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BM isn't able to pick up her children at airport...

marie21's picture

Well, this is the situation...
My 3 stepsons have come to visit us for the summer from June 13-Aug 17..We made all the travel arrangements paid ALL the fees...
The boys were here for 2 wks when their mother called and said that since she has travel plans she cannot pick up the kids Aug 17, but will send her 23yr old sister to pick them up in her place...
My husband told her ABSOULUTLY NOT. He doesn't know the siser and doesn't trust her. The only person he will authorize is the BM.
She never once told us about any previous travel arrangements when we were planning on buying the tickets.
So, of course we have to send them on that day...
So what do you do...
She has been knowing about this date for over 4 months..

lifeisshort's picture

Your DH is trying to control something over which he has no control. A parent can designate whomever they want to pick up their children.
My XH would send a "nanny" to pick up my kid for his visitations when he was out of town. I didn't know this chick from a stranger on the street, but I had to hand my kid over to her because that's who XH designated as his stand-in. That was his decision.
Dad has no say in this issue, and if he keeps the kids from going back home at their designated time, he can be charged with contempt.
Besides, it's their aunt, for goodness sake. Dad needs to get over it.

overit2's picture

I agree with the above-your dh is sounding like a control freak honestly-it's not his business WHO the mom assigns to pick up the kids. AND it's their aunt for crying out loud. I also say it's super odd he doesn't know the BM sister if they were together enough to have 3 kids.

It's not his place, legally he really doen't have a say. So is he saying just because the BM knew about the trip she has no right to make her own plans for herself (travel, what have you) and have another adult assigned to watch the kids???

I'm a single mom-and when my kids are with their dad I have every right to take advantage and travel myself (they never stay 2 weeks), I would have every right to request he drops them off with my parents, my cousin, my brother, his wife, whomever I've assigned to care for them if I'm still traveling or not available. Not his place. He needs to send them back at assigned time.

It's really none of his or your business what the mom does with her time if she has suitable care for the kids (this is a family member also). I can't imagine my ex thinking he has the right to dictate or pout about my plans just because he has control issues.