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advice needed!! Serious issues with step kids!

meandmy3plus3's picture

Hello! I am new to this forum and I am in great need of some sound advice! I am bio mom to my 3 kids, 16, 14, and 9. My 9 year old suffers from ADHD with OCD tendencies. With the OCD, he keeps his room very neat, all his toys have to be put back in the toys boxes and clothes have to be put away. (Yes, a mom’s dream I know! I can be both a blessing and a curse!) All 3 of my children live with us full time. They do not see their Dad very often because he works out of town. My husband has 2 children, a girl who is 9 and a boy who is 7. I don’t know how to say this without it sounding bad, they are really good kids, when you get their mothers bs out of them, but when they come to our house its like they lose 2 years. They both act like they are 2 years old, especially the 9 year old stepdaughter. I am just figuring out that the 7 year old stepson has major jealousy issues and those issues are getting worse each and every visit. The ss shares a room with my 9 year old and makes a total mess and then tells his dad that my son did it. (and of course dad buys into it because he refuses to believe that his kids would tell a lie) (wait it gets better) Well recently the ss has been taking my 9 year old’s toys and saying things like “my dad is gonna divorce your mom and I am going to take all of your toys” A week or so ago, when the stepkids were over for a visit, my oldest and his friends were moving a tv and the 9 year old decided he could jump over the tv for his brother. This was all funny and the teens were laughing and enjoying the 9 year old’s athletic ability, well the 7 year old gets mad because no one is paying him any attention, reaches out grabs the 9 year olds leg, while he is in midair, and jerks it, so the 9 year old lands flat out on hardwoods on his shoulder. We were very lucky that nothing was broken, but the teens were all very mad for this action. But the 7 year old get his attention. The stepkids spend the entire weekends that they are with us seeking total negative attention, they whine, cry, complain, treat my children and me like we are their maids, and I just do not understand it. At our last trip to see my son’s counselor I told him about what was going on with the 7 year old and the counselor informed my that the 7 year old needs to supervised around the other children and that he has major issues because he is jealous that my children live there with his Dad and he doesn’t. He explained that both of the step children need to be placed in counseling immediately, but that doesn’t help the sense of dread that I feel knowing that I don’t know how to address or fix the situation. Has anyone else had to deal with a similar situation? What helped?

meandmy3plus3's picture

I just can't wrap my head around how they can be so hateful behind their dad's back and the minute their dad steps in the room they are all sweet and innocent! I won't leave my son alone with his children. They are like Dr. Jekly and Mr. Hyde! It's scary!

His kids come this weekend. I am actually writing a speech. I am determined to "take back my home!" I have always prided myself on the fact that I have tried to keep my home happy, healthy and fun. I want it to stay that way and if they can't behave in the manner that is expected then they can go back to their mothers!! That is just how I feel. I feel bad for being so mean about it, but I don't think that the rest of us should have to suffer!

MomAtHome05's picture

I know this is an old posting, but this sounds like our home exactly. Hubby knows his kids are not the best [to put it mildly] but kind of figures they are with us so little, why rock the boat?
I miss my old 'home' too. We did send them back twice for misbehaving and that was used against us in court, as the mother played it like we didn't want them at all. {long story} However, that was the counseling we received at church, on what to do with them.
Anyway, I wish I could say we resolved the issues or we have fixed things but things are just as bad, if not worse in some areas.
Hang in there!