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what to say

Gloomy's picture

Newbie here and I got a question to ask!

background...Well I would say mine is a mirror image to many of you. Let's see I am dealing with a; narcassistic, parental alienator, money hungry, screw all of you it's all about me of a bio mom.

heres my dilemma, DH is of course battling w/bm in trying to obtain more visitation. Well the courts got tired of them not being able to come to an agreement so they ordered an investigation via a Guardian Ad Litem. Until today, nobody has been interested in what I have to say and now I have the chance. The GAL wants to have a discussion with me. God this is a dream come true!

I welcome any and all suggestions on how to handle this meeting. Can I bash the crap out of her or do I play it cool.

happy's picture

You do not want to bash her because that makes you look bad. You just want to be calm and mature, even though bashing her would make your innards feel good, it would hurt the chances of getting child for visitations. You can bring up situations were she has alianated you all and instances of which the childs interest were not even considered. But play it very cool?
"live life to its fullest everyday"

laughterandtears's picture

We dealt with a GAL also and ours told us right off the bat that at the end of this, someone would be mad at him. My DH and I went in and spoke more about the things that have hurt the kids and anything she has done to other parties i.e teachers, ect..

I was very candid and let the GAL know that it is not easy for us dealing with her and we don't like it, but we do so FOR THE KIDS. I honestly told him that if I dod not love my DH and my SS's, that I would certaintly not put up with the treatment I recieve from her.

You should NEVER bash the BM to anyone court related or anyone you think could hurt your chances.

That is what we are here for.

Btw, the GAL ended up siding with us.


Anne 8102's picture

Don't sugarcoat it... tell the GAL what you've experienced, definitely. That's what she wants to know. But be cool and matter-of-fact about it, as if you're reading from a phone book. You know how to play the game.

GOOD: Well, Ms. GAL, I feel that many times the children's mother denies visitation without having a really good reason for doing so and I'm afraid this separation from their father can only be detrimental to the children in the long run. We want them to feel as though they are a part of our family, as well as hers.

BAD: That fucking bitch won't let my husband see his kids. She's a fucking psychopath who doesn't give a shit about anything but money and her own selfish wants. People like her shouldn't reproduce. She's an asshole.

See?! It's that easy! Wink Seriously, you'll do fine. Pretend like you're in a job interview or something like that. Give her the facts, but recite them dispassionately and without malice. You'll do great! Let us know how it goes!

~ Anne ~

"Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries."
(Truman Capote)

Gloomy's picture

Ok, I'll play nice. I'm really not the bashing type and it is all about the children.

But your BAD comment makes me realize gee, someone really does get how I feel.

Thank you very much! You have helped me.

Cruella's picture

Doesn't it feel good to be bad Smile

jen76's picture

You made me laugh so hard with your BAD example!! If you were going to bash her that would be the right thing to say. I'm glad ya'll explained what GAL is. Most of the stuff is pretty obvious, but I had no idea what you were talking about on that one. We need a glossery for us newbies so we know what the heck your talking about. Is DH- divorced husband???

Anne 8102's picture


DH usually means Dear Husband. Or dickhead, if they are not behaving. Wink

~ Anne ~

"Love, having no geography, knows no boundaries."
(Truman Capote)