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SS had my blood boiling, I on the edge of exploding

stired_crazy's picture

My lord I have not been on here in forever, but the time has come again that I need to vent.SS is now 19, and I am so tired of his cocky and rude ass comments. Heres the situation: He has no respect for me, the comments and gestures he makes he would NOT make to his father or make such comments to me in front of his father, but when I am by myself he feels he is the rooster I guess you could say and here it comes. He went to his moms last night to hide out from the police because he has violated his house arrest, he returns this morning and I ask him how he got back here. He tells me that he had them drop him off down the road, and I was like why, he replyes to me and says " why you got a problem with it". Then says " you got a problem with me being here", I am like " Exscuse me, WHAT did you say", This is not all of it..gets better. So his dad has done EVERYTHING to help him, he supports him, supports his cigeret habbit, provides shelter and all that stuff that parents do, SS does not work ( altho he says tomorrow he got offered a job under the table to help someone)and is going back out to B.M house ( fine with us). Before deciding to dip out from the police tho trying to run from a warrent of V.O.P he would laye up and not help with hardly anything. I cook, I clean, I wait on my B.F sick mother and I take care of B.F as I should.He actually had the audasity to say he does more then me to his dad
"WHAT"....OMG...and then tells me. His B.D told him dont think so and started laying it out. All SS does is eat sleep sh*t and get high. He gets a addittude with me if I dont ask his dad for a couple bucks for him, since I been taking this stand and I told him no I am not asking he has this hard little addittude towards me. I am really really fed up with it, My blood presure is boiling and I am just about ready to pop off. The only reason I have maintained myself is because I tell B.F about it, and he has said that he is tired of B.S thinking and acting the way he is. I am at my breaking point, altho I do Keep in mind soon enough he is going to get his reality check when the police catch up to him...I love hm...but at this couldnt be soon enough.." ERRRRR".
I have HAD IT !! and altho my son is far from perfect and got in trouble to and is doing his time I have realized that me and B.F have less stress and anxiety when we are not dealing with their crap. I am tired of the B.S and I wish they would move on. We do not mind being steping stones if any of the kids want to do right, but thats just one is doing that just that. Some how I see this whole dam cherade as a " Entitlement" and they dont realize they are considered young men and need be one, instead theirs awhole lot of leaching and walking around like handout is owed, and SS trys to asseret himself over me...trying to make my place beneath him..and I am TIRED of it TIRED TIRED of it. Then he asks if were going over to our friends house this weekend cuz he wants to meet up with us and hangout..ok...I am wanting to explode and he wants to hangout??? he has me confussed..I am tired of this B.S if thats the case I will surely cancel the plans just for peace of mind to not deal with him at all at this point..I am that pist!

frustratedstepdad's picture

The next time he gives you a snide comment, let him have it. Seriously...let him have it with both guns blazing and do not let up. Do NOT make it pleasant for him to be living there. If he's sitting around sleeping, wake his ass up and make him go look for a job.

Jsmom's picture

Why not make an anonymous call to the police, telling them where he is. Seems easy to me for him to get his reality check...

ThatGirl's picture

Yeah, call the police! Why are you harboring a fugitive? You two are just enabling him. I'd get that shit out of my house now!

stired_crazy's picture

Thanks for the comments..but were not harboring as the warrent should be out ANYTIME, They have not been to the door yet looking for him. I looked up active warrent search on the cyber station but his name is not posted yet, mean while I'm dealing with all that. I know its just a matter of time before its active, but until then this is what I am dealing with :/

stired_crazy's picture

Well heres my up-date, SS is still at BM house, well I went to go visit my mother who I have not seen in about a month, I drive out there and as SOON as I walk through the door the cell phone goes off, look at its SS in a frizzy that he has gotten into it with her siblings and BM threatned to call the police because he is raising his voice at his siblings, wants me to come pick him. I told him am not home and he will half to wait a hour or two because I just got to my mothers house and I was NOT going to jump n the car to rescue him. I then told hm I would call his father who is closer to where he is at and he can go get him. SS say " Never mind, forget it" and was pretty pissy about it. I did call BF and I told him have not seen my mother ina month, and if BM calls on him for his tantrum it doesn't matter cuz its a eventual anyways. Anyways BF calls him says you want to talk about it and he is like no, its all good dont worry about it. I am guessing SS is pist because we have not heard from her since Sunday,I told BF that SS needs to learn to deal with his own mess, he creates it he needs to deal with it, And I told him, those are his siblngs and altho they are ALL THE SAME ( lord help us)he has to learn to deal with them cuz they are his family. Now I been wth BF for over 6 years, they are all still hateful towards me and I am sure since SS is pist my name is pretty famous. I really dont give a crap anymore, the things he says to me is just mean, like a week ago out of the clear blue he says...If you was pregnent I would hit you dead in your stomache ( WTF)...where the hell did that come from? I looked at him and said boy dont you think thats being pretty jealous and hateful, he was like what you mean jealous, he is very hateful with the things he says to me..I told BF that SS is very cocky and errogent and when he is at work he walks around here like he is the Rooster, I mean when BF is home SS tone of voice changes, even his body language, I have gotten to the point I dont even like being around him. BF said he is glad he is over there with BM because he has been nothing but a drain on him in every way. SS is in his " All about me mode", and he resents the fact his father is with me( as do the other kids) because he is not a push over. I have been toooooo nice and giveing to all of them, oh their all sweet when your giving..but tell any of them no and its like your looking at the Devil himself. He will eventually call his father WHEN HE NEEDS SOMETHING, but daddy here will get the same old excuse " Its cuz of your girlfriend", I am so tired of them usen me for their bitch fits the past 6 1/2 years.. I would love to tell each and everyone of them to just grow the F*ck up!!! ERRRRR includen b*tch a*s BM who condones 99% of the bullcrap.

stired_crazy's picture

and please excuse my "I" button seems to not register sometimes when I am typing and I have realized in my writting I have mention SS as " her" lmao...and I mean "Him"..maybe if he wasnt such a sissy about life I could get it right Smile ( I know..bad bad just fed up....really)