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I can't stand it.

Timetogiveup's picture

Every weekday, my day starts with the dreaded daily drive to school. BM turned her house into the bank, filed bankrupt, and moved out of the school district. She was so kind to get an out of boundary for SS (16) because she didn’t think it was in his best interest to change schools. She also decided that the court ordered arrangement of 5-2-5 will no longer work for her because the kid has no way to get to school from her apt. Since, she HAS to work (she thinks she is the only one in the world that HAS to work), she decided that he will live here and she will see him “whenever” she can. Again, she “HAS” to work “ya know”. She still takes her court ordered child support .

Every morning, I have to deal with the whining and screaming. Then the entire drive (25 miles one way) I have to look at the pouty-puss. The pout, the head resting in the hand and drool coming out of his mouth. Someday, I want to open the car door on his side just to see what will happen.

The ride home from school is even less pleasant, because not only do I get the pouty-puss but I get the stink. He REFUSES to use deodorant, we live in AZ.

I really can’t stand it.

DaizyDuke's picture

Where is his father... why do YOU have to take HIS son to school every day and pick him up every day??

Our BM is the same way.. hasn't worked in years then finally (when unenjoyment runs out) gets a waitress job where she works like maybe 4-5 hours per day (not even every day) and she thinks everybody should feel sorry for her and our world should revolve around how tired she is, what her particular shift is that day, etc. Are these people for real???

skylarksms's picture

Here's Sueu2 again, talking down to us from the pedestal she (or he) has put herself (or himself) on!

Timetogiveup's picture

Thank you......I thought that she/he was talking down to me too. Id she/he has such a perfect life I wonder why they are in here.

starfish's picture

yep, we try to ignore those condescending digs from those with the perfect life (aka: no life and a miserable existence)

Timetogiveup's picture

At least she/he/it believed me. Like seriously....I am on the verge of tears every single day.....and this jackass thinks that there is a remote possibility that I am making this up??? I should be doing my schoolwork right now but for some reason I am really upset today about this bullshit.

momoutofhermind2's picture

You know what would make you feel better. Take all of stinky's clothes, use a pair of tongs while doing it, and accidentally set them a fire in the middle of the desert in a can. It will make you feel better and the stink will be gone. hehehe. Just stick with the story, we've been robbed...heheheh. If they ask why nothing else was taken just shrug your shoulders like IDK.

Once done with that, have a nice strong margarita and do some school work. You would be A-ok and lots happier than now Smile

Timetogiveup's picture

I drive him because his father works and i just go to school full time. So I get stuck.

DH REFUSES to put the kid in the school around the corner from us. He feels the kid should have to pay for his BM's screw up. IMO, you move, you move that's it. I don't get this out of bounds thing. I also don't get DH's train of thought. The kid has no friends, no activities, no sports, and he does pretty crappy in school. Personally, I think a change might do this kid good. But you know there is NO arguing with them when it comes to their little darl;ings.

The kid's stink....I have told DH many times to talk to the kid. This is not my job. DH said he doesn't know how to bring it up. I think you stink, is the way to bring it up.

The attitude, I hear he's a kid.

How long have you been a step-parent?

DaizyDuke's picture

So the kid shouldn't have to pay for BM's screw up.... but YOU should by having to take him and pick him up from school everyday??? that is just wrong on your hubby's part!

starfish's picture

he doesn't have any friends b/c he's a stinky, pouty-puss whiner!

i've been with dh for 8 yrs, married 6 ~~ so, been stepping somewhere around 7 yrs....

Timetogiveup's picture

For some reason people think you don't sweat in AZ because it is a dry heat.

I already put the gaming chair that came from his mom's house in the garage. It stinks, I don't if it is BO or cat pee. BM has cats.

That's a good idea for the clothes, that will solve 2 problems. The stink and getting rid of the clothes. The kid in not in 11th grade, he has been wearing the same clothes BM gave him in 8th grade. He REFUSES to wear anything we buy him. He has a closet full of clothes with the tags still on them, they only thing that has left was the Ralph Lauren sweatshirt....he gave to BM because it was her favorite color.

I would love to throw the passenger seat of my car out stinks too.

I use to make the kid stand there and brush his teeth in front of me....I guess I can try it with the pit-stick.

Its these stupid little things that really bug the shit out me.

starfish's picture

FEBREEZE your seat and air your car out.... then scotch guard and cover with a towel....

Timetogiveup's picture

I have used an entire bottle of Fabreeze on my chair he sat on and it STILL stinks!

It is sooooo bad, I got him a cot and bedding for the cabin. He has used it 2 weekends and I swear the stuff smells soooo bad it needs to be buried.

DH is such a freaking wuss over this....I have been telling him either YOU take care of the stink or I will!!!!

Part of the after school stink is my fault. I take my time going to get him, I try to make him wait 1/2 the Blazing AZ sun. BM thas told me a million times that I HAVE to be there waiting for him with a cold bottle of water. I get treated like a servant.....excuse me.....slave but I'm relly not one. I do get a little joy out of making the spoiled one wait. I love it when it is raining and I make him wait 45 mins....but then he is like a stinky, wet dog.

starfish's picture

TTGU, that making him wait is FUNNY... i would do the exact same thing.... i have only had to p/u skids a handful of times.. they always make dh wait, b/c they have to get this or that or forgot something.. i pull up and blow the horn and they are ready chop chop!

can you get your car seat professionally steam cleaned?? seriously, i could not stand BO in my car.... might cost a little bit, but the absence of the stink would be worht it!

Timetogiveup's picture

There is not only the further annoy the pampered pansey I find "something" to do every day on the way home. It pisses him off because I cut into his computer time....all he does is sit there with this mouth open (drooling) while watching movies. Shirley Temple can wait. I can't decide if we are going to go to Joanne's Fabrics or Home Depot.

What to really laugh, the therapist he goes to....the one I found.....does interactive therapy with horses. He is shit scared of horses.....I figured it would build character and really give him something to cry about. I even stopped saying don't stand there......I think every one needs to take a good kick from a horse at least once in their life. I lived.

I should be working on my school work....I just don't know why this upset me so much today.

starfish's picture

hopefully getting it out and all the support is helping you feel better.... all the humor on here today has put me in a much better mood and i didn't even start drinking at 4 like i was hell bent on this morning....

i would make sure to take him with when you buy tampons!!

skylarksms's picture

Hahaha! Or better yet, make up an excuse why you can't go in and have HIM go in and buy them for you!!

starfish's picture

oh snarkster, too funny:

"I am a firm believer that consistent and brutal embarrassment will force most offendors to submit to your will."

Timetogiveup's picture

For some reason people think you don't sweat in AZ because it is a dry heat.

I already put the gaming chair that came from his mom's house in the garage. It stinks, I don't if it is BO or cat pee. BM has cats.

That's a good idea for the clothes, that will solve 2 problems. The stink and getting rid of the clothes. The kid in not in 11th grade, he has been wearing the same clothes BM gave him in 8th grade. He REFUSES to wear anything we buy him. He has a closet full of clothes with the tags still on them, they only thing that has left was the Ralph Lauren sweatshirt....he gave to BM because it was her favorite color.

I would love to throw the passenger seat of my car out stinks too.

I use to make the kid stand there and brush his teeth in front of me....I guess I can try it with the pit-stick.

Its these stupid little things that really bug the shit out me.

lisa510's picture

A part of me feels for these kids. You know, in the end, they didn't get the divorce; their parents did. Then they're thrown with people who aren't their parents, they have to adjust, secretly wish their parents could be together again, and sometimes wish they could disappear. On top of everything, they are teenagers!

I'm not excusing them, believe me. I have BS19, BS16, SD16 and SS22 -- it's been quite the roller coaster ride. I really think it has to do with the fact that our DHs don't know how to deal with being in the middle: between their new wife/girlfriend and their kids.

My DH tells me to treat my skids like I would mine. He's nuts!!! I'm tough on my two turds!! They have tough skin and they know how I am - I don't really care if you like it or not; get it done without an attitude!

If I treated his kids like that, they would pull an attitude and then he'd have to lose his temper for them to listen. I've witnessed my DH tell them to do something nicely - they ignore him!

I'm still waiting for the bathroom to be cleaned. And I'll keep waiting. Either they do it or DH does it. Not me!!!

momoutofhermind2's picture

You should save one of his stinky shirts for about a week or so. Stick it in a bag and set it to the side. Then have him smell it after it's nice and stinky and say THIS is what you smell like daily and THIS is why you have no friends or GF. It's b/c U are the stinky kid in class. Nobody likes the stinky kid...hehehe.

momoutofhermind2's picture

Oh, they know he's the stinky kid Smile and they will remember it when he is the kid on top of the school with the rifle b/c kids teased him for being THAT kid. hehehehe.

Or if it's that bad just rub all his shirts w/deodorant when he's not home so when he puts them on maybe it will rub off onto his pits....hehe. SAD HUH?

Timetogiveup's picture

I have thought about that.

All the firearms are locked up so is the ear protection. The kid freaks out to loud sounds. I honetly think the kid would point the firearm the wrong way.

purpledaisies's picture

I'd tell his dad that It is too much for me and I can't take him back and forth anymore. Stick to your guns on that. or better yet find a reason why you can;t i.e. some sort of obligation at those times. a few weeks of dh trying to get him back and forth to school without your help he just might rethink changing schools }:)

Timetogiveup's picture

In Maricopa County (AZ) you can apply for an out of boundary school. For some stupid reason the county allows this. Back east, if you moved ONE BLOCK out of the district you were SOL!!

DH doesn't want to go back to court last time it cost him 10k....8k for him 2k for her. He has $8500 in payments to make, he feels its cheaper to pay her than take her to court. He think the judge will award her more. With the bullshit she has pulled since Feb...I don't know why he doesn't to contempt charge....she hasn't followed any of the court orders. BUT......what or who am I? I am nothing but a step*parent without a voice. I am just counting the days when the kids gets out of HS....CS stops then.

I dragged DH to the therapist over the stink.....she told its ok to tell the kid he stinks. I have been living this every day since 2002 and I still dont; get it. In DH's eye SS does no wrong, I think there may be some guilt involved because of this DH can't confront SS. I know both DH and BM are really concerned with not pissing the kid off. Getting pissed off is a part of growing up.

steptwins's picture

The Dad can't tell his son he stinks b.c. son might not like him after that. Way too risky don't you know?

It wouldn't matter if it took you an hour, Dad's happy! Why? Because BM is happy and he doesn't have to do it. Its a win-win for him. Isn't that the one common dynamic of step families? Another one being, SM doesn't matter.

purpledaisies's picture

IF i were the SM here I'd be telling him that he sticks! I have done it to my own skids! I have made them take a shower too many times to count! I am the type to speak my mind and I don;t care. But at the same time my ss14 mom is right there with me about the boys stinking b/c I remember one time that ss14 sprayed all kinds of body spray and stuff and I looked at him and ask what on earth was he doing. He said that mom said that if she catches me stinking one more time I'll lose my xbox! I laughed so hard. I made him take a shower and explained to him that if you can smell yourself and start to spray stuff on yourself it is sooooo time to take a shower. lol

Timetogiveup's picture

I have. I even explained it to to that any place else in the world he would not be still in this school. He parroted his usual.