also hates we have a fireplace, our own yard, and stuff like this as she lives in HUD housing duplex.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

OMG (somewhat) parallel stories! My husband was in his residency and knocked up BM after knowing her for 3 months-she worked at the bar they went to after working 20 hour shifts. She had SS #1 and then was prego with #2 a month after she gave birth. He married her when oldest SS was 1 and youngest SS was 3 months old...they stayed married maybe a year or so after that and they divorced he got custody. CRAZY.

She never saw the kids, maybe a handful of times over the past 15 years. I can't imagine her not being jealous as her life sucks and ours does not.