Do I post in my blog as well as appropriate forum?
Do I post in my blog as well as appropriate forum?
Sorry, having some newbie technicality issues... Do people generally post in their blog as well as the corresponding forum or is it one or the other so as not to be redundant?
However you choose to do it. I prefer to post mine in blogs, just because they are easier for me to keep track of & should I ever decide to, I can delete them. If you post in the forums, you don't have that capability. In blogs you can delete particular comments if you choose to, where again in the forums, you can't.
However you choose to do it.
However you choose to do it. I prefer to post mine in blogs, just because they are easier for me to keep track of & should I ever decide to, I can delete them. If you post in the forums, you don't have that capability. In blogs you can delete particular comments if you choose to, where again in the forums, you can't.