What is the Single thing you hate the most about your Skids?
For me, it's the fact that they have no conscience. They will lie, steal, cheat and break all the rules unless someone is right over their shoulder. They need constant supervision. I haven't had to do that since my biokids were 2 to 3 years old. I literally cannot take a shower when they are in the house. Yet my own kids I can leave home BY THEMSELVES for an hour or two while I go the grocery store.
Agree with you again,
Agree with you again, Snarks!!
The fact that from early on
The fact that from early on she felt she could dictate our lives...that she was an EQUAL adult...that she can claim to be an adult, yet when she has problems it's because she is only a child... lol Make up your mind. You have been trying to act like an adult since you were 6-7...you dictated where we went, when we left, when we went, when you wanted to go home, when you were to be picked up, etc...and your mother allowed this. You decided to not listen to your father because "you knew what you were doing"...yet as soon as you got preggo, the stress was too much for you and you wanted everyone to kiss your behind because "you were just a child." Should've thought about that all the years you didn't listen.
The feeling of entitlement
The feeling of entitlement because he sucks air. He's an adult but expects us to go into debt to finance his lifestyle of the rich and famous. Loser Not happening.
I guess the thing I can't
I guess the thing I can't stand about ss12 is that he has no respect for anyone or any thing. He verbally attacks us at least once a day. When I was a kid you didn't bite the hand that fed you but this kid seems to have no problem sh*ting on you and smiling ans laughing while he does it! In my home there is nothing he hasn't left his mark on right down to the paint on the walls. If we aren't paying complete attention to him he will take anything and scratch the paint right off the wall. He is always stealing things from me or his siblings and then lying about it and if you catch him lord have mercy your in for a fight over punishment or apology.
Come on, that answer to that
Come on, that answer to that question is way too obvious.....the single thing I hate most about skids is THAT THEY EXIST! With that one thing gone,all other problems disappear.
ding ding ding - you're the
True that... No step child =
True that...
No step child = no bio drama, no resentment, no feeling like you're on the back burner all the time, quiet house, real relationship, adult time all the time... No sponge bob square pants.. No fights during all waking minutes of step child's day... No spilled milk on the couch sitting over night to smell like the wrong end of an anchovie the next morning. No PEN marks on said couch, no pen marks on TV trays, no pen marks on walls, no pen marks on bicycle seats, countertops, or doors... No being woken up at 7:45 on weekends, but fights in the morning after 8:00 to get to kindergarten during the week. No x-mas specials in October, no Halloween specials in December. No more listening to ramblings about absolutely nothing. No more "reading books" out loud when everyone knows... You can't read. No more being lied to, to my face. No more "You can't boss me around like that, only Mommy can!" No more "Yeah, well, you know all those nice things I do for you all the time, it's a two way street. If you don't want to listen to me, I don't have to acknowledge your existence."
No more having to come to a closet online community to voice rants, hatred, anger and resentment in all aspects of my personal life.
Perfect rant!!
Perfect rant!!
It's hard to pinpoint one
It's hard to pinpoint one thing...but I would say much of it falls under the umbrella of SD's personality (the meanness, lack of care for others' feelings, the one-upping, the complaining, the arguing, the whining)...just how she IS. If not for her general personality, it would be easier to overlook the specific habits like poor hygiene, loud food smacking, interrupting, loud talking, and so forth.
The whole lack of conscience,
The whole lack of conscience, inability to think of others EVER is pretty much tops for me. I agree that I could deal with other annoyances such as ADHD type behaviors, bedwetting, poor hygiene, loudness-etc if he ever had a thought for anyone else. Of course, if he had a thought for anyone else these things probably wouldnt be such problems.
Ditto from hismineandours...A
Ditto from hismineandours...A lack of personal hygiene and wetting her pants both day and night and on top of it, she doesnt even care that she does it. In a nutshell, she acts more like she is 2 then 7!
Their lack of respect for
Their lack of respect for their dad and lack of appreciation of everything he has done for them. Of course, a lot of that has to do with how they were raised by good 'ole PB (BM).
That the little darling will
That the little darling will walk up to you without warning and slap and or kick you, and start laughing. It's even better considering she is only 3. If you scold her she will continue laughing, charming child.
The fact that ss10 is the
The fact that ss10 is the king of our home.... the manipulations to get what he wants and that maybe he should wear diapers.....specially when he uses the whiny baby voice.
How about the split seconds
How about the split seconds of smirking during hysterical temper tantrums... Like they're enjoying making a scene or getting the attention they were after.... It's like the Bio-parents never see it or something, BUT IT HAPPENS!
Or what about the emotionless look on their face when you've caught them in a lie while they're thinking of a way to justify what they've just done?
What about the high they go on after a cup cake where nothing matters but CONSTANT entertainment at any and all cost to everyone around them... Then the crash.. You thought the high was bad.. Now they're restless and stir crazy.. Completely out of their mind like a meth fiend after a week long bender. Minute to minute ups and downs, no patience, can't hold still...
How about having no sympathy for anything, ever? Nothing matters to them, they don't value anything, they don't respect you, rules, their home, their own toys, their real parents.. Just the emotionless, hearless, spiteful drunken midget that can talk out of their ass for hours on end about nothing and seemingly not care about anything or have any shame or pride.. Then anything goes wrong and it's gotta be hands across America to help their insignificant problem. "I'm out of milk. Get me more!" .. "I just watched you pour your own..." grumble.. under breath "what the eff...??"
Im so with you about the
Im so with you about the pouring their own drinks!!! What is it with them and expecting you to do that? y cant they do it now? they did it b4 I came hear!!! I happen to be black and one of my SDs actually said I was their maid like the actual maid they saw on an old movie?! I almost reached over there and tore her head off(not really) just couldn't blv that was being said. Her dad (not black) came to my rescue immediately-but my breath had already been taken away!!!
LOL "pick an age and stick
LOL "pick an age and stick with it!" Awesome. Hubby says things like that sometimes and Im like what?! you let them do this, that and the other, but you cant go 10 mins away with me w/ou them b/cuz they need supervision?! There are three of them almost 13yr old, 10yr who will be 11 in a month and a 7yo. I think the three of them can handle it! I took care of my youger siblings all avening and all day in the summers since I was 12!!!!
Let me start out by saying, I
Let me start out by saying, I love my wife very much! But damn, I didn't read the very very fine print that said," I have not one, but two out of control boys that do not give a rats a** about anything but themselves".
When we were first dating, they would pull all sorts of bs to try and break up our conversations, togetherness etc. Stupid me thought this would get better. I was raised to have respect for my parents. And yes, God forbid, I had a few responsibilities!!!!! My step sons are 8 and 11, and boy are they good at it. The boys are lazy, direspectful to me and their mother, and quite frankly, I have begun to withdraw from the whole situation. I try and help out as much as I can with activities and homework. I try and do what I think is right for the boys but feel its all for nothing. I feel I have made a small bit of headway with the 11 yr. old. Its the 8yr. old that pisses me off the most. He annoys me with the,"mommy im going to act like a moron, so I can have all your attention to myself". I know he's 8, but, he's not mine, and he drives me freakin crazy. This is my second marriage. I have a 6 yr. old daughter who we hardly get to see. My wife complains about certain things she does. I find myself disengaging more and more due to the fact I don't care to be around them at all. My wife gets pissed when I come into the bedroom to watch tv. I honestly do not like being around them. I have a hard time accepting behavior that is piss poor!!! If they were my kids, I would take a belt to their little ass's then ground them. It's also difficult for me to be in this situation due to the fact BD has been gone for a few years. The boys havent had a man in the house to back mom up. But, she doesn't like her boys to be scolded and yelled at. I have lost my identity as to what role I'm supposed to play.
We have only been married a couple months and WWIII has already begun. Wew never fought before our marriage. but now, it seems to be an everyday thing. We are starting counseling next week. I hope the person counseling us will be able to shed some light on our situation before it gets way out of hand.
Standing ovation for you!
Complete and utter lack of
Complete and utter lack of respect and consideration for anyone (dadddddddddddddy included), self-centered, entitled,
domineering, lazy, self righteous, kniving, vain, mean, empowered, manipulative to the point of being scary, whiney, immature (almost baby-like at times), shows no appreciation for anything, destructive, loud, all things are disposable attitude, and very possessive of everything and everyone to the point of ridiculous jealousy...These would be top on my list.
That they ignore their new
That they ignore their new sister and remind everyone that she is only their "HALF" sister. Which is a true statement but very very hurtful and I HATE IT! I just hope it stops before she hears them one day and gets her feelings hurt.
Her face
Her face
My SS is only 2.5. He lives
My SS is only 2.5. He lives here full time so I am more of a mom to him than his own mom. I love the kid but there are a couple of things that drive me batty. First of all, his paternal grandmother is a great woman but she lets that kid do anything and everything he wants. He turns into a BRAT when she is around and stays that way for a day or two after she is gone. Last time she was here we had to enforce two things, that no, he does not get to decide if he is getting his diaper changed or not. He is 2 and the last time she did that he ended up with a rash so bad he was walking bowlegged for a week. And that he has to have naptimes. He has proven that he cannot handle being up a full day running around without a break and actual sleep.
I am loathing the fact that he is STILL refusing to potty train. Starting to think he never will at this rate.
And the last thing is that he does not listen to me when it comes to the rules, but then no woman in his life, but me, actually enforces the rules so he has no respect for me when I tell him not to do something or try and get him to do something else instead.
For me its got to be the
For me its got to be the lying and manipulation. No, I'm wrong, the thing that bothers me most about my ss is the way his father won't step up and handle it. I'm starting to feel really resentful toward the love of my life for that and its killing me.
SS13 treats me better than he
SS13 treats me better than he treats his BM. He is wanting to live with us and we just got through with court and now waiting on judge's ruling. He is a blessing! SS10 is another matter. He baby talks which I HATE!!!!!!!! He is so immature and can't do a damn thing on his own! He starves for attention and if I hear "look at me" one more time I'm gonna scream! BS(9) has Tourette Syndrome with ADHD and he acts older than SS10! Everything is baby talk and all he wants to do is lay around and watch tv. He is obese and thinks its cute to drink coke and eat junk all day! He sleeps with his mom, she bathes him, she gets him dressed and she baby talks him.
Disgusting!!!!!! He faked sick at BM's house last year and he missed a week of school. BM took him to 3 doctors and they couldn't find anything. Finally, it was our weekend and DH and I told him we knew he was faking. Miraculously, he was cured.
The single thing I hate the
The single thing I hate the most about my skids...... their mother.