Why are you so dumb BM?? WHYYYYYY?????
Ok, So the 9th of this month, SO gets a call from his caseworker saying that BM is sitting in his office complaining that he is not fufilling his court ordered parenting time. Little does she know I have been recording every single time we have SD on a calender, so obviously her complaint is invalid. To counter this argument, SO tells the caseworker that BM is in fact the one not being reasonable on parenting time as she withheld SD from us for the entire week prior! Case worker and BM (reluctantly) agree that SO should get a makeup overnight for the one that she took away. We usually have her every Sunday overnight plus every other Friday overnight. The day after BM went to the caseworkers office (the 10th) was our regular overnight. Which means the NEXT Friday would be our makeup overnight on the 17. Which means that THIS FRIDAY, the 24th is our regular overnight. Ya with me here? I have it all recorded there is no room for interprtation or confusion on our part.
SO and I have a fuckton of bills, so usually our cell phones are a last priority. If they can't get paid that month then oh well, at least we have electricity right? WEEEELLLLL, out phones have been shut off for a few days so I told SO, "maybe you should get on your old FB account and message BM that your phone is off right now, but if she needs to get ahold of you that she can write to you on there since she blocked your current account. Tell her that we will leave the window open with chat sounds on so if she ever messages we will immediately hear it. Not entirely an efficient way to communicate but at least if something happens we will know.
BM replies, "well I have no reason to get ahold of you. See you friday 5-9. (implying that we were not in fact going to get SD overnight tomorrow night...just 5-9 which is also in the custody agreement for alternating fridays with the overnights. I told SO to just calmly explain to her that no, it is an overnight this week I have it written down....she continues to argue that she is right EVEN THOUGH WE HAVE IT METICULOUSLY RECORDED.
effing retard.
Anyway, so when SO goes to pick up SD tomorrow night I am going to freak if she doesnt give her to us overnight. Im calling the caseworker today in fact and having him call her.
ooooh also I learned how to take a screen shot of something on your computer lol so recording FB messages just got fantastically easier!
give her a calendar with SOs
give her a calendar with SOs times clearly marked, she can't argue with the calendar it's right in front of her stupid face. keep documenting.
Why are you so angry
Why are you so angry snickersgal? We don't have a homw phone, just use the cells. And its only been off for a few days? As in a phone is NOT a neccessity or a right, it is a privelidge and a luxury. And who said anything about them being new?? We have had these no contract phones for years...I am paying the bill with my next check because all the other bills are paid now and like I said, phones are last on our list of priorities. Goodness. And I wasn't complaining about having bills and responsibilities, I was just stating that my phone was off and that SO had given BM a way to contact him if she needed to. And if a REAL emergency happened, she could call FMIL....she lives literally 2 minutes away from her...we're talking about a BM here that TEXTS and CALLS him constantly for every little thing. WE were just convering our bases for when she wants to call the caseworker again and say that she has "no way" of contacting him. We took care of this. And there are MANY SO's that ONLY contact their BMS through email so I don't really see your point?
And you clearly have not read any of my other posts. I am INVOLVED because this is MY HOUSE. M FAMILY, MY SO, MY SD. I have not disengaged. SO and I are building a life TOGETHER, therefore we make decisions together and he wants my imput on things. I hold this family together, I understand some peoples view points that its his child therefore his problem, however that is not how I live my life.
no problem
no problem
baaaahhhhh i was waiting to
baaaahhhhh i was waiting to get spammed! It has happened!
*smh, go away lol