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I sent a letter to SD22 -- I am done with her until she wants a healthy relationship

momof5_1969's picture

I got an email one of SD22's friends saying that I treat SD22 like dirt, so I emailed SD22 rather than respond to her twitty little friend I wrote to SD 22. Here is my letter:

Dear SD22:

Your friend, L, sent me an email a while back and informed me that I've treated you like dirt, and since then I have been racking my brain trying to understand what in the world I have done over the last six years to treat you like dirt. I was going to write *L*, but then I figured *L* would then say something to you, and it would just turn into a huge mess in the re-translation and figured I would write you myself. I have gone over and over in my head over all of the things that have gone on between you and I over the last six years, and I truly am at a loss as to how I have treated you like dirt.

Was it when you were in boot camp and i wrote you long letters and sent you care packages? Was it when I found out you were pregnant and I went to you with open arms and embraced you and told you it was going to be okay, and we would get through this together? Was it when I told you that a baby is always a blessing? Was it when I filled out all of the paperwork for you so that you would have medical insurance for you and the baby? I filled it all out and you had to do nothing. Was that when I treated you like dirt? Or was it when you were living with us, and I would see that you were running out of stuff and I would buy you your face wash or whatever item that you needed? Was it the time that you were stranded in *S* after you locked your keys in your car and I drove clear out there with your extra set, and then took you and SD17 for an ice cream cone and then treated you to a sandwich also?

Or maybe it was when I bought you the really nice, very expensive car seat that also doubles as your stroller for baby? Or the nice bouncy chair that i also got for baby? or the great deal that i found through a friend for the crib that you got at dirt price for a brand new crib for baby? Was that when I treated you like dirt? Did I treat you like dirt when I went and watched you get sworn into the National Guard -- drove down to *F* to watch the ceremony for that? Was it then?

Or was it when you had no place else to go and we let you move in yet again into our home, even after you had called me horrible names and treated me terribly and I welcomed you back in with open arms, only to be treated with open contempt and hostility as soon as you were back in the home? Was that when I treated you like dirt? Or the time that I cooked you breakfast just because?

Or maybe it was when I went out and bought a bunch of beautiful things for baby and sent them with the kids to the babyshower that i was excluded from -- maybe that was when I treated you like dirt? Was that when I did it? It sure wasn't DH,SS18, or SD17, that went out and purchased all those clothes -- it was me.

Or maybe it was when I bought you a nice Christmas gifts and sent that and a cash gift for Christmas? Maybe that was when I treated you like dirt?
Or when you got your first apartment and I offered to take you shopping for new things for your apartment? Was that when I did it?

When exactly did I treat you like dirt ? When I asked you to clean up after yourself when you made a mess in the kitchen? Oh no! I'm horrible! When we wanted you to get a job? Oh no! We're such horrible people! That's terrible and awful of us! When we wanted you home at a reasonable hour because there are other people in the house? That was awful of us to expect that? Was it because we let you live here rent free -- was that when I treated you like dirt? When I asked to be treated with respect? Hmmmm i think that is what any normal human being would want, unless they have no brain.

I have apologized four times already for the comment I made, which in all honesty I didn't mean for it to come out the way it did. And the way I remember it -- I said "that is an awful lot of guys in a short amount of time." I said it out of concern for your welfare and health -- not out of judgment SD22 -- I truly was worried about you. Emotionally and physically that kind of lifestyle can take a toll on a woman. But you exploded on me. I do believe you were looking for a reason to be pissed off because you wanted to be out of our house and living in bf's parents house.

I apologized three times in person and one time in writing. It's like you literally want me to grovel. I'm done apologizing. To be quite honest, I think you were just looking for a reason to cut me out of your life. I already know that you think of me as disposable. A little birdy told me that. I honestly don't know what in the world I ever did to you except to marry your Dad, and I know you refer to me as "THAT woman." You have hated me from the start and there is literally nothing I can do, and no amount of niceness that I can do that is ever going to change your mind, no amount of things I can buy, and no amount of things I can do that will ever change your mind. You have never even given me a chance SD22. All you have done is sabotage me, bad mouth me to everyone and anyone who will listen to you -- and believe me, I've heard it from others that you talk bad about me. And now you're trying to sabotage my relationships with the other kids. What in the world do you have against me?

I have had enough of all of this to be quite honest. I have done far more nice things than bad things - -- but all you can do is remember the bad, which were mostly all in response to things you had done to me (ie you calling me crazy, etc). You remember none of the good that I have done. I honestly don't know what else to do about this whole thing anymore. I guess if you want to keep sabotaging all of these relationships that is on you, but I'm stepping off of this roller coaster. I hope someday you can see past all of your anger can actually have a healthy relationship with your family.

If you want to mend the relationship with me, the ball is in your court and you need to make the next step and be an adult about it and meet with me so that we can work this out face to face. Until then, i guess things will stay as they are which means you are still not allowed at the house. I would even be willing to meet with you at my therapists office to work on working this out if you are willing, but you need to make the next step. The ball is in your court. You can email me at this address and we can work out the details that way to set up the time if you are willing. I am willing if you are.

If I don't hear from you, then I wish you, boyfriend and baby all the best.

(That's the end)

My counselor doesn't think that SD22 will do anything to be apart of my life. But I think that writing this letter helped me more than anything. As far as I'm concerned, I am done. I don't want anything to do with her anymore. She is not allowed in our home at this point, and until she is ready to make nice that is the way its going to stay.

momof5_1969's picture

oops....i just cc'd the friend }:) I just want away from these kids, and the only way I feel like I can get away from them is to leave their Dad, but he is wonderful. He is good to me, he is kind and loving and cares for me deeply. I just want them out of my life.

momof5_1969's picture

She is pure trash.....and I don't want her in my life anymore. I truly am done. i figured I needed to make an effort for my husband's sake and for the family's sake, that I needed to be the bigger person. Sucks!!!

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

What I don't get about adult skids is that all the stuff that you mentioned, good and happens in intact families too. It's not like kids whose bio parents stay together have it perfect all or most of the time. Kids are jerks, parents do things that piss them off, people disagree, and everyone gets over it.

Why is it that when it's a stepparent that does something like makes a wayward comment (which is often TRUE) or puts their foot down, they are pure evil?

Why are we held to this standard of perfection while the bio parents are fucking stuff off left and right?

momof5_1969's picture

No, she hasn't gotten any softer since she had a baby. While she was pregnant she was quite psychotic -- I thought it was the hormones -- she normally is quite volatile -- but she was even more volatile -- but now she is back to her old volatile self. When she was in the hospital she issued an ultimatum to her Dad that if he didn't show up that this "was it." Nevermind the fact that she had told him that she was excluding him (and me) from her life -- all because she excluded me from the babyshower and my DH told her that if I wasn't invited he wasn't going to attend either. So then she disowned him. So then it comes time to have the baby, and she tells her siblings that if he doesn't show up then "that's it." What?? So then he tells the sibs what the deal is, and SD22 calls him and says she wants him at the hospital, but that I'm not welcome -- and neither is my daughter. So whatever.

This is my life.

sandye21's picture

Just wondering if you showed the freind's letter to DH? I agree with some of the other posters - you NEVER owed her an apology for what you said. Your main 'sin', besides being married to her Father, is being human but then this is not allowed in SMs, right? You have tried and given more than most BMs would so the rejection and accusations must be very hurtful for you. You deserve to be revered for all you have done for her. Your letter to her appears to be a declaration of disengagement. I hope you are not expecting a reply. Have to tell you though, disengagement gets better with time. The only regrets I have about disengaing from SD is that I didn't do it soon enough.

momof5_1969's picture

sandy -- yes I did show her friend's letter to my DH. He was in disbelief as was I. I was livid. In this letter her friend was telling me that I needed to be a better Christian and that SD22 is seeing my behavior and that I may be the only "Jesus" that she sees, etc etc etc. Now her friend claims to be a Christian, but yet had an affair with my best friend's husband -- but I'm the one that needs to be the better Christian!

So I took a deep breath, prayed and then I responded. I told her she was entitled to her opinions of me based upon what other people had said about me and my behavior as a Christian just as I'm entitled to my opinions of her based upon what other people have said -- and that she needed to mind her own business as far as SD22 was concerned.

The reason she originally sent me a letter -- I had sent her an email because after she had had the affair with my best friend's husband I had unfriended her on facebook -- and her mother had unfriended me on facebook in retaliation (we live in a small town). I apologized if i had hurt her and her mother and just asked for their forgiveness. I just felt led to do that. No ill motives or anything. I didn't want to be her friend. I absolutely did not condone her behavior nor did I want to be her friend.

So then this is when she (the friend) took the opportunity to send me her "PS" letter. So that was why the friend sent me the letter to begin with -- because I opened the door by apologizing if I had hurt her. My mistake. Should never have done that.

I had thought about sending the letter on to her friend, but what good would it do. Nothing. She's just as unreasonable as my SD22. She has no moral compass at all. My SD22 actually justified the fact that her friend had the affair with my friend's husband -- I couldn't believe it. Her friend was 19 at the time and my friend's husband was 32 at the time. Like her friend didn't know what she was doing -- that was what SD22 said. I was shocked she even went there. I told her when I was that age, I knew exactly what I was doing and knew better to not have an affair with a married man.

sandye21's picture

"I told her she --- needed to mind her own business as far as SD22 was concerned." Good for you! I hate it too when people use the Bible to justify rotten behavior and put down others. What was that passage about 'throwing the first stone'?

ctnmom's picture

Great letter. Actually my old hairdresser, a wonderful gay Baptist man, said it best- "Where in the bible does it say you have to be a doormat for somebody else's rudness" Blum 3 You know, it's not a matter of forgiveness but of moving forward without the toxicity in your life. I really think toxic people/situations can shorten life span.

momof5_1969's picture

Very true - called the Pharissee's and Saggissee's a brood of vipers and white washed tombs -- quite harsh back in the day!

So i get a text from my DH today meant for SD22 -- he was wanting to know if he could go over and visit the two of them.

I am so raw with emotion from being hurt by her and her brother and other sister, that this just about sent me over the edge. Then he tells me "I'm only going over for about 10 mins or so."

i told him that it hurts me because when he goes to see her it's like he's basically telling her that the way she is treating me and shunning me is okay because he acts as if nothing has happened and nothing is going on. So whatever.

So i tell him this -- my counselor told him that it's okay for me to tell him my feelings. Then he says i thought our counselor said i should go over there. i told him i didn't remember that, but whatever. i told him I wasn't stopping him from going and having a relationship -- GO! i just told him this is what he is doing makes me feel. So then he gets all bent. i told him that i am so raw right now because of how all three of them are treating me, that yes this was hard tonight for me to take -- so I asked him "am I supposed to keep my feelings to myself"? Then he says basically that if i'm going to make him feel bad then its making it difficult for him to go. So screw it -- i have to suck it up and pretend all is well so that they can have their one big happy f'ing family. Told him that i would do that so that she could have her one big happy family just like she wants it -- with me out of it. THERE -- happy DH??

i've got so much anger inside of me the F word is screaming around inside of my head -- this is not me!!! I told him that this is HIS grandson and HIS daughter -- they're not mine. GO. So freakin' pissed.

momof5_1969's picture

Thank you stepaside -- I feel like we have very similar skids -- at least step daughters. I'm leaning towards to side of not having anything to do with the ones that are crappy to me -- and that would be 3 out of 4 of them. The two that still live with us don't even talk to me, so they want to treat me like crap -- I am just now in the process of disengaging from them. There is a recent post on how to disengage. I have been following it and am taking serious notes on it. A lot of it i've been doing it already. If they make an effort to talk to me, then I will talk back; but if they make no effort i don't either.

The other day I bought 7 boxes of girlscout cookies and my SS18 asked if he could have some, and i very matter of factly said 'nope'. he kept trying to talk me into it, and I kept repeating 'nope.' I bagged them up and put them away for safe keeping. He says "i share with you." I told him that he does not share with me. Then he says "I let you live in my house." I said "Oh really? So you pay for this house? Wow" Think again bud.

As far as SD22, i really am just to the point of being done. She has not responded to my emails -- I've sent two with no response. I know she has received them because my DH told me she got one of them, and my SS18 quoted a portion of part of one of them so I know she got the other one.

I'm at this place where I don't know what to do anymore though stepaside. The stress in the house is sometimes more than i can handle. i am dealing with stress and depression a lot. i hope that disengaging will help me.

i am going to see how the next few months go, but my daughter graduates in June and if things aren't much better -- she's going off to college. A thought i've had is of leaving and moving closer to my parents, which if they move to where I'm hoping they move, would be close to where my daughter would be going to college. I'm going to be doing a lot of praying about the situation either way, and just wait and see.

sandye21's picture

I feel so bad for you right now. It must feel like an act of betrayal. But this is how the begginning of disengagement is. Last year when I disengaged, my DH said and did all sorts of things that sent me over the edge. He actually said, "I'll call her and find out what you did to upset her." I replied, "I didn't do anything that should have upset her and I will accept no blame for her bad behavior." After he got off of the phone from her he said, "She says she LIKES you." I replied, "She has never liked me and I don't like her. It's BS." He said, "They told me you made them uncomfortable." I replied, "Give me specifics." He couldn't so I added, "I CAN give you specifics how they made me uncomfortable." In other words, I no longer emotionally bought into it. I also told him he could see her whenever he wanted to, just leave me out. See, the REAL problem in all of this was that DH KNEW SD was treating me terribly but I was used as a scapegoat. If she didn't use me, she would refocus all of that anger of her parents' divorce on him, and he knew it.

For the first few months it was really hard to watch DH deal with his conflicting feelings and sucking up to SD. As time went on, I noticed that SD was no longer returning DH's calls, was not acknowledging his Birthday or Father's Day. And still, DH made rediculous excuses for SD to which I commented on concisely and truthfully, "She knows our new number, it's on the cell phone you called her on", "I was never too busy to send my Dad a Father's Day card", etc. By November his calls to her had just about ceased. By Christmas he uttered with a hint of disgust, "She has her own life."

Sorry this is so long, but what I am trying to convey to you is just hold on and stand firm. Please know that at in the end it is truly worth it, and it gets easier.

momof5_1969's picture

thank you sandy21 -- IF I was just dealing with her, but she is badmouthing me to SD17 and SS18. Now those two don't talk to me in my own home. i'm in the process of disengaging. i'm reading one of the posts on disengaging, and i'm going to start reading the book Stepmonster again to try and help me through this time.

I wish my DH thought like that now. He started to go there, but there is a grandchild involved. Oh yes, she has that card now to pull out. And yes, I believe she got pregnant on purpose. Why? Because some of the first words out of her mouth to me after she found out she was pregnant (doctor had not even confirmed it!) were "so when do I start getting child support!!" OH MY GOODNESS!!! WTH!! Wow.

I told my DH that if she ever breaks up with her BF that I will not help her. I was a paralegal in family law for 22 years so yes, I know my stuff. But no way in hell am I going to ever help her. She can hire someone.

So back to my DH -- he hadn't heard from SD22 in 3 weeks, and was saying that she can call him too, and that he is always the one that makes the effort, that she needs to make some effort, that she never calls him, bladda de blah blah blah. So I figured that he wasn't going to talk to her for a while. So then I get a text message meant for her asking if he can come and see "you guys". i was babysitting a little two year old, so i thought it was strange that my husband wanted to come and see me and the 2 year old, so i called him -- that's when I found out.

So then i asked him when i got home what happened to the big speak that he made. And he told me that he wants to keep the door open, and if he doesn't try then he is the jerk dad. i told him that i don't care what she thinks of me -- why does he care. i mean even when he tries, she still tells him what an awful person he is. Then he asks me if i want to see a picture of his grandson. it's hard to be happy for him because I have no feelings for this child and only anger towards his daughter. Then I did tell him that she's getting what she wants -- her one big happy family all to herself -- with me out of the picture. he feels like as a dad and as a Christian that he needs to do this. I'm a Christian and i honestly am tired of being treated like crap. And just because i'm a Christian doesn't mean i have a sign acrossed my forehead that says 'doormat' .... i really do struggle with that especially when he throws that in it.


momof5_1969's picture

I told my DH that I was disengaging and he says to me - "well that's a way to heal a relationship.' Seriously .... so I'm supposed to continue to put myself out there for his kids over and over and over again, only to be hurt over and over and over again. I told him that i wish that he was in my position and he was treated the way i have been for the last 6 years. i don't think he could handle it.

Still have heard nothing from SD22 - which is fine, that just lets me know she is done with me and that is fine.

With the other two that still live with us, i am disengaging. i talk when talked to. i respond when they talk to me, and sometimes I don't. i pretty much don't even act like they are there. i don't go out of my way anymore to try and make them like me -- it doesn't make any difference anyways, so why try?

My SD17 hasn't spoken to me now in over a week -- not surprised. My DH doesn't seem to think that there is anything wrong with this behavior. i laughed. I told him that one day i came upstairs and she was watching cartoons (spongebob) and i sat down and was going to knit, and she got up, threw her half eaten pear away and went into her brother's room to get away from me. She didn't come out the rest of the night. But I'm not supposed to read anything into that??

Then this morning, her Dad is taking care of his Dad at another location, and she doesn't come out of her room except briefly -- no hello this morning, no nothing and then literally runs out of the kitchen and back downstairs, and then she goes out the front door, and I look outside and see my DH's car out there to pick her up to take her to work. She calls him to pick her up and take her to work. She won't even ask me to take her to work.

One morning when she was running late for school she asked her brother to take her to school and because he wouldn't take her, she stayed home rather than ask me to take her. I didn't even know that she was home until later in the day when I get a text from her dad saying she was home because she "didn't feel good."

Then on my DH's day off she was running late for school and she asked him to take her -- which what would have happened if DH wasn't there? She probably would have walked.

Now keep in mind, I'm okay with all this, but I'm trying to point this stuff out to my DH. She used to ask me to do all this stuff, used to talk to me, used to confide in me, and now doesn't do any of this. i attribute it to her spending her time with her sister and that started her treating me even worse, so then I responded. The fact is that i dislike this teen ... she is a very unpleasant person. She is a miserable person to be around. I can't even stand to be around her. it's no wonder her friends aren't coming around anymore.

sandye21's picture

You don't need to point anything out to DH. If he can't see that they are treating you like you don't exist, how can he see that you are not trying to heal the relationship? It must be absolutely horrible to try to disengage and still have SD17 around the house. Plus DH is showing so much disrespect for you as his wife. You must feel very outnumbered. But someday, SD will be stuck without a ride. Then she can walk or hire a cab because you're just too busy with something 'important'.

momof5_1969's picture

that's what i figure too sandy -- she had me take her to get her hair done last thurs. and i told her to bring her money and she says 'wha??" i said it's hardly fair for me to have BD18 pay for hers and you don't have to pay for yours. This was right after she told her brother that we gave my daughter a car -- and we also gave her a car -- but her brother only brings up the fact that we gave MY daughter a car. So let's keep things fair SD17 -- pay for your own hair. She was PISSED! For me, that was IT. I had a final straw moment with her brother, SS18, who also still lives in the home -- but then they have two other sibs who live outside the home, one is nice to me, and one has said I'm disposable. But i'm not supposed to get upset about that because "that's what families do honey, they fight and they make up."

Okay dear -- they get a couple more months to treat me like crap, and if things aren't better -- considerably better -- I'm out. I do not want to live the rest of my life in an emotionally abusive state. I don't care that they will move out -- they will be apart of our lives for the rest of our lives, and my DH is a lump who won't stand up to his kids and won't stand up for me. So he can have his kids.

I've told him that when he goes and spends time with SD22 that its like him telling her that they way she has treated me is okay -- HE DOESN'T GET IT. So you know what honey, you go,you spend time with your devil spawn. I'm just waiting and watching, and we'll see what happens.