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The cause of my stress

Timetogiveup's picture

I know why I am stressing so bad over Stink(SS16)…..I don’t know when BM will be taking him off my hands again. BM had him for Fall break (October 8-18), as of now Stink said she will not be able to see him until his birthday which is in January. She seems to be averaging 2 months between visits. At this point, I don’t even care that she is getting full CS…..I just want a regular scheduled break from HER kid!!!! She has no problem saying…I don’t want to deal with him. DH and MIL think it’s better that he doesn’t see his DM all that much. But what about me??? Am I being selfish…..if she doesn’t want to deal with her own child why should that burden fall on me???

DaizyDuke's picture

So, your BM won't see her son for almost 3 months and she is still getting full CS?? Why on gawds green earth is that happening? What kind of scumbag continues to take child support, when they don't even see their child?? How does this NOT bother you? I am flamed for you!!!! :O

Timetogiveup's picture

The reason why DH will not go back to court is because it cost over 10k in legal fees, that includes what he was ordered to pay for her. He "owes" her 16 1/2 more "paychecks" $ right now its a wash. I would rather spend the money myself (LOL) or see the CS go into an account for Stink.

The CS use to really bug me...especially when she was getting $1000.00 a month (the judge cut her down to $500.00...still too much for some one that never sees her kid). She use to come around brag about everything she was buying and doing but we were sending the kid home with food because she couldn't "afford" to buy food for him.

I have always thought this woman was a low-life scumbag. For me right now, I am not concerned about the money, in fact, I don't even give a crap about the parent-child relationship.....I am concerned with ME. I can't deal with this kid 24/7 and on top of it DH travels alot.

I love my DH dearly but sometimes I feel like I am in the same abusive relationship ship here that I was with my ex. My ex would beat the piss out of me and buy me a gift. I expressed how I feel about this to DH, he got me a new camera.

Just looking at the kid stresses me out.

reeny511's picture

I think I'm going to be in the same hole as you timetogiveup! BM in my situation is getting ready to be homeless again (she's just waiting for the sheriff's office to put the eviction notice up). So that means we will have full custody of SD11 and BM still wants to keep the CS because otherwise she will be living under a bridge without it! I dont know why that's our problem, but she always bullsh***s her way into making people give her things so she can "get on her feet". I told my DH he better stop CS the minute we get SD again. I'm waiting to see what he'll do.

Jsmom's picture

Agree with above. I would be more upset about the CS for a BM not raising her child. Can't you see the CS office to stop it?

steptwins's picture

Bet your DH won't stop the CS. He'll have a boatload of reasons: cost, time, pissing her off, but one excuse he won't use: She's smarter than I am.
My DH didn't, there's no visitation schedule, no overnights ever. I so stuck too. Even one weekend a month I'd be grateful for. No way Jose. DH doesn't want BM to feel obligated or pressured? Or is this arrangement good for him in that we have no couple time but he has 100% swin time? Interesting thought to ponder. He dropped off her check and extra set of keys (??) & she's back at the house damaged by a bathroom fire. Her response to: you must have a lot going on with getting house repair, she said: my real problem is that there is five attic dwellers now & if he wants he can come in & see for himself. He said, no thanks I've got to get going & left. OMG! So she couldn't live at her mother's & went to burnt house instead. Five attic dweller? Obviously she set that fire herself to smoke them out - LOL. I am not making any of this up either. Just so bizarre & they all think she's great.

Timetogiveup's picture

WHO are the attic dwellers?

Holy crap...that is sooooooo creepy. OMG...did you ever see the movie "Bad Ronald", its from the 70's?? If you haven't Look it up on line....the attic dwellers reminf me of "Bad Ronald".

hbell0428's picture

You are preaching.......I have SD13 FT; and the excuse I got from BM was that she was ruining their marriage.....Well I can agree to that; it has only been six months since she has been w/ us FT and I am one foot out the door. I am not saying it is all HER it is DADDY being a spineless ass. I agree - why is it my headache if her BM chose her BF over her; I think that is rude; I would NEVER let my kids go over a Man; husband or not

Timetogiveup's picture

SUe...I wish I could refuse to keep him, DH thinks this is just grand that her is here. Yes, the lightbulb went off about what is going assignemnt this week is to directly address this with my DH...I have some health issues that are related to stress and I am not going to let this kid kill me.

steptwins's picture

If you insist on vistation schedule & you will get dirty looks from DH. Apparently that indicative of skid hatred to our DHs and not accepted as a responsibility of the BM. And to answer question about attic dweller --
first BM had trouble (just at night) with Ninja's over the summer. Even called Police once to report something in basement. Nothing was found but police had my DH take her guns home with him so she wouldn't hurt herself. Oh thanks so much everyone for caring about her safety vs. my right to live without firearms in my house. She actually took a video (as proof) little people nesting in the trees behind her house. Video was so funny (I almost peed myself laughing, DH didn't laugh once), she'd keep the camera on a leaf or branch & keep talking to "it". Video included a wore out place on window sill -- she explained this is where they are getting in & out, see how worn it is. And vent in her bedroom ceiling where they scurry down to have sex on her bed when she not home. I swear I'm not making this up either. She's got brain damage from the crystal meth. and should be in a nut hut for life.