New & need advice
I found this forum today in searching for information about dealing with an adult "step child" - a term that doesn't really describe our situation, but fits for searching purposes. Our situation is odd, so I'm hoping someone can give me some good advice on how to proceed. This is going to be long because if you know the background, you'll understand better why I'm trying to figure out how to proceed.
All that said - I'm married to DH for nine years, we have a six year old and I'm pregnant with our second, due in January.
Prior to our marriage, DH had a child with a GF when he was in his 20's - neither wanted to marry each other, but neither wanted to terminate the pregnancy. After a few years, she got engaged and married a really nice guy and asked DH to allow him to adopt the girl so she'd have an intact family and share the name with any children they might have. DH wasn't thrilled with the idea, but also wasn't thrilled with the idea of being an outsider in a new family, always the third-wheel if you will - so after giving it a lot of thought, he agreed to the adoption, which legally severed his responsibility to her. Now enter his parent, my inlaws, they were outraged - how dare he - she was their grandchild and they had not agreed to any such arrangement and basically demanded seeing her mother allowed visitation. Over the years it was a rocky situation and the mother had to cease vistation on a number of occasions because my MIL is, well, mentally unstable and very manipulative.
So, when DH and I were dating, he told me about his daughter and how he sometimes wondered if it was the right decision, but then considered all the good it provided her with....basically he was (and still is) torn, but doesn't dwell on it - it is what it is. He and I talked extensively about her before we married and about how, at some point in time, it's likely she'll want a reunion with him, if for nothing else, to have questions answered, and hear from him why he gave her up for adoption. I was prepared for that day from day one of our marriage....and upon getting married, I assumed the role of gift-getter for her as I did for everyone else in his family - making sure her birthday and Christmas presents and cards were sent in a timely manner, since his parents were in touch and he'd kept in touch through very basic remembering of holidays and such. During her early teenage years, his mother and her mother encouraged him to connect with her - she wanted nothing to do with him and made that clear to him, so he respected that.....he did the gift giving because his mother and her mother thought it would at least be a good idea for her to realize he did remember her even if she didn't want anything to do with him.
After she reached 18 and there remained no acknowledgement of cards or gifts, no thank you's or anything, DH and I talked and decided that now that she was an adult, we'd stop the gifts since it seemed she didn't care he/we sent them.....he again reached out to her to get to know her and she wanted nothing to do with him. So any and all contact pretty much dried up just before she was 19.
Fast forward to a year and a half ago - inlaws buy a house near us (they'd lived a 5-hour car ride away previously) and before moving MIL gets the idea that it's time for DH and his daughter to have their reunion and get to know each other, so she invites her to come with her to the new house while she tries to get some things done here before moving here. She doesn't ask us if we're okay with this or if we or he wants to do this.....and when she told us and we were a bit surprised, she noted, quite firmly that it is her house that her granddaughter is invited to and we have no say in whom she invites. problem with that, but when you also have an agenda that includes our lives, ummm, yeah, we definitely deserve some input beforehand.
So DH and I discussed things and agreed that he and his daughter should meet and have time to get to know each other - that I didn't need to be part of that and that our child was still too young to include in that we wanted the focus of her visit to be on her and him getting to know each other and she and he deciding what kind of relationship, if any, they'd want in the future. We communicate this to all - inlaws, his daughter - and all AGREE taking things slowly is a good idea.
So MIL and his daughter arrive and the next evening, after work, DH goes over to visit and within a few minutes, what was to be a getting to know you between him and his daughter turns into him being told he has to introduce his son to her since she is his sister...basically MIL makes her agenda totally clear that evening, that getting to know his daughter means capitulating to his mother's rules on how that will work because he abandon her as a child and he must make amends to her now.
DH comes home to drop this on me and I disagreed - we had set out our plans, all agreed, and changing the plan now, to capitulate to his mother's will wasn't an option - our son was not going to be involved in a process that could result in his daughter deciding that she doesn't want a relationship - he and she needed to figure out what they wanted before dragging our child into it.
Next day DH goes over and let's them know we're not going to introduce our child right now, he needs time with his daughter and she with him, then we'll see how things are going and make a decision on how to blend her into our family unit. For MIL, that wasn't acceptable and she again started her demands and upped the ante to be verbally abusive to DH, telling him he's absuing his daughter, he'd abandon her, yadda, yadda, yadda (all, mind you, in front of her).
By the third day of this crap, I'd had it --- DH simply wasn't able to get his mother to back down and I wasn't changing my mind....until DH and his daughter established a relationship, there was no reason in my mind to drag our son into what could turn out to be a non-starter. So, I went over to talk to MIL and meet DH's daughter - it was a disaster, with MIL screaming at me, his daughter running away from the antics (I did maintain my composure) as MIL kept raging about how abusive the decision was, how it wasn't right, how DH had to do this, etc.
Next day his daughter decided to go home and left it that she and DH would talk on the phone and see what happened along the way. MIL was livid and of course, I was the wasn't her or anyone else failing to keep their word that this was about DH and his daighter having time to get to know each other first - it was me that was the obstacle to what should be 'one big happy family'.
After his daughter left, I sent her an email, giving her some insights into our decision and how I had long hoped she and her father would one day have time to get to know each other and hopfully form a relationship for the that included getting to eventually know me and her brother too, but that first she and DH had to get to know each other and she had to decide what is was she wanted for the long-term. I never heard anythign from her....didn't expect to either....but I did try to have her understand I was not the bad guy and that I did see a great value in her becoming part of our family if that is what she wanted once she got to know her father.
Over the course of the year that followed, DH and she talked fairly regularly, with DH calling her once a week - she never called him.....then, for her 21st birthday, without talking to me, he bought her a $500 present she wanted - came home after the fact and told me and I let him know that I would have appreciated he and I discussing beforehand, that if I spent that kind of money without talking to him first, he'd be upset too.....and I reminded him that in the last year she'd not called him once and that while he thinks this is a great idea, he should remember that he CANNOT BUY HER LOVE. We agreed that in the future any money that he's considering spending on her or sending to her - we'll talk about first.
A couple of months later, MIL is back to her antics again - this time inviting his daughter for a month and again dropping it on us rather than asking us how we feel about it, DH and I try to be very proactive - visit a therapist to get counsel on how to manage MIL and her agenda and how to proceed....therapist agrees our child is too young to bring into this until all are comfortable with how the long-term will proceed, that DH and his daughter need time, face-to-face, to communicate and get to know each other and then we can evaluate an introduction with our child if we decide that's a good idea or not.
When MIL sends an email out, all excited that we should all have dinner the day after his daughter arrives, we reply that while we appreciate the invite, DH would prefer time alone with his daughter before proceeding in an introduction to me again and then with our child....that we wanted to take things slowly, she's here a month, there is no rush, let's take this a step at a time. MIL's reply - take all the time you need. His daughter's reply - she wanted to take things slowly too.
She arrives, and she and DH spend exactly one evening together and again MIL is putting on the pressure - she deserves to be introduced to her brother, DH is abusing his children by not introducing them, I don't want his daughter to exist, wished she never existed, etc......DH stands his ground and MIL goes totally bonkers - screaming at him and basically making an ass of herself as she has a major tantrum, again. At that point, after hearing her verbally abuse DH again, I put my back up and refuse to way is my child being part of this toxicity!
A couple of days later, DH and I schedule a dinner with his daughter so she and I can meet and get to know each other without MIL is clear from the start of this dinner that she has set her mind up that she has to meet her brother. I ask her why she feels so strongly when she still barely knows her father and hardly knows me, or me her.....she says, I quote, "he's a curiosity - I'd like to meet him - I come with love and no desire to harm him".......WTF? He's a curiosity? So we talked and I made it clear that at some point I'm all for him meeting her, however I need to know who she is and she needs to decide how she'll maintain contact with him once she goes home beccause simply fulfilling her need to know this curiosity and then taking off without any future contact was not something I was comfortable doing to my child - when she is introduced, I basically told her that comes with a responsibility to him and when she's sure she can take on that responsibility to him, then we'll decide on her meeting him.
So, she was actually appalled by this - she said she couldn't know how she'd keep in touch, what she'd do or heck, where she'd be living in six months, that she can't take on that responsibility - he's her brother and she deserves to know him, but how often she stays in touch, she couldn't commit to anything.
Needless to say the dinner didn't proceed well from there - she tried every which way to manipulate DH, from the "I'm your daugher, you know I'm responsible" to "why don't you stop her?".....she finally decided she was getting nowhere and left crying when DH said that he thougth proceeding slowly was a good idea.
She managed to not run away back home and stayed the month, but each day was HE%% dealing wtih the constant pressure from MIL, with the constant implication that I had something wrong with me if I didn't see the beauty of making us all one big happy family....she went so far as to email DH and I to inform us that I had something causing me so much pain I couldn't allow anyone happiness. Oy!
So, I emailed back, CC'ed DH's daughter so she could see the manipulation and blasted MIL for the previous year antics and the repeat performance this year. Needless to say, DH's daughter blasted me back as cruel to her grandmother and said she wanted nothing to do with me and that meeting her brother obviously couldn't happen while I was in DH's life....that he could seek her out when he turned 18 if he wanted, but she didn't want anything to do with him as long as I was his mother. Nice, huh?
Two days before her return home, MIL invited DH to dinner and wanted our son to be there....when DH asked if I was invited, she told him at first he wasnt' going to go, then WE decided we'd go and bring DS since it was a restaurant....we wanted his daugher to see how his mother was going to flip to sweet-as-pie toward me when she felt she got her way. Yes, I feel badly we used our son in this....but we showed up and sure enough, MIL was all over me, praise, praise, praise, how wonderful we were all there, etc. His daughter got could gramma be the polar opposite now? Not only did she ignore my presense, she was downright rude to her grandmother throughout dinner.
The next day, MIL was so happy - invited us all over for dinner again.....we went, with DS again.....again the praise flowed for me as DH's daughter looked on, obviously disgusted....and again ignored my presence completely. This time it was very obvious to DH how she was toward me and it made him angry because he felt that our child should not see anyone disrespecting me, especially his sister.....DH finally got it and when we got home, he realized why it was so important that we not capitulate to things we don't agree with, even if it means his mother is unhappy.....this is our family and he and I and our son are priority, his daughter matters, but she's an adult and we need to protect our son from craziness at this age!
She goes home, he calls her still and recently, the last couple of months, he's pretty much realized she doesn't call him, so he doesn't call as often.
But, leave it to MIL, she convinced his daughter to move here help take care of her and grandpa and be part of a big happy family!
DH is in a panic - he and his daughter still don't have what any reasonable person would consider a relationship - he hates how she treats me - and he does not want to expose our son to the crazy dynamic of his mother and his daughter manipulating and scheming, making me the bad guy and him the abusive, abandoning father!
So, DH and I are talking about how to lay out and set some boundaries for his daughter when she arrives to live in our town. We already have MIL attempting to again control things, with her first attempt inviting us all to dinner with not only his daughter, but her mother.....I told DH no, I have no need to meet the woman he slept with 22 years ago to father a child with, nor does our child need to meet her....and he agrees with that, that it's way to awkward and not healthy for our son at his age as it opens up questions that he's not mature enough to deal with the answers to.
Any advice?
I am so sorry! DH needs to
:jawdrop: I am so sorry! DH needs to set boundaries with his mother asap! You can't negotiate with crazy and you need to take care of your child first! I am adopted (from birth) and I can tell you birth children and an adopted out sister spells nothing but trouble. Protect your family first! I wish you the best with all of this.
Dh is currently reading
Dh is currently reading Understanding the Borderline Mother - we're pretty certain that's her pathology and managing BPD (with strong malignant nacissim too)is a challenge. from what I figured out from the book (I read it first) is that I've been "blackened" by MIL to DH's daughter, so no matter what I do or say, I'm the bad actor in all this, the problem and obstacle to the big happy family happening.
Background on MIL - she was abandon as a child, raised PT by her biological mother, PT by nuns in a convent, sometimes off with cousins - no contact with her father until she sought him out as an adult and that went badly - he'd remarried, had another family with children to his new wife and he didn't really want much to do with her - she blamed his wife....after all, a father must always love their daughter, right?
So from what I can figure, I'm now her father's wife and DH is now her father and she expects we'll comply with how she feels her father should have acted when she sought him out years and years can do, I'm not her father's wife and DH is not her father!
Sick huh?
At least the replies confirm to me that I'm not the crazy one....sometimes you start to feel like you are when it seems like the carzy-maker is really good at the crazy-making and blame-shifts everything to you, expecting all around her to ignore her bad behavior! Unfortunately DH's daughter totally thinks I'm the bad guy, this despite me being behind the scenes for years hoping for him that one day he and she will get together and be able to build a relationship as adults. My MIL just keeps repeating her belief I never wanted DH's daughter to even exist and that's why I won't just get with the program and immerse my son in her madness.
If your MIL has BPD you will
If your MIL has BPD you will have a long hard road to haul. I have a daughter (29) with BPD and oh my word what a mess she creates constantly. "Walking on Eggshells" is a great book that lays out the disorder.
Your MIL abandonment issues may very well explain why she is trying so hard to get the family together as she may feel that everything she has ever had has been taken away and she is trying deperately to not let her family drift from one another. That is however an insecurity on her part and while she may feel she is very well intended what she is not tkaing into account her is that she is not the one to make the decisions for you and your husband.
Sunny-D, I am so with you and
Sunny-D, I am so with you and feel you made all the right choices here. Your husband did the right thing to allow his daughter to have an intact family. I know someone else who did as your husband and the outcome turned out very good for everyone. Problem here that I can see is MIL. I would guess she is used to calling the shots and getting what she wants. She is not giving your thoughts and feeling any consideration and this is your child that she is making decisions for, she is out of line. If your husband can do so he needs to ask his mother to please let you both make the decisions about your son.
The situation is escalating and you don't feel heard or respected which is exactly what is going on. Unfortunately as much as you think something is obvious, it isn't always the case with another person looking in. So your MIL doesn't understand, she doesn't have to. So your husband's long lost daughter doesn't understand either, she don't have to. But they do have to respect your wishes with what you want with your child, bottom line.
I have an ex, husband has an ex, we share one child, raised 4 steps that our daughter saw as her brothers and sisters (we were the custodial parents). Daughter is 13 and she knows we have exes but she has never met them and this is one thing I draw the line with. We raised the steps as an intact family as much as we could and we have sheltered our daughter from the problems we have had with exes and the step family. That is our choice and do not blame you from wanting to protect your son from something you are unsure of.
"Six year old boys don't care
"Six year old boys don't care about much besides being 6 year old boys. But, now he's been made totally aware of the trainwreck. It would have been sooo much easier to simply introduce the older daughter to her brother right off the bat."
Actually her first visit was when he was still just 4 - too young IMO to introduce her without she and DH having a relationship - realize this first visit was a reunion with her father and was planned to be time for them to get to know each other and she deciding if she wanted a relationship with him long-term or not. Before she came, she sent DH a very long, detailed email, about how she wanted to go slowly, take time to get to know him and then return home and see how she feels.....she expressed she DID NOT at that point want to meet DS since she didn't even know DH, he was, in her words, "a stranger" to her and until she felt differently she didn't feel it was fair to DS to insert herself into his life if she wasn't sure she even wanted to be a part of DH's life.
That changed only after she arrived with MIL and MIL decided for her and us that DH needed to introduce her to her brother....something we'd all agreed beforehand wasn't part of the initial visit.
Her second visit earlier this year, DS was five and given the history of the first visit, DH and I were very clear that visit would be 1. he and she getting more face-to-face, get to know you time, 2. she and I get to know each other and 3. she get to know DH and I as a couple.....she was to be here a month, so we had time to build a relationship to specifically introduce DS to her, planned to be somewehre around the second week.....MIL again agreed to this and then changed the ballgame and the dynamic was toxic - NO WAY was I going to drag my son into it with her screaming her head off each day about DH being an abusive father and me a manipulative B&&^H.....NO WAY is my son going to experience that since it is not how we're raising him, nor do we want him to ever think behaving in that way is ever appropriate.
We capitulated at the end of her visit to make a point - to spotlight that MIL has mental illness since his daughter refused to believe this, telling us we're nuts to think that, that MIL only wants to heal and spread her love to all around was when we capitulated that she saw, first hand, the flip MIL does when she gets her way and it wasn't pretty...DH's daughter was, from what I could see, confused as all hell and pissed by MIL's change of attitude toward me. We banked on that - we banked on her behaving and that's the only reason I allowed DS to be part of it since I knew, given MIL's history, that she'd flip to sweet as pie, I can do no wrong praise.....and she did.
But, she's not still there since DH went and talked to his parents about our boundaries with his daughter moving here.....his mother is once again pissed, but not raging yet.....just scheming at the moment. DS is now six, just turned yes, we're looking to proceed with caution where he's concerned.
It's been a while since I
It's been a while since I posted....first want to say that DS has met his sister - twice spent time with her before she departed to go home earlier this year. She's now moved here and little was resolved about the previous visit before she arrived. It's the unresolved stuff that is bothering me because it's like everyone in DH's side of the family ignores the elephant in the room, pretending it wasn't there, while the resentments simmer under the surface. I'm more the type to address the issues, work them out and move forward with mutual understanding if things need to be resolved.
So...she arrived and has settled into her apartment in town. DH visited with her and her mother when she arrived, without me or DS since we felt it inappropriate for DS. That get together was short and cordial.....since then, he's had dinner with her once and said she doesn't seem all that interested in doing much with DS anyway, so right now we're taking a wait-and-see approach, although I did remind DH that her birthday is coming up, then the holidays, which we know his mother is going to attempt to plan and control.
DH and I have continued to talk about this and we're trying to figure out the best way to move forward with his daughter....some ideas:
1. She and I meet for lunch or something in public to chat and clear the air?
2. We invite her over for dinner to chat and clear the air?
DH and I are, at present, of the same mind that until she and I are on better footing, we're not dragging DS into the dynamic of witnessing his mother (me) being ignored, disparaged or disrespected....that she and I don't have to like each other, but need to find a way to be at least respectful to each other, especially in the presence of DS and the expected baby due in a few months.
Right now we're avoiding going over to MIL's since it leaves her in control on her turf....if we say we prefer his daughter not be there, we know she'll get her there.....if we don't say anything, we know she'll make sure she's there - leaving me way too open right now to being at a significant disadvantage and leaving MIL able to make me look worse than she's already done.
We can't do this I said to DH, this is why one has to confront the elephant in the room and not simply ignore it, hoping it'll go away - it never goes away until you tell it to go away!
So what are your thoughts?
I tend to think, given the lack of any communication since she left to go home after last visit, that she's not all taht interested in much of a relationship with DS anyway....and as others have said, DS is unlikely to see her as a sister since she's grown-up and living away from us, though closer now. I do not however want to be left in a position where I'm treated poorly at MIL's house, thus trying to figure this out since the holidays are going to come and I know for sure MIL is going to want to do all she can to make us that "big happy family" she thinks we need to be for her to be happy.
I'm not sure what to do.
I wish we could....heck, we
I wish we could....heck, we moved to get further away from the inlaws, then they moved here!
DH can't up and move for a 'new job' - he owns his own business in town and moving it somewhere else won't work - we've thought about it and actually considered it before....can't do it.
You didn’t sign on for this.
You didn’t sign on for this. You are the Queen of your family, not MIL.
From what I understand of this situation, it seems that everyone has acted in reasonably good faith except for grandmother. It is quite possible that she has deliberately stood in the way of bonding between the adoptive father and daughter, and has had a hidden agenda for all these years and has felt justified (wrongly) in doing whatever it takes to get the job done, including making sure granddaughter never bonded with her adoptive father and blaming you for all the problems. Grandmother may have even told GD many times that when you are 18 and HE(adoptive father) is no longer your father anymore you can develop a relationship with your real father; Just exactly what SD said to you in reverse.
Such a profound misunderstanding of family relationships has been planted in her mind; most likely by grandmother for many years. Mothers are for life. Grandmother should remember that when she is trashing her son to his own family.
I would never allow my children to be in the company of this grandmother without supervision. Not even once. She is not to be trusted. You can’t trust grandmother not to plant thinly veiled threats of abandonment in the hearts of your children. This woman throws around inflammatory words without thinking of the wide reaching and permanent damage they cause.
I would never go to any event at MIL’s home until she agrees to undergo counselling to learn how to change her toxic behaviour before she causes even more damage. Grandmother needs to be shown that she is the cause of most of the friction. Your husband must tell his mother she is not to talk trash about you or him behind your back, in front of you, to her granddaughter, in the family, not anywhere at any time. If she refuses to stop, she will never see any of you again.
Your husband also needs to let his mother know you and he are a united front, and that you both decide where and with whom your children will go. That is not negotiable, and grandmother is never included in those decisions. Her story about trying to unite the *real* family needs to be exposed for the façade that it is and her reasons for meddling admitted to. She may very well not even know herself what her true motivation is. As it stands grandmother is not helping people, she is hurting people. Like all control freaks, she is going to get exactly the opposite of what it is she wanted.
Grandmother is not central to your family and she is seriously out of bounds in attempting to assume centrality. She is an invited (ideally a close) guest into your home and family and she would do well to behave that way, or like any other unruly guest, she won’t be invited anymore--Same goes for adult stepdaughter. If she were sincere in wanting to develop a relationship with her half brother, she would be bending over backward to respect you and develop a relationship with you, his mother, not around you or behind your back, or until allegedly you don't matter anymore. Ignoring you and disrespecting you is never allowed.
Unfortunately it looks like grandmother is the poison here and she and SD could well be scheming together. Don’t for one second believe MIL is the saviour she is feigning to be. Until she stops with the divide and conquer strategy and learns her place in your family you have no choice but to keep her out.
It is your husband who needs to understand, accept as real and communicate your family hierarchy to his mother. He must first understand how desperately out of line his mother is so that he is armed to protect himself against her guilt/abandonment assaults upon him.
All the best to you.
I agree your dh did the right
I agree your dh did the right thing. We are in a similar situation however my dh was the one that adopted but they got divorced and now dh IS this kids father, daddy, you name it! BM on the other hand is always telling ss14 that he doesn't have a dad and dh is not his real dad and he doesn't have to do anything he say nor see him or anything.
You guys need to get MIL under control asap! She needs to know that she is NOT in control of this. This is NOT her child to be in control over this is not her situation to be in control over! I would make it very clear that nothing will ever go through mil when it comes to SD. All plans are to be made by dh and sd and you. If mil wants to see sd she can but you guys will be out of that period. If sd wants to see dad or if dad wants to see sd they will make plans for it without mil involvement!