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Stupid man, child support, non working BM.

witch.hazel's picture

SD turns 18 in about a year, and that's when DH's decree says he is done with CS. I am also done with CS in about a year. When discussing all the money that would be back in our household when that happens, he actually said he'd keep paying! His logic was, "Don't you want to help your child with college, with a home?"

The way I intend to help my child is through teaching good decisions. I'll give him $100 here and there, but that's all I can do.

HE, on the other hand can't even afford his current payments and often is late, getting letters from FOC and then asks his mother to pay (I'm always on time). BM doesn't work, so he's afraid if he asks for the payment to be lowered, it will actually be increased.

So, I realized I was worried and p*ssed for no reason. He can't make the payments now when he is forced, so the idea that he'd pay when not required is ridiculous.

If he does continue to pay hundreds of dollars when he doesn't have to, I'll leave him.


witch.hazel's picture

Yes, I know. His mother has a lot of money that she did not earn- inherited from her father and second husband. She feels he's getting his inheritance now and says she won't leave him anything due to this stuff. I wish she'd start refusing so that he'd be inclined to do something- work harder or go to court.

All foreign to me- we don't have inheritance in our family.

Tiger7's picture

I'm jealous that support pymts end for you at 18. It continues in NY until 21...ugh.

thinkthrice's picture

I don't think Massachussets and Texas are much better. I hear in Ontario province Canada, that CS can go on for a lifetime!!

witch.hazel's picture

In our state, it can go to 19 1/2 max, if the child is still in high school. Mine will end at 19, his says 18. His kid is a year younger than mine, with birthdays a month apart, so they will end at approx. the same time.

witch.hazel's picture

Sadly, true. That's probably the mindset. However, he has no money to give her and another child to take care of who actually will be a minor for many more years. The fact that he will probably still be broke made me realize I don't have to worry about him paying then when he can't pay now.

notsobad's picture

What I would be worried about is that he will think that he can now spend your extra money (since you've told him you won't be giving to your kids).

The problem will be that you'll have extra money to do things and he won't. He'll expect you to pick up the tab because you can.

witch.hazel's picture

I definitely will not be doing that, so he'd better come up with his own extra money! I've already planned to apply it to bills and then savings. And sometimes I will give some to my child, who is the type who always denies needing anything, so it won't be often. But as for paying that monthly to my ex, nope, and it's not going straight to my current dh, for sure!

DaizyDuke's picture

If your SD is going to be 18, then your DH has to be close to 40.... and he has to have his mother make is CS payments???? LAMEOOOOOOO What the hell does he squander his money on that he struggles to pay bills??

I feel you though with the non working POS BM, who DH feels he has to compensate for. It's annoying AF

I agree with you though, it sounds like your DH is just talking smack, if he can't make the payments when required, then he sure as shit isn't going to budget money for CS when he is NOT required. What a schmuck

thinkthrice's picture

Agreed but you know how these guilty daddies are extremely generous with OTHER people's money (namely SM)