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Tone Up Tuesday

sunny_skies's picture

Today is the first Tuesday ever that I almost didn't blog. But it felt too weird not to, and almost slightly guilty in a way! here I am.

I just can't think of anything positive to say right now. I'm still suffering the after affects of being so sick, which in turn is affecting my ability to do everything, let alone exercise. 

I had a really, really bad chest infection which in turn brought on asthma like symptoms. After a while I was confused as to why I was still struggling with my chest, and assumed I still had the infection. But the doctor I saw told me that I no longer have it, and this difficulty in breathing is a left over result of the infection, and could possibly be just be a thing I have to deal with forever now :O 

He gave me two different types of inhaler: one steroid one which I take twice a day, and the other for when I feel breathless, which is a lot of the time.

I am scared this could be a thing for life now, as it really really sucks. All I can do is hope it improves, as every breath I take it sounds like I have a broken car engine in my throat rasping away. I can't even speak for that long without running out of breath. 

In everyday life I am finding myself holding my head at a certain angle (face slightly turned up, and not turned to either side) in order for my throat to be less obstructed to breath easier. I don't know if this is my imagination, but it *feels* like it helps.

Trying to sleep? Phew. When I lie on my back, I feel like I want to push my chest down and away from my throat, it almost feels like my chest fat and boobs are pushing up against my throat and my airway. 

So I try laying on my side. But then it feels like my shoulder is closing down on my chest. Propping up pillows to keep my chest 'open' helps slightly. But then I have to hold the pillows to my chest so they don't slip away and 'close' my chest again, while also making sure my face is pointing up. So it almost feels like a huge amount of effort just going to sleep, which isn't very relaxing/sleep inducing. I am tired.

This morning I was invited to an event at the start of August which made me inwardly groan. Even if I was able to lose 2lbs a week from now until then, (unlikely without exercise) I'd still be huge. Not that I'm doing the whole feeling sorry for myself thing, it's just fact. When you're real big, it takes a LOT of weight off to make any visible difference whatsoever.

So now on top of feeling miserable about my breathing, I also feel miserable about my size (which I realise is nothing new, but this event in August will include people taking photos, and we all know how much cameras are our worst enemy when not happy with your weight).

Do you see why I almost didn't blog now LOL!

This has turned into a vent about me not being able to breath/exercise, and being invited to something I don't want to go to because of my size. I'm not sure there's much point in posting this, as my breathing issues have absolutely nothing to do with toning up and getting healthy. I just started writing and rambling and, well, I've written it now, so here goes.

Anyway guys.. I'm sorry I haven't got anything more positive, I am now signing out for the day. I'll check back with ya tomorrow, I hope all my lovely ST friends are doing good X


Indigo's picture

Hey Sunny, I hope that your breathing issues ease up a bit. I've never had asthma or a serious breathing issue besides stuffed up nose, so I can't really relate.

I did think about years ago when I was in the Andes mountains camping at 12,000 ft, I woke up in the middle of the night gasping and went to the door of the hut and stood there swinging the door in/out, in/out, in/out trying to get more air inside. Silly, right? Didn't think about the lack of oxygen at that altitude. My swinging that door in/out didn't improve my breathing at all, but I THOUGHT it might help. Maybe that's not quite like your situation with sleeping and holding your head a certain way to keep a clear airway, but I hated that sensation.

When it comes time for your August event, why don't you ask us all for our funny stories about weight & events. For instance, I went to my nephews wedding in NE a few weeks ago. Purchased a new dress which required a strapless bra and "foundation" garments. The hotel was set up with shower/toilet in one room and the vanity/sink in the main area. I showered and was trying to dress in the small bathroom. No fan and it was humid. I fastened my bra at my waist and was trying to swing it around --- stuck. Tried to pull up the "foundation" garments and they wouldn't pull up my thighs. I was sweating and the Spanx was stuck. My BS was in the hotel room, so I shouted to him that he had to go stand in the hallway or something 'cuz I was having troubles and had to get into the air-conditioning. I dropped the dress generally over me and waddled out. Spanx stuck at my knees, bra on my back with the cups (36 DDD) looking like Quasimodo, the hunchback of Notre Dame --- except he wasn't stuck in a dress. Air conditioning helped and I finally got situated. Went to go find BS -- he was sitting in the closet playing on his phone. Dang.

So, I haven't worked out too much myself as you know. I did go Monday and I'm scheduled for tomorrow morning. Still showing up, at least.

You keep "showing up" with your blogs also, so kudos. Hope you feel better.

sunny_skies's picture

Oh Indigo! Thankyou so much for sharing that *hilarious* Quasimodo story LOL! Totally amazing, I have the perfect visual hahaha!!! XD

Btw, you camped in the Andes?! That's awesome! *You* are awesome. Thankyou X

Monchichi's picture

((hugs)) sunny I am so far off my no coke bandwagon it's not even funny. With the stress of the last 2 months, I just cannot be bothered to monitor my intakes xx It's okay to have a bad run. Sometimes you just need a good old vent Wink

sunny_skies's picture

I'm sorry you've been stressed Mon, sending hugs right back atcha X 

moeilijk's picture

I've had what you have - post-viral bronchitis (chest infection that is left-over after getting better) plus I already had asthma and allergies which combined make it very likely I will have breathing problems.

I did get better fairly quickly with the steroids - definitely by the time the 30 days was up I was significantly improved. Since then, I had to learn how to manage my asthma to avoid developing bronchitis. This was about 15 years ago - somehow, in the last 18 months, I have hardly had any problems.

When I've got the bronchitis/chest infection, I find I sleep best propped up, almost as high as if I were reading. But then with more support for my neck and head.

Also try doing some relaxation and stretching for your chest, back and shoulders. All that coughing and difficulty breathing leads our bodies to respond as though we're in danger, with a lot of physical tension. But then tension makes it more difficult to breathe fully.

Take heart about your weight and your looks. We all have ups and downs, and they both seem endless at the time! People are drawn to you because of YOU. The ones who have you itemized like a menu of body parts are probably not very interesting anyway!

sunny_skies's picture

Moe, you said "All that coughing and difficulty breathing leads our bodies to respond as though we're in danger, with a lot of physical tension"

I wonder if that physical tension can lead to cramps?

I have had very painful ribs/sides/stomach from coughing so much, bad muscle pain caused from the continuous coughing. That I can deal with..

But what has made it even worse, is the really painful *cramps* in all of those places. 

They make me feel like I'm frozen still, (feels like I'm paralysed in pain for a few minutes) in absolutely *unbelievable* pain until they pass.

I had a series of REALLY bad ones in my stomach/rib cage a few days ago which scared me so much, that I thought something really serious might be happening, and considered calling an ambulance once I was able to move again after being paralysed from the pain.

The cramps were not like regular cramps, they were on the same level of pain as very far gone contractions, and I'm going to be honest. 

While I was panicking and trying to figure out what was going on with me, the level of pain was such, that it did cross my mind that I may be in labour with a pregnancy I wasn't aware of. 

Hey weirder things have happened right?!! 

Ok so I know that's not the case now (yes I took a test, I was *that* weirded out) ..but I still don't really know what's going on with the cramps thing.

I am by no means a hypochondriac but those series of cramps frightened me very much.

Have you had anything like this? It was so weird Sad

moeilijk's picture

I have had muscle cramping, but not necessarily like that.

Eat a banana or two, the potassium will help with the cramps.

Is it in different places or the same spot? Maybe ask your doc - labour pain was really bad, I'd take it seriously!

sunny_skies's picture

I've never had problems with cramping before. I mean I have experienced cramp here and there throughout my life, but it seems since my chest infection started that I have had so many cramps!

I just wondered if it was a coincidence or if you'd experienced that as well. I've even been woken in the night with small cramps in my feet and toes?!

The cramps are in a few different places: feet/toes, hands, side/ribcage, different points in my back, and my stomach. They're all regular cramps that don't really hurt that much, just uncomfortable/unpleasant. 

But the big big scary one that lasted a long time and was *excruciating* was in my stomach. I was very scared. I will be asking my doctor for sure.

Also I forgot to say Thankyou for your comment Moe, it's nice to know I'm not the only one who has had this breathing thing! Your advice is *great* Thankyou x