Disrespect towards SF
My BS Matthew is 4 years old, and loved my fiance, soon to be SF. My ex is an emotionally/verbally/physically abusive man who can no longer hurt me so is now getting to me through my children. He has told my son that he is going to make me disappear if I stay with my fiance, and that Matty needs to not love my fiance bc he will never stay. Now my son is so rude to my fiance, and it is tearing us apart. He tells fiance he loves him all the time but when he is approached by him my son screams, and looks like he is terrified... Please help I am at my wits end....
GET HIM IN COUNSELING ASAP!!! My exH was very verbally and emotionally abusive too and tried similar tactics. Get it documented and get a lawyer. You ex needs to be put on supervised visitation only so he can not threaten you or your son like that. It is just disgusting!!