Considering becoming a stepmom...
I met a wonderful, supportive, understanding, affectionate, and generous man who is proficient at open communication ~4 months ago who has a 2yod from a previous relationship. Not a marriage, but I'm fairly well convinced that the legal ramifications of being "just a sperm donor" (yes, this is what his lawyer told him, even though he and BM were in a relationship and lived together for ~4 years) are even worse than determining custody, CS, etc. after a divorce.
StepParents, I'm looking for some guidance from those who have experience in this situation. My BF has SD2 (easiest to refer to her as "SD") EOW, twice during the week at his discretion, and one month during the summer. I will readily admit that all I have are theories about child-rearing but I see the red flags of "weekend dad" and "guilt parenting" already. To make matters worse, BM has just sprung on him that she's looking to move 5 hours away (in the interest of pursuing her love life - I honestly can't fault her for wanting to have her life continue!) and I expect that will greatly escalate the guilt parenting.
Of course I want to fully explore this relationship. But I'm holding back because I feel that I should decide if I want to accept the "package deal" before we get any more attached. He's recently expressed frustration that I'm still thinking so hard about SD's existence - but why would I go into a situation that's going to be messy at best and miserable at worst without serious consideration?
I've seen the blog about "would you do it again?" so I'm sure any responses here will be similar to those. I'm just reaching out to those in the know for guidance.
I was in the same boat
as you 3 years ago. I myself was divorced and unlke all of here in the forum had a great relationship with my kids X and his wife. So acutually I thought that this how it would be with SD14 and BM. Wrong. Dead wrong.
It has been 2 years of constant frustration not only on BM part but it took me almost a year to make the SD14 realize that I didn't break up the marriage let alone the continued lies.
DH was ont he same page as me and still is. But honestly, the financial aspect of it and the constant up hill battle makes me wish I never would have gone down this path.
If you have reservations
If you have reservations about it now then you should listen to your gut. If the child was older and she wanted to move away then I would say this could work out well for you. The child is only 2 years old so you have a long long time to deal with this. If I were you I would sit back and watch how things unfold with her moving 5 hours away and then determine if it can work without him being totally guilty about not seeing his daughter.
I know for me I saw the red flags and didn't listen to my gut. It caused us a lot of stress in our relationship and broke us up several times. It wasn't until I finally let go and stood up for myself that I felt empowered to make decisions for me. He finally understood the stress it caused us and we are still together, but it has been a long road. If my DH kids were younger I don't know if I could of done it.
I too have, an X-H and his wife. I too get along with his wife. I like talking to her more so than the X-H.
But' I would like to say I was with my DH a year before I met the skids. If I knew then what I know now. No, I would have ran as fast as I could.
It depends on the BM, some of us can handle are kids and ex moving on with their lives (having extended families), others are hell bent on making you pay. You best bet is to talk with the BM. See what she expects from you and BF. What she wants for the SD.
I'd like to agree with most of what the people who are urging you to run are saying, especially Crayon about "Let's stamp out guilt parenting in our life time by NOT rewarding it with a passionate, understanding LONG SUFFERING, WILLING TO PLAY 2ND FIDDLE TO THE BM AND SKIDS, stepmom."
I say this as someone who married my husband abour 9 months ago. I do not regret it, and would do it again in a heartbeat, despite all the incredible frustration and aggravation the BM has been doing her best to heap on us since literally the day we came back from our honeymoon (and before that, too, but she really kicked into overdrive when we got married).
The reason I WOULD do it again is that my husband was incredibly open and receptive to my thoughts and needs when we first got serious. Luckily, he respects me and doesn't try to second-guess my motives, which has encouraged me to be honest and enabled me to keep the well-being of everyone concerned at the fore. That said:
You ABSOLUTELY must not play second fiddle to the BM and stepkids. That doesn't mean that you have to be a selfish bitch about it, but the marriage (and your relationship to SKids) will not work unless your husband puts your marriage first. If the BM or the stepkids sense that you are an add-on or an afterthought, you'll never really integrate yourself into the new family consisting of you, your husband, and your stepkids. My husband heard me when I said I would not be the co-wife, or the lady in waiting, subservient to his ex's desires, freak-outs, power plays, etc. The result has been that I get along famously with both stepkids. Unfortunately, BM (who is severely bipolar and a complete control freak) hates me and is convinced I have ruined her fantastic relationship with my husband -- everything was apparently peachy before I came on the scene (Hmmm... one wonders why they got divorced if everything was so great, but never mind...). Our family (me, husband, stepkids) is solid, and we don't worry what happens outside of that.
The fact that you recognize your BF is guilt parenting is a HUGE red flag. If he is doing that now, it will only get worse once the BM kicks it into high gear trying harder to guilt him into things the more serious the two of you get. If he doesn't have that perspective and the realization that he isn't doing his kids any favors by being a doormat, you will never have any peace. Talk to him about it rationally and calmly, then talk to him about it again, give it a couple of weeks, and if you don't see HUGE improvement, RUN LIKE HELL. Seriously.
The Package Deal Sacrifice
I too met a wonderful supportive, understanding blah blah blah now DH-who came with a then 14 year old -now 16 SS "Prince Zippy"-
This kid has had his butt wiped from day one and can not function with any common sense on his own thanks to guilt parenting of the extreme kind (both parents so emotionally stunted this kid by doing EVERYTHING for him tha he operates between the 10-12 year old level!)
If you even remotely sense something is "wrong with this picture"-I would back away with no regrets-
Read a few posts on this site-save yourself from a horrific nightmare!
Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!
heres the thing about the pkg deal
WE as steps have to accept this and make sacrifices, one might even say that the skids or BM or whatever ur issues in a blended family are are the "price u have to pay" to be w DH. tell me please....what price do the DHs PAY to be w us???? why are WE the ones who have to pay???? dealing w a hateful BM who has lied and accused me of abuse and harrassed us and so on and so forth is the price i have to pay to be w the man i love????
im not saying that im the greatest women ever, i have my faults, but so does DH aside from all this baggage, u know? obviously, i think its worth it, but sometime sit just gets to me i guess...
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
Thanks for putting into words
what I've been thinking and feeling about the price SMs are expected to pay to be with our DHs. Fortunately I didn't have to deal with a BM - she died 9 years ago. But DH is hell bent on sacrificing the remainder of his life (and mine too if I let him) guilt parenting his now teenage sons because they are growing up without their mom. Its unbelievable and its no win situation.
Thanks to all for your feedback...I have no idea what I'm going to do at this point. Probably as aka suggested, wait until the move happens (IF it happens, IF BM is not just playing games) and see how we function.
Here's another thing: SD2 sleeps in DBF's bed when she's at his house. I don't sleep over when she's there, but I'm some point, if we did get married and all three of us were under the same roof, it would really suck if
a) he makes her sleep in her own bed and she forms the association that I showed up and she's being booted out of Daddy's bed
b) he expects that she'll sleep with us. No way!
I do worry that because I don't have kids, I don't have the patience that a BM has after her own are born. I only have my own thoughts on child-rearing and I could be totally unreasonable. aka, did you have kids going into the relationship?
~Not a stepmom yet but heading that!~
He really needs to put a
He really needs to put a stop to this now, whether you exist or not, its not healthy for the child. A kid needs to learn to fall asleep on their own to form good sleeping habits. Ask any professional. If he doesn't stop this behavior now, she will be in his bed until she's 7 or 8 years old! NOT GOOD! aand FYI, I hear SDs are the worst! SS can be bad, but the daughters can really cause hell.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
I would
w ait til the child is grown and has her own family!!I am still putting up with crap after 5 years and i feel myself slowly breaking down.It will be the toughest thing you have ever done unless you are one of the lucky ones.Maybe taking on a child at a younger age is easier than one that is older.You might be able to form that bond by the time she is 16.
100% Custody PROVIDING
Very good point Crayon-
I thought -GREAT with the custody hearing we got as Wacko BM basically fell off the face of the earth when DH was awarded full custody-
THEN the crap hit the fan when I finally saw that
DH is "Doting Daddykins"
Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!
Be prepared to share your time, money, and DBF with the ex
I was in the same situation about 3 1/2 years ago. My DH had a 3yr old daughter and had never been married to her mother. I tried to break things off after I found out about her, but he convinced me to wait and see. Several months later my heart was too involved to walk away, and we are now married. It has been a nightmare dealing with the BM who lives about 3 hours away. Meeting EOW to pick up his daughter made me resentful left me wishing I had RUN away when I first heard of her. Financially it is a mess, BM is determined not to use her education (bachelor's degree) and instead milk DH for every penny she can, we have had thousands of dollars in medical bills for SD7's asthma, lawyers fees for the constant battles over visitation, and have to file additional forms with our taxes to be able to claim SD, even though the BM does not honor them and holds up our taxes by claiming SD herself. I do love DH, but this has nearly ruined our marriage at times. At the moment he has consented to the adoption of SD by her grandfather, so our battle is nearly over. But I now live with the guilt of playing a part in separating him from his daughter and our son (9 months) may never meet his half-sister.
I know this may sound like
I know this may sound like the answer to your prayers, but I honestly don't think it will be. Obviously, I do not know your story, but from what you've said, it sounds BAD. I would not encourage your husband to give up his child, thats just not right. And he will end up resenting you if you had any part in convincing him to do it. I think any child who's parents give them up if going to be severly hurt and damaged. This just sounds so sad to me.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Sleeping in daddy's bed
I agree. RUN, RUN!!!
Most of us would tell you to run.
If all of us knew back then what we know now then I would say we all would of ran.
Blended Families are choatic, emotionally draining and very very stressful. Sometimes love isn't enough.
Back then, I knew BF had 3 children from a previous relationship but did I know how much of a nut case BM was or could be, HELL NO. Otherwise I would of ran, ran for dear life as far away as possible.
older skds
I would take this relationship slow and easy and not be in a big hurry to get married. I would not assume that just because they get older it will be easier. Our alimony and CS will be stopping soon for the first time in 14 years. Just when the CS stops the kds are losing their jobs because of the economy and they assume that we are going to continue supporting them. I told the youngest one that when the CS stopped we would help him on a limited basis for a few months. Shortly after that I got a email from BM stating that she had found a house for 250,000 that I could purchase for him to live in. LOL. The pathetic part is he worships the ground that she walks on and even now when we attempt to have an interaction with him he always discusses our plans with her. That is why she got involved and found the house for him to live in. She always bought his love and loyalty with our money and now I wonder how she is going to pay for it in the future. The kd gives her credit for everything and she has never done anything for him.
Think Long and Hard
I would give this a lot of consideration and hold back from making any moves until you are 100% sure! My husband and I had a near perfect relationship (I got along famously with my SK's and their BM, my fiance got along great with my daughter and ex) until we bacame engaged. BM was so upset that he was the first to move on (she was in a relationship that showed no promise of engagement) after the divorce that she starting causing all kinds of problems for us (telling my husband that the kids hate me, accusing me and my BD of abuse, lies upon lies). It only got worse once we married and we have been fighting her tooth and nail since then. We have only been married for 8 months and they have been the most frustrating 8 months of my life. I love my husband and my SK's dearly but I think if given the choice to do it again I would have waited until my SK's were a little older.
Everything changes with engagement...
I agree with CrystalRE: a casual relationship is one thing, but the BM may very well go ballistic if and when you get engaged. That happened to me. Every step closer to marriage we got, (moving in together, engagement), BM got a little more hysterical and tried even crazier things to bully DH into choosing her over me. She even completely freaked out when she found out that not only was he not going to have her as his "best man" (WTF????), but he was not going to invite her to the wedding, given her past behavior and the potential that she would cause a scene and/or spend the entire reception badmouthing me and us. Since the wedding, she has done so many things that I thought even she wasn't capable of, I've had to think long and hard about my mental health and be very careful not to get any more emotionally involved than absolutely necessary.
Such a tough choice
Thanks again for the continuing feedback.
I'm being unreasonable again but I wish he had been smart enough not to keep living/sleeping with the conniving BM when he knew he didn't want a future with her and hadn't knocked her up! If not for the SD2 I would be full speed ahead because he and I mesh well. Wishes are for naught, however...
I chickened out last night. Had been planning to discuss the SD2 situation with him - particularly in that we need to agree upon a plan for raising her and our own kids, if we had any - but I am afraid of him ending the relationship. Stupid reason I guess, but I really like the guy. On the other hand from what I'm hearing he and I MUST be focused on developing our relationship and making a family work, or in a few years I'll be a main contributor to this site![Wink](
BM does not seem to be a major problem - yet - and if they can get their custody/CS agreement finalized and signed I think she will be content pursuing her own life and not interfering with his. How do you know if BM is going to be a raging psycho, however?!
~Not a stepmom yet but heading that!~
Standing up
One thing I would counsel you to do, is to decide for yourself right here and right now that you will NOT avoid talking about difficult subjects with him because you are afraid he'll end the relationship. That is the straight-line path to being, as you say, a main contributor to this site!
Here's the thing. You have to tell yourself right now that you are 50% of this relationship. The other 50% is the guy. He doesn't get 75% or 80% or whatever because he's got kids. It's 50-50. Which means that your needs are 50% of the needs. You will get a lot of pressure -- from the BM, maybe from the skids, maybe even from him -- to consider your needs as a smaller percentage. But if you allow yourself to believe that, you will never be happy. And if you allow your needs to take a back seat to his, you will make bigger and bigger sacrifices, because there will always be someone there to say, "Think of the children" or "She's the mother of my children" or "I don't want to rock the boat."
I'm not saying, by the way, that the kids' needs should not be considered. I hope everyone understands that. You are an adult, and sometimes adults need to sacrifice so that kids can be secure and happy. BUT: If you are an a relationship between equals, those decisions, those sacrifices, need to be decided between the two of you. You need to both be comfortable with them. Really comfortable -- not just you caving because you aren't sure of your self or your place.
Remember. You're 50%. Just because there was a first wife doesn't mean that you should assume that you will always be relegated to the position of "lesser girlfriend/fiancee/spouse." If your BF gets that after a conversation or two, fine -- great, in fact. He'll need to REALLY get it to stand up to BM if and when she has a problem with you. If not, seriously, do yourself a favor. Move on.
Watch for the signs...if she
Watch for the signs...if she a control freak? Does he let her dictate how/what/when he should do something? Is she greedy? Does she know about you, and if so, does she pretend you don't exist or hate you for no reason? How long have they been split up? These are all factors that will greatly effect your life if you stay in a relationship with this man. Make sure this guy is economically stable and is not agreeing to anything in this custody/cs case that could be a problem if you stay in a relationship with him, like agreeing to make BM a beneficiary in a life insurance policy for SD, of paying cs until she's 22 & done with college instead of until she's 18, or paying some enormous amount, or agreeing to pay for ANY part of college (the reason I say this is college should be a privledge, not a right, and you can't know at this age if she will be ready or willing to be successful in college, so it could be a big waste of don't agree to it in a court order, let that wait until the time comes); etc.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
i took a quote from your original post
" why would I go into a situation that's going to be messy at best and miserable at worst without serious consideration?"
Good observation on the situation. Not saying it will all be bad - certianly will not be all good.
But if i were still in your shoes... i would have had a more in-depth talk before i got re-married.
Although BM was not acting a complete fool then - she had the capactity too. AND DH knew that.
I would have taken things much more slowly. Hell, the BM i am dealing with acted an ass as soon as she saw me.
She had to have heard about me from her daughter (5) for two years or longer.... But when she saw me - she flipped out.
So think long and hard - decide what you are willing to put up with... and then make your decision.
Keep in mind
that most of us on here probably found this site because we googled "how to deal with a psycho BM" or "DH is an uber guilt parent" or "I can't stand my step kid" or whatever. I'm sure there are some blended families that are not dealing with these issues. Additionally, all families, blended or not, have their fair share of issues. But whatever you do, TALK about it in depth first. Beat the dead horse into the ground. Talk until the sound of your own voice makes you want to vomit.
Come up with a parenting plan for the skid; devise a parenting plan for any future biokids; discuss how any BM issues will be handled and who will handle them; iron out arrangements for vacations, family dinners, holidays, etc.; strategize what your role will be in discipline, caretaking, education, etc. The only reason I didn't walk away after 2 months of marriage is because my husband is super supportive and I can talk to him about anything. I wish that we would have talked about some of these things before the marriage. We are both willing to do what it takes for our marriage to succeed but I'm one of the lucky ones on here in that respect.
BTW - BM was almost perfect until we got married. Now... not so much.
yes, these opinions are
yes, these opinions are biased, but at least she's getting the advice of the worst case scenario! LOL There are definitely cases where everything works out just fine in the grand scheme, but there will always be difficulties & issues, so having all the info will help her decide if she is the type of person that can handle all this blended family stuff or if she'd rather move on while she can....and yes obviously talk about all this stuff up front, but more importantly, WATCH. Pay attention to his actions, not just his words. His idea of guilt parenting may be spending enormous amounts of money every time he sees the kid, and your idea of it may be not disciplining he may SAY he doesn't guilt parent but in your opinion, he may very well be. So watch his actions & reactions regarding his daughter & if they send up red flags, watch out!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Ooohhhh, good call...
WATCH! You're absolutely right! The things my DH talked about before marriage paled in comparison to his actions! He SAID strict, rules, discipline... he DID spoil, coddle, baby, and pamper. I wish I would have had this advise a year ago!![Wink](
Marriage is stressful enough
but when you add in skids and BM, there's going to be days - several of them - where you just want to drive your car off a cliff. I love my DH (we've been married 16 months) and true, I knew he had kids when we met, I just didn't realize how bad the situation with them was; DH was the ultimate guilt parent - BM was and still is a real piece of crap (even the SD's admit this)so DH tried to make up for her shortcomings and ended up making the SD's into spoiled brats who were never told no and never disciplined. Unfortunately, it's the SM's who pay the ultimate price when we marry into these situations. Would I do it again? The jury's still out on that one, but I'd definately get EVERY DETAIL in writing. Best wishes in whatever decision you make.
Run ,do not walk, as fast as
Run ,do not walk, as fast as you can for the nearest door. Don't invest years of your life in what can be an intolerable situation. If you have doubts already listen to them or else you could be making a huge mistake. I didn't listen to that little voice and now I feel like I'm trapped in the 6th circle of hell mos days.
Honestly, take some very very hard earned advice - get out now! Step parenting is the world's most thankless task and brings no rewards - the best things to do is to walk away now.
If I ever split with my husband (looking very likely) I would never ever ask anyone to take on our children as step parent. I think the people it would be most unfair on would be my children as having been a step parent I know that nobody can every love a step child in the way I would want my children to be loved - the way they deserve to be cherished.
Until you become a parent yourself you cannot understand the difference of loving your own children and how it is so different to having a step child. I wish I'd never gotten into it and would give anything to go back and walk away before I'd agreed to marry my husband
I agree with everyone else. RUN, get on some running shoes and run like a raging bull is hurdling after you. Your life is about to be turned up side down. You will one day have to probably go to court for custody issues and be attacked by lawyers. If you ever have a child with this man, your children will be probably be attacked by the BM. I can not even tell you the pain and hardships you are about to come your way.
I love my husband and have two children with them, but I sometimes think about just spliting with my kids and leaving him to raise his daughter my step daughter on his own. my stepdaughter isnt to bad but her bm who does NOT have custody still finds away to screw with my life.
I have even kicked the BM's ass and she still has not learned.
They are the pests who never go away. It does not stop when the child turns 18, because then he have weddings, grandchildren. It never stops
hehe...moving in with him
hehe...moving in with him would probably be the fastest way to get her to run! You never really know a person until you move in with them...and their kids!
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
Why couldn't I...
have the same thoughts and see the same flags, and better yet, come to this page BEFORE getting married?