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what to do?

almostdun's picture

So i am not sure what to do and I have been coming an reading posts here for months, and I really love the sight. I have learned alot from reading and have finally signed up. So I have a problem and need serious advice. My GF is, for the most part great, there is always a but, and here it goes. I let her move in with me back in March, she has two kids and I have one of my own that I have joint custody of. She is extremely moody, i mean bad, we can be having a great evening, and i will crack a joke, and she will go from loving to the angriest person I have ever seen, and she says rude things and attacks me (not physically). I have thought about just asking if she would like to try to be just roommates, but I do not think that would actually work. I like where we live, and both of us help out greatly with the others kids, and allow us to both have our kids a lot. I am a fun loving and playful person, who really likes to make her happy. recently though I feel as though I am walking around the house on egg shells as to not piss her off, because I never know what it will be. i really do not want to lose GF but everytime she goes off I just feel myself stepping further away. I know this is really off topic, but any advice would sure help me out. Thanks

Jeans222's picture

She sounds bipolar and you should be aware, she will get worse after your married. My advice is to run as fast and far away from her as you can.

Why would you not want to lose someone like her?
thats just crazy.