It's over.. and I am a mess...
DH was out having a great time at a concert and I spent 2 hours onthe phone to my best friend crying.
I then went and spent the night away.
I have asked DH to go and seek professional help with me to save our marriage.
He said he wont go until SS has finished his school year. and then he calls counsellors "marriage wrecker".
So it seems even though our marriage is falling apart he still wont put in an effort.
It's all about SS and fuck anyone else (me).
He's just texted me and said
He's just texted me and said he will go if we don't talk about SS.
He is one of the problems in our marriage (the main one). He is already trying to blame me for him not having a relationship with SS once he moves out.
He doesn't want to talk about
He doesn't want to talk about SS as he has his head firmly planted in the sand and thinks that SS is an angel. He thinks that all of the problems we have ever had are to do with me and me not trying hard enough.
I have read countless step parenting books, sought couselling (until the counsellor bought up his alcoholism and he put a stop to it), I have tried disengaging (which has again got me into trouble for not trying hard enough).......... I have TRIED my arse off and he's not willing to give me an hour a week to try and fix things.
If he s an alcoholic are you
If he s an alcoholic are you going to al anon meetings? This can be a huge way to save your sanity! And if he isn't willing to look in the mirror at all about ANYTHING other than pointing the finger at you, then you need to get yourself some support and help and leave. You will kill yourself trying to fix everything, don't give him your life.
Thanks for the hugs! I really
Thanks for the hugs!
I really do love DH but if we dont sort out the issues then its just going to go around in circles. Normally when we argue about things the problem never actually gets solved it just gets shelved until it builds again.
I'm sorry you're facing this.
I'm sorry you're facing this. I would really recommend going to therapy by yourself in the meantime. I think it could really help you to focus on you for the time being.
Yep he has a drinking
Yep he has a drinking problem. He doens't get agro or anything when he drinks he just drinks.
I actually have no idea what he would be like if he didn't drink as every night for the last 8 1/2 years together he has drunk.
I have asked him to cut back for health purposes but he wont.
I am at a dead end.
You can't help someone who
You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. And you can't force anyone to do anything. I agree with the other comments, even if he won't go to counseling, you should still go, having someone else hear your side and your feelings is extremely helpful. My mom has been an alcoholic my whole life and therapy really helped me.. since my mom wouldn't come to therapy with me, it didn't help my relationship with her.. but therapy helped me with how to deal with the issues I was having and how to approach things differently since what I had trying obviously wasn't working. It may take you a few times to find a good therapist, but keep trying! It'll be worth it, I promise!
I hope things get better for you.
Al-Anon also really helps! My
Al-Anon also really helps! My mom is an alcoholic, too, and Al-Anon was a great outlet for me. They teach something quite similar to disengaging. Go, Go, Go! It was the best decision I ever made.
Hmm. Bio father here. It
Hmm. Bio father here. It really bugs the f%ck out of me that any of you people think you are qualified to judge and make recommendations when you have absolutely no idea about what is really going on.
My son is living with us so I can ensure he goes to school and sits his exams. These exams are very important in our country and anyone who doesn't sit them will find early adulthood in the job market very difficult. This is life changing stuff. The reason he is living with us is because his bio mother couldn't make him go to school while he was living with her. I couldn't do much about it as they were living 600kms away. There is 7 weeks left in the school year, during which these exams take place, then he is going back to live with his mother. My job will be done, he will have at least SOME form of educational qualifications to go out and get a job. He is performing very well at school down here and all of his teachers have said that he is on track to pass his exams.
He is NOT lazy. He does the dishes after dinner every night. He feeds the cats every night. He helps me do the washing on the weekends. He mows the lawns. He is generally polite, he does what he is asked when I ask him and he is trustworthy. In saying that, he is a teenager and can be thoughtless at times. What teenager isn't?
A couple of days ago we came home after being away for two days at SM's relatives' funeral. My son had vacuumed, tidied up the lounge, (including arranging the cushions on the couches...!), cleaned the kitchen and stove and had cleaned out the fridge. Not meaning eaten all of the food but emptied out old stuff and cleaned it. He had emptied the dishwasher. I would estimate he had spent a good couple of hours doing all of this WITHOUT being asked, or even having it mentioned to him.
We just walked into a clean and tidy warm house. It was warm because he had made sure the gas heater was going when we got home. For his efforts he got a icy "Thanks for tidying up" from SM as he said goodnight. I don't think she even looked at him when she said it. I thought he deserved a little more appreciation than that.
Whatever housework isn't done by my son is done by me. I do the majority of cooking and cleaning in our household. SM's only real job used to be the washing, and now she refuses to do my son's washing. I said "Fine, I'll do mine and his, you sort out your own." Problem solved.
SM verbally attacked my son the other night for not saying hello to her when he got home from school. She was downstairs in the spare room doing some renovation work. I was at work. I took her side on this and told him that he needed to say hello when he gets home. He tried to defend himself when she carried on at him and I was the bad guy for not stepping in. I thought it was good for him to defend himself against an angry verbal attack for such a minor thing.
I tried to fix things then by getting SM to set some ground rules for my son. I told her to tell him what she expected of him, because if he doesn't know then he can't make sure he abides. She she doesn't know what she expects of him. How is he meant to win there?
SM threw a tantrum last night as I was headed out to spend an evening with a friend. SM was meant to be going to work anyway. This evening had been organised weeks ago. I got angry (she was already angry before the conversation even started, I just got dragged into it) and told her that she is poisonous towards my son and that when he goes back to live with his mother 600kms away I will probably hardly ever see him again because he won't want to come and stay. She informed me that he wouldn't be welcome in our home and that I would have to go see him somewhere else if I wanted to see him anyway.
That isn't acceptable in my book. I should be able to invited my son to stay with me in my own home. That's like being asked to choose between him and her. I can't replace my son. Say no more.
I have said that I will go to marriage counselling with her when he has gone. What is the point in going to counselling regarding my son when he'll be gone for good in 7 weeks anyway? At least that way when we go to counselling it will be focussed on our marriage and not on my son who doesn't live with us any more.
Apparently that's not acceptable to her.
As for my love of alcohol, not that it concerns anybody here, but I like to have a few drinks before I go to bed. It helps me sleep at night. I don't drink during the day, I don't go on day long or multi day benders, I don't become abusive either verbally or physically to anyone. It does not change who I am and it bears no relevance to the relationship between SM and my son.
Most of the time I feel like the UN peace keeping force between SM and my son. Sometimes I think SM is right, sometimes I don't. I do what I can to try to make home life for everyone concerned as smooth as I can.
It is emotionally draining at times, depending on how foul SM's mood is at that point in time.
At the end of the day, when you're forced to choose between your child or your wife, what do you do? I'm very f*cking angry that I'm being put in this position as it is. Any bio parent out there knows the correct answer to that question.
I'm tired of fighting the battle I can never win and perhaps it IS time to call it a day. It's up to her. I have to do what I have to do for my boy, with or without her support over the next 7 weeks. Then he'll be gone for good.
And I'm the bad guy.
his son is not the ONLY most
his son is not the ONLY most important person in the world. he has responsibilities to both his wife AND his son.
I'm really sorry for your
I'm really sorry for your situation, it doesn't seem fair to any of you, but especially not fair to his son. I definitely agree with you that you shouldn't have to choose between your wife and your son. But I was only giving my advice to the woman who made the original post based on what she posted and how she's feeling. Having a couple drinks a night doesn't make you an alcoholic, it's not about the quantity.. it's about the consequences that follow one's actions as a result of drinking alcohol. And if her husband doesn't want counseling, it will still help her to get it b/c she would get advice on how to deal with her situation, which is something she won't be able to get from any forum. I think she's just looking for help and people here are sharing their experiences and advice so her husband and his son don't feel like you and your son, I don't think anyone meant to attack the husband.. I certainly didn't.
The only other thing I can say is that if you want your wife to get along with your son, maybe talking about your son in counseling will help that..maybe there are issues that your wife has that can be cleared up by a 3rd party.. if your wife's perception about your son is changed, so will her behavior towards him. If everything you're saying about your son is true, then there's a reason why your wife treats him so poorly.. it may be b/c you've made it clear that you put your son first, which is great for your son but hurts your wife. I read somewhere that husbands and wives should put each other first, and by doing that they team up and put their children first. Counseling could help her understand that you putting your son first isn't to go against her. No child should be treated poorly by their parent or step parent.
I hope what I said didn't offend you because I truly hope things get better.. your son sounds like a good kid and it sounds like you're doing your best for him.
having a couple drinks every
having a couple drinks every night does not make him an alcoholic, and if it bothers his wife he should be capable of stopping it.
That may not be true.. it is
That may not be true.. it is not quantity that makes an alcoholic, it is the reasons behind the drinking and the inability to manage ones life because they can't control their drinking.
There are two types of sobriety- the "dry" sobriety that another poster mentioned, but also "emotional sobriety" which is a whole other ball game and much more difficult to achieve.
i was kinda being a smart a--
i was kinda being a smart a-- here. what i meant was if he states he's not an alcoholic, then it should not be a problem for him to quit simply for the fact it bothers his wife because addiction would then not be the problem
? SAF? Or SA? I don't think
Or SA?
I don't think I'm on this one.
Biodad, there are three sides
Biodad, there are three sides to every story. In this case it's your side, her side, and the truth.
You can't condemn posters here because they can only go off of what they're told. We are not a fly on the wall in your household. If the OP isn't honest to start with, of course the advice is going to be one-sided! We have to assume OP is telling the truth.
I am sorry your family is having a difficult time. Good luck to you.
The reason he is living with
The reason he is living with us is because his bio mother couldn't make him go to school while he was living with her
This one statement right here validates everything the OP has been saying. This one sentence makes it very clear that SS has little, if any, respect for authority or himself and his future. Why would biomom need to "make" him go to school? With normal children, this isn't even a question, much less a struggle. Frankly, I suspect biodad just isn't seeing what his son does to SM either by son's design or via rose-colored glasses.
it seems to me that you
it seems to me that you aren't being asked to make a choice, you already have.
"I can't replace my son", but your WIFE is replaceable? do you realize your WIFE is your next of kin? or, did you think the marriage vowels you took meant "unless my son and wife don't get along" instead of death do us part? i believe those vowels also state that you FORSAKE ALL OTHERS? maybe you weren't ready for marriage.
i believe i remember seeing the op saying that you moved your son back in without consulting her? is this your idea of a balanced marriage. your son sounds like an upstanding kid, doing what he should be doing, but nowhere in your post do i see that he is RESPECTFUL of your wife. nowhere in your post do i see where you actually CONSIDER your wife's feelings. i am positive that if your wife felt as if she were your partner and felt respected and valued by both YOU and your son, the two of you could have worked out a compromise agreeable to both of you, not just you.
very thoughtful post.
very thoughtful post.
I am not an expert in
I am not an expert in stepparenting, and wouldn't trust anybody who claim to be one. But the one problem I can see that most of step parents seem to face is simply the power struggle.
A person's emotional needs have to be met in order to be a happy person. Sure, nobody want to deal with an angry person who has poor impulse control, but nobody want to be that angry person. Nobody understand the pain and frustrations a step parent goes through. Resentment builts up to a point of no return.
I don't want to lay blame on step mom, bio dad, or step kid. All three parties are in no-good situations sometimes. There is definitely no easy solution.
I believe bio dads do try their best to balance between wife and his children. But bio dad must accept that SOME step mom will never love YOUR kids the way you want them to. It is not about "taking sides", it is about constantly finding that balance and move forward.
I don't have any comforting words or solutions, but I don't believe one bit that "Your bio child is the most important person in your life." I sure don't want a marriage just to reproduce.
Finding why the step mom is so angry might be the solution to all. IF a woman's emotional needs are met, she certainly can do wonders. Give us women some credits here.
Biodad, i'm really glad you
Biodad, i'm really glad you popped in,you may be defending yourself, but I think you want to make this work with SO. At the end of the day, that's all that counts because once you hit rock bottom, and you don't care anymore, it could be a dangerous place to be and you may not want to try anymore. I had had hit that point a few weeks ago and my DH didn't let me stay there. We must have talked and cried and screamed and talked and cried some more for about 4 hours. It's a daily battle. We're doing better but it's not perfect. I'm going to think about telling my DH about this site and he can bring some feedback. It might just help us steps a bit. who knows?
What an interesting post. It
What an interesting post. It isn't often that we have the biodad chime in. In a very well composed and carefully written post, I notice that biodad spends the great majority of his words praising his son. Elaborating on the fact that his teenage son does chores fills the bulk of the post. Don't you think a teenage boy SHOULD do chores? Should he receive some sort of extraordinary praise for this? Especially since it seems that he was brought, by biodad, into a home that he shares with his wife, and given that this would be quite a shock to her day to day life, don't you think the boy should pitch in? I suspect that he makes his share of the messes. Biodad, your wife made a point of thanking your son for tidying up the house and you say that this isn't high enough praise on her part? What would you suggest? A huge thank you hug and kiss? Didn't you say she just came home from a funeral to find her house tidy? How happy would you expect her to be? Is this a window into the unrealistic expectations you have of her? I think a stepmother that does not want a stepchild in her home and was not consulted before bringing him there who goes out of her way to thank him for doing chores that he should be doing anyway is doing pretty well in the civility department.
I also notice that despite your kind words and praise for yourself for saving your son by forcing him to go to school and for your child for doing a few chores, you have nothing but negative tone and hostility for your wife. She complained, as she should that your son does not even acknowledge her with a greeting when he enters HER home. To you, this is a "verbal attack." Your son should have basic manners by his age, and not saying hello to someone when you enter their house is rude. It shouldn't have been your wife having to explain this to him. It should have been you. You say you took her side on this. Rightly so, as she was correct. Most glaring, when you chose to go out with your buddies knowing the situation with your son was causing problems for your wife and that she was going through a hard time, you lovingly (sarcastic) refer to your wife having a "temper tantrum." Do you have any idea how degrading that is? There is little a woman hates more than that. When she is truly upset, hurting, pouring her heart out to you, probably with tears in her eyes, and you refer to her tantrum, or her mood or her meltdown, the total disregard is exasperating. Maybe if you could save the derogatory comments about her temper tantrum and talk about why she doesn't want you to leave, you might make progress. Take it a few steps further and you might even be flattered that this woman needs you and wants your company in a time of stress. Given that her stress is due to your child and your choice to bring him into a home that you share with her and your refusal to try to improve the marriage with therapy, one could certainly argue that putting a night out with the guys as first priority wasn't wise. Maybe it would be more fitting to discuss your lack of judgement rather than her "temper tantrum."
As for the counselling issue, it makes no sense that you cannot find time to get your kid to school AND attend a few sessions with your wife, and the fact that you are going to blow her off until your kid leaves simply validates her feeling that all you care about is your son. You say yourself that you won't see much of him at all after 7 weeks. Doesn't that mean that you will have only your wife left in your home? What a cruel blow to her that you won't take the time for a relationship that could last for the rest of your lives, because you are so fixated on the next 7 weeks with your kid. That doesn't make much sense and I agree that in addition to being a poor excuse, it is doubly hurtful for your wife to realize how little regard you have for your marriage. Making the time to do this would probably mean the most to her. Take her out to dinner afterwards and acknowledge how hard the sudden transition to having a teenager in the home must be for her, and you might be surprise how far a few kind words can go (if you mean them). To say that there is no reason to speak about your son in therapy is also completely illogical. He is the root of your problems. When he leaves, the resentment will not. It makes most sense to address the issues while they are ongoing.
As another poster said, you don't have to choose between your kid and your wife. Your post makes clear that you have already chosen your son. There is no balance in your words. There is no 50/50, make time for everyone attitude. Your tone says it all. Your son is 100%, and only when he is gone will you consider your wife. Women don't work that way. Marriages don't work that way. Having a child does not make your wife less important. It seems that both you and your wife have tremendous resentment toward each other. At least your wife sees this and knows it needs to be addressed NOW. If you expect her to sit around and wait her turn to get a little consideration and attention from you, she will be gone before your son is. Is that really what you want? If so, why not just be honest and save her the agony? If you aren't sure, how about giving the counsellor a try to figure it out.
I hope your son finds enough motivating to better himself without being forced to by a parent. I hope you and your wife find happiness, together or apart.
As we all see by this post,
As we all see by this post, the problem with most skids are the Parents... Stepparents are in the middle of unfinished business and unhealed wounds because when people divorce, it doesn't mean their issues go away, especially involving the kids. The Kids APPEAR to be part of the issue but that's largely because the Parents create the issue. So it's no wonder so many of blended family situations fail. Very hard to blend something with so many people and issues involved and I truly wonder why any of us even bother...
With that said, here's my little take on it all:
BioDad, it sounds like there are issues that started before Inneed was even in the picture if his own Mother has no control over him. What chance does a Step Parent have especially when you are only seeing one side. No Stepparent (well except the really crazy ones) want to make a Parent choose between their kids and themselves. But when a Parent can see no wrong in their child, practices guilt-parenting & takes all power away from their spouse but have expectations of their spouse to be a Parent role, then the dynamic becomes one in which any complaint is HEARD as "choose". You cannot ask her what her expectations are of him -that's your role to set. You can ask her what it is she needs from YOU and I bet you she could tell you. In a nutshell, from what I can tell, what she needs is to know she matters and is NOT replaceable which you have seemed to clearly indicate she is. That does not make anyone feel like doing anything except giving up. Waiting until your son leaves will NOT solve the pain left behind nor will it solve the relationship damage. His physical presence is not the issue. You are looking at the symptoms, not the disease. Besides, there's an "adult stepchildren" forum on this board for a reason--bad dynamics don't ever go away without effort and kids never stop being our kids no matter what age or where they are so "waiting" means nothing but prolonging the damage. If you cannot figure out how to be a Father and a Wife, then let your wife go.
Inneed, you have to find your center again, regardless of this situation. You've whittled down into this sad little post and don't realize that your happiness is partly your responsibility too. This means you can effect change just as things are by 1-disengaging and 2-seeking counseling for yourself. You still love Biodad so you still see something in him outside of the SS or the drinking and you have to ask yourself is it worth this fight to get to that "something"? You want counseling so I think it is worth it to you. Yet you have to be prepared to walk if you are not getting the participation required and that will be sad but it'll one day lead you to peace and happiness again whereas this situation as it is, never will.
For both of you: Step out of your own heads and hearts for a moment. Look at this as if you had a friend in this situation. Would you tell them to blow up? Would you tell them to ignore the situation and leave to go have fun anyway? I doubt it. It sounds like too much frustration exists which is why neither of you can express yourselves properly right now. It's beyond that point so an outside assistance is what you both need. Someone who is objective so I advise that you get into Counseling NOW because the problem is NOT your Son/Skid. It's how you all have chosen to handle it. I think this still has hope (sllllllliiiiiimmmm) but hope nonetheless. Get counseling NOW please. You owe it to your marriage vows and to son/skid because what they need most is an example of a good strong partnership.
Best of peace to you both.
Excellent post
Excellent post
Hi everyone, Thanks for your
Hi everyone,
Thanks for your posts.
I bet that was a real experience having the DH join in. When I left the other day I left copies of my recent posts on his desk so he could understand what had been going on in my head.
DH thinks that this forum is poisonous (because he doesn't want to see that others have the same opinion as me and struggle with the same things as me. It would be much easier for him if he could just explain my actions and feelings with the conclusion that I am a mad psycho woman).
I have been away for a few days staying at my Gran's house (no Internet access).
Finally DH has agreed that is is willing to go and see a counsellor. We sat down today and found someone. He did complain about the price but I reminded him it was cheaper than divorce (haha).
forever2 your post hits the nail on the head. I wish I could articulate my own feelings as well as other people seem to.
As you said there is his story and my story and the truth lies somewhere in between (without all the emotion tied in).
Let me just clarify a few things:
- SS did the lawns once as he wanted some new guitar strings and said he would mow the lawns in return.
- I did thank SS for tidying up. Apparently I should also have kissed his feet like he does with me when I clean the house or make his dinner.
- DH drinks a large bottle of Jim Beam, at least one bottle of wine and at least a dozen beers a week. He does only drink at night. My issue with his drinking is the impact that it has on his health. He has a huge gut on him and has sleep apnoea (accompanied by chainsaw sound). If we do ever have children together I want to know that he will be around.
Please do yourself and any
Please do yourself and any future children a favor and DO NOT have children with this man.
Neither one of you are bad people, but I think currently you bring out the worst in each other. Unless there are huge amounts of change on both of your parts about how things are handled in your relationship that will not end well. Don't add more stress to the mix any time soon.
Over the years SS has done
Over the years SS has done some things to kick me in the guts (feeling wise). After a number of these things I stopped putting my heart into trying to be a step parent as I needed to guard myself against getting hurt again.
DH thinks I gave up a couple of years ago when SS sent a text message to his mother telling her that I am a bitch. I think that was when I took his guitar off him as a punnishment for lying to me. Maybe that was the breaking point.
I am quick to notice things that SS has done and DH doesn't notice most of these things. I guess the irritation has grown over the years and I have nothing left to give. Then I said I was no longer going to be a parent but DH has said I have not made an effort.
I don't hate the kid I just can't be a step parent. I have told DH this and it was obvious from my mental state that I can't coped with it. I tried taking us all to couselling but DH put a stop to that when his drinking was bought into it. Even though DH knows I can't cope he bought SS back to live with us anyway.
One thing I have relised.... blood is always thicker than a promise. Wives are replaceable. DH said he has been through one divorce and will survive another.
Am I wasting my time here? Have things gone too far to save???
I guess it's the feeling of
I guess it's the feeling of constantly being rejected by SS. It's some how emotionally scarred me and I can't seem to rewind the clock and keep trying with him.
Also I am scarred by the fact the DH has said that I have not tried. He said that he thinks that I have hated his children since 6 months after I met them..... if that was true why would I have agreed to have SS come and live with us in the first place, why would have I tried for years to look after him and be a prent to him......
I guess they have both emotionally hurt me and it's built into resentment and I don't know what to do about it.