The x wife and kids
I am new to this site and need some help and advice from those of you who have experience in all of this x wife kids stuff coz i just cant handle it. Heres my story,read it carefuly then help me see a course of direction coz i cant on my own and my family and friends are only judgmental and offer not support.I am alone in all of this and hurting so much.
I met my boyfriend at work and at that time he claimed to be having problems with his wife and also had a mistress that he was breaking up with and i was a frien at first and we got close and fell in love over time and at one point he left his wife and mistress and moved out and asked me to move in with him.I said i would only do so when his divorce was final so he filled for a divorce for the second time around.One month into the relationship i started feeling uncomfortable with seeing him for a couple of hours after work each day and making him drive hours to drop me of and he was always going to the wifes house,he has 2 daugthers with her and supposedly a son with the mistress. I am 10 years his junior.I dont know how i allow myself to get caught in this situation but it did and its going on two years now and all i can say is that its the worst two years and most difficult of my life so far.He managed to break off with the mistress completely and barely sees his son but he pays monthly child support without fail as he does with his two girls both 11.But for the 2 years that we have been together he has been going back to the wife on and off. the divorce is always called of and reinstated and until now neither he nor me knows whats going on with the divorce hes doesnt call his lawyer to ask whats going on or he knows and just doesnt tell me.Everytime he goes back he never has the decency to tell me he is going back to his wife he just starts figthing with me for no reason and turns off his phone and the next day i see him dropping her to work and the kids to school.This kills me and has put me on the verge of suicide many times.He has done it about 5 times over the 2 years that we have been together.He keeps going back and forth to his mums house back to the wife and no one knows what to make of it anymore.I fell pregnant for him in the process and he pressured me into an abortion only to go back to is wife the very nigth after.Everytime i would mention the wifes name or say something concerning her he would hit me.I dont understand him coz everytime he goes back to her it lasts only a couple of weeks and he comes looking for me saying he misses me and want to be with me and he will do all sorts of things to get me back.We get back and out of my insecurity i always figth with him over the wife and kids and he ends up going back again.The last straw came after the abortion and i told myself that i have to find the courage to leave this man because he never loved me nd only wants to have me for his mistress so i quit my job and left the country and went very very far away and dint tell him about it. When he found out he was crushed coz he thought i would always be around as his doormat.he started emiling and asking for forgivness and moved back to his mum and is there until now.It going on 6 mths the longest so far and claims he doesnt talk to his wife but only goes there everyday to drop of the kids after school.He took a months holiday and flew to where i am and we spent a woderful month together no major arguments just a bit of jealousy on my part every nigth when he calls the kids and he says to say hi to the mum and asks if she is well.It hurts me soooo much and no one would know unless they are in my shoes.
now we are boh back in our home country and its only been two weeks and we are figthing because of the wife and kids and i cant take it anymore.
I love this man with all my heart and have never loved like this before and i have forgiven him so many times for hurting me it kills me more that he is with me and i feel he still loves her and is not doing anything to get a divorce only promises to marry me very soon and is planning on migrating with me to another country.I trully dont know what to do. He doesnt want me to meet his kids and they dont even know if their dad has a girlfreind and he hides it so as not to hurt the wife and the girls.he can hurt me and that ok.but he cant deprive them and i feel very very hurt.
i want the relationship to work but i am jealous of the wife and the kids even though he doesnt live with them and i get all emotional and want to choke and am restless when i know he is going to take the kids home or is going to see them on the weekends and she is there.he says i knew he had kids and i have to put up with it. but he says he loves me and he wants to be with me but last nigth when i was sweraing at him out of anger and arguing he says he sometimes wonder if he made the right choice in his life to be with me and leave his wife and kids and i was soooo hurt by this.
Please help me i dont know what to do.i love this man and he is going to drive me to suicide very soon.
True love doesn't hurt this much.
It's a bitter pill to swallow, but here's how I see it. If he loved you, he wouldn't put you through so much turmoil and cause you so much pain. If it were a good relationship, then you wouldn't want to kill yourself every five minutes. If he cheated on her, then he has the capability to cheat on you and if he's cheated on you once, then he can cheat on you again. Why on earth would you want to be with someone like this?
The way I see it, there are two classes of infidelity... (1) a mistake that occurs when the relationship is going through a rough period that the cheater feels true remorse for it and never does it again and (2) a conscious decision made by a cheater who feels no remorse for his/her actions, who cheats just because they want to and can get away with it, because it's part of who they are. I think your guy is number 2.
The best advice probably anyone can give you is to disengage from this situation and go get yourself straightened out. If, someday down the road, he finalizes his divorce and institutes a parenting plan with his ex-wife/ex-mistress that doesn't include unnecessary contact with them and has gotten help for whatever emotional problem he has that causes him to be incapable of fidelity, then you might consider talking to him and seeing if you two can reunite at some point in the distance future. But this guy sounds toxic and the situation is untenable, in my opinion. I would run, not walk, run to the nearest exit and get out while you still can.
A good, strong marriage with 100% trust, no infidelity and no major problems otherwise can be sorely tested by situations surrounding exes and their children. Many of us dealing with exes and steps have been on the verge of break-up, not because we don't love our spouses or significant others, but because the stress of the situation can really be a relationship killer. Your relationship with this man doesn't sound strong enough to endure an argument over leaving the lid off the toothpaste, let alone all the emotional and mental anquish the step drama can cause.
We're here for you.
~ Anne ~
Well said...
I wanted to comment, but Anne said everything I was thinking!! So I just thought I would chime in with "I second that", confirming her advice to you.
Good luck, hon. Be glad you don't have a child with him as well.
Interesting website information from Marriage Missions
by Ron L. Deal
Eyes Wide Open
The following list represents key "costs" and "challenges" every single-parent (or those dating a single-parent) should know before deciding to remarry. Open wide both your eyes now and you-and your children-will be grateful later.
1. Wait 2-3 years following divorce or the death of your spouse before seriously dating. No, I'm not kidding. Most people need a few years to fully heal from a ending of a previous relationship. Moving into new relationships short-circuits the healing process, so do yourself a favor and grieve the pain, don't run from it. In addition, your children will need at least this much time to heal and find stability in their visitation schedule. Slow down.
2. Date two years before deciding to marry; then date their children before the wedding. Dating two years gives you time to really get to know one another. Too many relationships are formed on the rebound when both persons lack godly discernment about their fit with a new person. Give yourself plenty of time to get to know them thoroughly. Keep in mind-and this is very important- that dating is inconsistent with remarried life. Even if everything feels right, dramatic psychological and emotional shifts often take place for children, parents, and stepparents right after the wedding. What seems like smooth sailing can become a rocky storm in a hurry. Don't be fooled into thinking you won't experience difficulties. As one parent said, "Falling in love is not enough when it comes to remarriage; there's just more required than that."
When you do become serious about marriage, date with the intention of deepening the stepparent-stepchild relationships. Young children can attach themselves to a future stepparent rather quickly so make sure you're serious before spending lots of time together. Older children will need more time (research suggests that the best time to remarry is before a child's 10th birthday or after his/her 16 th; couples who marry between those years collide with the teens developmental needs).
3. Know how to "cook" [or make] a stepfamily. Most people think the way to "cook" a stepfamily is with a blender ("blended family"), microwave, pressure cooker, or food processor. Nothing could be further from the truth. All of these "cooking styles" attempt to combine the family ingredients in a rapid fashion. Unfortunately, resentment and frustration are the only results.
The way to cook a stepfamily is with a crock-pot. Once thrown into the pot, it will take time and low-heat to bring ingredients together, requiring that adults step into a new marriage with determination and patience. The average stepfamily takes 5-7 years to combine; some take longer. There are no quick recipes, only dedicated journeyman.
4. Realize that the "honeymoon" comes at the end of the journey for remarried couples, not the beginning. Ingredients thrown into a crock-pot that have not had sufficient time to cook don't taste good-and might make you sick. Couples need to understand that the rewards of stepfamily life (e.g., security, family identity, and gratitude for one another) come at the end of the journey. Just as the Israelites traveled a long time before entering the Promise Land, so will it be for your stepfamily.
5. Think about the kids: "Yours and Mine". Children experience numerous losses before entering a stepfamily. In fact, your remarriage is another. It sabotages their fantasy that mom and dad can reconcile, or that a deceased parent will always hold their place in the home. Seriously consider your children's losses before deciding to remarry. If waiting till your children leave home before you remarry is not an option, work to be sensitive to your child's loss issues. Don't rush them and don't take their grief away.
6. Manage and be sensitive to old loyalties. Even in the best of circumstances children feel torn between their biological parents and likely feel that enjoying your dating partner will please you but betray their other parent. Don't force children to make choices (an "emotional tug-of-war") and examine the binds they feel. Give them your permission to love and respect new people in the other home and let them warm up to your new spouse in their own time.
7. Don't expect your partner (new spouse) to feel the same about your children as you do. It's a good fantasy, but stepparents won't experience or care for your children to the same degree as you do. This is not to say that stepparents and stepchildren can't have close bonds, they can. But it won't be the same. When looking at your daughter, you will see a sixteen-year-old who brought you mud pies when they were four and showered you with hugs each night after work. Your spouse will see a self-centered brat who won't abide by the house rules. Expect to have different opinions and to disagree on parenting decisions.
8. Realize that remarriage has unique barriers. Are you more committed to your children or your marriage? If you aren't willing to risk losing your child to the other home, for example, don't make the commitment of marriage. Making a covenant does not mean neglecting your kids, but it does mean that they are taught which relationship is your ultimate priority. A marriage that is not the priority will be mediocre at best.
Another unique barrier involves the ghost of marriage past. Individuals can be haunted by the negative experiences of previous relationships and not even recognize how it is impacting the new marriage. Work to not interpret the present in light of the past, or you might be destined to repeat it.
9. Parent as a team; get your plan ready. No single challenge is more predictive of stepfamily success than the ability of the couple to parent as a team. Stepparents must find their role, know their limits in authority, and borrow power from the biological parent in order to contribute to parental leadership. Biological parents must keep alive their role as primary disciplinarian and nurturer while supporting the stepparent's developing role (read The Smart Stepfamily: Seven Steps to a Healthy Family for a complete discussion of parental roles). Managing these roles will not be easy; get a plan and stick together.
10. Know what to tell the kids. Tell them:
• It's okay to be confused about the new people in your life.
• It's okay to be sad about our divorce (or parent's death).
• You need to find someone safe to talk to about all this.
• You don't have to love my new spouse, but you do need to treat them with the same respect you would give a coach or teacher at school.
• You don't have to take sides. When you feel caught in the middle between our home and your other home, please tell me and we'll stop.
• You belong to two homes with different rules, routines, and relationships. Find your place and contribute good things in each.
• The stress of our new home will reduce-eventually.
• I love you and will always have enough room in my heart for you. I know it's hard sharing me with someone else. I love you.
• Work Smarter, Not Harder
Marriage Missions. Accessed on December 22.
easier said than done
its so easy to say get out and head for the hills but when you are in the situation its not that easy and especially when you love someone.i know he is not good for me i know i can do so much better but a part of me just doesnt want to let go and it kills everytime he leaves me.
after our argument last night i fel he is very cold towards me and i feel that he is abt to go back to her again and i am trying to be prepared and strong but i know i will break down seems sometimes i can see into the future and feel things coming on.
i feel so bitter when he manipulats me like this and i feel hatred towrds him to the point that i want to kill him and i am scared of these feelings because i dont trust myself when i am angry and he has fun laughing at me when i am like this.
i accpet that i am apain at times and out of distrust i call him sms email all the time to keep track of his whereabouts and i know this is frustraing to a guy but sometimes it seems that he creates situations so that i react that way and he can have a reason to leave me.
i am hurting and dont know what to do.all is can is wish i could turn back time to do things differently and not lay eyes on this man but its too late and the love i have for him is destroying my life.i am only 25 years old.
Okay, here we go...
A. You are too young to let this man or any other ruin your life. It's your life and you only get one chance to live it. Do you want to be happy or miserable? It's as simple as that.
B. You are too old to waste time with the wrong man. Frankly, I think you've already wasted too much time on him. This isn't high school.
C. You should understand right here and now that when you get involved with a man who has an ex and children, that ex and children are ALWAYS going to be a part of his life in some way, shape or form and, most likely, it will get ugly from time to time. If you can't deal with that, take your marbles and go home.
D. This is a textbook bad relationship. You need help, he needs help and you need to get that help separately. Don't worry about him, save yourself. He can either sink or swim on his own, but no one can save you but YOU.
E. Sometimes when you become obsessed with another person and create all these fantasies in your mind about where they, whom they are with, etc., those fantasies become self-fulfilling prophecies. You don't trust him because he is not trustworthy. But he knows you don't trust him, so he doesn't have to try to be trustworthy... he knows you won't trust him regardless and that gives him the power to go out and do whatever he wants.
I don't mean to be harsh, but are you really seeking advice or do you just want someone to tell you that it's okay to stay with this creep? A lot of times we ask for advice not because we really need it, but because we want someone to tell us that it's okay to do what we want to do. I'm not going to tell you it's okay to try to make it work with this guy, because he is abusive and you don't sound like you've got it together enough to contribute to a real, functional relationship, anyway. What do YOU want to do? Do you want to keep being this guy's punching bag or do you want to go out, get yourself together, embark on a fabulous life of your own and then someday meet the REAL man of your dreams? Honey, this guy isn't the man of your dreams... he is what nightmares are made of. Whether you want to dump this guy or not, you don't need my blessing or anyone else's... but I certainly hope for your own good that you kick him to the curb pronto.
I think you may want to really examine what it is you feel for this guy, because I don't think it's love on your part. Between wanting to be in this abusive relationship and wanting to kill yourself, it almost sounds like you are punishing yourself for something. He's toxic. Seek counseling for yourself and don't even worry about fixing the relationship with him.
~ Anne ~
I know that this is not easy...
I married my first husband out of guilt inspite of several very emotionally abusive years. At the time I thought that I loved him very much. But now I believe that love allows you to be the best that you can be and creates a sense of peace. The kind of insecurity, uneasiness and emotional roller coaster that you are experiencing is not the kind of love that lasts a lifetime. Don't wait for him to leave. Try some counselling...make the decision to leave and don't look back. It will be the hardest, and yet the greatest thing that you can ever do for yourself. Sometimes the grass really is greener on the other side! This is not about whether you love him enough, it is about whether you love you enough to expect the same in return. You deserve it!
1. You need to work on your
1. You need to work on your self-image. If you loved yourself, you wouldn't let this happen to you.
2. Being "hit" is not acceptable, and you should run and not look back.
3. He might have gotten rid of the other mistress, but you are the new mistress.....especially if you have never met his children.
4. He sounds like a sick man who say's whatever makes you feel better.
5. You know what you should do. I think you might be seeking this site to find a reason to stay.
6. From what you have written, there is no reason to place yourself in this situation any longer. You said in the beginning that this has been the worst 2 years of your life. Do something about it.
7. Again.....If you loved yourself, you wouldn't let anyone hurt you.
Please get help to work this situation out so you can be in control of your life and start leading a happier one. Everyone has problems day in and day out.......but no one deserves abuse. Sorry if this is harsh, but being blunt is the only way to go in this situation.
I hope your life gets better.
what would you tell a friend if she were in your relationship?
beckneedshelp, what would you tell a friend if she were in your relationship? Remove yourself from the situation and substitute your best friend or your sister. What advice would you give her if she were going though these types of things? I’m 99% positive you would encourage her to find the strength within her self to leave him alone. I believe you need to anxiously anticipate the next time that he is going to leave you for his wife (b/c he will do it again) and get yourself financially, mentally, emotionally ready for that moment…and when it comes…bolt! You sound very mobile (you’ve moved countries a great deal) leave the area, change your cell phone, e-mail, everything. DESTROY all the contact information you have for him (if you can’t bring yourself to do this get the help of a sister or close girlfriend to help you) and get a buddy to help you not try to call/write whatever….let him leave and stay there! The problem is him, not the ex and kids…your screen name is beckneedshelp…we are here to support you emotionally but the hard work you are going to have to do on your own…I KNOW you are strong enough to do it! Two years of this and you’re still here looking for peace…if you want it as bad as it sounds in your post/plea…I believe you will create it for yourself…the New Year is coming….perfect time for a fresh start!
Make a GREAT Day!
A very good book that I would recommend...
You have provided your own advice in your message. I would recommend an great book, Get Rid of Him by Joyce Vedral, PhD. Excellent resource...easy read and great ideas about relationships that are unhealthy to remain in. Check it out...I loved it!
You must get out now!
You need to get out now. You can see for yoursel if you reread your write that he is physically and mentally abusing you. No one deserves this kind of treatment. It would be better to be alone than with someone who laughs and ridicules you and hits you. But I'm sure you won't be alone because I'm sure you have a lot to give to a relationship. Leave now while you can. He does not deserve you or anyone else. He is using said so yourself 'doormat". You should'nt be anyone's doormat! You deserve so much more! Please try to seek professional help if you can.
Take Care!
been there done that
all the times he left me i grew strong and ignored him but theres something about this man that always makes me take him back.i know i can get someone else,as i have had guys ask me out while i was away and i see the attention i get when i go out but when i look at other guys all i see and want is him.i dont know why i feel this way abt this guy.i keep waiting for a miracle to happen and he keeps saying this time is for real and he has changed and is not going back and he is getting all his documents ready to migrate with me in the new year.while we were alone for 1 mth and away from x and kids our relationship was almost perfect but the minute we lay foot in our home country things change.i will be leaving in three weeks and he will be joining me once he gets his visa so i dont know if i should just go and block him out or wait and see how things work out when we are alone in another country.
i have gotten out many times before and back in all over again and dont ask me why.he has his way with me and yes i am weak i am emotionally unstable.i dint grow up with a father nor mother and my previous b/f were not very affectionate towards me although they never treated me this way either.
i try to talk to him abt the relationship but he is always ready to get it over and done with.never ready to give time and talk things over thorougly.i try and try so hard and yet somehow i think the problem is me and he said it last nigth that i am looking for things that are not there and i am blaming him for nothing and he also said that he doesnt love the x anymore coz if he did he wouldnt waste time and money(his phone bills and overseas trips) on me.
christmas is coming and last year he went and had luch with them and left me alone.i am suppose to be going to his mums place on the eve so i dont know what christmas will hold.i am just trying to make myself strong but in doing so i go into denial.theres no help in my country for my case and thats why i go to the net for help.what help i am looking for i dont even know myself.i just need someone to pour it all out to.
my friend started seeing a married man and i pleaded with her to let it go coz i dont want her to end up like me.
i dont know what to think and what to do.the things i want to do are impossible.turn back time.get rid of the x and him before he had them.
the more i write the more i begin to think maybe the problem is with me.maybe i am doing it all wrong and thats why he gets fustrated and leaves all the time.maybe i am suffocating him and thats why he reacts this way.
i think i will take a new approach as of today and just stay calm and let him call sms and initiate things and i will just flow with the course of things until i leave or he decides what he wants to do and all i can do is just prepare for the worse and brace myself.i cant think of anything else to do.
It's called manipulation...
Trust me honey, you're glued to him but it's not because of love. Love does not act like this...
true its manipulation
and he does it to my face when he lies to me and we both know he is far i am laying low and letting him do what he wants.if he wants to go i am not bounding him by ropes he is free to any way i dont want a man who cant love me back as much as i love him and who is with me but i feel his mind is elsewhere.all i know is i am leaving in a couple of weeks and if he hasnt proven himself until then his out and this time i know its going to be for good because i have to find the strength to do it for me.
its very very hard when you are in the situation itself.
It will be hard to do this alone without getting some help...
It will be very hard to leave this relationship without some professional help and support. This seems to be a very co-dependent are both getting something out of this siutation and for you it is not healthy. Your relationship can't be based on doesn't continually allow you to hurt each other and love doesn't make you feel on edge all the time. You deserve better!
All I can say is....
this relationship won't end up well unless there is serious help. I know what it feels like to love a man that has hurt you, I was the spouse who was cheated on. And we went through that period where he didn't know what he wanted. But as much as it hurt to think about leaving him, I was set to do just that. The story ended with him staying with me and permanently ending things with his mistress. But we also worked hard to overcome everything, it didn't just "get better" by magic.
I would say in this situation that the ex is not really the ex. Sure there are relationships that grow when the other is still technically married, but it doesn't even sound like he wants to truly end things with his wife. Do you want to share him? Will that make you happy? It sounds like you aren't happy...I don't think anyone could be with the things you described. If you really want to be happy, love yourself before you think about loving him. Set boundaries on what you will not tolerate (and abuse is definitely one of the things that belong on that list). Suggest counseling. If he won't go, then you can always do things that will help you at least.
trying hard.....
but i still react on the spot and throw tantrums instead of trying to hear his side of things. sometimes i think that its my attitude and my jealousy and possesivness that makes him react the way he does. coz i do swear at him alot everytime he says he is going to her house to see his kids. just yesterday he called to say he is at the house and will be coming a bit late coz its raining heavily and he is waiting for the rain to stop coz the roads are slippery and i cursed him and told him to eat there and stay there with his whore. yes i admit that when he gets me upset i say all sorts of disgustings word that i myself ask where they come from and if i am capable of saying these words.but they come out of anger and feeling do i deal with him more quielty and control my temper and make him see the nicer sides of me instead of shpwing the angry bitter person all the time.he says i need to fix myself coz he cant cope with my attitude everytime he mentions the kids or x.
We can't choose other people's behavior, only our own.
You need to separate yourself from him and get into counseling to heal yourself. Then and only then will you be competent to make any relationship decisions. Then and only then will you be able to see whether the fault is yours, his or just that the two of you are a bad combination.
Also, just looking at this one snapshot into your relationship, if he were carrying on with her, would he call you in the middle of it to say he'd be late? I doubt it.
There are some people who are just not cut out to be parents. There are also people who are just not cut out to be stepparents. Maybe you are one of them. Who knows? But from reading your posts, it sounds like you are obsessing over a man who is abusive to you and this relationship is messed up on so many levels. The only advice I have for you is to get out and get help. I don't think this is even a step-parenting issue at the core.
~ Anne ~
I new a women who dated a
I new a women who dated a married man for 11 years. He continually told her that he was going leaving his wife because he loved her. THis was a weekly ritual. Then he changed his story to he was staying for the kids. True love does not act in that manner. If it is true love, you don't go back and forth. One day he called her and finally ended it. Four months later, she found out he met another women, got divorced from his wife, and moved in with the new women. She wasted 11 years of her life because she thought she loved him. What she loved about him was the idea of him. Rejection hurts, so as humans we continually go back for fear of rejection. Don't make the same mistake she did. Life is too short to share someone. One of the things these women have been saying is that understanding yourself first (what makes you happy, complete, sad, etc.) it will be hard to have a true relationship with another. We are all special in our own way, allow yourself to make a change. A partner should make us better. They should pick us up when we are down, and hold us high when we are soaring. We all make mistakes in life, it is ok. Just learn from them.
Me too
I have been dating a guy for over 10 months, it will be a year at the end of Dec 2007, he doesn't hit me or anything, but he talks to his two xwifes. and When he does I get jealous because in past conversations he has confessed that he cheated on the second wife with the first wife in the beginning. He has cheated on me the first few months of our dating, he began sleeping with the friend he was staying with to get on his feet after he moved to PA from FL. But she was married and a friend of 14 yrs to his first wife. This hurt a great deal to discover the truth about, but this was also during a time when he broke up with me as a girlfriend to consider going back to his second wife. This lasted about 3 weeks and then we got back together. It has been a rollercoaster emotionally since then, because he had to move out suddenly when he came home late after staying at my house all night until 7 in the morning. She then accused him of molesting one of her daughters age 5. He was horrified by this, and moved out quickly into an appt he setup for his brother two months prior. This occured in June of this year (2007) and since then we did become committed but I have not heard the words I love you come out of his mouth. But he appears to feel that way by his actions and behavior when around me. He has a history of not being able to say those words except to his mom. so my problems started when I discovered in his emails that he was seducing a so called friend also of 14 yrs, into a get together for physical sex if he was able to get back to FL for a few days. When I confronted him about this he was angry about his privacy being invaded and turned the issue into the fact that I went too far this time. He changed our status to friends with benefits because of it, to go day by day for awhile.
since then I have heard him tell his mom and friends while he talks to them on the phone refer to me as his girlfriend. but I still don't have the committment back yet although i have not invaded his privacy since then, except for to guess the password to the email account for a brief while i was able to view the correspondence back and forth between this woman who he dated in high school and is currently married. I want to tell her husband so bad, but I fear this will only make me look bad to interfere in what I hope will stop on it's own accord. But because High School was some of the best times in his life he fantasizes about the things he used to do and getting with this old girlfriend may excite him on the wild side. He has been having libido problems or at least that is what I'm being told by him. He has diabetes, and I looked it up, yes it could happen, but I think that sometimes when you really want someone, it can bypass any physical issues that might be there by default usually.
So his male ego has been affected by this physical side effect of having diabetes. I have done everything I can think of to inform him that I would be willing to do anything to please him. So I am having a lot of trouble with why he would want to return for just one night of sex with an x girlfriend or xwife, because he has mentioned that might happen on his birthday, since it is something that has been done on many occasions in the past.
So I don't know now, if seeing the text messages and phones calls happening to the second xwife now is a threat to me, or just loose strings getting tied up for some reason. He won't discuss it with his mom, he says she will just yell at him for talking to his xwife in the first place. I have to agree, but I can't get him to stop this. I f I bring it up, we fight and agrue. He gets angry and avoids me for a day or two before he misses me and want to come around.
I have told myself over and over again, that if by the time his lease expires in Feb at this apt, if he doesn't move in with me, then he most likely never will, and the relationship won't progress any further if that is the case, but making that happen will be the hardest thing I'll ever have to do. Because I get physically sick to my stomach and throw up, get real sick in the stomach and have diareaha ever time I agrue with him and think we don't have a chance of getting back together. It's almost like I can't breathe if I try to leave him. I don't know what will happen next ,but I can't let this go on forever can I? His brother's girlfriends says if you love him you will be around no matter what.
Well but, at what cost?
the x-wife
Help! I'm going over the edge and I can not seem to communicate to my partner that I have no tolerance for his x-wife making herself at home in his house. Most times I'm at work, when she helps herself
in the fridge, and wonders through the house freely. She even suggests to her daughter that they stay in his house when we go away.
I stay completely away from her as she is irresponsible, he has custody, and many times she does not even show up for her visits. She puts on an act when I'm there and stays in the car. Can anyone give me a suggestion as to how to get this to stop happening. I've tried to just cope with it, and that's not working!
Thank you!
Okay, here goes this guy is
Okay, here goes this guy is a world class douche bag do yourself a favor and run as fast as you can the other way. He had a mistress while he was married to his wife. He leaves you for the wife all the time I mean seriously this is not what a person who loves and cares for you does. To top it all off he hits you this is a no brainer leave him leave him leave him. He is a pathetic jerk who has to treat women like crap to make himself feel better. You should work on building your self confidence and self esteem because their are men out ther who will treat you with respect and love you and only you.
honestly I only read a part
honestly I only read a part of the way in to your story and I stopped at the part...hes been going back to the wife off and on for the past two years.... heres the honest scoop:
when did you become the mistress in all of this? It comes off as if at one point you were no.1 in the game and then all of a sudden he started tagging back onto the ex wife.
Honey we all ask ourselves if we knew then what we knew now would we do it again and the answer is almost always "no"
You should never...EVER have to play second fiddle to anyone EVER...
There are billions of people in the world and there certainly is one out there for you who will treat you with respect and dignity....anyman who treats someone like hes treating you doesnt love you but uses you when hes on the low..
Best wishes
OK, he had a wife AND a mistress when he met you?
First, welcome to the community. I hope you find a good place to vent, contribute and pick up son useful input.
Now ........
Is there any question about what you should do? And if there is a question ........ WHY?
Now, I am usually one to say hang in there and work it out but this guy is completely without character and you nor anyone else for that matter has any business wanting to have a relationship with this worthless POS! Unless you are glutton for punishment.
This guy has a wife AND a mistress and children with both of them and you want a relationship with him????????????????????
Like you seem to, I have had my hero on a white horse periods but there are some people that are beyond rescue and this guy is way beyond salvage.
I have re-read your posts a few times and each time it becomes more clear to me how big of douche bag this guy is. He is a characterless twit and it is your fault that he gets mad at you? You need serious help to rebuild your own self esteem and someone needs to put the world out of its misery and make this guy dissapear. (figuratively of course).
Read you own posts!
1. He has a wife and mistress and children with both.
2. He does not want you to meet his family.
3. He wants you to emigrate with him to another country.
Do you see anything wrong with this picture. If you are lucky he may not do you in when he gets you out of the country and somewhere else.
Call the police and have them remove you from the situation. And please hurry!
Just my thoughts of course.
Best regards,
Has anyone noticed this thread is...
over 2 years old.
Thanks for pointing that out.
I missed that part.