Forums: General DiscussionHi, Is there a place where all the acronyms are defined? I'm having a hard time with keeping up with what certain acronyms mean. Please let me know... Thanks!! Log in or register to post comments Hi StepMama, Here are some Hi StepMama, Here are some important ones: SM= stepmom SF=stepdad BF= boyfriend, bio-father BM= bio mom (or bowel movement) SD= stepdaughter SS= stepson DH= dear husband DD= dear daughter DS= dear son BD= bio=daughter BS= bio-son CS= child support PAS= parental alienation syndrome CO= court order CP= custodial parent NCP= non custodial parent Those are the ones I can think of. Welcome to steptalk Log in or register to post comments SO=significant other SO=significant other Log in or register to post comments What is OT? What is OT? Log in or register to post comments OT= off topic OT= off topic Log in or register to post comments Thanks! Thanks! Log in or register to post comments
Hi StepMama, Here are some Hi StepMama, Here are some important ones: SM= stepmom SF=stepdad BF= boyfriend, bio-father BM= bio mom (or bowel movement) SD= stepdaughter SS= stepson DH= dear husband DD= dear daughter DS= dear son BD= bio=daughter BS= bio-son CS= child support PAS= parental alienation syndrome CO= court order CP= custodial parent NCP= non custodial parent Those are the ones I can think of. Welcome to steptalk Log in or register to post comments
Hi StepMama, Here are some
Hi StepMama,
Here are some important ones:
SM= stepmom
BF= boyfriend, bio-father
BM= bio mom (or bowel movement)
SD= stepdaughter
SS= stepson
DH= dear husband
DD= dear daughter
DS= dear son
BD= bio=daughter
BS= bio-son
CS= child support
PAS= parental alienation syndrome
CO= court order
CP= custodial parent
NCP= non custodial parent
Those are the ones I can think of.
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SO=significant other
SO=significant other
What is OT?
What is OT?
OT= off topic
OT= off topic