OT: Christmas Poll
Favorite Christmas movie:
Favorite Christmas song:
Favorite Christmas tradition:
Favorite Christmas childhood memory:
Favorite Christmas cookie/dessert:
Favorite toy you received as a kid:
Most expensive Christmas gift you have received:
Most expensive Christmas gift you have ever given:
What would you like to see under the Christmas tree:
What are your plans for Christmas?
Will you see the skids/in-laws for Christmas?
Do you have all of your gifts bought? Wrapped?
What are you getting SO for Christmas?
What would make your Christmas better?
- zerostepdrama's blog
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Favorite Christmas movie:
Favorite Christmas movie: It's A Wonderful Life
Favorite Christmas song: Oh Holy Night
Favorite Christmas tradition: fairly recent--eat out with Chef and do some shopping
Favorite Christmas childhood memory: none--I didn't have Christmas growing up
Favorite Christmas cookie/dessert: Buche De Noel
Favorite toy you received as a kid: none--I didn't have Christmas growing up
Most expensive Christmas gift you have received: Jewelry from Chef
Most expensive Christmas gift you have ever given: NFL tickets (I should have waited until now)
What would you like to see under the Christmas tree: Downward Mod for YSS15 and Emancipation for SD19
What are your plans for Christmas? Go to Mass, Make dinner, play board games
Will you see the skids/in-laws for Christmas? N/A (skids PASed out, Chef's parents are deceased before I came into the picture)
Do you have all of your gifts bought? Wrapped? Almost
What are you getting SO for Christmas? A relaxation massage chair
What would make your Christmas better? A release of parental rights (aka CS through the nose and three PASed out mini-Girhippos) for Chef.
A relaxation massage chair
A relaxation massage chair sounds so nice! I might have to look into one of those.
Favorite Christmas movie: The
Favorite Christmas movie: The Grinch (the Jim Cary version)
Favorite Christmas song:Christmas Poo! Jk Frosty
Favorite Christmas tradition:Ugly PJ's from my mom
Favorite Christmas childhood memory:how the ugly PJ tradition got started
Favorite Christmas cookie/dessert:Those little bar things with the caramel and chocolate idk what they are
Favorite toy you received as a kid:Gameboy!
Most expensive Christmas gift you have received:My Nuwave
Most expensive Christmas gift you have ever given:SO's work boots things are $300
What would you like to see under the Christmas tree:I'd like Simone to pay my kero bill! That stuff is expensive! Or a maid!
What are your plans for Christmas? Kids, family dinner
Will you see the skids/in-laws for Christmas? Yes!
Do you have all of your gifts bought? Wrapped? Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha no.
What are you getting SO for Christmas? I got him boots and the brat has them already
What would make your Christmas better? A maid!
I remember when I got my
I remember when I got my Gameboy too! I played Tatris for hours!
would you mind sharing the
would you mind sharing the story about how the "ugly PJ tradition" started?? please??
Your turn zero!
Your turn zero!
Favorite Christmas movie:
Favorite Christmas movie: Home Alone
Favorite Christmas song: Rocking Around The Christmas Tree
Favorite Christmas tradition: Looking at Christmas lights on Christmas Eve with BS and DH.
Favorite Christmas childhood memory: Christmas Eve at my Grandmas or getting up super early and seeing the presents under the tree
Favorite Christmas cookie/dessert: My Grandma's sugar cookies
Favorite toy you received as a kid: Either my "My Child" (https://www.ebay.com/b/Mattel-My-Child-Dolls/160858/bn_16563630) or the Barbie camper.
Most expensive Christmas gift you have received: jewelry from DH
Most expensive Christmas gift you have ever given: PS4 or Nintendo Switch that BS is getting
What would you like to see under the Christmas tree: honestly- a Puppy- but I know they are so much work. But in an ideal world- a puppy
What are your plans for Christmas? After BS goes to his dad's in the early afternoon, DH and I will just lay around and watch tv and nap.
Will you see the skids/in-laws for Christmas? 99.9% sure No
Do you have all of your gifts bought? Wrapped? Yes unless I find something else I want to give
What are you getting SO for Christmas? clothes, tools, "man" stuff
What would make your Christmas better? I really miss it when my extended family all got together and I wish it could somehow happen again.
Favorite Christmas movie:
Favorite Christmas movie: Elf, Christmas Vacation, Christmas Story
Favorite Christmas song: Too hard to pick one. I like the oldies like Frank and Andy Williams, Bing oh and pretty much anything Transiberian Orchestra
Favorite Christmas tradition: Getting Chrismtas tree
Favorite Christmas childhood memory: Every Chrismtas Eve we would go to church, then come home and turn off every light in the house except for tree lights and we would light every candle in the house and eat Oyster stew for dinner. So simple, but one of my favorite things!
Favorite Christmas cookie/dessert: Iced Sugar Cookies
Favorite toy you received as a kid: Doll House
Most expensive Christmas gift you have received: Sapphire Ring??
Most expensive Christmas gift you have ever given: John Deere motorized tractor and wagon for BS7 3rd Christmas
What would you like to see under the Christmas tree: Just stuff for BS7.. don't really care about me.
What are your plans for Christmas? Church on Christmas Eve, then driving around looking at lights, then gifts with BS7 Christmas morning, then mom and aunt come over for ham dinner
Will you see the skids/in-laws for Christmas? no to skids (hopefully MIL keeps her word about NOT inviting them to her annual Christmas gathering) Will go to MILs at some point.
Do you have all of your gifts bought? Wrapped? Shopping is done, I have 1/2 of everything wrapped.
What are you getting SO for Christmas? Just stocking stuff.. candy, underwear, socks, gift card
What would make your Christmas better? If I could freeze time on Christmas Eve. I love to sit and just look at the tree after BS7 has gone to bed. It bothers me that in the morning, presents will be opened, and all that excitement and happiness that has been building for over a month will be gone.
Zero, I was just thinking
Zero, I was just thinking about doing this!! LOL
Favorite Christmas movie:
The Life & Adventures of Santa Claus
Favorite Christmas song:
Angels We Have Heard On High
Favorite Christmas tradition:
Putting up the tree the day after Thanksgiving. Dad put on the lights and the tinsel and then it was time to decorate. Everyone watched Dad put the Angel on top of the tree after all the ornaments were hung.
Favorite Christmas childhood memory:
Too many to choose one
Favorite Christmas cookie/dessert:
Prune pie
Favorite toy you received as a kid:
A set of huge cardboard triangles that could be built into a variety of things: tunnel, igloo, etc...
Most expensive Christmas gift you have received:
A ruby/diamond ring from DH.
Most expensive Christmas gift you have ever given:
A ginormous toolbox on wheels for DH.
What would you like to see under the Christmas tree:
One-way tickets to Mars for the SDs.
What are your plans for Christmas?
Cook food for the skids to hoover and have it all done 3 hours BEFORE they're supposed to show because they have zero manners and think nothing of coming over 3 hours before the appointed time.
Will you see the skids/in-laws for Christmas?
Skids, yes. DAMM!T. In-laws, no. I'd rather have my left n!pple smashed flat with a ball peen hammer than see the skids.
Do you have all of your gifts bought? Wrapped?
Yes. No.
What are you getting SO for Christmas?
A couple of shirts, candy, and a calendar (I get him one every year)
What would make your Christmas better?
If the skids moved to a galaxy far, far away.
Favorite Christmas movie:
Favorite Christmas movie: Rudolph the red nosed reindeer (And now that the skids know, I can't watch the movie unless they are both home)
Favorite Christmas song: Don't really have one
Favorite Christmas tradition: Used to be opening one gift on Christmas Eve. Living in stephell makes it hard to have any real traditions
Favorite Christmas childhood memory: My parents once forgot to give my little (maybe 4 yrs old) brother a gift. They found it in their bedroom around noon on Christmas day. My dad went up and put it on the roof of the house and said that Santa must have dropped it. He was so excited.
Favorite Christmas cookie/dessert: My mother used to make her own chocolate Christmas candy and she gave me her molds. I just usually to busy to make them myself.
Favorite toy you received as a kid: My grandfather made me a doll house. It was beautiful.
Most expensive Christmas gift you have received: DH got me a PS4 last year that I didn't ask for but it was a nice gift.
Most expensive Christmas gift you have ever given: I bought DH a workbench and one of those tall tool chest things one year. Spent a ton of money
What would you like to see under the Christmas tree: Nothing, I want DH to STOP spending money.
What are your plans for Christmas? Skids will be with BM. I just want a nice relaxing day.
Will you see the skids/in-laws for Christmas? Skids and inlaw will be with us Christmas Eve
Do you have all of your gifts bought? Wrapped? Not everything has arrived yet. So not wrapped yet.
What are you getting SO for Christmas? Clothes, things for his garden, Star wars junk and some drawing materials.
What would make your Christmas better? To have a schedule early in Dec and it be firm. I hate all the changes and the never knowing what's really going to happen.
My parents did that once!
My parents did that once! They tricked us into going upstairs saying there were "reindeer on then roof" it worked foenthe time being but dummies left the camcorder going so when we watched it the next year Santa's catmwas out ofn the bag. My parents are divorced 10 year and both deny deny deny that this ever happened.
Favorite Christmas movie: not
Favorite Christmas movie: not a movie, but my favorite Christmas show is "The Year Without A Santa Claus"
Favorite Christmas song: Little Drummer Boy
Favorite Christmas tradition: baking cookies
Favorite Christmas childhood memory: midnight mass when I was a kid/teen/young adult
Favorite Christmas cookie/dessert: Buche de Noel
Favorite toy you received as a kid: Barbie Airplane (a harbinger of things to come
Most expensive Christmas gift you have received: a house
Most expensive Christmas gift you have ever given: a car to DH
What would you like to see under the Christmas tree: a new laptop, which will be there
What are your plans for Christmas?: Christmas Eve just DH and me, Christmas Day a few hours at my mom's and the day after I am hosting a brunch for my dad and stepmom.
Will you see the skids/in-laws for Christmas?: well since the skids live with me, yep
DH's parents are out of the state so I don't have to see them
ASS is going to Frank's house.
Do you have all of your gifts bought? Wrapped? yep and yep
What are you getting SO for Christmas? some clothes and a bottle of Jameson
What would make your Christmas better? If I didn't have to deal with the skids or my mother
Favorite Christmas movie: Die
Favorite Christmas movie: Die Hard
Favorite Christmas song: I could do without any
Favorite Christmas tradition: DimSum christmas morning
Favorite Christmas childhood memory: I don't really have good ones
Favorite Christmas cookie/dessert: Nanaimo bars, mint
Favorite toy you received as a kid: easy bake oven or lite bright I guess
Most expensive Christmas gift you have received: a cheque for half the house equity at the same time my ex-dh signed the divorce papers
Most expensive Christmas gift you have ever given: all expense trip to the Dominican Republic for a week
What would you like to see under the Christmas tree: happy kids
What are your plans for Christmas? chilling with the fam
Will you see the skids/in-laws for Christmas? yes
Do you have all of your gifts bought? Wrapped? all but 2, but they're bottles of booze. Wrapped, all but 3, still waiting on amazon to deliver them this week
What are you getting SO for Christmas? I bought him a new air rifle, a set of hunting knifes, a Boston Bruins ugly christmas sweater and matching hat, a new lunch box and thermos, a gun rack, a trail cam, a skull shaped novelty electric lighter and some boxers lol
What would make your Christmas better? if someone else did the cooking...
Favorite Christmas movie: A
Favorite Christmas movie: A Christmas Story (you'll shoot your eye out kid
Favorite Christmas song: Christmas Canon
Favorite Christmas tradition: having wine with DH and sleeping with Christmas lights on...haven't done that in a few years though
Favorite Christmas childhood memory: my mom's "Christmas dishes", they had little Christmas trees on them and gold rims. I used to think they were so fancy as a kid
Favorite Christmas cookie/dessert: eggnog and brandy with those wonderful Italian cookies that my cousin-in-law makes but will not share the recipe the greedy warthog
Favorite toy you received as a kid: some type of Barbie house, it had a pull-string elevator that's all I remember about it lol
Most expensive Christmas gift you have received: jewelry set from DH our second year of dating. Someone stole the ring at work but I still have the necklace and earrings.
Most expensive Christmas gift you have ever given: chrome rain-guards for DH truck...had to be special ordered and he broke them before he could install them because he left them in the back of his truck bed for months.
What would you like to see under the Christmas tree: a receipt saying DH paid off the rest of the water heater balance like he was supposed to in August
What are your plans for Christmas? might be going to a rented building on my side of the family since I didn't see them on Thanksgiving and my mom wants to see ss but I don't know if I want to do anything this year. I'm tired.
Will you see the skids/in-laws for Christmas? yes we have ss the next 3 f'ing weekends in a row and have been "chosen" to watch MIL at our house after her surgery (lumpectomy)
Do you have all of your gifts bought? Wrapped? no gifts this year
What are you getting SO for Christmas? brake pads for DH truck, if his truck goes out he can't work or do pickup-drop-off for visitation. A mutual friend is installing them for free. This is getting added to his list of $ that he owes me but SIL might pay me for them as his gift
What would make your Christmas better? being able to afford the health testing I need done. I don't have $1000. Stupid deductible is $1500 and the free clinic I go to doesn't have the technology to do it.
Favorite Christmas movie:
Favorite Christmas movie: Rudolph the red nosed reindeer! Loved it since I was a kid!
Favorite Christmas song: The Michael Buble version of Jingle Bells
Favorite Christmas tradition: Christmas eve white chili! Yum!
Favorite Christmas childhood memory: Wearing these tacky red and green antlers on Christmas because I wanted to "our-Christmas" my siblings
Favorite Christmas cookie/dessert: Rum balls
Favorite toy you received as a kid: This giant stuffed horse
Most expensive Christmas gift you have received: An amp for my guitar
Most expensive Christmas gift you have ever given: This statue for my mom's house she REALLY wanted
What would you like to see under the Christmas tree: Anything from DH, lol, I'm not super material, but since he asked me for money for my own present and I turned him down, it could be a pack of gum and I'd be happy even. lol
What are your plans for Christmas? let the skids open their gifts and play, and watch DH play with his gift from me!
Will you see the skids/in-laws for Christmas? Yup, all of them, the entire day... And BM's parents for a few too. Yay...
Do you have all of your gifts bought? Wrapped? Bought yes, Wrapped is at about 50%...
What are you getting SO for Christmas? Custom Corn-hole boards I made!
What would make your Christmas better? A few hours alone with DH would be golden... We could even just sit there and watch a movie... ALONE...
Favorite Christmas movie:
Favorite Christmas movie: Nightmare Before Christmas
Favorite Christmas song: Manheim Steamroller Carol of the Bells
Favorite Christmas tradition: Fuchins on Christmas morning
Favorite Christmas childhood memory: The year Santa screwed up and gave doll clothes to my brother, and playing Wheel of Fortune on Christmas night
Favorite Christmas cookie/dessert: Scotchie Squares
Favorite toy you received as a kid: Monster Mash playdough set
Most expensive Christmas gift you have received: Jewelry
Most expensive Christmas gift you have ever given: My son's class ring
What would you like to see under the Christmas tree: 100 million dollars!
What are your plans for Christmas? Have a blast with my family and friends
Will you see the skids/in-laws for Christmas? No skid, she is phased out and PASed out. As for in-laws, planes, cars and public transportation only go East in their world.
Do you have all of your gifts bought? Wrapped? All done and ready to go.
What are you getting SO for Christmas? He got it already, new fitbit after he broke his other one.
What would make your Christmas better? that 100 million!
I didn't even think of
I didn't even think of Nightmare Before Christmas... Can I change mine? lol
Favorite Christmas movie:
Favorite Christmas movie: Christmas Story
Favorite Christmas song: Mary Did you Know
Favorite Christmas tradition: Baking Christmas Cookies
Favorite Christmas childhood memory: Dancing in the Nutcracker
Favorite Christmas cookie/dessert: Peanut Blossoms
Favorite toy you received as a kid: Mr. Microphone
Most expensive Christmas gift you have received: Diamond Earrings
Most expensive Christmas gift you have ever given: Car
What would you like to see under the Christmas tree: Peace and Quite
What are your plans for Christmas? Travel
Will you see the skids/in-laws for Christmas? Double Yippee, pass the Egg Nog!
Do you have all of your gifts bought? Wrapped? Double Yes!
What are you getting SO for Christmas? Hopefully a padded room and a straight jacket.
What would make your Christmas better? No SKIDS - DRAMA FREE - Pass the Margarita's!
Mary Did You Know is such a
Mary Did You Know is such a pretty one, it always gets me teary.