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Darn it... that didn't last long...

zerostepdrama's picture

Remember how excited I was about OSD moving to another state??? They moved to be with her DH's brother's family. So they don't know anyone else but the brother (wife, kids, etc) and the brothers just found out about each other a few years ago.

Anyways... DH's brother is accusing OSD and her DH of stealing money from them. All of them (understandably) have had a big fall out.

Ugh- since OSD and her DH don't have any other family in that state... I really really hope they don't decide to move back here.

I'm going to be so disappointed if they come back.


hereiam's picture

What a life, just bouncing around to whomever will have you.

Fingers crossed that they stay away.

zerostepdrama's picture

There is still one more state that they might end up at... that they haven't lived in and that is BM and DH home state. So there is always that possibility. I'm pretty sure they burned their bridges here in this state and in the other state they came from previously.

zerostepdrama's picture

No. I think her DH did for a little bit and then when OSD got there they got a house. A rental. It was actually pretty cute and nice looking. I was shocked honestly.

DaizyDuke's picture

Good grief.. have they even been there a month??? How do people bounce themselves and their kids all over creation. I know how much I HATED moving! That was 5 years ago, I can't imagine packing up all our shit again and moving... much less doing it every few months! :?

hereiam's picture

Seriously hate moving. As an adult, I have moved from my dad's house to an apartment (by myself, not in with someone else), from that apartment to the house I own and live in now. That's it.

Not only do I hate moving, I don't like living with other people. DH gets a pass because he puts up with a lot!

zerostepdrama's picture

They leave stuff behind, get more stuff. Usually used and given to them or bought cheaply.

But agree... they have moved a lot.

DaizyDuke's picture

I've had tutors who have had to go into the home to tutor, tell me this crap. That these leeches who are lifer welfare scum, move from apartment to apartment, and just leave their shit behind, because guess what? Social Services will give them money to get new shit. It's beyond ridiculous.

zerostepdrama's picture

Exactly. I am too attached to my stuff. I pick stuff and I become attached to it. Like if it's in my home, it's because I love it. I couldn't imagine leaving stuff behind.

DaizyDuke's picture

Not to mention how fucking rude it is to leave shit behind and make the landlord have to deal with removing it!! BM1 did that to us when we evicted her from the house that we rent. It took us days and a $700.00 dumpster to get rid of the bags upon bags of dirty diapers that were filling the one car garage and the shed out back, she left clothes for her and 4 kids behind, junk, more junk, furniture, a busted up trampoline that DH told her she couldn't have there to begin with etc. I was beyond pissed. Who does this shit???

And there is no point taking them to small claims or anything for the damages/clean up because you'll NEVER see a dime. When the judge ordered the eviction, he told DH to file the necessary paperwork to put a judgment on BM for damages, unpaid rent etc. DH was like why the hell would I waste my time, I'll be 173rd in line and will never see a red cent.

DaizyDuke's picture

I was just going to say the same thing! Of course they have kids!! If you can't take care of your damn self, might as well bring others into your mess to share in the fun times Sad

zerostepdrama's picture

2- ages 2 and 3. And then he has 2 older kids that still live in my state. They are like 9 and 10 I think.

zerostepdrama's picture

I only know what I see on FB through public posts. Money came up missing. Then later they were talking about how it was "my brother and his wife" and how ever since they (OSD and her DH) came to live there, there's been nothing but negative drama and bad shit happening.

DaizyDuke's picture

Ugh... dirty laundry on know you're an ignorant scumbag when you post this shit on FB.

zerostepdrama's picture

I'll read it... if it's but I dont post anything like that.

hereiam's picture

I don't have Facebook, but I don't get why people put this kind of this stuff on it. :? That is just so weird to me.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

i know that you are shocked to your very core that they've been accused of theft

zerostepdrama's picture

Ha Ha right... when I first read about it... before they were accused I was like- I bet it was OSD and her DH.