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Oh I Am So Peeved!!!!!!!!!!

mizcece's picture

My freakin' SD11 just in the kitchen and ate my freakin' last pop-tart. I brought her her own snacks and she freakin' ate mine!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! WTF, did I get myself into babysitting, I used have listened to my gut instinct! I call hubby and said her daughter ate my stuff without asking you need to replace and not with the knock off kind the real Pop-Tarts! It may seem small to someone else but that shhhhh has me vexed!!!!!!!!!!

mizcece's picture

Sorry for typos, I am sooo angry, had to come upset in my bedroom and shut my freakin' door so I don't say anything out the way to her! Hubby said he will talk to her when he gets home! He had better!

BSgoinon's picture

It has to be, right?? I mean to be this upset over a Pop Tart, I certainly hope there is more to this story.

mizcece's picture

Yes, she thinks everything is for her and she can have whatever she wants, she is spoiled! My hubby is scared right now because he knows I went out of my way by babysitting knowing my Mom is critically ill. Not to mention in the car bringing her from her Godmother's house the doctor called, that call I dreaded would happen while I was babysitting and said my mother's health has declined and she is being transported to another hospital and is now in the ER!

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Yikes, your husband needs to find alternate daycare for his child so you can go be with your Mom!! ASAP

windee's picture

I completely understand what you mean! My SS is like that with EVERYTHING and it gets extremely old quick!!! You feel like you have to label everything and lock it up!!! A horrible way to live !!!

Orange County Ca's picture

She's probably used to doing that at her mothers.

Let me guess HER snacks were prune flavored oat bars. }:)

BSgoinon's picture

I am with you on this. I had ice cream with chocolate sauce in bed last night, my kids had fruit with splenda on it. Wink When they are adults they can make their own choices.

mizcece's picture

No, icy pops, those frozen things that come in all flavors at Wal-Mart. She loves those, that is why I brought them for her, the Pop-tarts are mine because I do not eat breakfast and have been running back and forth to the hospital for my mother and have been skipping meals.

cant win for losin's picture

OMG i can sooo relate. But it's my BIOS that are the darn pigs!!!!

i have to hide food.

sorry you don't have your pop tart

mizcece's picture

Read above and my other post about my MOM and being beg to babysit by my hubby and you will see that the Pop-Tart was the "straw" so to speak.

windee's picture

Don't worry! We understand! There are a whole list of things that the Skids do and things like this are the tip of the iceberg! Groceries cost alot and the Skids just scarf it all down without a care who's food it may be. They dont care and there are never any repercussions to their actions! You're right!!!

hereiam's picture

I love Pop-Tarts. I would be really pissed, too.

It is just the point of having someone be so inconsiderate in your own home.

mizcece's picture

Bunny, you will really love this one. I had fixed sausages for lunch and told her to save the other two for her father, while I was upstairs talking with you guys, she went in the kitchen and ate them! WTF!!!!!!!!! Oh you better get home fast! my fuse is already blown, this child is a spoiled brat!!!!!!!!!!!! She had a nerve to say she hates going to her grandmother's house because it is boring oh well, off you go, I should have watched her anyway giving the situation with my ill mother! HAHA!!! That is my revenge, off to granny's!

mizcece's picture

:jawdrop: Exactly, she is freaking spoiled and hardheaded, i would have never thought she was this bad. Never again! And to think I gave this brat my cell phone when she broke and lost everyone she had. Me trying to be nice when it comes to this kid, bites me in the butt every time!

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

That is unrealistic in my house. My skids live with me. I am sure over the last 15 years they, along with my bioson, have eaten the last of something-probably weekly. I just don't get that upset over it and expect an apology and family meeting directed by my husband. If I want something that bad I guess I would set it aside or hid it in my purse or something. With 3 boys 2 of which are teens, and a husband food is fair game in my home.

The real issue here is the OP's sick mom. Not the pop tart.

knucklehead's picture


I've had a houseful of kids for years and years... now the youngest are teens, and JUST TODAY my DS17 have FIVE friends over at lunchtime.
If my panties got twisted every time a kid ate something that wasn't designated as theirs, well, I'd ALWAYS be in a twist. Even in my sleep.

The crazy part? If a skid had posted this about a SM doing the same thing, everyone would be going onandonandonandon about what a spoiled, entitled brat the skid is!! And that would be about a kid, not an adult.


hismineandours's picture

Wow-I can relate I got super pissed because someone ate 16 freaking hamburger buns yesterday. Literally-16 of them. Not the little, measly small ones either, but the big thick Hawaiian buns that were for our supper that night of grilled hamburgers. My dd14 was gone so it wasnt her, my dd10 and ds13 copped to both using one to make a sandwich-there were still 2 left when I talked to my kids so I know they didnt eat those-but an hour later those two were gone as well. Best I can figure is that my ss14 ate 14 freaking hamburger buns in one day. Sounds ridiculous I know-but that's how he rolls. He can wipe out two boxes of poptarts in day and a half. He can wipe out 12 packages of peanut butter cheese crackers in a day and a half-all of this along with normal meals as well-these are just "snacks" for the kid.

Food is a HOT issue in my house so for those of you that make light of it I can only assume you dont have any real problems with it in your house. But when you have a family of 6 and you are spending 200 a week in groceries and all snacks are demolished in 1.5 days by mostly one individual-it is a problem. It is a problem financially-because I certainly could never afford to feed this kid in the style that he would like-its a problem for others in the household who never get to eat a damn snack because he gets to them first, and frankly its a problem for ss14 who cannot learn to moderate himself. He will starve in 4 years when he tries to afford to feed himself.

I REALLY was looking forward to enjoying those buns on my hamburger last night. It REALLY pissed me off. I hide alot of food at home so that I can have some-but I didnt think I'd have to hide hamburger buns-it will be another item added to my list.

buterfly_2011's picture

Dear Lord

Like realmccoy thank GOD SD17 is NOT coming for the full summer. Amen <3

mizcece's picture

Exactly, it wouldn't made me so mad, if:

1. I hadn't went against my judgement and be babysitting her when I shouldn't have but for my hubby whining about wanting her here with him instead of her grandmother's house!
2. My mother's doctor called me whiling I was bringing her here with me to say my mother's health is declining ans she is transport to another hospital's ER because there is nothing more they can do for her.
3. If I hadn't spent my money, not her daddy's but my money buying her shhhhhh she claims is her favorites.

windee's picture

Your SS sounds like my SS! Doesn't eat just 1, has to have the whole damned box and eat more of other foods after that! That is alot of money to spend and I just think that they need to learn boundaries and to leave other peoples things(including food) alone...respect! I did and so have plenty of other people in this world when we were growing up!! They eat way too much and then scarf up YOUR food! That's bulls***!

bi's picture

it was a hot issue in my house when sd19 lived here and when she was here eowe, too. she likes to waste. she's SOOOOO hungry, so she fills a giant bowl or big plate full of food, takes 2 bites and throws the rest away. fills a huge glass up with juice, takes a sip, dumps it down the drain. i eventually went OFF. i even started serving her food on toddler plates and tiny little cups. she was 13 and it pissed her off. oh well. don't waste 80% of the food in the house and i wouldn't have to do that! also, it never failed that within an hour (usually less) of her dumping everything, she would be right back in the kitchen rummaging in my cupboards because she was "hungry". i cannot even tell how strong the urge to throttle her to death was!

buterfly_2011's picture

Does she know that some foods she isn't allowed to eat?
Maybe start labeling if you are that angry over a pop tart. Or better yet hide it. My kids eat what ever is in the kitchen. There is no designated areas of what you can and can't eat and if there are then I put the treat or what ever in my room. I'm not trying to be negative just trying to give a better solution so there isn't so much anger over food.

Last week I brought home extra panda express. My son found it and ate the whole darn thing. I sat at work all day thinking of how yummy my lunch was going to be when I got home. Only to find out he ate it. What can you do? I told him I had been saving it and he said sorry. But I certainly can't wage a full on war over food that I didn't openly say hey don't eat that please it's my one indulgence.

buterfly_2011's picture

I was only replying to what you originally posted. I wasn't pointing fingers only trying to be helpful. Sorry for the bigger picture. Trust me I know how that is. I have one of those too. I have SS11, SS14, SS3 and SD17. There is always a bigger picture.

hismineandours's picture

Ive taken alot of steps to try and "fix" ss's eating issues. As I said I hide many snacks or things I want for myself. If I find that it is a food he will gorge himself on I completely stop buying it. Unfortunately that sort of punishes everyone in the house-everyone who can enjoy one or two of a guilty pleasure-now they get none because ss will eat all 12 guilty pleasures by himself. I have seriously thought of padlocking the fridge and pantry. Extreme, I know-but talking to him about it does no good.

LRP75's picture

I hide food from my teenage son. If I don't, he will eat it all. It's the nature of the kid. I mean, I remind him to not eat everything in one sitting, but sometimes he still does.

When I go grocery shopping, I only put some of the food out. The rest gets put away in my bedroom closet.

For example, I will only put 1 box of cereal out, instead of the 2 or 3 that I bought. He can eat that one box of cereal in one sitting, if that's what he wants to do. However, I don't put the other box out until the middle of the week.

I do the same thing for snacks. And, sorry kiddo, but I don't buy the expensive snacks.

He knows the gig. He knows I have more food stored away somewhere, but he has never, ever, ever gone into my room to dig into those snacks. He waits until I bring them out. Or, if he knows that I have something particularly delectable stashed away, he might ask for some of it -- which I will give him some, but not put the whole thing out.

I had to start doing this when he hit about 12 years old. I would spend $100 to grocery shop for just the two of us, and within 2 days he had eaten everything other than the kitchen sink.

So hiding the food away is my way of being able to make groceries last, so he can't make a total pig of himself, AND I get to have some of those snacks when I want to have some.

Also, yes, I do buy special things for myself -- which I keep in my room. If he asks for some of it, I may or may not share. If it's something that I don't want to share, I flat-out tell him, "Sorry, that snack is mine. But you can have x, y, or z."

I can see how someone eating something that I had saved for myself would irritate me.

But it's an easy enough problem to solve.

dragon63's picture

I had a similar issue - not pop tart, but ailing mother. My mother was in hospital and my husband was supposed to watch grandsons of SD (his child from first marriage) when I received a phone call that my mother had had a massive stroke and could no longer talk or move. I asked husband to go with me to hospital and he said no cause obligation. You need to take the time to care for your mother. She is what is important at the moment and the SK issue will always be there. As far as babysitting - well, you did say yes, but you didn't realize that your mother's illness would become such an issue and you need to tend to her now. SK is not your responsibility. Let the parents figure that one out. Sure, there might be some hurt feelings over it, but all in all it will be best - believe me. The pop tart is a sign that you are stressed and possibly even depressed. I was depressed during that time and didn't realize it. My depression showed itself through anger. I knew my mom was dying and I was angry that it was taking so long - that sounds bad - it was just so difficult to see her suffer and see my Dad watch the love of his life drift away. I hope you find the answer to what you need to do and the ability to do it.

mizcece's picture


mizcece's picture

Dragon, I am angry, I am angry that I am trying to cope with what I believe to be imminent death of my mother and be pressured into watching my SD11 too.

mizcece's picture


hippiegirl's picture

I have to hide my Dr Peppers and my oreos if I want to get any. And it's my bios....skid doesn't live with us anymore. Irritating, I know.

mama_althea's picture

Oh I completely understand. It's not the stupid Pop Tart itself. It's counting on something and it not being there, plus the other 1000000 leading up to it. That's why my profile picture is an itty-bitty-booklight. I blogged about it, and I know it's stupid, but I was incensed, for a number of reasons, that SD7 took my itty-bitty-booklight. The itty-bitty-booklight is my representation of the last straw (I compared it to the Mockingjay in Hunger Games if anyone follows that). AND when I found my itty-bitty-booklight in SD's room, quite by accident by the way, I also found the wrapper that had been a package of refrigerated cookie dough and some assorted blobs of partially eaten dough. Cookies that the whole family had been looking forward to a few nights before and that I almost went crazy trying to figure out where the flippin' dough had gone. She snuck the whole package in her room and didn't say a word when the other kids and I were looking for it.

It's the whole concept that these kids think they can just have whatever they want whenever they want it. It's the inconsideration for the rest of the home. It's the sneaking and lying.

And, of course, did SO give one shit about the itty-bitty f@$#ing booklight or the cookie dough or anything else? Maybe, but he's too scared to say anything to SD.

mizcece's picture

My hubby came in and took her to the store. She knocks on my door with a new box of Pop-Tarts and says she is sorry for eating them. Nice sentiment but she does stuff like this all the time! I told him, you still need to find a new babysitter. I do not have patience with hardheaded children. i finally told him she is spoiled and hardheaded and never been taught the respect other people's stuff. Did I mention she is a only child for both parents!

CSA's picture

You should move out if you think sharing a home means you have anything in terms of food that is only yours.

hismineandours's picture

Wow, really? She should not be in a relationship if she has some food items that she thinks of as hers? All of us-me, dh, and all 4 kids at some point or another have had food items that are just "theirs". My ds13 will buy snacks himself and keep them in his room! My ss14 went on one of his rare journeys to bm's last month and came back with a grocery bag filled with month old easter candy, birthday candy-and not one person touched it or even expressed a desire to eat it. My dh hides zingers. Just because you share a household with people does not mean that you have to share EVERYTHING with them. How ridiculous.

realitycheckmom's picture

SS9 went through the giant box of Frosted Flakes in four days. He pours a bowl and then eats half and leaves the other half on the counter. He won't put milk on cereal either. For whatever reason that pisses me off. Today he has gone through 3/4 of a box of Frosted Mini-wheats. DD would like some too SS.

SS takes two chicken sandwhiches for dinner along with chips and pickle spears. He decided after eating half a sandwhich he doesn't like how the chicken tastes. That stuff is expensive to waste and no one else can eat it because he has touched it and he has hand, mouth, and foot syndrome. He really pisses me off.

He also likes to pour himself a full glass of tea and drink half and put that on the counter and get another glass out and fill it all the way up and leave half on the counter. Then when we go through 3 liters of tea in one day he gets angry with me because it is all gone. I am also lying when I explain to him where it all went. FDH is at work and I hate cold tea and since I don't believe children should be drinking tea only he is there drinking it. I'm still lying after that explanation too.

I just had this explanation over why he couldn't have apple juice this afternoon, SS drank 60oz in one day. But he says I am lying about that as well.

I am just going to sit in the corner and put this plastic bag on my head now so SS can eat $300 worth of groceries in one day. (actually he will eat half and waste the other half)