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kaos kame back - for a second...

Tuff Noogies's picture

welp, the noogies household has been very nice and calm. dh was up and around wed and thurs, in great spirits and putzing around the garage, tinkering with stuff, which he thoroughly enjoys. and he was not getting pestered the whole time!

i was sitting out back just relaxing and texting some friends. then i hear The Sound..... the sound of maniacally stomping feet. then i hear The Voice... yelling at MY dogs. after a few minutes, The Silence.

i waited a little while to make sure it was all clear, then went downstairs to investigate. hubby was positively seething.

me - "i know i probably dont even want to know, buuuuttt... WTH was that?"

dh - "who do you f*cking think? g-ma pulls up here, he jumps out and comes in here, throws down a folder and says 'you need to sign these' then started up the stairs. i said 'Kaos. Kaos! KAAAOOOSS!!!' the kid has no respect at ALL! three motherf*cking times and he ignored me until he got to the top and said 'WHHHAAAAAAT?' so i told him 'i was gonna ask you to put your papers on the table but never-freaking-mind.' he answered 'well you'll be up later anyway.' jack@$$. then he stomped all over the house just to piss me off and get the dogs all riled up while getting a change of clothes."

me - "uh, yeah, i heard that... he also left all the bedroom doors open, even OURS, cabinets opened, his bedroom, hallway, and bathroom lights also left on."

dh - "doesnt f*cking surprise me. and guess who just mysteriously 'lost' his housekey? i'm changing out the deadbolts tomorrow. OH - and when he left, he walked right past me and didnt say a g.d. word. if g-ma wants him, she can keep him, i'll sign the f*cking papers as soon as they're ready. and NO c/s either, if she tries that i'll tell her to pay me the 3 years back child support that dumb@$$ hasnt paid or i'll get the ball rolling to lock her f*cking @$$ up. just f*cking try me..."

me - "i'm sorry hun."

dh - "oh dont be - i'd be quite alright with that arrangement. ok, enough about that, lets get back to our happy evening."


DaizyDuke's picture

So the g-ma he is staying with is GBM?? I love it... let her have him, she'll tire of him too because he's a sociopath just like my SD18... everyone who meets her for the first time or spends minimal amounts of time with her, thinks she soooo sweet and charming. Then the REAL SD comes out and nobody wants anything to do with her.

how old is your ss again?

Tuff Noogies's picture

yup, she's GBM. dh and i are totally fine w/ her - dont trust her at all, but we're all cordial and friendly.

he's almost 13. displays all traits for ODD, and he's well on his way to being a sociopath according to the list of traits you blogged about.

Tuff Noogies's picture

oh dh plans on it. and he has also strongly considered bagging his crap up and dropping it off but has decided to hold off on that for now.

Tuff Noogies's picture

lol thanks sal. i dont get involved in dh-and-kaos-related things much, aside from simply informing dh of behavior. dh knows me well enough he already knows what my opinions and ideas would be, so i've chosen not to share those anymore as it usually ends in frustration and pissy-ness from both of us.

and a behavioral contract wouldnt even be worth the paper it's written on. not with that child - remember how well "the rules" worked for ASS? same d@mn thing...

DaizyDuke's picture

Yes!! The first time that SD moved in with us, she got pissed at DH about something about 4 months in. She ran off to GBMs (only after lying about where she was going to DH) DH told her to come home that night or stay at GBMs... SD wanted to argue with him and get into some middle school texting war. DH was having none of it. He packed up all of her shit that night, drove it to GBMs and dropped it off. Have a nice life.

hereiam's picture

I will be interesting to see how your DH's health is after while, if your SS really does stay at grandmas.

Tuff Noogies's picture

yes, ME TOO! he's been hurting really badly the last couple of days, but he's still been talkative and dare i say "bubbly" the last two days, and just tinkering with $#!t how he likes to do. so mentally he's already MUCH better off.

Tuff Noogies's picture

thanks, jasper. like i said yesterday, "this kid responds to NOTHING. not discipline, not correction, not punishment, not even physical. he has two emotions - happy when he gets his way, and angry when he doesnt. no in between. he has no empathy, no regard for others, no nothing. he MUST learn that treating with respect the adults who provide his entire world is NOT negotiable in our house. and if he doesnt like it, he can live elsewhere."

there is no consequence in the WORLD this kid will respond to, so it's pointless. even if dh were strict as h3ll and harsh as eff from birth, i really dont think it would have made any bit of difference - some people are just born like that, and you have to either just brace yourself until he graduates, or he lives elsewhere. just like ASS.

it's creeping closer to closing time, so i'm curious to see what the deal is when i get home..... Sad