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notsure420's picture

I am pretty sure I have made up my mind, I am done. I can not handle skids or my wifes family. I thought I could but I was wrong. Is anyone out there in the same situation? Has anyone ever left due to skids? I keep telling my wife but she just gets angry then says we can fix this. Well it is broke! She turns it on me then says I am not a real man and I am angry. Please help I am sinking quick. How do I leave? Thank you for your advice.

alwaysanxious's picture

Lots of people on here have left or are in the process. You are not alone. At least you know now and you will feel better when its all over with

stepfamilyfriend's picture

I am sorry that she told you that you are not a real man. That is a low blow. Leaving something that does not seem workable, does not mean you are bad, weak or anything like that. Leaving is hard, and usually gets harder as time passes and you get more involved. Sounds like you have wanted it to work and that is commendable however this ends up.

alwaysanxious's picture

Oh yeah, I should have said something about that last comment. Your manhood has nothing to do with the fact that you can't deal with the crap that comes with stepparenting.

Don't let her personal attacks on you hurt you, because she KNOWS she played a part in all this.

You will be ok.

stepfamilyfriend's picture

I would also add that once you make that decision, which you may have made, don't drag it out. If leaving makes you the bad guy, you will just be bad for longer and punished for it. Know that she is resposible for her own life and it's not your bit to stay in this.

Done WIth It's picture

Notsosure, there are young ladies that post here in your same situation.

They don't have children and have wondered if they walked would they ever meet a single childless man.

Many of us have encouraged them to take the step and get out of the messy situation of exes and stepchildren.

I feel for you and for your wife. BIO children in marriage can be so difficult. Stepkids just challenging.

The hell my greatneice gave her decent and kind stepfather was just the worst. He endured the most horrible behavior from her, and then my neice left him a couple of years ago. That kid went through hell and hung in there. For what?? He still got messed over in the end....18 years later.

Oh...and that brat neice thinks he's wonderful now. If that gives you a clue of her crazy thinking.

Sorry, you're in a bad situation and my heart hurts for you.

kaseynboys's picture

I am leaving. I started thinking about it months ago and finally decided about 2 months ago. Unfortunately I can't afford to leave until the end of September. I will be moving back to my hometown 6 hrs away from where i am now.

Skids: SS18, SS16, SD12, SD10, SS8, SD5
BioKids: BS12, BS12(twins) and BD3 (she is both of ours)

We have been together for almost 5 years. We are not married. I actually get along with most of his kids. SD12 and SD10 (especially SD12) are horrible!!!!!!!! I have 4 different BM's I have to deal with. Also my BF is a habitual liar, even lying bout me to BMs and his other x gf's.

My advice, if you feel this strongly, GET OUT. Find somewhere to go and just go. It is going to be hard. I haven't even worked up the nerve to tell my BF that I am done. The hardest part is going to be taking my BD3 away from him..... she loves her daddy and he loves her. It doesn't sound like you two have any kids together..... be grateful for that.

Auteur's picture

And to add to Always Anxious' comment. Lots of people have and have felt so much better off for it. Like a huge load was lifted off of their shoulders. It has NOTHING to do with you so don't take it personally. Some of us just get hooked up with bioparents that don't know how or don't care to/don't want to parent their offspring.

It's as simple as that. Exiting sooner is better than exiting later.

Find yourself a nice childless woman!! There are plenty out there (and on this board as well)