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My Birthday Celebration vs SS's Basketball Game

Alexis G.'s picture

I haven't been on here in a while and truly miss this place. I always get so much valuable info on this site. Well, here's my issue for today. I need your honest opinions. Long story (semi) short: my birthday was this past week. We celebrated by ordering in and relaxing. However, my family has planned a birthday get-to-gether today. Unfortunately, the celebration is at the same time as the SS's basketball game today. HISTORY: the DH has always been a part of the SS's sports seasons. DH goes to every weekly practice and every game. For some reason, DH thought he could make both events today. I just told him the birthday celebration was pushed back a half hour b/c my Mom is getting out of church later than usual(BTW- my Mom's bday is 2 days before mine, so this is a joint bday celebration). Then, DH sighed really loud and I got LIVID. I don't know what happened! The fact that I never get in the way of him supoorting his child whether with CSP or being at EVERY SS event (I've even helped DH coach bball practice when the official coach was out of town). As a product of a divorce I know how important it is to remain in the child's life. I try never to get in the way of that But, today I'm freaking pissed. ONE DAY I ask, ONE freaking day. It's not my fault he's not at home with his kid 24/7. That is the life he chose when he (and BM) divorced. I knew he was trying to make both events and I was already upset b/c I felt he was planning to blow thorugh my celebration to get to the game. Almost like, "Ok, let's timebox the bday celebration so I get can get to the game."

Basically, I told DH to forget about my birthday celebration. I didn't want him to be somewhere that he didn't want to be. I told him earlier in the week he wouldn't be able to make both committements. He says the basketball committement was in place before my birthday celebration. That made me even more mad. Now, 2 hours before my celebration, I don't even want to see him. I knew this was going to happen at some point, either with me or our children. Now, the argument surrounding this ONE game, is causing me to feel resentment and utter annoyance at our entire situation.

Then, I feel guilty for feeling this way. Maybe I'm being imaature and/or unreasonable.

ADDITIONAL HISTORY: At 9, SS is starting to display some bad behavior and make bad choices. A straight A student, but hanging around the wrong kids. Not to mention BM has had two men (and their families) move in with her since the divorce almost 2 years ago. Understandably, this has affected SS's decisions AND DH's stress levels. I've had to re-think coming off my anti-depressants, I'm so stressed. I mean, who wants to deal with an out-of-control kid? Anyway, I digress. Basketball season ends on 3/7, when we will be out of the country. So, between now and the 7th DH has 2 practices and 1 game left to attend (not counting today's game). I'm not sure if I'm being unreasonable. Perhaps DH wants to have perfect attendance from now until the time we leave.

Please help!

ColorMeGone2's picture

I think two things.

First, I think that whomever planned this party should probably have checked with you guys first to find out when would be a good time. Maybe better planning in the beginning could have prevented the two events from occuring at the same time.

Second, I think your husband is to be commended for continuing to be so involved in his child's life post-divorce, but should probably be horsewhipped for not being more sensitive to your want and need for him to celebrate your special day. Missing ONE time for a VERY good reason does not make him a bad parent. You've supported him in his effort to be a good parent, so I think he can support you in this.

Families like ours have to strike a balance. I think your DH has a valid point that the basketball thing was planned first, but I also think that sometimes you have to do the thing that will make your spouse happy, regardless of how right you are. He may be right about the basketball thing being planned first, but does he want to be right or make his wife happy? How many basketball events does your SS have in a year? How many birthdays do you have in a year? It's pretty simple, if he does the math.

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

sarahbernheart's picture

I had the same thing happen to me, my birthday fell on the same day FH had been told about something his BD was doing.
NOW my birthday plans were made FIRST and he was told the next day about his BD event.
luckily they were at different times and he was able to make both, but I was also hurt cuz if her event was during mine I am pretty sure I would have been pushed to the side, granted I am the adult I would get over it more then her but damnit...
I dont want to be the adult all the time!!
gawd it sucks doesnt it!

“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”

frustratedinMA's picture

I dont think you are being unreasonable. As Georgia said, how many games did this kid have in the season? WAYYYY more than 1. which IS exactly how many birthdays you have a year.

I think that your DH is putting his son before your needs... and in this case, your needs far outweigh the needs of your dh being at ss's game.

Every year for my bday wish.. I tell me DH that I dont want the skids up on my bday or bday weekend.. that is the ONE thing that I ask for every year.. Its my day.. right?

Elizabeth's picture

I have experienced the same thing with my husband. We seriously ended up in counseling over the fact that SD came first and me and our BDs dragged up the ass end of the train! In this case it was an all-day volleyball tournament for SD13. I had event, scheduled by someone else, involving many other people besides myself, that I had to go to. It's only twice a year but it's mandatory. He refused to budge. Was going to SD's tournament, period. I cannot take my two BDs to this. He wanted me to get my parents to watch them, but I told him my parents aren't the parents of these two kids. He ended up spending a half day at SD's tournament and the other half day at home with our kids, but it took SEVERAL people telling him he was wrong before he finally, reluctantly, agreed to that.

One birthday a year. One wife. He's got to get his priorities straight. Does he have a female friend who can tell him as much? (I ask because my husband scheduled a business trip over my birthday a couple of years ago. When I protested he said, "Can't be helped." You can imagine my reaction. He ended up asking a female friend, who told him to reschedule the trip. He did. But it took her telling him that to see that I wasn't being too sensitive or overreacting.)

anncanbike's picture

This is happening in our house too as baseball season starts up. Husband won't miss a practice or game NO MATTER WHAT! So for the next 3 months guess what, he's tied up with baseball. Sunday was tryout and he had to be a work at 5pm. I was busy all day & got a call at 4:30 to rush & pick swins up & take them to dinner, then BM's. I never showed up. He wouldn't speak to me when he got home,said I made a commitment to the Family when we got married & I let him down not getting swins on Sunday. It wasn't even our weekend and I don't feel obligated to do BM's share. Sorry!!!!!

Birthday? Dated him for 4 years, forget mine 2x. Despite pathetic reminders days prior. Each time I was devastated and my self-esteem plummeted. So silly me decides for wedding day to be 7-7-7 b.c. my birthday is 7-9 & I'm going to make a full week of celebrating starting w/the 7-4. Its called a creative payback better known as Karma debt.