Am I invisible?
Hello everyone. I am 5 months pregnant and just found out Im having a boy, which makes me so thrilled! But this has not been the greatest experience for a first time mom. My husband has a 10 yr old daughter that makes things so unbearable that I cant even sleep when shes over. She found out I was pregnant at 10 weeks and ever since it has been chaos. She calls her dad throughout the week screaming at him and crying and treating him very poorly. He is a great dad to her and does above and beyond. Great Husband? HA! NO! 3 weeks ago I found a new email account and a social network site he has with a different name talking to women and asking to meet and go out and even EXCHANGED HIS NUMBER! On the site he is listed as single and only has pictures of him and his daughter and not me his wife who is pregnant with his child. He only talks about his daughter on there and never mentions becoming a new father again. When I saw this it hurt me more than the talking to women. He even lied on there saying he was taking his daughter to these places when I a pregnant woman who just worked 6 30-5:30 stayed in traffic for an hr picked your daughter up took her to practice and brought her home and fed her did homework and yet you lie like you did it to get attention from women! UGH! I feel that he cares more about his daughter than me and this unborn child. He always said he never wanted me to leave him that he wanted to raise this child in a stable home but why do something like this to tear us apart. So now I have to deal with my emotions about this and now his daughter comes over every other weekend ignoring me, being mean to him (UNLESS HE GOES OUT AND BUYS HER THINGS),and crying like someone just died! I can no longer take it. I cant deal with her emotions, his lying ass, and my pregnant emotions! He has done this to me in the past and i forgave him BEFORE we got married and waited a yr to see if he would change. Now he has done it again. He blames it on his depression and things he went through as a child,but how can that make you cheat? He said he never had sex with them, but its still lustful to me and i dont believe him. And he still locks his phone. I dont think its fair for him to think I should be be compassionate about his issues and his daughters when im the only one suffering. I know she may be upset about a new baby but even his own mom said she is over-reacting!Not only this he thinks I should put my nursery in the smallest room and allow his daughter to keep her current room but shes only here every other weekend! IM GOING TO BE THERE WITH MY BABY EVERY DAY I NEED THE BIGGER ROOM! Right now im at this point to where i dont care of having a "family" because I have been the rock and ive never had any lustful ways and he has been the one damaging everything. I think its time to depart so my child wont have to witness this dysfunction. We have been together almost 5 yrs now and i think ive wasted enough time. I just need to know if im in my right mind...
Uhm, he's posting to singles
Uhm, he's posting to singles sites, looking for other women? having conversations with them? Telling them he's single?
If you need validation, that is enough to run, not walk, the other way.
Your husband is a fucktard.
Your husband is a fucktard. Period. Has nothing to do with his other child. He is a cheater, cheater, cheater.
I am sure you can do better.
This screams "sex addict" to
This screams "sex addict" to me. My husband did the same crap until he reached rock bottom and got some help for himself. I know how you feel, I've been there. I had two instances of finding that type of crap and I was pregnant both
P.S. My husband blamed the
P.S. My husband blamed the first time I found chats with other women on depression, too...
The first thing you need to
The first thing you need to do is get tested for whatever that idiot could bring home to you and your child!! Was this a whoops baby? Sounds like he is not ready to be a family. You have two choices. Stay or go.
We planned this pregnaancy.
We planned this pregnaancy.
The great thing about
The great thing about depression is that (many who choose to use the label for victim status may not realize it but) there are medications that can help with this! There are therapists that can help with this! There are behavioral and thought process changes that can help with this!
Cheating on your pregnant wife (emotional or physical, is there really that much of a difference?) is not caused by being depressed. It's caused by being a lying sack of SHIT.
Don't stay don't worry about
Don't stay don't worry about raising your new baby by yourself I know many single moms successful and happy he is cheating on you! If not physically emotionally. Print out the stuff from the site hand it to him with a packed bag. This comes from a woman who tried for 10 years to save a marriage with a cheat. Cheating is selfish hurtful and the most damaging thing a person can do. I sometimes wish my ex had hit me rather than cheat. Then there's the chance of him getting std's or another woman pregnant. You are not in the wrong he chose to do this you didn't make him you didn't push him to it he chooses to do this.
The marriage is not in
The marriage is not in trouble - it is toast. over done finis
I'm sorry to read this.
I think that you are in
I think that you are in denial...
I think that you think that your stepchild is the problem..
because you are in another land with your husband..
Ok SD is a pain the ass..
Ok your pregnant...
Ok go look at yourself in the mirror..
and get back to me on what you think you are
You are a codependant
Wake have a baby in your belly..
You deserver Better..
Your baby deservers better...
Your husband will be fine...
He does what he does when he wants to regardless of you anyway..
Question, why is he still in
Question, why is he still in the house?
My ex was surfing the net and
My ex was surfing the net and chatting online with all sorts of women. He would constantly have an excuse for me. He would blame me, his life ect. I stayed with him for 20 years.
One day "the other woman" called me. She was scorned because he was cheating on her with 6 other women at the same time. She told me that he said his marriage was over. He would tell me he wanted to work on our marriage, but his actions NEVER matched the words. Words are cheap.
If you have experienced this before with him, don't waste another moment with him. Give your baby boy a chance for a happy life with his mommy.
Make yourself happy, put yourself as a priority and everything else will fall into place. Save your son from making the mistakes of the father.
I know it's an emotional time for you but you sound like a strong woman. Your anger will help carry you to do positive things in your life. YOU deserve so much more
Hang in there!
I found myself in a similar
I found myself in a similar situation, I met my BF online only to find out 6 months down the track that he was still online on other sites that I didnt know about chatting up women and saying he was a single dad.
The first time I confronted him with proof he couldnt refute although he did try, and talked rationally with him, he assurred me it was a flirting thing only and would never physically cheat. Then he promised that he would never do it again, changed the password on his email so I knew what it was and could check and told me I could check his phone whenever..........6 months later all the signs were back, I checked his phone Christmas night while he was asleep and bugger me, more messages from an unknown number back and forth. I SAW RED!! I went in and slapped him til he woke up, told him to pack his shit and fuck off. We talked about it not so rationally that night. Turns out because he actually never met the girl that he didnt see it as cheating because there was nothing physical, not that that's an excuse. At that point I made sure that he understood that it was emotional cheating and that I would still not tolerate it. If I ever caught him again that would be the end of us.
I have read the responses above and prior to meeting my BF my response would have been the same, and yet, I am still here. So, rather than just tell you to pack your stuff and run, let me ask you, do you feel as though you can confront him about it and talk about it rationally, or not so rationally and try to get your point across to him about how hurt and betrayed you feel by his actions? In the best case scenario could you ever learn to forgive him and rebuild the trust?
If the answer is no to either or both of the above questions then I suggest you do as the other posters have suggested and pack up your stuff and run.
I relied alot on my best friend. She is the only one that knew about what was going on (she wanted to seek revenge LOL bless her) and she was a great help in listening and helping me sort out in my own mind what i wanted. You definately need support, particularly since you are pregnant! But I do suggest that you pick your support people very carefully, people who will support your decision what ever that might be and if you do sort it out and decide to stay with your DH will try not to treat him differently because they knew what went on. If they do treat him differently, that can cause problems down the track.
I wish you luck. I am sorry you are going through this at a time that is supposed to be special for you!
I would not stay. But then
I would not stay. But then there are women who stay with men who beat the shit out of them. I refuse to submit to beatings whether they are physical or emotional. But some women can. I'll never understand it.
I have to admit Bestwife that
I have to admit Bestwife that prior to meeting my BF I wouldnt never have stayed with someone who beat me emtionally or physically, no one should have to put up with that shit!! I also believe in chances, however, he is on his last chance so for myself, if it EVER happens again, I am out, no questions no answers and no chance of justifications, I will just pack him up leave it on the front lawn and change the locks!!
Thank you for all of your
Thank you for all of your replies. I called his mom soon after i found it and even gave her the username and password so she wouldnt think i was making it up. She supports me 100% in whatever decision i make.She undersands if i want him to leave or stay.I have asked him to leave only to see him in tears because he said he wants to be here to support me throughout my pregnancy and be involved daily for the 1st month or 2 in the babies life.I agreed at first but now i have changed my mind. Its only a way for him to try to get me to forget and get over it. But i cant. His whole family will be devestated! I love them all so dearly given I dont have a stable family of my own. His brother calls or text every day to see how my pregnancy is going and his sister in law has already ordered my shower invites! He has a great family and im happy my son will experience something i never did, but he will also grow up in a single parent home which hurts me more.I couldnt take this hurt if my son was born because it would only hurt him more to be taken away, thats why i think it would be easier to do it now.But then i dont want to be the blame when he gets older and ask why didnt i try to work it out for the sake of him, just as i asked my mom about my dad when she walked out when i was 6 months old for a rumor. I have scheduled a session with a counselor for us to speak to, because at this point i want to be happy but i also want my son to have a two parent home. But if a two parent home is filled with lies and cheats a single parent home without that is better. When you are married and something like this happens i do not think trust could ever be the same.especially when you are carrying his child.
With or without him it sounds
With or without him it sounds as if you will not lose his family. That is wonderful because what you need now is supportive people around you who love and care about you and the baby. Clearly you do not have that with him, but you do have it with the family. Go where the grass is greener, the family. There is probably little point of him sticking around until the baby is a month or so old, if he wants to support you and the baby he can so from another planet if he genuinely wants to, he doesn't have to sleep in your bed.
However, first concern is what another poster suggested, get yourself tested for the baby's sake, he lied about seeing other women there is really no reason (other than it would make you feel better) to believe he did not sleep with them. Just be on the safe side.
All the best.