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Not dealing with SS5 in public feels soooooo good!!!!

Auberry2's picture

Ok, I just have to say it. I have completely disengaged from SS5 in public, and it has been awesome! I do not go ANYWHERE with SS5 in public unless FDH will be there. It can be a little inconvenient at times, but worth it.

While we are all out together FDH is solely responsible for SS5, it is his job to make sure SS5 stays with us and behaves himself. If SS5 pulls any of his tricks, running off, throwing screaming hissy fits, swinging from the rafters, you name it, I take my son and walk away to another part of the store until I hear SS5 stop screaming or running wild. If FDH loses his son and is frantically searching for him, I let him search. (Mind you, I do make sure SS5 is safe, I wouldn't let a child get hurt, or kidnapped, etc.)

The freedom has been fabulous, no more people staring at ME like I am the bad parent, and, the sight of reality dawning on FDH is pretty fabulous too.

janeyc's picture

Excellent, Im really pleased for you, would you say that your fdh realises more that his son needs discipline? Im going through a similar thing at the moment, Im the parent and he's just wants the be the "fun" person.

Auberry2's picture

I believe FDH is starting to realize that SS5 needs discipline, yes. He had a real bad scare while we were in an extremely crowded children's museum in the city and SS5's behavior scared the pants off of FDH. SS5 kept disappearing in the crowds, running off, not listening, all the things he does at home in our small town store but that terrified FDH when he pulled them in the city because of the crowds and strangers. FDH and I had a talk afterward and he even admitted that he sees now I was right, that these behaviors are dangerous for SS5 and that he could see I really wasn't just trying to be hard on SS5 because he isn't mine. (I was like, yeah, ya think? It took getting scared pantless to figure this out?) So things have been improving, FDH parents more, ,argues with me less. It is nice, I am blessed.