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Need someone to talk to NOW! I hate my dd BF and step ralated!

purpledaisies's picture

I have been sitting here crying for a while now. My dd has this BF that his dad is a preacher and apparently never been divorced.

My dd and I had a HUGE fight tonight and her bf and his brother came over to 'take' her away! They refused top leave to the point that someone in the neighborhood called the police.

Before that My dd and I got to the point that she understood that she disrespected and she was sorry. But her bf and his brother refused to leave b/c they said dd was unsafe here! WHAT! Really! then her bf just HAD to ask "how may times have you been divorced"? "Which means that is how many times you said you loved and walked away."!!! OMG Really!!! first they have only been seeing each other for 2 months! Plus his parents are letting dd stay the night with them and refuse to let him stay the night with her. Does that even make sense??? I must say before I go on that yes my dd 18 she just turned 18 in april. Now we all know that kids THINK they know everything but they really don't. Anyway I did try to call bf mom but she refused to call me back. I wanted to talk mom to mom that they are putting them in a bad situation but oh no preachers wife wouldn't talk to me!!!

Of course since my dd is 18 she left with him. I am at a loss right now. So upset that a preacher and his wife can even think of doing somehting like this. They should have told their kids to come home with out my dd to let us resolve the argument and should NOT have let ANY girl stay the night at their house!

I think I am more mad at them for not being adults!!!

novemberm's picture

Have you heard from her?????? I feel so bad for you. Do you know what kind of religion these people are? I am NOT knocking any religion, but this scares me. His comment about your divorce, and them just taking her away like they did......weird and frightening. I hope she wakes up today and comes back to you. Hopefully, she will, and you two can have a long talk.

These parents had no right to do what they did, and I understand your feelings there. It seems like maybe they are crazy OR your daughter, or most likely her bf, told them you were a horrible nasty person, and they feel like they are protecting her.

Please keep us posted. Sending hugs!

purpledaisies's picture

Thank you I did hear from her, and I told her that i love her and she said she loves me too. She is not home yet but I don't know how she is going to get home as I wouldn't let her take her car since it was in my name still. But her BF and his brother made it so much worse than it should have been.

I don;t know what religion they are but it does scare me too. I don;t understand why they even let her stay over at their house.

purpledaisies's picture

I went and got her and we talked but she still doesn't seem to see my point of view only theirs. (him and his parents)

However she is not moving out.

His parents refuse to talk to me. Her bf and brother don't want to apologize. So I told her that if her bf does not apologize we will not be ok (him and me and her dad). She insists that he will be in her life for years (um ok she is 18 and he is 19 going to 2 different colleges). Anyway the 2 of us are ok we talked about it and the rules of our house and the consquensnes of her moving out.

Her bf on the other hand all she could do is defend him. I told her tha I wasn't looking for a fight and I don;t care why they did what they did but they need to apologize if they ever want to put back in our lives and if what she says is true that they will be together forever then he needs to apologize persiod. I will not put up with disrespect from anyone including her and her bf. Just b/c she is my dd does not give her the right to dangle her being in my life if I have to put up with disrespect.She seemed to got that one.

That is why I do not like her bf or his family as they seem to not step up and do what is right. That concerns me for her in the future. I found out that they are baptist. Now honestly I don't care what someone's religion is but it is very scary to think you kid could get involved in somehting that can he very damaging. I hope that dd will see that everyone has their right to their beliefs and it is not ok to try to shove someone out of thier loved ones lives.

I am very hurt and disappointed that preacher and his wife won't even talk to me and my dd wants me to see thier POV??? I told her that they will have to talk to me and tell me their POV before I can see thier POV. I am jsut sitting in disbeilf that people who claim to be what they claim but then actions speak louder than words.

Zoie's picture

Well's unfortunate..but we all know that many people use religion as an excuse to be stupid....I'm so sorry that this is happening..but your dd is young and she thinks she's in love so if you push too much (even though you are right) she will rebel completely and you will loose your dd to him...

Patience..patience..patience..these people mean nothing to you and really she will have many that said the most important thing is your relationship with your dd...

keep us posted and good luck...


purpledaisies's picture

I know Zoie it's ok. Dh and I talked about it and we know that once she gets to college it won;t last too long as he thinks she is beneath him in terms if religion. I'm sure it won;t be long before he decides she is more trouble then he wants to get into. Meaning that she is very independent and way too much like me, very strong willed and will not let someone control her. Once she gets a taste of that independence at school and being on her 'own' she will not want to conform to what he wants in a wife. I can see it now that he wants a wife to be obedient and not say anything while he can do whatever he wants. If I know my dd like I think I know her it will not last too long if indeed he is wanting to do what I think he wants. Wink

windee's picture

I am glad your DD came home and you both are in a better place! Smile That nust have been HELL for you! And that so called preacher is not a true preacher at all i he going to treat you and your daughter like that!! Good luck!!

purpledaisies's picture

Yes windee I told my dh that they are closed minded people and they insist that the mess I left was nasty and my dd said I was hypercritical??? I only see them as that as they are the ones letting 2 young adults that have only known each other for 2 months stay the night under the same roof and not be married!!! I am NOT doing that!!

I backed off and will have to let my dd see him and his family for what they are. This fight had NOTHING to do with them at all it had everything to do with the way she treated me when she came home and then proceeded to leave and ignore me then sped off while I was trying to talk to her.

So if he had just said yeah that is your mom don't treat her like that and stopped and let me talk to her since it had nothing to do with him. However he MADE it all about him for what he did then his parents refused to talk to me that is the most telling of them.
Thanks ladies I do hope that once dd goes to college that their relationship will fizzle out as they don't eaxh other that well any way.

roseslady2's picture

I'm a strong believer in the Bible and if he's a preacher he should be too:
1. Forgiveness is found in Jesus.
2. Jesus loved everyone, especially those that had fallen and were broken (divorced family=BROKEN)
3. As a preacher, he has a responsibility to talk to anyone that needs to talk to him and needs help. If he will not talk to you, you should go to his church and try to set up a meeting with one of the other pastors or elders. A good way to do this and build your relationship with your dd: Tell her that if her bf is going to be in her life for a long time, you want to get to know him. Say you'd like to go to his dad's church, have him over for dinner and do other family type stuff together. Your dd will either realize that there's something up with her bf or she will be happy that you are showing interest.

purpledaisies's picture

Yeah and since he is a preacher he should not be letting my dd stay the night at his house with his son!