The Perils of Ann: Ann Meets BM
Thought I'd entertain you all this Monday with the continuing story of clueless "SM" Ann, who refuses to listen to the voices of experience and knows she's got it all figured out.
Ann spent a happy Saturday morning with her "super hot" BF of three whole months, Tom, her son Chris (9), and Tom's cherubs, who she's "so in love with," Mary (9) and Luke (8). Mary and Luke had soccer games, and guess what? Ann sat and talked the whole time with BM (let's call her...Liz. They talked about the kids and work and hair and shoes and, boy, that Liz was super nice! They're going to get along and co-parent the kids just fine!
Liz was super receptive to Ann's parenting tips and tricks. She made a point of telling Liz that the kids just love it when she leaves notes in the lunches she packs for them. And they listen to well to her and not Liz because Liz just needs to be no-nonsense and assert her authority as a parent.
When Mary was finished with her game, she ran to Ann, curled up in her lap, and wrapped her arms and legs around her. Ann admits she gloated a little bit.
Stupid, stupid Ann.
Mary kept trying to go through her mother's purse to get money for snacks and Liz repeatedly told her stop and Mary didn't listen, Ann stepped in, firmly told Mary to stop, and Mary listened. "That's all you need to do," Ann told Liz sweetly.
About an hour after this happy family outing (the kids had returned home with Liz), Tom received a text from Mary calling her mother a "freakin' asshole" and a "bitch." Apparently they were clashing, as usual. Ann told me this part of the story with much laughter. "She's SUCH a handful!" said Ann. "That girl has got FIRE in her soul. She's SO much like me!" Yes, Ann thinks it's perfectly fine for this girl to use that kind of language at 9 years old, especially about her mother. Maybe BM IS an asshole and a bitch, but for a 9-year-old to regularly use that kind of language is perfectly okay. She's just expressing herself.
That made Ann feel pretty damn good. Why? Because the more trouble BM has with this girl, the more likely she'll be to send her to live with her father, which is Ann's dream, so they can all be a family.
I told Ann I pity her a few years down the road. She literally LAUGHED at me. "Maybe it was that way for you, Ghost, but I GOT THIS. Nobody gets the best of Ann Smith!" I told her good luck with that. Ann is one of my dearest friends, but I'm liking her much lately.
Stupid, silly, clueless Ann.
- GhostWhoCooksDinner's blog
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Lady, I'm adding a
Lady, I'm adding a stipulation to my advance directive. Screw meds, put me in a dick induced coma!
I vote this as the funniest
I vote this as the funniest thing I have heard in about a month. Thank you Lady!
Wow... the BM seemed to
Wow... the BM seemed to handle all of Ann's comments pretty well. Almost too well. That I would be worried about.
There was another
There was another relationship between Liz and Ann, that lasted 2 years. No idea what that woman was like, but yeah, BM is showing some pretty awesome restraint.
That is what I was thinking.
That is what I was thinking. Like could Ann REALLY be THAT dumb????? to speak to the BM the way she was speaking to her?
Ann thinks she's special.
Ann thinks she's special. She's the perfect parent, the perfect partner. She's never encountered anyone she couldn't get a leg up on, so to speak. She's had a pretty charmed life, all things considered, and the world has yet to knock her on her ass at 40 years old. Once it does, and it will, MAYBE then she'll get it.
Dickmatized?? ROFLMAO!!!!!
Dickmatized?? ROFLMAO!!!!!
WOW!!!! If this is all true
WOW!!!! If this is all true ANN way overstepped and has her head way up her own butt (no offense to you friend). I would have knocked her in the face especially for stepping in and acting like a know it all. She needs to stop this quick eventually that little girl will be told things by the biomom to make her hate ann and she will be caught in the middle.
You are right something is wrong with her if she thinks the way the girl talks and treats her biomom is funny.
Thanks for the update. I am entertained this morning.
I had a chat with Ann
I had a chat with Ann yesterday. I told her she needs to step WAY WAY back. She's NOT the mom, not even the SM, and she's only been in these kids' lives for THREE MONTHS. She needs to pull her head out of Tom's ass. And if BM starts in with her, I won't feel sorry at all. Ann, sister, you got it coming! Ann's been getting on my last nerve lately.
I think Hot Tommy is one of
I think Hot Tommy is one of those "too lazy to parent" types, honestly. It doesn't sound like either parent is doing much.
Yep - that's my guess. ^^
Yep - that's my guess.
Liz should simply pack up
Liz should simply pack up little Mary's shit and ship her off to Ann...... with a note, seeing youa re way better at this then me... have a ball ....
after the 3 months honeymoon between Ann an Mary, Ann will not think Mary is cute and like her, she will start complaining and try and send MAry back to Liz, this is when Liz will have to say... Sorry Ann not taking her back, you wanted her deal with it....
this is now if I was Liz
I like it!
These guys are going to be on
These guys are going to be on ID TV or something. If another woman much less my ex husband's GF of 3 month started giving me parenting trips I would be less than pleased. WTF is this woman thinking.
cuz she's just sooo d@mned
cuz she's just sooo d@mned cute, donchaknow! it's adorable for a 9 y.o. to act like a spider monkey one minute and a sailor the next! she's got so much fire to her!!!!
:sick: :sick: :sick:
I love your analogies
Yup, exactly! She (literally)
Yup, exactly! She (literally) clings to Ann because she gets "no affection" from her mom. She LOVES Ann "like a mom!" And the swearing like a sailor, yeah, it's soooo cuuuute coming from a little whippet like Mary! :sick: :sick: :sick:
Five years, Ann. Give it 5 years, tops. Tell me then how cute it is. If you're dumb enough to stick around and be the parent, since these kids don't have a mom OR a dad that actually DO any parenting.
Liz is most definitely the
Liz is most definitely the BM. The chick between Liz and Ann lasted two years, but at least she had the sense to run!
I am really curious about
I am really curious about what made the girlfriend run.
If I had to bet money on it I
If I had to bet money on it I would say Mary.
I'd bet my next 3 paychecks
I'd bet my next 3 paychecks on it.
Ann is so funny Ann has no
Had to get myself a cup of
Had to get myself a cup of coffee when I saw the title. Ann is going to need something A LOT stronger before too long.
Talk about overstepping, and right on BM's toes, right in front of her face.
It won't be long before little Mary will be calling Ann a freakin' asshole and a bitch, and all of that fire in her soul will be used to burn Ann at the stake.
But hey, she's got this.
I'm wondering what Tom does about his little girl's filthy mouth?
Ann is stepping right into a nightmare.
Thing is, you have to stay
Thing is, you have to stay friends with Anne. Because I SOOOOOOO want updates. I don't usually stare at car wrecks....
Right?? Ann is on my last
Right?? Ann is on my last nerve. She's a smart lady who's acting SO incredibly dumb. She KNOWS EXACTLY what happened with my skids, and she's going down the same path and won't see it. Denial is a powerful, powerful force. I get it. She's wanted a family, a man, for SO long. She's DYING for that second bio, and her biological clock's screaming.
But...yeah, she can't be told. Because she's DIFFERENT and SPECIAL. And fate led her to this poor, broken family to be the mommy and fix everything.
Don't worry...I can't look away from this car wreck and more than you can!
BM is going to bring it.
BM is going to bring it. Someday, somehow.
But Ann's got it, don't you worry! She's SPECIAL.
How would we all feel if Ann
How would we all feel if Ann wins this battle and SD turns into a wonderful little girl under the thumb of her SM...
hey things can happen
Stranger things have
Stranger things have happened! I do hope that's the case; I'd never wish for a child to go down the wrong path.
There's that huge BUT....
Ugh - The 'it won't happen to
Ugh - The 'it won't happen to me' mentality - it's a ruthless bitch.
Maybe Ann can come here and
Maybe Ann can come here and tell all of us what we're doing wrong. She's the step expert after 3months. She needs to share her wisdom and help us understand how to overcome stephell.
"Maybe Ann can come here and
"Maybe Ann can come here and tell all of us what we're doing wrong."
We've had many NEW SMs come here to tell us just that... :sick:
Those always make an interesting post!
Hate to say it, but even I'm
Hate to say it, but even I'm on Team Liz after this weekend!
"The family's new toy." I
"The family's new toy."
I like that. That's exactly what she is right now. A novelty. A playmate. Once the shine's rubbed off of that penny, it won't be so much fun.
I remember when I was the novelty too. When my skids fought over me. We all know how that turned out!
I agree with you- I personally had no respect whatsoever for my son's BF, but I never allowed him to talk shit about him or any one else. That's teaching your kid to be a decent human being, plain and simple.
Ann too in love with herself
Ann too in love with herself to notice the little girl is playing her like a Stradivarius. And it's all because she loves having the power over her own mother. Any 9 year old who can call her mother those names--and to her father, no less--is on a giant power trip and just loves sticking needles in her mother.
I can't for the life of me figure how this Ann could possibly think it's "cute" to behave like that or that there is anything even approaching appropriate about schooling the BM. That woman is drunk on herself.
And, NO, do not drop her as a friend, YES, we need the updates!
No worries! I'm not dropping
I wonder how cute she'll think the nasty behavior is when her bio-to-be starts mimicking big sis? Or if her own 9-year-old starts doing it?
Good point. It will be so
Good point. It will be so "cute" when Ann starts getting called these names not only by Mary but by her own children.
That bm was sitting there throughout that game gathering intel. That's why she put up with Ann's insufferable ways. She was filing it all away, studying the new player on the field (and I don't mean soccer field), wheels turning.
Oh, this Ann has a lot to learn. She reminds me of the 14 year old who marvels at the stupidity of her parents cuz she's got all of life figured out doncha know. Very adolescent to think she could just correct a grown woman on her own child to her face.
OH MY. Very entertaining!!!!!
OH MY. Very entertaining!!!!! And when Ann Smith wakes up, and life sux because now SHES the B!tch, and meanie, well there you go, isn't that predictable????
My sweet little SD17 likes to call her mother a drunk idiot and a "B" too. She has no respect for me, for her father or her younger sister, in addition to her mother and mother's boyfriend. It is infuriating how she gets away with it.
So when Ann DOES wake up, like sleeping beauty to the evil step children, and chokes on the remnants of that apple, definitely let us know!!!!