is it wrong i dont my son eating after sd?
Yesterday for Mother's Day we went to a chinese restraunt. My 7 month old was eating the broth of soup from my husband which I have no problem with at all. But my Sd 10 has soup too and offered hers to the baby as well. My husband said ok just sit it right there. My thought is... I don't want my son to eat or drink after that brat b/c she eats and drinks after her BM. She even used her BM's tooth brush before! Nasty! So I wanna tell my husband but I don't know if that's appropriate ...? Honestly my son shouldn't eat and drink after no one except the parents. Not even his brother. Am I right? Should I tell my husband SD eats and drinks after other ppl and her mom and I don't want the baby contracting her nasty germs? Minor question but I wanna make sure that isn't wrong and wont make me look evil.
I see where you are coming
I see where you are coming from but it is pretty petty. I don't know your whole story but it seems as if your SD loves her baby brother?
Kind of just seems like you hate the BM and are taking it on on SD, I understand the whole SD is part BM therefore you dislike her germs on a fundamental level but I seriously doubt your DS is going to catch any disease from sharing soup with a 10 year old.
YUCK, Just make it a
Just make it a standard rule.
NO, its not wrong. A huge pet
NO, its not wrong. A huge pet peeve of mine. Drinking after others.
I even had to say something to SO about eating and drinking after his own kids. I know it sounds weird, but we had a conversation one day about this with skids. SD16 admitted she drinks after a lot of her friends. That's gross to me, I told SO then you drink after her. PLUS she drinks after her gross stepbrothers and her whore mom who has put who knows how many penises in her mouth. He gets it, but he still doesn't stop.
I just don't go near his mouth until after a waiting period from when the skids have been here. MY KID WILL NOT EAT OR DRINK AFTER PEOPLE, LET ALONE SD AND SS. GROSS!
OH and it used to aggravate me to no end when we'd go to the movies and SO would come back with one large soda for all of us. ICK! I'd just get up and go get my own.
THIS is exactly why I am the
THIS is exactly why I am the way I am.
To echo the others,if you
To echo the others,if you don't want people sharing their food because of germs, that should apply to everyone.
But you can't make it where it's ok for the rest of the family to share, but not SD. That really obvious and will come across mean.
My bios do not share
My bios do not share bottles/cups/forks with anyone - they are also grossed out at the idea of sharing these with each other. I actually also hate it if DH drinks from my cup, and he knows it.
I would suggest as others have that you make it a general policy, not just directed at SD (and BM by default, lol).
There must be much more to
There must be much more to this? It is sweet and very positive that your sd wants to share, being honest it is petty, but then I thought I would'nt want to share cutlery or food with my sd6, she still eats her bogies, perhaps you could insist on using clean cutlery for baby?
Ok me clarify, yes she loves
Ok me clarify, yes she loves the baby but her mom whores around and her own dad don't even eat and drink after her! Sd has shared drinks with even her friends and I don't believe sharing is right unless emergency of choking or something. I don't mean to tell husband in a rude way I just wanted to know if it was appropriate I guess to point it out that I don't approve as my sons mother.
And... my husband and I don't
And... my husband and I don't really eat after nor drink after our other son either. We share a sip of our drink with each other but that's eat. I don't even drink or eat after my fam. I just wanted to point out we shouldn't let the baby drink or eat after SD for sure but really... no one else either. Not even us but with babies they want what's on your plate. Not theirs lol. I appreciate the comments. But I wasn't trying to slander SD altho I don't like her but she is gross. She was my subject b/c she offered her food and I don't want her thinking its ok b/c she shares with others and idk where their mouths have been especially her mom and her mom and I get along but she is nasty.
I believe Meningitis can be
I believe Meningitis can be spread through sharing saliva.