What's your sign?
I've noticed a couple mentions of Zodiac signs in today's posts, so I thought I'd start a "fun" topic.
What's your sign?
What's your spouses sign?
Do you think it affects your relationship?
I'll start. I'm a Capricorn, and I'm a stubborn old goat. But then, DH is also a Capricorn, and we are definitely not constantly butting heads like I used to with my evil ex who I shared a birthday with. For us, I think birth order has more to do with our relationship; I'm the oldest girl, and he's the youngest boy with big sisters. That, according to something I once read, is one of the best birth order matches.
So how about you guys?
Great post!
I'm a true LIBRA...harmonious, love PEACE
My H is an ARIES (we are polar opposites; agree on SOME things),
but in general he is THE RAM!!
My ex H was a LEO....loved the spotlight; needed constant
This should be great!! I'm interested to see other signs as
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt
I do not believe that
I do not believe that compatibility level between two people is completely dependent on their zodiac signs. But if you believe in these things, then do check out whether your sign is compatible with your partner or not. You could also try out Online Psychic Readings.
gemini for me
the twin...2 faces...soooo very applicable. Dh always says im the sweetest person hes ever mad until i get pissed off! tee hee.
DH is an aquarius...they say the 2 have very highly intense sexual and physical attraction which makes for great lovers and friends and a charming marriage...i agree
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
I'm a Pisces and DH is Capricorn
I'm an Aquarius and Lovely Bride is a Virgo
And I have no idea what that means as far as how well matched we are by the stars or how my sign matches my personality. I like the water. Does that mean anything?
My XW was a Taurus or Gemini I do not even remember her birthday other than the month.
Best regards,
Gemini Girl...
and in alot of aspects, it suits me to a "T". My DH loves my 2 sides, as he sees me as a strong woman when I need to be, and soft hearted when he needs me to be. My DH is a Cancer /"Moon child", so it makes our relationship very interesting, we bring out the "fun" in eachother. I think we are a great match. (Bella...that's why we get along so well)"~waiting on the world to change~"
2 italian geminis....
wow chel..what a pair eh?!!!!! no wonder i luv ya so much
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
Worst ever - A Leo and a scorpio - and it works - freaky!
Of the two most signs NOT suited for each other - that is what we are. I am a Leo - very fun, outgoing, can be bossy :), love having attention, and my FH is a Scorpio and never talks and was very mysterious - aka I compare(d) him to someone working in the CIA. Because of him though I have learned to tone it down a bit and he has learned to open up and LIVE.
Sorry I'm just patting myself on the back.
Leo and Scorps are....
either really great together, mysterious and noble...or horrific.
He's the Scorpio and I am a Leo girl. He is the right amount of loyalty and sexualy adoring. My ex BF was a Scorpio and we ended up making each other crazy...but the sex was good. So my DH had to convince me he was not like other Scorps.
I'm a cancer & my hubby is
I'm a cancer & my hubby is an aries...although aries doesn't fit him AT ALL. He's cautious, very laid back, never gets angry at anyone...cancer fits me well. We balance each other out. My ex was a cancer like me & we constantly butted heads, had a VERY combative relationship. BM was born in Jan...not sure what that sign is...but they obviously were not compatible!
Just because you CAN give birth, doesn't mean you SHOULD
We are both Scorpios - I am 2 years and a day older. If I remember the dates correctly 2 of our 4 kids are also Scorpois. The other 2 kids are both Sagiuatruis. (spelling)
BM is an Aries and my ex is a virgo.
Ok Smurfy1
You guys must have fire extinguishers in your bedroom.
I am scorpio and dated a scorpio for 4 years. Can you say sssssssssizzling?
DH is an Aries. Surprisingly we are very good together. I think the book says that we are not a good match, but I like proving it wrong. Well it said that we have to work hard at making it work. If we did not have skids we would not need to work hard at keeping it together. All of our tension comes from the kids and their crazy ass BM.
BTW, BM is an aries also. Their bdays are like 6 days apart. Did not balance at all. Then again, maybe that is just her. She goes through men like she does residences...EVERY FREAKING YEAR!!!
Step Mother's Motto this week is:
You don't have to LOVE me, you don't even have to LIKE me... But you will RESPECT me.
I am Cancer and DH is Capricorn - it works out just like the 'Sun signs' book says, he gave me more drive to set goals and achieve, and I helped him learn to relax and enjoy life and not be a workaholic.
He also helped me from being so nervous and superstitious because he is usually pretty calm, stable and logical.
BM was an Aries, not sure what that means? But my ex was a Taurus which should be good but was AWFUL!! very dominating know-it-all and just an *ss in general! No offense to other tauruses, I think it was just him!!
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
My FH is an aries and I am a scorpio, I think I read that we were not a great match BUT if we go by the Chinese zodiac, we are a match made in heaven!
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
LOL. We are twin zodiac relationships. I am scorpio and dh is aries. It really isn't as bad as the book states us to be.
I am a true scorpio -- passionate and loyal and OPINIONATED. DH is a very easy going kinda guy. He's that guy that works hard at being romantic and surprising me, but he does often. He's the guy who says what he means and forgets about it. DH holds onto nothing except by way of BM. If we have a fight, I am left stewing for a few days just because I need to STEW. He on the other hand is back filling me with love and kisses the minute the fight is over. It was weird at first, but it has helped me get outside of myself. If I am seeking pity...Fugetaboutit. He gives me my space, but he doesn't allow me to stay in it. I can go in a moment and truly be comfortable living it. That's where he balances me. He does not allow me to sit and stew for long. Kinda like have your moment and get over it. So, our balance is good in that sense. In fact, I can't really stay mad at him long anyways because he is such a loveable guy. Everyone (except BM) adores him. Forget what the love signs say and follow your heart.
Step Mother's Motto this week is:
You don't have to LOVE me, you don't even have to LIKE me... But you will RESPECT me.
wow we are twins
your relationship sounds identical to mine, I am a true scorpio too: OPININATED to Nth degree, but he does give me my space and does not let me feel sorry for myself which I really need the "ok let's just shake it off this too will pass" kinda guy.
he is kind and gentle loving is that the characteristics of an aries??
( i will need to look that up)
we are sisters of the zodiac LOL
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
Hey Melis070179!
I am a Cancer and DH is an Aries also!!! But Aries fits my H. The BM is also an Aries. My ex-H is a Leo...and that did not work out! Cool post!
"God grant me the serenity accept the things I cannot change; the strength to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.
I'm a virgo
And DH is an Aries. Who knows what that means for us?
Taurus-Gemini cusp
FH is a virgo. BM was scorpio...no big suprise there. Sorry if I offended any good scorpios.
Chinese sign
Me: Pig (I know ha ha)
DH: Monkey
Me: Capricorn
DH: Aries
Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!
Chinese sign
Me: Dog
H: Jackass
Oh okay, really I dont know what H's Chinese sign is, but if there was a Jackass, then it would be his sign.
"God grant me the serenity accept the things I cannot change; the strength to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.
u are a riot!
dont forget to include that the ostrich is castrated bc they obvioulsy have no balls when it comes to the ex...
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
I'm a virgo!
I'm a virgo and my DH is an Aquarius. The stars say we are supposed to have a turbelent relationship, but I think our relationship is unique in that we definately have our passions in common and we balance each other. So, that to be puts what the stars say out of the window. However, my SD is a Taurus - and man, she definately is stubborn, and that combined with her previous circumstances does not mix well with our family.
I heard on the radio
This morning that today is "Support Day for people married to Scorpio's" (I kid you not)-
DH and I were both previously married to Scorpio's so we had a chuckle
It should be Support day for SP's who have Scorpio SKIDS (SS is a Scorpio)! Ha
Nothing against Scorpio's I have met some wonderful Scorpio's!
This from the woman whose Chinese sign is a Pig! Ha!
Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!
I'm an Aries
and Dh is a gemini. Chinese signs we are both horses and in numerlology we are both sixes.
dh and i are both sagitarius
dh and i are both sagitarius as is ss1 bd5 is virgo. sag on sag relationships either work or not there is no middle ground.
I'm a capricorn and so is DH.
I'm a capricorn and so is DH. I'm the oldest in my family and he is the oldest boy in his family.
(funny part about all of this my XH and his XW were both sagitarius)LOL
Well I'm a Libra and FDH is
Well I'm a Libra and FDH is an Aquarius. I love the idea of zodiac signs and read about compatibility but I don't believe in it completely.. but like I said it's fun! I do see some similarities.. like I'm pretty close to what a Libra is defined as. I'm understanding, peaceful, avoid confrontations (unless I believe in it entirely) and lastly stubborn when it comes to what I believe in.
I remember reading about our signs and seeing how our arguments can turn out bad and that's so true. We both can be crazy stubborn when it comes to what we strongly believe in and neither will back down. So I try my hardest to avoid such conversations (remember I try to keep peace). Oh, and when we do have those arguments, he expects me to put it in the past as if it never happened when I'm still sitting there confused on what we were really arguing over but because we stopped arguing for 2 minutes its now in the past and can't be brought up again or that'll be a whole new argument. Libra Aquarius relationship. Ah!