Step drama and PMS are a terrible mix.
BM blew DH off for Halloween as I feared she would. He showed for his court ordered trick or treat night and she wasn't home and phone was off. He was devastated, it was hard to see. Now he wants to reopen the case and it'll be more court drama. The cycle continues. Funny to think early on in our relationship I thought their was an end in sight and some sort of peaceful resolution would be reached. Haha. Rose colored glasses for the win.
He is supposed to have skids tonight. I am not exactly sure how that will go, seeing as though she completely bailed on him last night. I don't even know what she said to the kids about Halloween or how they felt about it.
I am really just dreading tonight and then this weekend with them and I know some of it is my "monthly cycle." I am really moody and uninterested in dealing with any of it moreso than just the usual annoyed feeling.
Maybe "TMI" but do any of you steptalker ladies have PMS to the point where you are almost not yourself each month? I think I actually have PMDD. I become so extra agitated and disgusted with everything that I might as well just lock myself in a closet until it passes.
I would feel so much more equipped to act rationally if it weren't that time of the month. I find myself around that time hating everything and everyone. Just hatred all around for 5 to 7 days. I am always so happy when my hormone fluctuations line up with non-skid weeks.
I take B complex and try to eat right and all that shit. Nothing seems to help with my depressed and angry mood.
Anyone have anything that helps them cope?
- AJanie's blog
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Valium, xanax, or an
Valium, xanax, or an anti-anxiety drug that makes you not give a crap.
I used to have xanax and even
I used to have xanax and even a low dose zonked me out so badly it wasn't worth it. Maybe I should beg doctor for valium...
You just described my
You just described my experience with PMS perfectly. Sometimes I wonder if I have a hormone imbalance -- after all I do seem to have some unexplained infertility.
I can tell when it is coming because I start to feel like life has no meaning. I cry, I can't get good sleep, I get the sweats at night. I am only in my early 30's and it is already this bad.
I also hate my husband this time of the month. It is truly awful and makes me sad. I feel a deep loathing for him and then it disappears once my cycle starts over again.
Thank you for the chocolate. I also would like some cheese pizza.
It is good that there is some
It is good that there is some positive that comes out of your pms. I take antidepressants and I do not find they help much anyway with PMS. They do help with panic attacks. I worry about the weight gain and loss of libido if I stay on them long term. It sucks. I try to stay active and eat well and hopefully I won't blow up like a balloon from them.
I get totally out of wack
I get totally out of wack too.
Like I have a huge ball of rage sitting on my chest and I could rip the head off of anyone who dares come close to me...DON"T matter who it is. I have no tolerance for drama or upset.
I know enough to close myself in my room and go to sleep. I really could end up saying or doing something I would regret.
I am still learning the part
I am still learning the part about separating myself and staying away from people. I really need to get better at zipping my mouth and taking time outs.
i had RAGING pms as a teen.
i had RAGING pms as a teen. it was awful. i'd get super-gassy the day before, so i knew i was about to start. i had such horrible ovarian pain and cramps. the first day was like the floodgates had opened - just nasty. but the b!t@#y-ness... ooohhh the mood swings. the week prior to, and the week of my cycle. my poor family had to deal with crazy angry ***BITTERLY HATEFUL*** teen 50% of the month.
the first time i had the ovarian pain, i almost passed out and my friend's father was about to take me to the ER. later on, dad says "oh your mother used to get like that." gee thanks dad, would have been helpful to have KNOWN THIS SHIT IN ADVANCE. them mom (my sm) dragged me to the gyno. turned out to be PCOS. he put me on steady birth control - goodbye pms! even better, when i started going to current gyno when dh and i got married (found him due to getting on dh's insurance) he kept me on the pill every week - no placebo, NO PERIOD!!! it's been effing AWESOME.
OP, i dont know if you are TTC, but if not you might mention this to your doctor
I wonder if PCOS is a
I wonder if PCOS is a possibility with me. I read the symptoms and it never seem to describe me.
My period in itself isn't awful (sorry TMI!), cramps are not too bad, it is just the moodiness (and breast tenderness... OUCH!)
I have not been on birth control for a few years. Never conceived. Used to break my heart now I am starting to think it is just meant to be this way. Who knows if I will ever be a mom.
I need to make a doctor's appointment. I am afraid to delve deeper into fertility testing.
I have no idea why I read
I have no idea why I read this entire thread, but I'm expecting nightmares now. }:)
HAHAHA sorry!!!
HAHAHA sorry!!!
lol! Brain fog - another PMS
lol! Brain fog - another PMS symptom! I was working from the bottom up to you.
I always appreciate the responses. I like it here.
Back when I was wedding planning I posted a few times on a wedding site. The women were demons.
Sounds like a Thursday night.
Sounds like a Thursday night.
That time of my life was pure
That time of my life was pure hell. I couldn't stand myself. Thank goodness it is all behind me now.
Try something more
Try something more homeopathic like Biral and Rescue drops. They take the edge off when you are like this.