His Ex Wife is causing Drama, Please help!
I am new to the step parenting world. Although, I have step parents..I have never been one. Nor have I ever dated a man with children. I am with a man I have been with for better part of seven months or so. He is in process of a messy divorce. The soon to be EX wife, is a criminal, just got out of jail in February for having possession of narcotics and was in a stolen vehicle with her boyfriend and friends. A man she was cheating on my boyfriend with. They have a 4 year old boy with Autism, and a 2 year old little girl (who she claims is not his). He has been the one caring for the kids since they were born she was there for 2 of the 4 years they have had kids, and now their youngest will be 3, she missed this whole last year of her daughters life...important time. I have been there since she was basically brand new at two years old. I have been picking up the pieces she left shattered behind. I have been getting these kids on a routine, which they are thriving on (esp the boy, bc of his autism)....they are talking better, playing better, behaving better, and even getting along with each other better. My boyfriend was and is a loving father, but he has always been a provider and has not been able to learn as much about what needed to be done until he left her, and then he was thrown into it...so I have even been able to help him cope, and learn. He is a wonderful father, and a loving man. I have never met such a dedicated man, to his family and his work. He truly wants the kids to have stability and love in their life. She only wants them when its convinient for her. She even has offered to sign over custody of their son if he will sign over their daughter! what an outrage! She has done nothing but move from place to place with no job, home, vehicle, or school diploma...she is even found to be unfit by her family. He has recieved letters with her family members begging him not to let her have them. She has seen them once since she has been out of jail and kidnapped the little girl for three weeks. He cant trust her and he is terrified to let her have them. She found out the little girl started calling me mommy, (on her own accord, no one told her to no one pushed it at all...they have another nick name for me totally unrelated to mommy) She just started doing it...and i read that by correcting her which I was doing is rejection to a child...I cant do that...because I have become so close and in love with these kids. This woman refuses to come sign their UNCONTESTED DIVORCE PAPERS so they can have a court date...yet complains when it isnt done. She wants the kids as much as possible, but expects him to drive three hours to a place with people he doesnt know...AND provide the money for her to care for them!! She is furious the kids call me mommy...and told me I will never be their mother and I will never be allowed to feel or care about them in any other way than friendship?! I am the one who is here, investing my feelings, my time, my emotion...and I already love them like a mother....my boyfriend and I are expecting an unplanned child...bad timing I know, but we are embracing this blessing. She is threatening to get a paternity test and take the daughter away, even though thats the only parent shes ever known, and the only father shes ever known..he cries all the time at the thought of his little girl being taken away. This woman is evil and vindictive. She has been texting and calling my boyfriend about unrelated things (not about the kids) at all hours of the night and day...and will call upwards of 30 times in five minutes til he answers, even if they just got done talking. She barely speaks to the kids, and the son wants NOTHING to do with her, not even a phone conversation he yells no and leaves the room. My boyfriend is having trouble coming up with money to file for uncontested so he can have a custody hearing and we dont know what to do...because at this point she has all legal rights to the children...and the only thing playing in our favor is her lack of intelligence and resources....but still some of the threats she makes and things she says...has really been getting me down...not only to the point of tears every night, but nightmares about losing the kids, and pains in my stomach (im afraid im hurting the baby with all the stress). I wrote her very calmly telling her I loved the kids, and only wanted whats best for them...we didnt fight...the calls however continued and I finally went off on her...I didnt make threats...but I did name call. I am so afraid of what rights she may have and what she could do...and we (my boyfriend and I are lost as to what to do next. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!
You need to find a lawyer
You need to find a lawyer ASAP and there are some that will make payment arrangements with you. This needs to be done ASAP there’s no way around it. There are also some free lawyers, just research them and call. The court will however order paternity test for the daughter if mom is saying it’s not his and there’s no way to get out of that. If she is not his he has no rights to her, I know that is sad but true. This madness will not end till you step up. I currently have a suicidal baby mama drama; I know first hand what you’re dealing with. It will only get worse the children will start showing signs of anxiety and panic attacks. You need to fight for limited visitation if not supervised. My husband has a 10 year old daughter with the crazy mom and the daughter has anxiety and panic attacks and worries constantly about everything. Her mother has had custody of her since the divorce 5 years ago. We are currently trying to come up with the money for a lawyer ourselves for custody. I wish you success and get on it right away, start the case in your county, if she starts it then he will have to drive to her location.
"told me I will never be
"told me I will never be their mother and I will never be allowed to feel or care about them in any other way than friendship"
Fortunately, she can't tell you what you're allowed to feel.
You know she's risky. Document all activities that could be detrimental to the kids -- and then grab a lawyer and kick butt!
I've got one for you.... My
I've got one for you.... My step boys mother told me I was "the live-in f*** buddy/babysitter", but I'd never be anything more. Six months later, we were married.
My daughter is 18 months and working on potty training. Her boys are 3 1/2 and 4 1/2 and weren't introduced to the potty til I started them last summer. Neither of them potty on the potty this summer, and in fact, are further behind than ever.
The 5 year old isn't talking. The 4 year old has needed eye surgery since 6 months and mom refuses to get it because *I* diagnosed and took him to the dr for it. On top of that, she never sends his glasses bc they are always broken and he keeps begging for them.
luv007...that is exactly what
luv007...that is exactly what the BM say's where the health of her children are concerned. BM has nick named me the "Dr." and says I diagnose her children. I have worked in the medical field for 20 years, the last 4 in pedi, plus I've raised 3 of my own BC.
She is notorious on "ignoring" her children's health issues. So far her son has reflux disease and needs meds (that she refuses to give to him), he has had plantar warts and had to go to a specialist to get rid of them, ruptured his ear drum due to an untreated ear infection and the other son was diagnosed by a specialist and has asperger syndrome.
Documentation,medical records and a trial is was kicked BM's ass. She no longer has medical decision making because the judge said she was "slow to responding to her children's medical needs".So now the SM whom she called "Dr." and did not want in her children's lives, now is appointed by BF to take the children to their Dr.'s appts.
Isn't it great that circumstances have a way of coming around full circle!?!