Anyone else deal with sending hubby and SK elsewhere for visits?
So, this weekend will be the first one since I have decided and told my husband he has to stay at my MIL's with his son. I reminded him again the other night, but I KNOW he is going to end up strolling in here with him and causing a fight.
I'm feeling really anxious, because I am not going to budge on it, but I think once it becomes a reality to my husband, all hell is going to break loose.
Anyone else make their hubby or SO do visits elsewhere? How's it work out, and how did it go the first time???
Thanks sueu2! Thinking back
Thanks sueu2! Thinking back on every paper I've ever had to write, every time I had to get up at 3:30 am to get to school on the bus in 12 inches of snow to be on time, and of how much I have done and sacrificed (including 6 classes, a full time job at a gas station, while living in my car, and taking care of my ex (kid's dad) while he was dying of cancer) and how my life has changed for the good....I have all the strength I need to stay firm with my decision. No way in hell will I let any of that be taken away over some hood rat psychotic, jealous BM who can't get a grip on her emotions.
I just really like having peace in my life and am not at all looking forward to the day from hell.
I also want to especially thank you, because I was really stuck on what to do and you helped me realize the option of sending them to MIL's on visit so beats the alternative I was looking at-divorce.
YES. A year ago, I told fdh
YES. A year ago, I told fdh that he had to go visit his kid else where. Which pretty much meant at FMIL's house, who is basically raising the kid anyway. The kid lives there, and was coming to my house EVERY WEEKEND. Well, 2 years later enough was enough. Want to salvage what is left of our relationship fdh? Then take your kid and stay THERE on the weekends.
Sorry to bug you, but can you
Sorry to bug you, but can you (if you don't mind) tell me how your husband reacted to that, how you responded, how you handle the long weekend without him home? I know, lots of questions. Not saying my situation will be the same, but maybe some of what you have to share would be helpful.
I'm not at all concerned about what my in laws will think, but I do wonder what will happen when BM finds out her kid doesn't stay here at my house on the weekends anymore (the kid will tell her).
i messaged you
i messaged you
I was close to staying in a
I was close to staying in a hotel every time my SS8 showed up. Husband basically doesn't have any family (not even bio kid) so either he was going with the brat to a hotel or I was. I felt it was easier for me to do it. But thankfully it didn't get to that point (yet, lol). Right around that time which was April, we moved due to DH job transfer. I thought that was going to solve some of my issues but apparently 4 hours is not far enough to stop the BM from pushing her Oopsie on us as often as possible. So by June I was going to stay somewhere else PERMANENTLY! Lol Again, didn't get to that point and this Month has actually been the best of our whole marriage. And it's not unnoticed that it's the first Month we haven't had the SS8 at all!
I think if it came to Husband not believing you and strolling in with the kid, maybe You should go just to show him how much you will not be around the kid if it's that much trouble? I don't know how inconvenient it would be but for me, I was willing to do anything necessary to get away from the toxic environment that's created when that kid is here.
I was actually going to drive
I was actually going to drive 3 hours to my son's every time he has his son, but that is just too much and I have a lot to do at home on the weekends. Since the kid's only 4, I would be doing this for a VERY long time. I can't afford to stay in hotels that often, either.
I'm just not putting myself out because my husband has decided to handle things up until this point with little exertion of effort and care. I don't blame him for what the BM puts in the kids head....I blame him for his lack of effort in responding to it unless I give him ultimatums...I already raised my kids, I'm not trying to raise a hubby. I know it should have been clear when I had to give him the ultimatums to get CO visitation and a restraining order to stop the nonsense, but I thought it was over with that, and that he didn't fully understand his rights. I gave him excuses and a free pass, but I made a mistake and that doesn't mean I have to continue to put up with BS because I did. I'm not leaving my house, I'm standing by my decision and if he can't handle it, he will have to act on it.
I'm sorry to ramble, but I'm actually talking to myself as I write this. Just trying to keep myself straight on why I am doing what I am doing and stay rational, rather than reactive. I really love my husband and am hoping that he loves me back enough to make good decisions this weekend, but I am obviously not secure in that.
I understand because your
I understand because your response is a 'Wits end' response as was mine. It was not going to solve the real issue; it was just to get a breather while trying to work out the core issue (and a little to get a point across at how fed up I was). As young as your Skid is, that most certainly can't be the long term solution b/c that's not good for anyone. I don't know the history of issues but when he's gone this weekend or when you are, take the time to try to work out another solution.
I understand you are sticking to your guns and you've been through some tough stuff so you can handle this too. I'm not suggesting that you 'get weak' on this. I'm just guessing that just because you COULD handle it, doesn't mean you WANT to handle it. I was right there with ya and what I really wanted was to resolve it--with my marriage in tact. You're not going to change your husband and he's still learning so nothing will change instantly; maybe if you consider either of those resolutions "off the table" some other resolution could present itself. Good luck!
Yeah, I am worried about the
Yeah, I am worried about the stress it is going to cause us. I am really just getting sick of all the stress, and at 41, the last thing I want to think about is a divorce, especially because I love my husband, but until there is better options that I can come up with, I have to do this.
The alternative would be he comes here, makes up more lies, I lose my job, go under investigation, and I know I won't be able to live through that stress.
Does your DH pay any bills in
Does your DH pay any bills in your home? Cuz if so, this has to be the most disrespectful thing I could think of for you to do to him.
I know, FOR DAMN SURE, if my DH tried to "send me away" to see my children, I'd slap his happy ass with divorce papers that day.
He does. We split them down
He does. We split them down the middle. I hear you and understand exactly what you are saying. I am going to assume though that you would not tolerate your child accusing your husband of "hitting him and being mean" to him and threatening to tell his daddy when your husband NEVER did those things, and NEVER EVER treated your child crossly. Had my husband handled that issue, there would be no reason for me to ask him to keep him at his mom's. I should not have to worry about drunks, crazy BM, child services, and BM's wild and crazy family entourage showing up at my door with weapons and have to put my career on hold because two grown adults-one with no balls and the other with no brains can not get themselves together enough to raise their child and teach him that lying is serious and wrong. I won't be a victim of their problem. So, yeah, he HAS to take him to his mother's.
I appreciate what you're saying and as a mom, I totally understand it, but you're looking at it from the perspective of you, who are raising your child in a positive, sane (at least I hope so) manner.
Quite frankly, I love my husband, but he isn't being respectful, and he has the option to accept my request, or leave.
I too am trying to figure out
I too am trying to figure out other SS is not just rude, and does not just ignore me, because those things I have dealt with...the problem is that he lied and said, "{My Name} is mean and she hit me, and I'm telling my mommy"...he fell off his bike, scraped his knee, I was actually hiding and smoking a cigarette and he was with my husband when it happened. So, it's beyond rudeness and him ignoring me.
I respect what everyone feels and has to say here. I might not agree, but I know we tend to perceive situations based on our own experiences. I totally get someone thinking my choice is mean, rude etc etc etc. I am glad that there are others here that understand, though..although I'm not glad you have to suffer through it too.
Please, don't think I'm telling my husband "just go away with your kid". I am still in the process of trying to figure out another solution, but until then, I am protecting myself.
If a situation in your own
If a situation in your own home becomes so untenable that the only solution is to remove the stressor, then that's what you have to do. Fortunately my stressor was old enough to make the decision not to come to our home on her own, so I didn't have to give that ultimatum (but I was getting DAMN close).
However, when I was pregnant with DD2, I had to keep SD away from me. I was on pelvic bedrest, had pre-eclampsia, and a breech baby. Her lies, theatrics, manipulation, and grating voice were literally making me sick. The end of it was when she got in my face, threatening me in a violent and frightening way, and I was eight months pregnant. DH protected me without hesitation, and with vengence. I was hospitalized for almost 48 hours after the confrontation to stop the onset of labor. He knew immediately that SD could not be in the same vicinity as me again, at least while I was vulnerable and near my breaking point. He never brought up the idea of her coming to our home. He knew she had passed the point of no return with me, and he facilitated a few visits with her, alone, in public places.
I put all of that behind us when she truly seemed to want our closeness back. I gave my whole heart to her, again, without thinking twice. Should have thought twice.
If your DH can't understand why things need to be this way, he needs to see YOU. He's either not looking at what's happening to you, or just doesn't want to see it. You have no control over what's happening to your life because of BM and her spawn, and it's not petty things they're messing with. This is a total sabotage of your entire life. You shouldn't have to deal with this just because you love a man that has a child with someone else. That's scary and dangerous. Good luck, I really hope that your husband had his listening ears on the other night. Incredibly disrespectful and dismissive if he shows up with SS at your home. If he doesn't agree with what you've asked of him, he should at least be man enough to talk it through, HELP you come up with alternatives, and find common ground. Choosing to ignore what you're experiencing is not how things are resolved. All he's asking for by acting that way is broken trust and resentment. It isn't YOU that created this dynamic, and you have a responsibility to yourself to be healthy, happy, and successful. No one else can do that for you, but they can certainly create the opposite for you.
Clearly An Upgrade, thank
Clearly An Upgrade, thank you! I am up right now, because I am so stressed out over this mess that I can't sleep (gonna be a fun morning when the alarm rings at 5:30). I can't tell you how much a message like this means to me...I'm sitting here alone, no one to talk to, and sad and I know this is so corny, but I just felt like your message was a hug.
Good luck with this - I liked
Good luck with this - I liked ClearlyanUpgrade's reply. It nearly reached a point where I was going to ask DH to do this, ie meet SDs elsewhere, as I was so stressed out by them. I think he would have agreed, too, as he realised I was at breaking point. However, things are a little calmer now. Will be interested to know how things go from here, he has somewhere to be with his son - MIL's, so I don't see any reason he can't do this.
I will definitely let you
I will definitely let you know how it goes, and hopefully, my husband will be willing to work on how we can fix this IF he decides to respect me and take his son to MIL's without incident.
Wow! It's amazing to see how
Wow! It's amazing to see how many other SP's are in this situation, or have tried this.
I have often wondered if this
I have often wondered if this would help us. The SD is a spoiled demanding brat that is good as long as no one tells her no. My son and I have made plans to "be out of town" this weekend, but there are fall festivals I would like my soon to be DH and I to go to.
So, my stubborn streak has said bull poop. He and I are going and if she cuts up she can sit in the car. Not going to let 4 days a month ruin our relationship. Still have my heels dug in that I will not be a personal chef this weekend. Cereal and sandwiches will have to do. I will cook supper but that's it.
I'm actually not doing this
I'm actually not doing this over my SS's "poor behaviors". I'm doing this because he accused me of hitting him. I have a career that requires me to have child abuse clearances and even an accusation will show up on my clearances and I can't risk it.
I agree with you not being a "personal chef". If your husband chooses to allow her to act like "a spoiled brat", then, I'd say it's his responsibility to deal with her. You can just walk away with your child and go have fun.
We just finished this
We just finished this conversation. I told him I will not tolerate the behaviors and bs that happens every other weekend. I won't allow my kids to be rude to him and if he thinks I am going to tolerate it one more time I have a news flash for him. He just left to go pick her up (I don't go because I don't think it's my place to drive an hour one way because he won't stand up to the ex to meet us half way, that and every time she opens her mouth I have a hard time with my filter ... The one that tells you to shut up n not tell them what you really want to). He says they are going to have a talk about it. Will see.
How did everything go???? I'm
How did everything go???? I'm so glad you got it out on the table. Have was a big day for me and it is working out, I am hoping you have your day, too! I think just the fact you said something and he agreed and didn't get mad at you or blame you is a start. Please keep me updated on how it went!!!!
it sounds like you can
it sounds like you can actually do this and you and your husband can deal with it, but you will just have to remember that her behaviors are not your problem, and probably not ones you can fix. The mini-wife thing is something the BF and BM will have to teach her better about. Good luck.
The most obvious thing I'm
The most obvious thing I'm getting from the content of all the posts on this topic, (and most other threads as well) is that the SM's have tried, and tried, and tried again to find a solution other than "banning" skid from the house. It goes without saying that the bulk of the SP's on this site are here because we CARE about our DH/DW's, and their kid(s), and we're killing ourselves with the anxiety and efforts of getting to that blissful (albeit elusive) place of cohesive blended family status.
We all have our own roadblocks on the way to that "dream"; whether it be a crazy BM that lays on the PAS, an assh*le skid, an unsupportive DH, meddling in-laws and other extended "family" members, or a combination of all of the above. The SM especially is crippled in these situations, because we want to fix and give our love, yet we have very little power or "rights" to do so. In reality, we are the modern equivalent of Sysiphus pushing the proverbial boulder up the hill, only to have it all come crashing down again when we finally start to feel peace. And then we start pushing all over again, this time a bit worse for the wear and weakened. (I have equated it with being emotionally disabled...hypothetically speaking, I am now Sysiphus hauling my boulder of pain up a Everest sized mountain while in a wheelchair and blinded.)
There have been very few situations that I have exerted more effort for, and have received less recognition for than step-parenting. I LOVE my SD. She will always carry a piece of my heart (and occupy a large space in my brain). To the detriment of my own health, marriage, bio kids, and personal values, I have fought long and hard for SD. For what? Hopefully it will all be for something at some point, right now it seems all in vain.
I would venture to say that very rarely would a SM/SD make a unilateral decision to exclude their skid(s) from their home without major provocation, legitimate reasoning, and extreme duress. I certainly didn't want it to be this way. Again, I LOVE MY SD. I have helped in raising her since age one. I want success, a strong, loving relationship with her father (and my bios, her 1/2 sibs), emotional health, and many other positive things for her. But I can't MAKE her act in healthy ways. Her modus operandi (when the going gets tough), is to bail out on whoever she deems is standing between her and what she wants (and it's usually something material). Through her BM, she has been taught that if someone "loves" you, they will continue to chase you, beg for you to grace them with your presence, no matter how badly you treat them. And if the person doesn't play that BS game, then they don't love you, and they're an abusive deadbeat. That prepares her for real world experiences HOW?
It sucks all the way around, because all I want is for my SD to OPEN HER F*CKING EYES!! We DID fight for her, we DID chase her, we DID eat crow (when we'd done very little wrong), just to have her back in our lives, just to be shafted and sh*t on EVERY damn time.
It takes a LOT for an otherwise happy and sane person to get to a point where they feel the only choice is to keep the skid out of their home and personal space. This type of action is very rarely a "first resort". And even after that decision has been made, it's still hurtful and conflicting to the SP, who still holds out hope for a peaceful "someday".
Reallife...I really hope that your DH doesn't just toss you under the bus for being FORCED to make this difficult, monumental decision. He is the ONLY one that can help diffuse the ABUSE that you are being subjected to by HIS son, HIS Ex, and HIS Ex's entourage. You are only trying to protect all that you have worked so hard for in your life, as well as your health. As far as who pays the bills in your home? Who cares? DH will be paying ALL of the bills if you are destroyed professionally anyway, so that argument is completely superfluous. You wouldn't allow any of your kin to treat your DH the way you're being treated by his, I'm sure.
I'm so glad that my post could bring you some comfort during your time of feeling very much alone. I am sending an official hug your way, and keeping you in my thoughts this weekend. Keep us posted, and PM me anytime. I'll be responding to your last PM a little later (I'm chasing my two year old around all day). You're a strong, thoughtful, and compassionate person, of that I have no doubt.
sorry double post
sorry double post
"It goes without saying that
"It goes without saying that the bulk of the SP's on this site are here because we CARE about our DH/DW's, and their kid(s), and we're killing ourselves with the anxiety and efforts of getting to that blissful (albeit elusive) place of cohesive blended family status."
I actually didn't think I'd find much out here in cyber world that would help me. I figured it would be a lot of b*tching and complaining, but I agree with you that most people here care and go through more with their SK, BM , S/O, DH than they have probably gone through with anything else in life to make it work.
Just when I think no one can understand me any better, I see more messages that nail everything I'm thinking, feeling, and dealing with.
"Through her BM, she has been taught that if someone "loves" you, they will continue to chase you, beg for you to grace them with your presence, no matter how badly you treat them. And if the person doesn't play that BS game, then they don't love you, and they're an abusive deadbeat"---I believe you must know the BM I'm dealing with after reading this lol.
The majority of people here IMO are doing exactly as you say and fighting an uphill battle. It's amazing to see so many caring, kind and truly good hearted people really exist.
Clearly An Upgrade, you have undoubtedly been fighting this battle with a pure heart, strength, and doing whatever is in your power to get up the hill. Thank you for sharing with me. It serves to not only comfort me, but it also reminds me to maintain my respect and continue to fight this battle "clean".
I agree!!! There should be a
I agree!!!
There should be a place on here to place outstanding, thoughtful responses like Clearly's.
Once you reach the point of
Once you reach the point of banning a skid from your home, I’m not sure if there is a better solution since it’s a stop-gap way of avoiding the problem.
I told my now x-H that his daughter was banned from my home until she met certain conditions which she refused to comply with and he found someplace else for her to live and visited her there.
The only way that this situation would have worked out was if he realized that his daughter was the problem. Unfortunately, visiting her on essentially enemy territory was the wrong solution. Making him go to her gave her all the power. Instead of us being a united front, he had to go crawling and begging for his daughter to even talk to him and she was free to spout all sort of lies and spin the truth about how she was treated and why I banned her.
In the end, unless you address the core problems, things aren’t going to get better. Visiting away from your home might work as a temporary solution, but not as a long term solution.
It also doesn’t help when your DH sees how well things work when you aren’t around. My x-H used to come back from visiting and rave about how well his daughter was doing and how great things were and lament that as soon as his daughter and I were together life was utterly unbearable and that I would just let go all the horrible things his daughter said and did to me and my son.
I don’t know if there’s a solution. My x-H had been fine with the decision to ban his daughter and then a year later, he had spun it around and claimed all his problems with his daughter were my fault.
You're right. There are
You're right. There are issues my husband and I definitely need to work out. They have nothing to do with his son, but more about my husband's attitudes, responses and behaviors-again, these have nothing to do with his son.
I most likely won't hear his behaviors are better because my husband relies on me a lot to help him with his son. I am the one that creates the fun, magic moments and teaches my husband to enjoy parenting. His son was 2 before he ever had him alone, without the Biotoxic Mother around, so he asks for help sometimes. He will most likely call me asking me to go somewhere with them.
The thing is, this is not a solution, it is more of a protection to myself from any more lies and problems. I am more focused right now on how this weekend will go, so haven't discussed the other aspects as much, but if this doesn't go well, we may not be discussing much of anything.
LMAO. No. I don't think my
LMAO. No. I don't think my husband would appreciate that very much...can't see him being understanding of it, even if it is tempting!
Well, if this kid is a threat
Well, if this kid is a threat to your marriage and your sanity, then no, he does not need to be in your home. You aren't being out of line or unreasonable as far as I can tell. My SS is a lying, violent freakshow, too.
((((( hugs )))))
Thank you ((((hippiegirl))))!
Thank you ((((hippiegirl))))!
My SS is welcome in my home,
My SS is welcome in my home, however, his lies are not. When my husband starts showing he WILL (because I know he CAN) handle the child's issues in a way that keeps me safe, he is more than welcome to come back and to my open heart, mind, and arms. I will say this again-I AM NOT MAD AT THE CHILD, nor do I dislike him or think poorly of him. I believe he is a victim as well!
Let me put it this way, if I started telling lies on the kid, and his mother and father believed them, and they started punishing him frequently, and had him institutionalized, should I be allowed in the same house as him? No, because it's abuse of power and this kids been given that kind of friggin power-do you understand that?????
This child is brainwashed into hating me and causing trouble. We don't give the BM wiggle room to do it herself, so she is now using her son. I can think of no other reason a 4 yr. old would blatantly make a false accusation so well detailed, AND threaten to tell "his mommy". What's the difference if I get rid of an adult abuser or a child abuser??? They all have their reasons. Why should I put up with it just because it's from a child?????????
Again, I'm not asking him to keep a spoiled,bratty, whiny, selfish, or whatever other complaint you can think of about a SK out of my house, I'm asking him to keep out his serious mental disorders and issues. I have kids. Not one of them are perfect, so I am quite able to handle all the childish things that go with being a stepmom! I don't complain that he's smacked me, broken my things, severely misbehaved in public, cries, hits my kids, jumps all over furniture, is a holy terror when he doesn't get his own way....and I never will! I work with ES kids. I have a pretty fair tolerance and am able to handle these types of situations. I can't handle being hurt, someone else being hurt, or someone hurting themselves. So, maybe your kids are not suffering from insanity as my SS is, in that case, then yeah, I get why you'd have a problem. Unless they do what my SS does, you can't say what you'd do....and if they do do what he does, then I'd say, you're being somewhat abusive and selfish putting your husband in that predicament. I hope you can understand that.
Curly- The OP has stated
Curly- The OP has stated several times that keeping skid from her home is NOT what she wants to HAVE to do. I couldn't miss the tone of sadness and regret in her posts...clearly this is the last thing she wants.
But here's the thing...OP is being threatened from ALL angles. Her physical, emotional, professional, and marital status' are all on the line. There are some things that can be done going forward that may be able to prevent this situation from becoming a permanent reality (ie. brainstorming with DH about other options, counseling (marital and personal), legal action to enforce a no-contact order with BM), but those things may be able to help with the future, not the present. At this point, OP is putting herself in danger every single time she has contact with skid. And that is not only unhealthy, it's toxic and wrong.
I dealt with the same scenario a couple years ago. What would your suggestion be if I were asking the same question? While contemplating that, bear in mind that both of my parents are deceased, I have no in-state family, and DH and I have two DD's that need my care. Not to mention that my SD is a thief and uses every time I am out of the house as an opportunity to steal from me and rifle through my personal papers to find "stuff" her mom might be able to "use". (For what, I have no idea.)
So while I get that this is a highly charged topic, and not something anyone wants to have to face, sometimes, it just is what it is. And what is really not healthy is OP losing everything she has spent her life creating.
Just because I enjoy examining things thoroughly, I'll add this thought to the mix. When I was thirteen, I was a horrible, out-of-control beast. I did and said TERRIBLE things to my poor mother and step-father. They reached the limit of what they could handle, and asked my uncle (who lived almost three thousand miles away) to take me into his home, with his wife and two kids, for an indefinite period of time. I was crushed at the time, but as an adult, with children of my own, I now understand completely WHY they did that. They had no other choice, other than institutionalization. They had to protect my siblings, and themselves. When my mother died, I read her diary passages about that time in her life. Sending me away broke her heart, but it needed to be done to break MY destructive cycle. While this is not exactly the same as OP's predicament, there are some similarities. And nothing worthwhile is ever EASY.
Thank you Clearly. I
Thank you Clearly. I actually have no family support as well. If I lose my job, I am screwed. I've already done the living in the car thing while working 40 hrs and going to school full time, and I'm not (by God's grace) ever doing it again-especially no for some pathetic BM over her---UGH! I can't even describe her.
Thanks for sharing your story. I kinda figured you had first hand experience, because of your ability to understand and connect to so much of this situation so precisely.
I'm not going to stress over those who don't understand even if it is frustrating. Clearly, you and many other people do understand, and I think that all of us truly appreciate your wisdom, and your kindness of sharing your experiences.
Btw...Rising...I wish I'd had
Btw...Rising...I wish I'd had this site ten years ago too!! And thanks for the love
Clearly An
Clearly An your name!
Thanks!! If you were to meet
Thanks!! If you were to meet BM, and then me, you'd probably be *clear* on why DH went the marriage route with me, and not her. It really has less to do with the physical aspect of things (although I AM an upgrade in that department too, lol), and much more to do with the kind of people that we are, morally speaking. I try to treat everyone I come into contact with compassion, because I don't know what hardships they are experiencing, and it's the right thing to do. BM on the otherhand, treats people kindly only when she thinks she can gain something from them. My SD's counselor told us that BM acts as she does because she lacks the ability to experience empathy, even for her own children. BM has always taken pride in being able to "win" any argument. But she doesn't win with the use of logic and intelligence. She "wins" by using the most hurtful, soul-crushing thing she can muster against her opponent. Going for the "emotional jugular", if you will.
For example, when SD was eleven, my mother passed away at age 47, after a horrific fifteen month battle with colon cancer. I was in a very dark place, and my grief was palpable. I called BM to tell her that my mother had passed, and that the funeral would be held the next Sunday. It wasn't "our" scheduled weekend with SD. My mother and SD had been very close, as my mother had accepted SD as her own grandbaby without hesitation. BM responded that she didn't think it was appropriate for SD to attend, as my mother wasn't SD's "real" grandmother. (It wasn't about BM thinking SD was too young for a funeral or anything like that, as BM's own grandmother had passed a year before, and SD was at her funeral.) SD had also told me and DH that she wanted to read a poem she'd written for grandma at the funeral. After about fifteen minutes of practically begging BM to let SD attend, BM shouted that SD "didn't need to be around some hell-bound bitch's corpse, and her loser f*cked up family". I hung up on her, and proceeded to lose my mind entirely. It took a long time for DH to figure out what BM had actually said to me through my hysterical crying. He called her back and started yelling at her, just trying to understand WHY she would say something like that to me. My mother had NEVER treated BM badly. She was always kind and accommodating with her. She was respectful to her as SD's mother. They'd met several times! BM's response to DH? "Well, if your wife would stop trying to be a better mom than me, I wouldn't have to put her in her place." Stunned, DH asked what the hell she was referring to. I guess SD had referred to me as her "best friend mommy" while at a function at BM's father's house. BM was embarrassed by the comment, in front of her family, and decided to "take me down a few notches, for my own good."
I have never known another person in my life that will so easily and flippantly destroy another human being. Every single piece of information that she can get about us is turned into something ugly and used against us, no matter how innocuous. I was so scared to let SD move into our home when BM kicked her out onto the streets last year, because I knew that SD would see and hear personal things about our family while she lived here. I also KNEW that SD would eventually go back to BM's (they have a very unhealthy co-dependent relationship), and SD would be rewarded with BM's favor and praise for giving her private info about us. But I love SD, and wanted her to have at least one chance to live in a warm, loving home. SD living here lasted a little over a year. So far our reward for that has been harrassment, a lawsuit, a custody/CS modification, the filing of a restraining order (denied), and several instances of sabotage of our home.
I can not help but to cry for
I can not help but to cry for you! I have absolutely NO IDEA where you get your strength from. An upgrade with you is putting it lightly. He went from bestiality to an angel.
I am literally more upset and disgusted by the BM you're dealing with than by even the one I deal with. Let me hate her for you.
I am quickly making a decision to start advocating my SM's and trying to figure out how I can act to make a change in the system to bring to light and begin dealing with these ABUSIVE BM's and I seriously think SP support and advocacy groups need to be more wide spread and funded.
I don't have any idea yet what I WILL do, but my situation, yours and ones others have shared here have brought this to light in a whole new way to me.
You deserve good things, and I am guessing you were chosen to deal with this situation, because you maintain yourself with dignity as it surely would have drove someone like me to doing things the wrong way.
That evil "woman" will keep climbing clawing and scratching her way to the top until her poorly built foundation falls from under her and she will sit in the mess she created. Until then, I just wish you the strength to keep doing what you do.