omg ss is at it again.
my ss thinks he owns the world. after the name dog meds list (other thread) his sister and him decided to call grandma and they three decided to post a family comment paper on the fridge. many wrongs here! one is she decided something in my home yet again! they took it upon themselves without speaking to me, they are mean children who would fill that page with meanness.
i ripped it down twice. planning to plead my case later.this was last night. ss was in the kitchen i tried to avoid him but im not going to sit in my room scared. so i got my coffee and he flipping singing!!! making another one to place on the fridge! im like really. you thick daddy is home you can do that and get my upset. so i got my coffee and am here venting. its coming down once he walks out. dont care often he does it i`ll kept it up till this is discussed and on terms of this house not their house or grandma house. our house!
i took it down till this is
i took it down till this is discussed. i toook the magnets too. he jsut came in and went back out probaly to get a magnet and more another. he loses a paper,pen,string and add magnet if he does for the fourth time.freaked me out by his singing and he was smiling this smug smile! he has explosive issues before and this is new.
edit: sorry i goofed it was twice last night and the recent was this morning.
number 4: placed with black
number 4: placed with black duct tape on my fridge! really get that nasty film on it now! thankfully it didn't
I agree that MIL shouldn't be
I agree that MIL shouldn't be deciding things in your home, but is it possible she's trying to help? If it's a "family comment paper," it sounds like there is some communication in the household that needs to happen and isn't.
Now, if the paper is just for a bitch fest, that's another thing. But is it possible that it "could" be used as a good thing for your family?
she helps then turns around
she helps then turns around does the opposite. its why the skids are screwed up.she meddles way way to much.
I would take the list down in
I would take the list down in front of him while he's watching, then ball it up and throw it in the trash. I'd keep doing it. Trust me he'll get tired of doing it. And no your MIL definitely should not be helping to decide how your household is run. Perhaps a visit to a family counselor is in order.
Call grandma and tell her you
Call grandma and tell her you have several comment pages for her refrigerator and when can you dweliver them.
Just keep removing the comment notices and call grandma every time.
Then tell him not to add anything to the refrigerator until he has spoken to his dad. Call his dad and tell him you are fed up with his kids and he needs to leave work NOW and take them to their grandmothers place.
Your DH needs to call his mother and sort her out. She is not to undermine you in the future.
As for your FBook concerns in your other blog, ignore it. They are only doing it to hurt you and really, does it? It is only cyber space and who wants to know what stupid stuff they do. This is their fathers job.The more you get upset by the little things the more they win. Accept their stupid attempts and ignore them for now. Save your energy for a slapdown in the future when they want to borrow your car or some money. At this stage you say "For the past 4 months you have been rude and nasty to me. Why should I?"
There will come a time like this, promise.
i already did by blocking all
i already did by blocking all three.
I would not take it down. I
I would not take it down. I would make him take it down. And I would explain to him in clear language that MIL does not decide what happens in my home and that the next time he defaces my property I will make sure that he faces the consequences. I don't believe in going back and forth with children. This is your home. If you don't stand up for yourself, who will?
i cant make him do anything.
i cant make him do anything. he is 16 and thinks the world owes him a living. be damned if you think otherwise. he negative all the time. you can be the nicest person in the world and he will have some derogatory name to give you because something about you he didn't like. (see another thread)his personalty is explosive if you so much as disagree with him.i wont engage him in any way. i will not tolerate grandma running my house!plus now its a battle of wills he thinks he can bully me this. humming and smiling now?im taking back my house and be damned if i m going to let them have it back.comment list fine but its going to be on our terms not grandmas or theirs. if i leave it it be filled with their meanness and complaints.
WTH! I would make it very
WTH! I would make it very clear that unless he wants to be grounded for a very long time then he better stop. I would also call my dh and rip him a new one. Then if that didn't work I'd tell them all to find a new place place to live if they can't respect me or my home! End of discussion! Yep I am that black and white. I do not allow anyone to disrespect me like that ever! But my dh and ss's knows how I am and they would never ever do that knowing my reaction.
It sounds to me like you have
It sounds to me like you have already conceded victory to this brat. I understand your frustration but you can't take back your home without putting your fut down first. And, yes it will be hard and it will be uncomfortable, but it will be worth it. And anybody who doesn't want to get in line can find somewhere else to squat.
oh he tried yet again after
oh he tried yet again after going for the gold by buying more tape! kudos for effort. this time daddy claims he chose that not because grandma told him. he tried to get me into trouble but after h calmed down. h saw what it all meant. then let ss walk out, i told h its the fifth time and how he was humming and smiling this morning and how hard it was to stay calm and not run. when ss came back in, h told him" as your father and man of this house you are not to that again!".ss walked out so now its wait and see.