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No longer a step parent

Sailor's picture

After being on this board since SD was 7 or 8 (now 15), pouring my heart out and trying to figure out this whole stepparenting thing, I am no longer a stepparent.

I haven't been on here for a very long time and thought I would let those who remember me know that DH and I are busy with our divorce. I have moved out and am staying with my mom until financials are sorted.

ETA: Our final pleadings were filed yesterday and we are waiting for a trial date.


DaizyDuke's picture

Oh boy, I remember what a jerk your DH was! Was he having an affair with BM?? Divorce sucks, but man oh man.. I promise you will look back at this some day and say Thank God I got my freedom from that man!!!

Have you been able to do any boating with your club (or whatever you call it.. sorry I'm NOT a sailor girl lol)

Sailor's picture

Hi Daizy... yes, he is still having an affair with her (bIOOTCH). She can have him. Just tonight I found myself breathing a sigh of relief at not having to bother wondering what he is up to, or if he will shout at me, or if, or if, or if.....

I have not been sailing since December and have not been to the club either. I just can't face it yet.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

FYI, I found the site whose motto is Leave a Cheater, Gain a Life to be a great resource for me when I was healing from infidelty. I hope you are doing well. we never liked your "dear" husband. He didn't treat you right.

Sailor's picture

Healing from infidelity is really hard especially when it is with a BM. But I mostly miss the man I see in my wedding pictures. I don't know what happened to him.... seems he left some years ago... if he indeed existed at all. He is the man I cry over, he is the man I mourn for and will love forever. The man who stands across from me in a courtroom is a stranger.

DaizyDuke's picture

Aw, it IS hard! My exH cheated on me.... apparently it had been going on for over a year before I finally found out. I was blindsided and devastated. I kind of fell into a black hole for about a month and then I pulled myself up and said "Not this girl" what doesn't kill you makes you stronger right? I used to get ornery when people would say "everything happens for a reason, you'll see in the future that this was for the best" BLAH that's so hard to hear!!!! But they were right!!

I ended up meeting my DH and had our wonderfully, awesome BS6. Any honestly? I think the divorce really did help me be stronger through the skids stuff. Sorry your ex is being such a jerk. My Ex was the opposite... begged to get back together. NO. Was always sickly sweet to me when I would run into him or have to track him down because he wasn't paying his half of the mortgage or something stupid NO. I think that crap pissed me off more than if he just acted like a jerk lol

Sailor's picture

We are doing the best we can within the law. DH's conduct has been despicable. He was having an affair for about a year before I found out. He lead me on believing we were moving to England. I closed my business in preparation so I could focus on the move, renovations, sale of the house etc. He watched me doing all of this while he was having an affair and had decided - without telling me - that we were no longer moving to England.

I have lost so much due to his lies and deception. He has to pay for what he has done and I just hope the court sees what horrible things he has done.

Sailor's picture

Hi Mustang, I "celebrated" my 11th wedding anniversary on 30 April this year. Yes, I live in a no fault country.

Tuff Noogies's picture

hello darlin'! glad to hear things are moving along.

how have you been doing up inside your head? you taking care of yourself?

Sailor's picture

Hi Tuff! Yes, I'm doing well up inside my head... my heart is still broken and I am wondering if it will EVER heal. I still have sad days but I am no longer depressed. I feel displaced because I moved out of the house and in with my mom. Nothing is familiar and I hate the changes. Sometimes I do feel overwhelmed.

As soon as the divorce is final, I will move back to my suburb and everything that is familiar to me.... I can't wait.... and I miss my cat soooo much.

Sailor's picture

Mmmm, I don't know if it is a blessing or not.... it is really difficlut living with her. I love her, but I really battle because circumstances here are not enabling me to heal. The situation is not good, but at least I'm not on the street.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

so do you know whats going on with SD1 and newly discovered SD2? I doubt they are all happy buds

Sailor's picture

SD1, the one I have known since she was 3 has just turned 15! She has grown into a beautiful young lady and I miss her very much. Believe it or not, her mom and I chat quite often and I have discovered that so much of what was said about her was just not true. SD1 does not have much of a relationship with DH anymore as he is favouring SD2. Needless to say, SD1 is terribly hurt and having a difficult time emotionally.

SD1 and SD2 do not see each other. BM1 does not want SD1 to have anything to do with BM2 after what she has done.

ETA: And SD2 (almost 16 years old) threatened DH that if he ever comes back to me she wants nothing to do with him.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

Ohhhhhhhhhh. So it was BM #2 that he was having an affair with and is currently with. What a strange woman she must be then.

Sailor's picture

She's a winner. She's the one who cheated on him, fell pregnant, married the guy she cheated with and passed the kid off as his. Got divorced 6 years later. Guy she married wanted a paternity test and found out it was not his. She kept the secret from DH for 8 years thereafter and now they are screwing each other WITHOUT protection.

What a recipe for disaster. They deserve each other. The Karma bus is on its way... it's just pulling out of my station and I believe the next stop will be at DH's door.

Sailor's picture

Just a giggle... if DH marries BM2, she will become a stepparent..... ha ha ha

Sailor's picture

There was a bit of back and forth, but I ended up slapping DH and he applied for a restraining order against me. It was dismissed but it was recommended that I get as far away from him as possible. I landed up in hospital for three weeks AGAIN with despression in January.

The grieving process is interesting, there are so many things to grieve and in no particular order:

The loss of the marriage
The loss of a husband
The loss of dreams
The loss of financial security
The loss of time
The loss of bits he took from me... this is where I am now.

I feel so angry because I feel that he has stolen from me. I am changed. He has stolen my ability to love with the innocence of a child. To trust wholeheartedly. He has raped me emotionally and for that he must pay. I will never be able to reclaim that virgin love I had for him.

Tuff Noogies's picture

oh sailor i just want to hold you and hug you. that last paragraph....

your feelings are totally valid. but they are definitely influenced by your grief and pain. you *will* love again with a strength and wisdom that you didnt even know was possible.

Amcc13's picture

Very sorry you are going through all of this. It is despicable that he could stand by while you prepared to move knowing that he wasn't interested any more.
I hope you take him for all he is worth and leave him standing in a barrel cartoon style

Please take care of yourself in this tough time - sending big hugs your way

Sailor's picture

I agree.... watching me give stuff away, start packing up the house, CLOSING MY BUSINESS, having to let employees go, getting quotes on moving, looking for places to rent/buy in the UK, getting in contact with my friends in the UK getting all excited about moving.... and then BANG!

Who does that?

Sailor's picture

I didn't realise how horrible it was until I read over my old posts which I printed out and filed. It really was a battle, but one I would do differently if I had the chance over.

Sailor's picture

Hi StepAside, I made so many mistakes, and one of the big ones was believing everything DH and MIL told me about BM1. Things they told me about her are the very same things I am now being accused of. SD1, BM1 and I are all better off since his lies and deceptions have come to light, but it is so sad that SD1 is the one who is suffering the most. My heart breaks for her.

I also feel so guilty for so many things regarding SD1 and her mom because I never gave myself a chance to build a relationship with them on my own terms. So many people on this board told me to stop blaming SD and BM and take a closer look at DH - I was in such denial.

I could write a book on things I have learned about bio-fathers over the past 12 years.

Willow2010's picture

Oh Kat...glad to see you are still fighting. I just can not believe he did this to you. Are you working yet? I am assuming you have a bull dog lawyer that will go after him full on? Hope so.

Hang in there. I assure will get better.

Sailor's picture

Hi Willow, I have a record of over 300 jobs I have applied for over the past 18 months. Unfortunately things in my country are very tough when trying to find work with my profile.

I have wanted to study further but DH has prevented that by dissing everything I suggest and refusing to provide funds to do so even though he earns in excess of 2 million a year. He's a stingy so and so.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I want to Flying Five Fist Monkey Nut Punch that jerk you married. Glad you're out and hope you're taking the necessary steps to heal. You are THE number one priority now!! {{{hugs}}}

Sailor's picture

I have finally realised that I am indeed the number one priority and have stopped blaming myself for the breakdown of the marriage. Things have become much clearer and I am working very hard on my self esteem. With the help of a wonderful therapist, I am making really good progress and understand myself much better. I could even go so far as to say I am learning how to love me.

Indigo's picture

Oh, Sailor ... I'm so pleased that you posted today. I would give you a giant {Hug} and take you out for lunch if you lived nearby. Glad that you are finding some balance even if it still feels a little precarious. One day, one step at a time and remember to breathe.

Sailor's picture

Hi Indigo, oh how I remember the days, not so long ago, when I could barely breathe; I thought I was going to die. I was a heap on the floor unable to pick myself up. My lowest point was in February this year - yes, it took THAT long - and since then I have been improving slowly.

I fought so hard for this marriage. I tried everything in the book, positive and negative, to save the marriage, but he had already checked out so nothing worked. He had been having an affair much longer than I realised and when I discovered that, it damn near killed me. At least the shock is over and I am beginning to function again.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

Sailor - I am so glad you posted. I was worried about you after your last update. Here is a poem that I found helpful after I discovered my ex was cheating on me.

It exists in several versions and is titled either "Come the Dawn" or "After Awhile."
It was written by either Jorge Luis Borges, Veronica Shofftall or Judith Evans - there is some controversy over the actual author. Anyway - here is the version I have always liked:

After Awhile

After a while you learn the subtle difference
between holding a hand and chaining a soul.
And you learn that loving doesn’t mean leaning
and company isn’t security.
And you begin to learn that kisses aren’t contracts
and presents aren’t promises.

And you begin to accept your defeats
with your head up and your eyes ahead
with the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child.
And you learn to build your roads on today
because tomorrow’s ground is too uncertain for plans
and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.

After a while you learn that even sunshine burns
if you get too much.

So you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul
instead of waiting for someone else to bring you flowers.

And you learn you really can endure
that you really are strong
and you really do have worth.
And you learn and you learn
with every goodbye you learn…

Sailor's picture

If ever there was a time I needed those words, this would be it.

Thank you, from a teary eyed, Sailor.

misSTEP's picture

Thank you so much for updating us. I have been wondering how you've been recently.

I am so glad that you have pulled out of the cycle of thinking it is all your fault and trying even harder. The guy was/is a useless asshole. So glad that you will be completely free of him soon.



Sailor's picture

Hi MisSTEP, EVERYTHING you have ever said to me has been spot on. I wish I had listened to you sooner; I was in such denial. I have been diagnosed with Dependant Personality Disorder which is exactly why I kept on trying harder and harder and harder, until I collapsed emotionally.

People with NPD are usually attracted to people with DPD and vice-versa. If ever there is a personality type that is very difficult to break free from it is a narcissist. DH is a classic narcissist. I actually feel sorry for him.

misSTEP's picture

You weren't ready to hear it. You didn't want to believe it. You are mourning what COULD have been. The guy pulled the wool over your eyes but he could have done it to any number of women.

Here's a good website you might want to check out:

The offer is still open for you to come to the states...we bought a huge house now in a tiny town you are welcome to stay in Smile

hereiam's picture

I'm sorry that it ended this way but glad that you are getting on with your life. You certainly deserve better than that cheating asshole.

Sailor's picture

Hello hereiam, I absolutely do deserve better. DH and BM2 are both cheating a-holes and deserve each other.

FieryEscape's picture

Being lied to and decieved and a charade played out an awful thing to do to another person. How terrible that you sold your business and started making plans to move. Your exDH his a real POS and you are so much better off without him.

Things with my exDH were bad ...and then things all went to hell.I wanted so bad for things to work. I wanted to forgive my DH. For 2 and a half months he lied to my face and pretended things were ok. That's what hurt me the most ...the lies ....making me believe we both wanted the same thing.....when in reality he was just trying to steal more from me to better his own position. In the end...karma bite him in the ass hard.

Sailor's picture

Things are bad. Just discovered that DH has bought a brand spanking new car whilst he refuses to support me until I can find a job. We have an ante-nuptial so there is nothing I can do yet.

He also pretended he wanted to reconcile all the while still screwing BM2 WITHOUT protection.

I honestly hope Karma does exist and the evil part of me wants to be a fly on the wall when it finally catches up with DH & BM2 so I can laugh at them the way they have been laughing at me.

FieryEscape's picture

Hopefully soon you will be able to make peace and let go of the anger. Ignore them and what they think. You can bet karma will catch up to your exDH!

The best revenge is to move on and find your happiness. Collect your thoughts and mourn the loss of the life you thought you had.. It's ok to be sad and it's ok to cry.

Everything really does happen for a reason...even if it's hard to see at first.

Sailor's picture

Hello again! The type of marriage contract we have is call ante-nuptial with accrual. What this means is everything that each of us owned prior to marriage cannot be claimed by the other party. However, 50% interest on investments etc. can be claimed for the duration of the marriage. So for instance, the house is owned by DH, I can claim 50% of the increase in value of the house from 2005 - now. BUT, the house was excluded from the ANC so I can claim nil.

However, based on DH's conduct, I have asked that the court grants a forfeiture of his share of assets in my favour. Seldom is that granted except in exceptional circumstances where the conduct of the other party has been grossly "horrible".

So in a nutshell I can claim 50% of all his investments, and with an ANC contract, I am not liable for any of his debts.