Know anything about taxes and claiming the child?
So here's the deal...our BM is handicapped. After her and DH called it quits, she got into a terrible accident and is now confined to a wheelchair. She lives at home w/her mother and my stepson, 10.
In our court paperwork it says that we are to claim him on odd years and that BM will claim him on's the thing: BM doesn't work, so she cant' file taxes...So, her mother has been claiming him on the years that we don't. not. My questions are:
1. Is this legal?? It's not her child...maybe because she claims BM as a dependent, she can claim BMs child??
Our review is this year, so we're looking into what things we'd like to change in our current order...obviously, since the courts don't take the grandmothers income into consideration when calculating the child support, AND that our orders states that BM will claim him,
2. What do you think our chances of being able to claim him every year are??
Thanks ^_^
my order
I live in MN and my child support order/divorce decree states dad can claim our daughter every year IF he is paid in full on his child support at the end of the year - December 31. Out of 7 tax years, he has claimed her twice. See if you can get this same stipulation. If paying your support is not a problem than getting this should not be either.
As far as grandma claiming the child, the child lives in her home and I am assuming grandma supplies more than 50% of the child support - food, clothes, housing, etc. So that is why she can claim the child and probably her disabled child too.
Hi Smurfy!
Our order isn't w/the grandmother, though. It's w/BM. She is on disability and gets $$ every month. My feelings are if the court is unwilling to take the grandmothers income into consideration when calculating child support, there should be no reason for her to be entitled to claiming him.
I'm sure it's just because I'm biased, but what do you guys/girls think??
very true
Grandma works? If so, she is providing support to the BM and child. Whether it is directly or indirectly.
My mom and her husband had his grown 40ish daughter and her 2 daughters living withg them in the family home (that my parents bought together). My mom and her husband claimed the granddaughters on their taxes. Both grandparents work. BM got disability and a little child support for her daughters - she is grossly overweight (at least 500 pounds plus), has asthma, can barely walk (wonder why!)
Try to get the order changed like I suggested in my prior post.
Ugh, and you're so right on
Ugh, and you're so right on about the 'poor wheelchair bound BM'. We were lucky that the judge didn't fall for her act, but that was more her fault than ours. She played VERY hard ball w/us, and the judge didn't appreciate that BM hadn't taken DH to court for 4 1/2 years for support or visitation, but as soon as he gets married, she jumps on him w/her sob story.
And it's not that I don't have sympathy for the woman...I wouldn't wish paralysis on ANYone. However it disgusts me to use it to bend peoples wills or to use it as a weapon. Makes me sick. :sick: But...what can ya do?
the bm has no pride
My DH ex-wife aka "satan whore" as my husband has given her that nick-name , sat directly in front of the judge reading the bible and holding it up high enough to be seen by the judge . Praying and cryin waiting for our case to begin "which was hours before our case was heard . she typically wears her low cut see through skin tight shirts,blue eyeshadow, flaming red lipstick and jeans that reveal all , but to court she wore clothes that made her look like a sweet little innocent girl and barley any make-up "like she just stepped out of alice in wonderland movie " . She tried to play this off to the judge but it did not go over as well as she planned . The judge seen right through her as always . Kinda hard to play sweet and innocent when her own Grand-pa " a wonderful person i might add " truely a genuine good man that is also a preacher has banned her from his church . GO FIGURE !
It absolutely disgusts me...
some of these BMs. I can't ever imagine hurting my SS, and to think of his own MOTHER using him as a bargaining chip or as a tool for her own wicked ways makes my stomach turn.
After reading some posts here I feel very blessed that we only have a fraction of the headaches others have, but it doesn't minimize what we have to go through w/her constantly.
One thing I don't understand is that these BMs seem determined to never let go of their former spouses/boyfriends. You'd think they'd get bored or distracted, but it never happens.
I truly cannot understand where these women get off thinking they can ruin peoples lives to enhance their own. Sad, sad individuals...
A little off subject....sort of but...
the Federal government is talking about that stimulus package and giving people $600 per person, $1200 per couple and $300 per kid. How do they decide who gets that $300 for the kid? We have ss 2/3 time and we claimed him for 2006 taxes but Bm is claiming him for 2007 taxes. We pay so much over and above for ss and Bm gives us nothing. If she gets that $300 that will be so, so unfair.
Does anybody know?
I feel for you, you're not alone
We have had the same thing happen, last time they gave a rebate. We have SD about 70 percent of the time, with no CS from BM. But she got the rebate because they alternate years to claim SD and it came in the year BM claimed SD. Looks like the same thing might happen to us again this year!
I have your answer Dawn
Sorry to tell you ,Dawn, but I read on Yahoo news (I think it was Yahoo) that they are basing the refund on people's 2007 return. Since it is our BM's year to claim SS, then she gets extra $300 for him. So, basically she gets money for him twice! Yes, very unfair. Makes me so pissed off!!!
That really, really stinks big time!!!
Thanks for the info. Dh isn't going to be happy.
DH claims 1 child
BM the other. She fought though to get the younger of the two. Bottom line it makes it easier for taxes.