My SD10 and SS11 want to bring a picture of their mom and new baby brother to our house. I don't want to have a picture of my husbands ex in our house. Has anyone else have this problem and whats did you do?
They live with us full time and only go to their BM every ther weekend. So Yes the have their own bedrooms. I clean their rooms and put laundry away in their rooms. I don't want to see their mother everytime I do this.
Yep I wouldn't have a problem with it at all. My skids can have pics of their psycho bitch Of a bm here if they want.... Oh wait he'll no they can't, they don't live here anymore.
However, my kids all have photos of their dad in their rooms and it's just fine. My kids don't live here anymore either but they have stuff in their rooms here.
I never had a problem with it. No matter how you feel about the BM that is their mother. It's important to them...My vote is let them have their picture.
I put a picture of the Skids with their mom into a frame that holds 6 there's them with dad, them with sibs, them with me & dad, them with get the picture...I faced the frames away from the door so I don't have to look at BM's fugly face
I tell SK's that I respect the fact that BM is their biological mother, however, this woman has done some grievous things to these kids and us and I do not want her setting foot in our house. I will call the police!!
Photos are OK, The woman is very pretty, until she opens her mouth!
I will not make an issue out of photo's, that would fuel the hatred that already burns this woman up. I do hear about the horrible things she says about me, DH and all the negativity she directs towards us, via SD now 17. Seven years of this crap gets old, SD and I do have a chuckle if there's an 'original' sounding jibe. I know in my heart that SD will come to understand how things work and I am not losing sleep over any of it.
Losing sleep really has to be for something VERY important as far as I am concerned.
Even though BM should be institutionalized and everything she touches she ruins, I wouldn't mind if they had pictures of her in their rooms. I don't clean their rooms nor do their laundry (SD11 washes her laundry and SS8's and they both are responsible for cleaning their own rooms), so this wouldn't be an issue. Her picture wouldn't be allowed anywhere else in our house but it is their mother so I could understand why they would want a photo in their room.
Great idea here... Buy them both a little (nice) photo album and tell them they can put whatever photos they would like in there and keep them in their rooms! That way you dont have to SEE the photos out in the open! Worked in my home. And if you buy it for them u come out Lookin like the good guy!
Bradensu - I know you don't want to see the ex but you really should for the kids sake let them have a picture of their mother in their room and it also contains their new little brother - I can't believe I am saying this but for once put yourself in their place - do you like pictures up of your family - I have tons of pictures in my home and in my living room a whole wall with pictures.
When SS came to live with us - BM lives 700 miles away - I went to see my family who live in the area and SS visited his mother for the week - I went to pick him up and I had them pose for a couple of pictures - I then got really nice frames for both of them and sent one to her and had one for him in his room - I even made a special ribbon bulletin board that held about 25 pictures of him, BM and her side of the family - I also bought one of those frames that could hold about 10 pictures and in that had everyone - BM, DH, BM's family, DD and I - my SS did not get to see his mother but 4 times a year - so for him to have these around was very comforting - but I will say these pictures were only put up in his room and I usually kept the door closed to his room - when I cleaned it once or twice a week I had to see BM but really in the big picture it was more important for him to see her every day than for me to be a bitch and make him hide the pictures. It is not easy but like someone mentioned above you will seem like the good guy and gain some extra points in your hubby's eye - it really is a small gesture - it is in their room and unless you are cleaning do you really need to be in their bedroom - if the pictures bother you that much than wait until everyone is gone then go in put the picture in a drawer and clean and then put back and that way you don't have to see the pictures while you are cleaning or better yet at their ages they should be cleaning their own rooms!!!
The most important think that I think should be noted is that their baby brother is in the picture - so as much as you hate the BM and we all do - they love their baby brother and should be allowed to have 1 picture of him.
All really good advice here (especially loved the photo album idea) and I know how you feel. But you can't win this one. Unfortunately there's no way you can tell them no and not look like a complete ass. She could be a serial killer and they'll see her as the best mom in the world. You denying them her picture will only cement it as her the persecuted misunderstood and you the bitch.
Well since it is their mom I think I would let them have a picture of her in their room. I know it is hard for you to see that but it is their mom and since they don't live with her this might be a way for them to feel close to her still.
My ss doesnt live with us, so no pics of her in my house. He only comes around eow so I see no need. I think if this issue ever comes on the table there will be some serious problems.
I have let my SK's have a picture of their mom in their room. It cuts down on pest control considerably. The woman has a face that scares roaches away.
"I have let my SK's have a picture of their mom in their room. It cuts down on pest control considerably. The woman has a face that scares roaches away."
First I would let them have a pic of their mom in their rooms. Second WHY in the world are you cleaning their rooms???? Stop cleaning their room right now! Take it from someone whose mother ALWAYS cleaned her room and I wasn't expected to do a darn thing, IT DID NOT HELP ME AT ALL! I didn't get it til my mom was in the hospital for about a month and we all had to chip in to help. If you stop cleaning and stuff for them you do not have to go in their rooms that often.
I have a picture box that has my SD's pics with their mom, dad, and them...all the pics from "back in the day" basically. They can look at it whenever they want but they never do. Actually the only time it ever gets looked at is if I pull it out and am going through it...then sometimes they get curious and go through it again. Neither one of them have attempted to put a pic up of their moms in their bedrooms but if they did I would let them. First of all I get along with BM's ok...but even if I didn't that is there mother and I exspect them to miss her and I know when I miss someone it is nice to have a picture of them around. SD5 does have a pic of herself, me, and BM together in a frame on a shelf in her room, but I am the one that put it there not her. She was excited to see it. She loves that she has a pic of herself with her two moms'.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
So she is purposely trying to cause a problem? Just for that fact alone you should let them have it so they can't go back and report that you were upset which would have made all this worthwhile to her.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
LOL what is going on w/your computer girl? hahaha! We get it you don't clean it just kidding...that's odd, 3 pages...I was wondering how this thread just blew up so quickly -not unseen of in steptalk world hehe
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
That never happened in our home but I would be okay with SS-18 having a picture of his SpermIdiot and SpermClan in his room.
He has never mentioned it or brought one home from SpermLand.
He doesn't even have pictures of them in his cell phone but he has dozens of pictures of his life in our world in his cell. His SpermIdiot half sibs will send him pictures periodically on his cell that he shares with us but for some reason he deletes them pretty quickly.
I think it is easier on him if he keeps his worlds separate. He has only recently started talking about SpermLand and the SpermClan with his mom and I.
Apparently the SpermClan gets pissed when he talks about us when he is on visitation but he does it anyway. SpermGrandMa has called many times over the years bitching about what SS's says about us and about how he is disrespectful to them.
We have consistently told SS that he can talk about his family (either us or them) whenever and wherever he wants to. We have also told him that he needs to be respectful when he is with the SpermClan.
Having to split my life in to two separate worlds would drive me nuts.
It is a wonder these kids don't all end up as axe murderers.
Wow that was alot (6 pages worth) of clarification. LOL
So BM sent them home with a pic of herself. Ask them if they want it. If they say yes ask them where, put it there, and be done with it. If they dont care or show no interest have them put it in whatever they have for keepsakes....whether that be a box, desk drawer, wherever. Definitely dont get rid of it or destroy it. It really should be up to the kids what they do with their picture of their mother.
I like to let my skids know that they are free to discuss BM whenever they want (which isn't much thank God!) I think if I restricted it, it would only come back and bite me in the ass and they would want to do it more. I know that in turn, BM has to put up with stories about me and DH and all of the fun they have with us. If they ever wanted a picture here, I think DH would have more to say about that then me! We would have it up when they are here and promptly hide it when they go home!
NEVER in a million years
NEVER in a million years would i EVER let a pic of bm in my house... hell, i don't even allow pics of skids in my house...
let them bring them, oops, the frames will get broken. oops, the pictures will get shreadded..
oops.... get the fucking picture (no pun intended) ~ no bm pics at my house!!
They live with us full time
They live with us full time and only go to their BM every ther weekend. So Yes the have their own bedrooms. I clean their rooms and put laundry away in their rooms. I don't want to see their mother everytime I do this.
Yep I wouldn't have a problem
Yep I wouldn't have a problem with it at all. My skids can have pics of their psycho bitch Of a bm here if they want.... Oh wait he'll no they can't, they don't live here anymore.
However, my kids all have photos of their dad in their rooms and it's just fine. My kids don't live here anymore either but they have stuff in their rooms here.
I never had a problem with
I never had a problem with it. No matter how you feel about the BM that is their mother. It's important to them...My vote is let them have their picture.
I put a picture of the Skids
I put a picture of the Skids with their mom into a frame that holds 6 there's them with dad, them with sibs, them with me & dad, them with get the picture...I faced the frames away from the door so I don't have to look at BM's fugly face
I tell SK's that I respect
I tell SK's that I respect the fact that BM is their biological mother, however, this woman has done some grievous things to these kids and us and I do not want her setting foot in our house. I will call the police!!
Photos are OK, The woman is very pretty, until she opens her mouth!
I will not make an issue out of photo's, that would fuel the hatred that already burns this woman up. I do hear about the horrible things she says about me, DH and all the negativity she directs towards us, via SD now 17. Seven years of this crap gets old, SD and I do have a chuckle if there's an 'original' sounding jibe. I know in my heart that SD will come to understand how things work and I am not losing sleep over any of it.
Losing sleep really has to be for something VERY important as far as I am concerned.
Even though BM should be
Even though BM should be institutionalized and everything she touches she ruins, I wouldn't mind if they had pictures of her in their rooms. I don't clean their rooms nor do their laundry (SD11 washes her laundry and SS8's and they both are responsible for cleaning their own rooms), so this wouldn't be an issue. Her picture wouldn't be allowed anywhere else in our house but it is their mother so I could understand why they would want a photo in their room.
Great idea here... Buy them
Great idea here... Buy them both a little (nice) photo album and tell them they can put whatever photos they would like in there and keep them in their rooms! That way you dont have to SEE the photos out in the open! Worked in my home. And if you buy it for them u come out Lookin like the good guy!
Bradensu - I know you don't
Bradensu - I know you don't want to see the ex but you really should for the kids sake let them have a picture of their mother in their room and it also contains their new little brother - I can't believe I am saying this but for once put yourself in their place - do you like pictures up of your family - I have tons of pictures in my home and in my living room a whole wall with pictures.
When SS came to live with us - BM lives 700 miles away - I went to see my family who live in the area and SS visited his mother for the week - I went to pick him up and I had them pose for a couple of pictures - I then got really nice frames for both of them and sent one to her and had one for him in his room - I even made a special ribbon bulletin board that held about 25 pictures of him, BM and her side of the family - I also bought one of those frames that could hold about 10 pictures and in that had everyone - BM, DH, BM's family, DD and I - my SS did not get to see his mother but 4 times a year - so for him to have these around was very comforting - but I will say these pictures were only put up in his room and I usually kept the door closed to his room - when I cleaned it once or twice a week I had to see BM but really in the big picture it was more important for him to see her every day than for me to be a bitch and make him hide the pictures. It is not easy but like someone mentioned above you will seem like the good guy and gain some extra points in your hubby's eye - it really is a small gesture - it is in their room and unless you are cleaning do you really need to be in their bedroom - if the pictures bother you that much than wait until everyone is gone then go in put the picture in a drawer and clean and then put back and that way you don't have to see the pictures while you are cleaning or better yet at their ages they should be cleaning their own rooms!!!
The most important think that I think should be noted is that their baby brother is in the picture - so as much as you hate the BM and we all do - they love their baby brother and should be allowed to have 1 picture of him.
Thankfully, I never had to
Thankfully, I never had to deal with this. My Ss is now 15 and of course and I don't think it's gonna happen anymore.
I don't know if I could have been so gracious about it. I understand all of the arguments for it but it would really be disturbing to me.
So, I really understand how you feel.
All really good advice here
All really good advice here (especially loved the photo album idea) and I know how you feel. But you can't win this one. Unfortunately there's no way you can tell them no and not look like a complete ass. She could be a serial killer and they'll see her as the best mom in the world. You denying them her picture will only cement it as her the persecuted misunderstood and you the bitch.
Well since it is their mom I
Well since it is their mom I think I would let them have a picture of her in their room. I know it is hard for you to see that but it is their mom and since they don't live with her this might be a way for them to feel close to her still.
My ss doesnt live with us, so
My ss doesnt live with us, so no pics of her in my house. He only comes around eow so I see no need. I think if this issue ever comes on the table there will be some serious problems.
I have let my SK's have a
I have let my SK's have a picture of their mom in their room. It cuts down on pest control considerably. The woman has a face that scares roaches away.
@ Aggravated- "I have let my
@ Aggravated-
"I have let my SK's have a picture of their mom in their room. It cuts down on pest control considerably. The woman has a face that scares roaches away."
LMAO Maybe you could market it?
That might be a good idea!
That might be a good idea! Something to keep in mind, anyway!!!
i wouldn't deny that, i just
i wouldn't deny that, i just make my kids keep the pictures in THEIR room or THEIR space. i don't go on there any way so i don't see it
and i agree with jenstep, you can't tell them no and not look like a jack a$$....she is still their mom
Let them have 'em and put 'em
Let them have 'em and put 'em on the back of the door(s). That way you won't have to see it when you go in.
Also, maybe it's time for them (or DH) to clean their own room and put away their own laundry? Just a suggestion.
First I would let them have a
First I would let them have a pic of their mom in their rooms. Second WHY in the world are you cleaning their rooms???? Stop cleaning their room right now! Take it from someone whose mother ALWAYS cleaned her room and I wasn't expected to do a darn thing, IT DID NOT HELP ME AT ALL! I didn't get it til my mom was in the hospital for about a month and we all had to chip in to help. If you stop cleaning and stuff for them you do not have to go in their rooms that often.
I have a picture box that has
I have a picture box that has my SD's pics with their mom, dad, and them...all the pics from "back in the day" basically. They can look at it whenever they want but they never do. Actually the only time it ever gets looked at is if I pull it out and am going through it...then sometimes they get curious and go through it again. Neither one of them have attempted to put a pic up of their moms in their bedrooms but if they did I would let them. First of all I get along with BM's ok...but even if I didn't that is there mother and I exspect them to miss her and I know when I miss someone it is nice to have a picture of them around. SD5 does have a pic of herself, me, and BM together in a frame on a shelf in her room, but I am the one that put it there not her. She was excited to see it. She loves that she has a pic of herself with her two moms'.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
So she is purposely trying to
So she is purposely trying to cause a problem? Just for that fact alone you should let them have it so they can't go back and report that you were upset which would have made all this worthwhile to her.
She needs to get a life.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she jusr had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
I'd say that you have
I'd say that you have "clarified." OMG look how many times this posted!
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
LOL what is going on w/your
LOL what is going on w/your computer girl? hahaha! We get it you don't clean it
just kidding...that's odd, 3 pages...I was wondering how this thread just blew up so quickly -not unseen of in steptalk world hehe
(No subject)
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
I think you need to log out,
I think you need to log out, seriously and do a cold reboot- stat
You have a trojan...nasty one at that.
I bet she didn't mean for
I bet she didn't mean for this to happen, too many.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
I think this sets a new
I think this sets a new record for responses in one post?
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
Ok i should clarify, i dont
Ok i should clarify, i dont clean thier rooms, just sometimes straighten up when they r not there and at their moms house. i do the laundry, but they but it away. Last night when they cam back from her house they brought the picture. the kids didnt ask for a picture she told them to take it and if we had a problem with it for us to call her. i feel there is a underlying factor of why she did this. i would like ro have more children. (have one bs with dh) but since dh kids live with us, we dont have room or money to move. so i know my sd has told her. so i feel she is throwing it in my face that she just had a baby.
That never happened in our
That never happened in our home but I would be okay with SS-18 having a picture of his SpermIdiot and SpermClan in his room.
He has never mentioned it or brought one home from SpermLand.
He doesn't even have pictures of them in his cell phone but he has dozens of pictures of his life in our world in his cell. His SpermIdiot half sibs will send him pictures periodically on his cell that he shares with us but for some reason he deletes them pretty quickly.
I think it is easier on him if he keeps his worlds separate. He has only recently started talking about SpermLand and the SpermClan with his mom and I.
Apparently the SpermClan gets pissed when he talks about us when he is on visitation but he does it anyway. SpermGrandMa has called many times over the years bitching about what SS's says about us and about how he is disrespectful to them.
We have consistently told SS that he can talk about his family (either us or them) whenever and wherever he wants to. We have also told him that he needs to be respectful when he is with the SpermClan.
Having to split my life in to two separate worlds would drive me nuts.
It is a wonder these kids don't all end up as axe murderers.
Wow that was alot (6 pages
Wow that was alot (6 pages worth) of clarification. LOL
So BM sent them home with a pic of herself. Ask them if they want it. If they say yes ask them where, put it there, and be done with it. If they dont care or show no interest have them put it in whatever they have for keepsakes....whether that be a box, desk drawer, wherever. Definitely dont get rid of it or destroy it. It really should be up to the kids what they do with their picture of their mother.
Sorry for all that
Sorry for all that ''clarification'' i dont know why it posted so many times.
disagree with mamab, op's
disagree with mamab, op's house, what goes in it is up to her!
I like to let my skids know
I like to let my skids know that they are free to discuss BM whenever they want (which isn't much thank God!) I think if I restricted it, it would only come back and bite me in the ass and they would want to do it more. I know that in turn, BM has to put up with stories about me and DH and all of the fun they have with us. If they ever wanted a picture here, I think DH would have more to say about that then me! We would have it up when they are here and promptly hide it when they go home!