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Spin off from Stepchicka's post- How may of you are insecure BECAUSE the BM left your husband??

Totalybogus's picture

Do you feel or worry that your husband still has feelings for the BM because she was the one that left either the relationship or the marriage? Do you think he is would go back to her if he had the opportunity?

Do you think this impacts your relationship with your Skids?

MarriedwithChild's picture

OK, I am awake here and will put my ten cents in...

I USED to think about that, honestly...Not really anymore, if he did, he would either be, A: Gay B: A true fool C: Because his son5 hit me a few more times and I vanish..poof! D: Money ties

I wouldn't even worry about it, if they do leave or whatever, let them go. It's not like there are not others out there. ( trust me.)

Good luck and keep your chin up!!

Totalybogus's picture

Oh, I don't have this problem in my relationship. I left my ExH and My current H left his xwife.

My question was more aimed as the BM. My x's wife absolutely hates my children and has tried, successfully, to hinder a relationship between my children and their father. He's a weenie, I know. I blame him and not her. I was just curious.

Conflicted's picture

Interesting question. Sometimes I feel insecure about it (BM leaving BF).... BM left BF for a woman but according to BF's cousin (who was very close to BM), she is "just going through a phase". In my opinion.... if BM were not intentionally 'leaving her options open' then she would not be stalling on her and BF's divorce.... ummmmm, it's been 14 months now, time to sh*t or get off the pot!
However; I really don't think BF would want her back.... BUT.... sometimes I do wonder and it does make me feel insecure. I wonder if BM tried hard enough if he wouldn't change his mind.... as it stands now SD (12) is miserable with the one week on, one week off 50/50 schedule and is BEGGING for things to go back to how they were (when BF and BM were together).... my younger SD absolutely HATES it at BM's house because she can't stand BM's girlfriend so BM is trying to buy SD's affections are of recent.... Sometimes I wonder if BM will wake up and take notice of what she's done and regret it to the point that she would beg BF to come back.... and sometimes I wonder if BF wouldn't take her up on it.... I think his family and expecially his kids would prefer it that way.... Sad

Lilly's picture

When we first started dating, I use to think crazy thoughts like that. After all said and done, I dont think she has a chance in hell. She since remarried, and her new DH has way more money then my DH does.
I think I would have my DH pschologically tested, if he even entertained the thought.

StepChicka's picture

My DH thinks my XH still has feelings for me. We have a better than average relationship for split parents so that could be contributing to DH's insecurities. It could be out of envy as well. DH doesn't have good communication with the BM therefore, it hinders a better relationship with his daughter.

Here's another spinoff of a spin off. Perhaps another reason a BMs go bonkers is that they MUST deal with their exes because its court ordered. They'd rather sever all ties and find a new daddy for their kids.

I think the BM I'm dealing with exhibits phycho behavior for both reasons. Having to face a person on a regular basis who rejected you could drive someone batty. Especially if they were a little batty before.