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Ugh and double ugh

danielsj2's picture

So i recently committed to quitting smoking. I started this bad habit only due to the extreme stress of my job and it was an instant relief. I am only two weeks in... doing somewhat ok except this Saturday is SD's 1st birthday. One that will be held at BM's house and we are invited to attend. I would like to go as I am close with the kids. But the stress of being around the BM for half a day has caused massive stress levels and I relapsed today and had a cigarette. I feel so awful about it.. but I was also instantly relieved. Are there any ex-smokers out there who could give some advice on staying on the band wagon after relapsing? I hear some people say that quitting cold turkey is a recipe for disaster...and believe me, I hate myself for getting stressed out over BM to the point I relapsed.

Any advice would be appreciated... I am at a loss how to deal with the stress of being around her and quitting smoking too.


danielsj2's picture

Yes my good friend suggested this.. I just didn't know anyone who actually succeeded by using this method. I did not buy a pack... but for the last few days I feel like I am crawling out of my skin. I can't concentrate and I get super irritable. Maybe slowly cutting back would better?

danielsj2's picture

Not at all... I have not been smoking as long as most so I suppose I didn't expect for me to have this bad of withdrawals. I will keep moving forward and hope to stay strong to avoid another relapse.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I was able to quit cold turkey. People I know who could not chewed smoker's gum or used the patch. I also know a guy who had some sort of electro ear stimulation that eliminated his craving, but it's negated if you smoke again.

Icansorelate's picture

I quit using the patch and gum. After a few months, I was able to get off the patch. I still use gum two years later. It definitely helped with the homicidal urges.

danielsj2's picture

did you get nicotine free liquid? or just lowered the levels till you were not craving anymore?

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I've used ecigs with nicotine-free liquid. It kept me from starting up again when my stress went through the roof.

AJanie's picture

I quit years ago and then started again due to stress (although a light smoker, 2 or so per day). I am trying to quit for good as well.

You only had one. Forgive yourself and keep going full speed ahead. You can and will do it.

danielsj2's picture

That's what i am trying to tell myself.. I feel so horrible for another person causing me to stress and relapse

SM12's picture

DH and I were both pretty heavy smokers. About 1 1/2 packs per day.
We quit and used the Ecigs two years ago. With the Ecigs, I was able to lower the level of nicotine down to the lowest possible level. I am nearly ready to go to zero in the next few weeks. I have also used less and less of the ecig over the past few months and these have been the most stressful months in my life. I had a very close family member pass unexpectedly and still used less than half of what I would normally use.
Some believe the ecig is as bad as a cigarette but my lungs and breathing have improved dramatically and there isn't the threat of second hand smoke.
In the past I tried cold turkey, gum, meds, patch, everything I could to try and quit. The ecig was the only thing that has worked.

danielsj2's picture

I have an ecig.. I just never use it cause I didn't get the same hit as I did with a normal cigarette. Maybe I will bring it out and switch to nicotine free.. if I could find the freaking charger lol

DaizyDuke's picture

I don't smoke, but I feel ya on the birthday party. When DH and I had been dating for like 6 months, SS birthday rolled around and BM2 had a party for him at her boyfriends apartment. DH asked if I wanted to go and silly, Carol Brady, me said SURE!! NEVER.AGAIN. It was awful. Just awful! I felt so out of place and weird and wanted to just crawl out of my skin.... and that was BEFORE BM2 and I had issues. Yuck. I'm sorry you have to do this. Sad

danielsj2's picture

Hahah yea... I am basically going just because it means so much to DH and SS6... BM and I do NOT get a long although I retain civility. But her dad and stepmom will be there too so It's like I will be sitting in a room where half the occupants hate me and think I broke up a marriage.. all to make my DH and SS smile because I participated. Boy oh boy will I need copious amounts of wine before I head over.

DaizyDuke's picture

I never said anything to DH.. but thankfully either he sensed my discomfort or just decided he was done with the stupid charades and we never went to another party after that. I always told DH I would be happy for US to have our own party for skid if he wanted, but thankfully he didn't even care about that.

krazytown1's picture

Quiting smoking is soooo amazingly hard. I am currently trying to quit after a bad relapse that lasted a couple weeks. It's been 4 days and I am going strong (cold turkey). I always use the crazy ex as my excuse too. My advice, stop giving her the power. Easier said than done, but when you smoke because of her it's like letting her win.. that's what I keep telling myself. It's working so far! You got this! One day at a time. There is also a quit smoking ap that's. Been helping me, ButtOut. It had a community where you can post for support too.

Amber Miller's picture

I quit by vaping. I started my journey in march 2016. I wasn't trying to quit but was looking for a way to get my nicotine without anyone knowing when I went somewhere with my son and his friends. I didn't want to expose the kids to smoke. Well, here I am in January 2017 and I haven't had a cigarette in I don't know how long. I still have a half pack that has been left untouched. I have tried to quit before and it was absolute hell. This was the most effortless, painless way to quit that I've ever found. Like I said, when I started, I wasn't trying to quit but once I realized that I hadn't had a cigarette for awhile and I enjoyed vaping more, I declared that I had quit.
It's so easy. I've dropped my nicotine from 24mg to 12mg. I'm so happy. I can breathe better, my voice isn't so deep and growly sounding, I don't smell, my kids and husband don't bitch at me anymore, my parents are proud of me and I'm proud of myself!
I know I'm technically replacing one addiction for another but I feel better. I don't wheeze at night anymore and haven't had to use an inhaler in months.
Good luck. You can do it!

Maxwell09's picture

My husband quit cold turkey. He had tried before with the E-Cigs but he could never take the final step by quitting completely until he met me and I told him smoking was a deal breaker for me. He quit but he has admitted to me to smoking once or twice a year when work or BM gets to be too much. I can always tell because I grew surrounded by the smell which is why I can't be around it now. I would say cold turkey but know that one relapse isn't so bad if you don't make excuses and let it become a habit.

BethAnne's picture

Don't go to the party and disengage from BM. You have no need to go and hopefully soon your husband will realize that his kid will be just fine doing separate things/celebrations with his two sides of their family.

classyNJ's picture

I quit 8 months ago but I had no choice really. I was a heavy 2 pack a day (3 if drinking) for 34 years. I got sick in May and was in the hospital and in the worse pain I could ever imagine for 8 days. The 4th day I was there one of the doctors asked if I had ever smoked. It actually took me by surprise. Because of the pain and the pain meds I went through 4 days of no nicotine and didnt have one withdrawal symptom. This is one reason and probably the ONLY reason I haven't went back to smoking. Even going through the murder of my friend in July and this horrible court case with BM. When I get a craving and there are a lot I just ignore it and try to laugh it off.

You have to find the best way that works for you.

You can do this! You will feel better is just two weeks.


cw's picture

Here's my story. I quit almost 30 years ago. I was a hard core smoker. Chain smoker for 11 years. Tried quitting many times by patch and nicotine gum. Never worked. I had tto cold turkey it. Laid in bed and shook for a day. I didn't know what non smokers did with their hands. I got a white colored pencil that i carried around in between my fungers. Bought a pack of chewing gum a day and told myself when the unbearable urge woukd hit that i was a non smoker and woukd go fir a walk and down a glass of water. Took me 6 months to get passed the danger zone of wanting to light up. I did gain about 10 lbs in short order. Good luck and don't give up.

cw's picture

Here's my story. I quit almost 30 years ago. I was a hard core smoker. Chain smoker for 11 years. Tried quitting many times by patch and nicotine gum. Never worked. I had tto cold turkey it. Laid in bed and shook for a day. I didn't know what non smokers did with their hands. I got a white colored pencil that i carried around in between my fungers. Bought a pack of chewing gum a day and told myself when the unbearable urge woukd hit that i was a non smoker and woukd go fir a walk and down a glass of water. Took me 6 months to get passed the danger zone of wanting to light up. I did gain about 10 lbs in short order. Good luck and don't give up.

IslandGal's picture

Im trying too!! I was doing ok..trying to quit cold turkey. Big mistake. Had dramas with my Dad..before I knew it..I had a cig in my mouth. Goddammit. gunna try by rationing first. Gunna give myself 5 a day..then cut 1 each fortnight. Im 52 and I wanna be fit and healthy again. Not to nention the cost of a pkt now..that keeps me determined.

Heres to a healthier life! We can do this!!