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Am I a bad parent

frustratedstepmom101's picture

I love my step son to death but I can't handle and/or deal with his BM. She sabbatoges everything and everytime we make progress with my step son he goes back to her only to forget everything! His behavior is constantly becoming a HUGH problem! My husband left two weeks ago for the military. I don't have visitations but my mother in law does. (she only gets him on sundays) Am I a bad parent because I don't even want to go see him? I love him more than anything but everytime i go see him he's back to his old self and he doesn't listen and i just get frustrated... I don't want to deal with her at all. i just feel bad Sad

briarmommy's picture

Don't feel bad about that, it doesn't make you a bad person. Just think of this as a break and a chance for you to regroup so that when your husband returns and the child is back in your life again you can be the best that you can be for you, your husband, and the child.

frustratedstepmom101's picture

thank you very much. Smile that makes me feel so much better. i DO love my step son very much but this is the last chance i will have to spend with my friends and family for a while and I dont want to be upset or frustrated dealing with the child instead of enjoying my last few months here in PA. thx again!!

Tommy.8888's picture

Our society and especially our husbands have done a hell of a job conditioning us to believe we as women are SUPPOSED to act maternal towards their kids (of course the more we do, the less they have to), but when it comes down to it, these kids are just that, some one else's kids, not yours. I miss my skids the way I miss that annoying kid from down the street, like a splinter in my finger, someone else's kids. But when it comes to my baby, a miricle happens, I'm suddenly pouring out more love than mother Theresa. Still, Like you, I feel guilty for not loving my skid, maybe for the same reason, that its expected of me to love him.