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sd13 a fuckin idiot

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

pretty sure sd IS pregnant. she got her 'period' and it lasted ONE day and was kinda heavy. implantation bleeding anyone?

bf is on the way, as i type this, to pick her up from the friends house he dropped her off at...because she posted pics of a bag of mad hatter kush and a few pics of her with the caption "(im high as fuck right now)".

its still too early to tell if she is, so the end of this month i am getting the home preg test. if its positive, off to the dr for the blood work...if she is pregnant, its off to the abortion clinic.

im against abortion. i really am. BUT, sd wants to do drugs and drink when she THINKS she may be may not be fair for the fetus to die but definatly not fair for it to be born all fucked up and have a life like that all cause sd13 is a stupid ass.....

bf is beside himself....out of his mind....he just found out about possible preg tonight after he saw pics...cause i decided it was stupid of me to keep it from him, its his kid, not mine, and he does need to know everything.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

oh, and on monday children n families will be notified and we are gonna ask advice on what we should do to cover OUR asses...and sd may be sent to a group home for sure...we cant handle her, bm is a loser (giving sd alcohol, cigs, cigars, ect)....

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

she was at a friends house already to spend the night. i saw the pics online, showed bf, and told him about her possible preg....i told him a while ago not to let her dumbass out, but my advice/opinions mean nothing i guess....but he went and snatched her up and now there is a big blow out in my kitchen.

EyesOfaStranger's picture

O.M.G. I just don't know what to say... How did you find out she's possibly pregnant? When and where has she been having sex?? What's the deal with the BM? And I may just be clueless, but what is mad hatter kush? More info pls...?.??.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

well i think kush is like that fake weed crap, its all chemicals i think.

she came to me a few weeks ago i think and said she had sex with her bf and they didnt use anything and he came in her. few days later boobs started to hurt, cramping, no period till a few days ago and it stopped after one day of heavy bleeding.

my guess is she is having sex when she spends the night out at friends homes. i hope to god she isnt sneakin boys in here at night but i wouldnt put it past the lil hussy.

bm lost custody long ago, she is a deadbeat who is suppossed to get eow but doesnt really want sd...unless she is buying sd alcohol, cigs, ect.

3littlemonkeys's picture

So, um, WHY is she still having sleepovers?!?

I'd bet anything she's looking for attention.

PS: You cannot force anyone to get an if she says no, good luck..

3littlemonkeys's picture

:,( My closest friend had a SD that got knocked up at 13. Drank, did drugs, baby had Turner syndrome and died at 6 months' gestation. It was horrible.
Sadly, she got pregnant again at 16 and again at 18. (Had that baby.)

I'm against abortion, myself, so I feel your pain.

As a sidenote, I never bled when I got pregnant. Never even heard of that.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

im hoping sd, if pregnant, has a miscarriage. not sure wth the one day of heavy bleeding was, maybe implantation? maybe some sort of miscarriage? idk but a dr visit is comin soon....

EyesOfaStranger's picture

And what's going on in the kitchen with dad now? I feel so bad for you! Sounds like dad needs to step up and bring out the tough love-- no more going to friends, no more Facebook, phone etc. She's 13-- she shouldn't be HAVING SEX!! or doing drugs!!! Sad that the dad won't listen to you.. Sounds like he's doing a terrible job as a parent. Sad's picture

I bled for a day with my 2nd and the doctor said it happens more frequently than people realize. But it was at 11 wks. Hopefully bf is awake now and will make sure she is protected from herself.

bi's picture

i went to school with a girl who got pregnant at 14. her parents took her to the abortion clinic. a nurse asked her why she wanted to abort. (standard questions to make sure woman is sure about her choice). she said she didn't want to. the nurse asked her why she was there then. she said because her parents were making her. they sent her home and her son is 18 years old now. you can't force sd to have an abortion.

Anon2009's picture

I agree with this. I also think she could really resent you if BF tries to have her get an abortion.

I know this must be difficult but I think you need to ask yourself if it's worth it to stay with BF. If this is how he "parents" SD, how do you think he'll parent your BD? It wouldn't be healthy for BD to grow up in an environment where SD resented you for BF having her get an abortion. It wouldn't be healthy for BD to grow up in an environment where you resent SD for having a baby with so many problems. Both you and SD would likely wind up resenting each other in either situation.

How would you described BF's parenting skills?

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

parenting skills? honestly he doesnt have many, he is afraid of sd. we all are.

he parents BD how he SHOULD have parented SD...and said "i fucked up with sd, i dont want to do the same with bd".

its all a mess. its quiet now but earlier...oh man i am soooo glad bd was having a sleepover at grandma' smacked sd in the ass like 5 times--hard--she swung at him, she is out of control...we called the police, who (before they even showed up) asked us over the phone why we were calling to have THEM discipline

i get it. we suck as parents. we dont have control over her, never did, probably never will. and even tho she isnt mine, i feel like i failed her and failed as a stepparent...i have been tryin to stay out of shit, but this time i

yeah i have thought of leaving...but, please try to understand he is different with bd because he knows he screwed up sd...unintentionally of course...poor parenting...lack of knowing...hard-headed asshole-syndrome...

giveitago's picture

I feel for you, it's hard to be on the sidelines when daddy is in denial about his 'little girl'and has to, all of a sudden, face reality.

I know the dynamics in each family can be different, yet I can safely say that I empathize and sympathize with you on a lot of the issues.

We have a girl who was doing the same crap, sneaking boys in, sneaking out, got two STD's, taking a vehicle without consent, smoking pot, doing pills, selling pills, smoking that synthetic stuff, drinking alcohol, in and out of juvenile hall from age 13 through 18. Two group homes kicked her out, an entire school district banned her from getting an education with them, alternative schools did not work. She just got released from a two year sentence in a secure juvenile facility, felony assault on the infirm. I am sure I missed out some stuff and it's better that I do not remember all of it (smile).
Our girl SD now 18 is free, her juvenile record is sealed and I sincerely hope that she has learned her lesson this time around!
I feel for you, it's not easy at the best of times to be a step mom! I wish you all the luck in the world.

Anonymous_stepmom's picture

Usually implantation bleeding isn't heavy, it's usually just spotting. That's not to say a heavy bleed can't happen but most people who I know who did experience it (I did not) have said it was just light spotting, like what you would get at the tail end of a period. It's also not unusual for a girl of this age to have periods that are not consistent with one another. I remember when I was around that age every once in a while I would only have a period every once in a while that only lasted a day or so. It's not uncommon. I hope for everyone's sake that she is not pregnant. She's a child.

I hope this girl get's help otherwise something bad will most likely happen. Right now my city is searching high and low for a girl who just turned 14, she had just been released from a group home 2 months ago because she was unruly and was promiscuous. She often got into trouble for talking to men on the internet, leading them on, giving them the wrong impression. She was last seen yesterday morning. The city is now treating it as an abduction case. No one has found her yet. I pray to god she is found safely. The girl who is missing is one of my friends family members. She's so torn up over it and feels powerless in what to do at this point.

This stuff almost NEVER happens where I live so it's kinda making a buzz around town, I hope this "buzz" will help bring her home.

Your SD needs a wake up call! She's gonna wind up in a lot of trouble or even dead if she continues down the path she is on.

dragonfly's picture

im really hoping this kid isnt pregnant. i believe in abortion on certain circumstances like rape. and in this case i also beleive it should be done. she is 13!!!!! she doesnt know consequences other wise she wouldnt be doing pot or having sex. what is a kid going to do with a kid??!!!!! come on she is trouble right now dont you all think she is going to be trouble with a baby of her own?! she doesnt know how to handle her life (cause she is only 13!!!) what is she gonna do with a baby?!!! so right now its SDs life that is ruined pregnant or not. what about the baby? not so nice being the son or daughter of a 13 year old girl who smokes weed and is a baby herself. its not fair for the baby to come to this world to suffer. if baby stays with kid mom no future there just pain and suffering if baby is given for adoption its a gamble but pretty much more pain and suffering.

like i said before i just hope she is not pregnant and if she is you all need to go to therapy or counseling but fast. a decision needs to be made and i dont think the 13 year old who is having unprotected sex and smoking pot knows how to make decisions because she is 13!!!!

ooh and no herbal remedies on line please. DR DR DR!!!

im really sorry for what you are going through my prayers go out to you and your family.

Rags's picture

My DW had SS-28 when she was 16.  She is an amazing mom.  She did not let her poor decisions when she was a kid define her life or SS's life.  BioDaddy was 23 when SS was born.  

She went on to graduate with honors from HS with her class much to the chagrin of the school administration who pressured her to quit HS and go to the pregnant girls GED program.  She went on to complete a dual major BS with honors, and MBA with honors, is a CPA, and a highly compensated successful professional.

The SpermIdiot went on to have three more all out of wedlock children by two other baby mamas. One underage.  He did eventually complete his state plumbing license and for years worked intermittently as a plumber though avoiding full time employement because he thought it would limit his CS obligations. As soon as the youngest of his kids reached 18... suddenly he started working as much O/T as he could get and started buying new toys ... all while living in a rental property provided by his parents... rent free. At 52yo... he still does.

An out of wedlock teen pregnancy does not have to be a life sentence of poor performance or tragic choices.  Sadly, far more often than not it tends to be just that.

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

I hope she is not pregnant. Also that if she isn't the first thing you do is get her on birth control. Perhaps the shot so you don't have to worry about her taking the pill.