one day, everyone involved will be as smart as me
or maybe they will remain dumbf**ks. not sure how it will go.
so i told bm she needed to take sd while bf was gone. she said "sd is a part of u guys too, and to be upset i wont take her while bf is gone is rediculous.' yes, she did say this to me....
um, i did NOT push sd's big fugly head thru MY punonnie! i didnt take part in making her (hatching, raising from hell, however u want to put it) so why should I continue to deal with her day in and day out?
cause bm, and also bf, are dumbf**ks. they must think that because im female and bf has sd fulltime, that it is up t ME to care for her even tho bm lives 20minutes away, not even.
I'd drop SD off at BMs. What
I'd drop SD off at BMs. What a dumbass. Who does she think she is to tell u that u have to watch her kid??? Oh Yah I would tell BM that SD is her child and she needs to be a mom and better come get the child she created instead of pawning her off on u. I would seriously put her in her place. I hope u take a stand. Good luck!
THIS. No matter how lazy PB
No matter how lazy PB wanted to be with her parenting, if DH or I WANTED to get the skids, she would move mountains to make sure we DIDN'T. She would rather drop them off with her psycho-making parents.
I totally agree with you.
I totally agree with you. The kid is not yours, you should NOT be expected to babysit for it. Your BF should be the one to make arrangements for the her, if he is supposed to have her.
I know I am going to tick
I know I am going to tick some people off by my post.
As a CP- if DH does not want to help me if a situation would arise and take care of my dd while I couldn't be there.....he would be gone from my life. We are partners in life each to make the others life easier.
When DH was gone on his weekends I did get his children right up until they and BM thru a fit. From that day forward I no longer took them. Her choice. I did not expect a thank you. I also didnot expect to get Shit on by the BM. If DH wanted me too, in a heartbeat I will do whatever I can to support him and help him. The minute I am unwilling to be his support- I expect him to boot me out.
Just my opinion
You B****!!! LOL-JK. I
You B****!!!
LOL-JK. I don't think you will tick anyone off with your post. I actually do watch my skids several days a week for an hour or two, until SO gets home from work. However, if they every have a scheduled day off from school, they go to BM's house. That is when I will NOT be a babysitter. She is a stay at home mom, SO and I both work, and even though they live w/us and normally would be with us on a school day, I refuse to watch them for her, when she is capable and is at home. I will help SO out when necessary or in an emergency, but I refuse to be the one who babysits then when they have 2 parents, one of which doesn't work and is almost always available to watch her own kids.
I know I am going to tick
I know I am going to tick some people off by my post.
As a CP- if DH does not want to help me if a situation would arise and take care of my dd while I couldn't be there.....he would be gone from my life. We are partners in life each to make the others life easier.
When DH was gone on his weekends I did get his children right up until they and BM thru a fit. From that day forward I no longer took them. Her choice. I did not expect a thank you. I also didnot expect to get Shit on by the BM. If DH wanted me too, in a heartbeat I will do whatever I can to support him and help him. The minute I am unwilling to be his support- I expect him to boot me out.
Just my opinion