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New here, just introducing myself

fedupstepmomma's picture

Hi there!

i got this site from a friend, i hope i can find some good advice and a few friends who are in the same boat as I. I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello before I start blogging.

I'm not married yet but have been with my boyfriend for 6yrs. we have a 4yr old daughter together and his 12yr old daughter lives with us fulltime, as her mom is a crazy-ass and deemed unfit. we want to get married but i am so unsure if i want to really take the plunge cause of his 12yr old.

well i am going to check out some blogs then maybe post a few myself later. talk to ya later!

MamaKrzewski's picture


2 tired's picture

hello... this site will definitely help you out and alow you to see many sides to your current situation... Biggrin